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Device for adjusting at least one parameter, in particular for an aircraft automatic pilot system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01C-023/00
출원번호 US-0846600 (2004-05-17)
등록번호 US-7400949 (2008-07-15)
우선권정보 FR-03 05948(2003-05-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Granger,St��phane
  • Bourret,Thierry
출원인 / 주소
  • Airbus France
대리인 / 주소
    Dickinson Wright, PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 14


A device for adjusting a parameter includes a selector that is actuated by an operator. A coder is driven in rotation by the actuation of the selector and emits a signal representative of the rotation. A first detector detects an actuation of the selector, and a second detector detects the emission


The invention claimed is: 1. A device for adjusting at least one parameter, the device comprising: at least one selector which is capable of being actuated by an operator; at least one coder which is driven in rotation by said selector when the latter is actuated, and which then emits a signal repr

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Larrabee David A. (Downingtown PA) Wyler John S. (Berwyn PA) Ahmad Farid (Collegeville PA), Apparatus for measuring the level of a liquid in a tank.
  2. Yavnai Arie,ILX, Autonomous command and control unit for mobile platform.
  3. Gravina Anthony N. (Deer Park NY) Keitel Murray (Kings Park NY) Weiss Harvey (Port Jefferson NY) Wiley Joseph N. (Dix Hills NY) Charland ; Jr. Edmund G. (Selden NY), Combustible vapor detection system.
  4. Saito, Toshio; Matsumoto, Kenzo; Soji, Kazuo, Cycle timer.
  5. Tanaka Mitsugu (Kawasaki JPX), Data processing apparatus.
  6. Larramendy Panxika,FRX ; Zaccaria Patrick,FRX ; Clavel Thierry,FRX ; Garavel Fran.cedilla.ois,FRX, Device for controlling the thrust of a multi-engine aircraft.
  7. Stangeland Rodney L. (Plymouth MN) Adams Wayland K. (Glendale AZ), Integrity monitoring method and apparatus for GPS and DGPS receivers.
  8. Nave William E. (South Bend IN), Manually operated metering valve for a fuel control.
  9. Larry Yount ; John Todd, Method for controlling actuators on a vehicle.
  10. Seki Masaki,JPX ; Sudo Masako,JPX ; Matsuura Syuji,JPX ; Yamamuro Kouji,JPX, Numerical control apparatus and numerical control method.
  11. O\Neall Donald L. (Downs IL) Borovec Richard T. (Champaign IL), Planter monitor.
  12. Schellhase Ernst Calvin ; Eisenhauer Mark P. ; Miller Richard Dean ; Pappas John Peter ; Froman Gary Scott ; Aubert Roger Jacques Michel, Redundant ice management system for aircraft.
  13. Gardner, Conrad O., Supervisory control system for aircraft flight management during pilot command errors or equipment malfunction.
  14. Breed,David S., System and method for vehicle diagnostics.
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