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[미국특허] Paint container handle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-001/42
  • B65D-001/40
출원번호 US-0888301 (2004-07-09)
등록번호 US-7467730 (2008-12-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Manke,Scott G.
  • Gilbertson,Mark A.
  • Woods,David N.
출원인 / 주소
  • Masterchem Industries, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Foley & Lardner LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 63


A system for containing paint is disclosed. The system comprises a body between a cover and a base. The system also comprises a handle configured for attachment to the body and selectively configurable between a first position and a second position. The system also comprises a locking mechanism. The


What is claimed is: 1. A system for containing paint comprising: a one piece body having a base, a sidewall extending upwardly from the base, a neck extending upwardly from the side walls, an interior cavity for holding paint is defined by the base and sidewall; a handle configured for attachment t

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (63) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Flowerday Dale L. (Holland MI), Back plate and bail assembly.
  2. Luburic Frano (Fullerton CA) Willis Dennis R. (Corona CA), Bail for container and attachment means therefor.
  3. Streit Kenneth F. (Mt. Prospect IL), Bail mounting structure.
  4. Kump William H. (Mendota Heights MN) Jergl Joseph J. (Minneapolis MN), Battery carrying handle.
  5. Cogdill James E., Brush scraper for paint cans.
  6. Geisinger Wolfgang G. (352 Rosemere Blvd. Rosemere ; Quebec CAX J7A 2T5), Carrying handle.
  7. Bainton Michael C. (Coventry GB2), Container.
  8. Haines Peter R. (Lancashire GB2), Container.
  9. Tarna Tauno (Tampere FIX), Container.
  10. Walsh, Michael J.; Gilbertson, Mark A.; Brock, Michael J.; Manke, Scott G, Container.
  11. Walsh, Michael J.; Schutte, Jeffrey A.; Newman, Douglas W.; Gilbertson, Mark; Manke, Scott G.; Brock, Michael J., Container.
  12. Walsh, Michael J.; Schutte, Jeffrey A.; Newman, Douglas W.; Gilbertson, Mark; Manke, Scott G; Brock, Michael J., Container.
  13. Kelsey Steven F. (Ealing GB2), Container for liquids.
  14. Kelsey Stephen F. (London GB2), Container for paint or the like.
  15. Perkins Ralph G. ; Luburic Frano ; Bingisser Josef E. ; McLean Norris, Container handle and related methods.
  16. Ralph G. Perkins ; Frano Luburic ; Josef E. Bingisser ; Norris McLean, Container handle and related methods.
  17. Tobias John W. ; Semersky Frank E., Container having an attached separate handle.
  18. Cautereels Victor J. J.,BEX, Container with two position handle.
  19. Giarrante Gary C., Container-lid including pouring spout and brush-support.
  20. Ching Larry K. W. (Littleton CO), Cover assembly for rechargeable battery.
  21. Nottingham, John R.; Spirk, John; Panasewicz, Dale A.; Stanca, Nick E.; Iredell, IV, Robert; Futo, Dennis M., Design for a round paint container.
  22. Bruno Robert (Avon CT) Kipperman Stuart R. (Easton CT) Mayer Geoffrey R. (Trumbull CT) Thomas Michael (Ann OH), Enteral feeding devices.
  23. Kasper Gary A. (Cadillac MI), Filtering means for a liquid pan assembly for a liquid bath vacuum cleaner.
  24. Bowen Gary D. (Glens Falls NY) Bowen James L. (Fort Ann NY), Fluid tight container and closure assembly.
  25. Picozza Augusto A. (Orlando FL) Fukuda Takeshi (Osaka JPX), Food processing container.
  26. Jang Keun H. (473 Jungsan-Dong ; Kyungsan ; Kyungbuk KRX), Fruit box.
  27. Chung Fu S. (No. 10 ; Alley 1 ; Lane 42 ; Tai Tze Road Jen Te Hsiang ; Tainan TWX), Handle of a stroller.
  28. Dudzik Henryk (Mansfield GBX), Injection molded container.
  29. Koda Hideaki,JPX, Injection stretch blow molded wide mouthed container for a paint container and the like.
  30. Hancher Jon W. (Rte. #3 ; Box 383 A Brookville IN 47012), Jug.
  31. Hardigg James S. (Conway MA) Aponte Rene R. (Chicopee MA), Lightweight handle.
  32. Hardigg James S. ; Aponte Rene R. ; Wells ; Jr. Robert L., Lightweight handle.
  33. James S. Hardigg ; Rene R. Aponte, Lightweight handle.
  34. Speer Roger D., Liquid storage can.
  35. Root, Howard; Arnold, Nancy, Medical device package.
  36. Woinarski Peter A. (162/C Queen St. Woollahra ; Sydney AUX 2025), Method of connecting a bail to a container.
  37. Collins Malcolm G. (Oxforshire GB2) Parry Christopher S. (Hertfordshire GB2), Method of securing handles to plastics containers.
  38. Bock Erik (Ejby Strandvej 3 DK-4070 Kr. Hyllinge DKX), Methods for forming containers.
  39. Bowsher M. William ; Schwartz Thomas S., Multipurpose container structure.
  40. Lyver David J. (18610 - 17th St. E. Sumner WA 98390), Offset handle apparatus for paint buckets.
  41. Cade Daniel W. (11140 Bayou Bernard Rd. Gulfport MS 39503), Paint bucket.
  42. Garganese Richard S. (40 Celestia Ct. North Kingstown RI 02852), Paint can accessory.
  43. Valls William H. (Harwinton CT) Kilduff Edward H. (Canton CT) Dombrowski David L. (Essex CT), Paint container.
  44. Renfrew Bruce (Leicester GBX), Paint roller tray.
  45. Nybakke Keith G. ; Loffler Greg A., Passenger beverage server.
  46. Knox Jerry L. (Garrettsville OH), Plastic bail handle.
  47. Knox Jerry L. (Garrettsville OH), Plastic bail handle.
  48. Lyons Crawford ; Semersky Frank E. ; Diller Robert L. ; Tobias John W., Plastic container and non-integral handle.
  49. Rathbun W. John (Castalia OH), Plastic recyclable container.
  50. Attenasio Gladys A. (341 Eagle Dr. Jupiter FL 33477), Portable drain receptacle.
  51. Hwang Yaw-Shiun,TWX, Portable food container for feeding animals.
  52. Maccise Adiv Y. (Cerrada de Recursos Hidraulicos #20 Tlalnepantla MXX), Portable modular food container.
  53. Eidels-Dubovoy Samuel (Canal del Norte No. 476 Colonia 20 de Noviembre Mexico City MXX 15300), Resealable easy-opening container.
  54. Shefflin Joanne (850 Highland Ave. Piedmont CA 94611), Reusable container for carrying baby feeding products.
  55. Jones ; Jr. Henry A. (Milwaukee WI) Maxel Walter S. (Brookfield WI) Novak David J. (Pickney MI) Kepler Stephen J. (South Lyon MI) Korinek Paul D. (West Bend WI), Self-latching handle for storage batteries.
  56. Nask Aleene F. ; Willett Timmy L. ; Rhodes Richard, Stackable receptacle assembly for pourable products.
  57. Keyfauver Terry L. (1621 T St. NW. #806 Washington DC 20009-3359), Stackable spill proof paint can.
  58. Bravo, Michael H.; Rowles, Craig M.; Sullivan, John P.; Markham, David; Scott, Mark W.; Van Buiten, Chris; Mascoli, Gregory J.; Slack, Robert; Lee, Corrina, Storage and dispensing container for paint.
  59. Bravo, Michael H.; Rowles, Craig M.; Sullivan, John P.; Markham, David; Scott, Mark W.; Van Buiten, Chris; Mascoli, Gregory J.; Slack, Robert; Lee, Corinna, Storage and dispensing container for viscous fluids, paints and the like, and method of minimizing dripping.
  60. Maeshima Masaki,JPX, Synthetic resin handle and bottle having the same.
  61. Fiore Joseph F. (Lebanon PA), Tackle box with lid-latching handle and removable carrying case.
  62. Fiore Joseph F. (Lebanon PA), Tackle box with lid-latching handle and removable carrying case.
  63. Anderson Carl J. (2687 Gemini Dr. Lake Orion MI 48035) Cronrath Scott J. (219 Philadelphia Ave. Shillington PA 19607) Beidler David B. (1710 Swamp Pike Gilbertsville PA 19525), Universal terminal storage battery with handle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Luburic, Frano; Bingisser, Josef, Container handle.
  2. Vogel, William C.; Parve, Terrence M., Container system.
  3. Williams, Matthew G.; Kinskey, Terrence P., Convertible tool bag.
  4. Blanc Tailleur, Philippe; Munoz, Faustine; Pichon, Philippe, Swimming pool cleaning device including a removable filter device.
  5. Garziera, Roberto Vincenzo, Swinging handle for a kitchen vessel.
  6. Williams, Matthew G.; Kinskey, Terrence P., Tool bag with secure-pocket configuration.

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