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[미국특허] Phone case 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 14-03
출원번호 US-0284641 (2007-09-12)
등록번호 US-D589016 (2009-03-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Richardson,Curtis R.
  • Thomas,Brian P.
  • Thompson,Jason M.
  • Glanzer,Matthew M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Otter Products, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Cochran,William W.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 149  인용 특허 : 82


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM The ornamental design for a phone case, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (82) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Graziano,Lewis R., ABNH hidden image reader.
  2. Richardson, Curtis R.; Kempel, Douglas A., Box.
  3. Richardson,Curtis R.; Kempel,Douglas A., Box.
  4. Richardson,Curtis R.; Kempel,Douglas A., Box.
  5. Richardson,Curtis R.; Kempel,Douglas A., Box.
  6. Richardson,Curtis R.; Morine,Alan V.; Kempel,Douglas A., Box.
  7. Schmitt David ; Leikvold Jon ; Wilson James ; Odegard Jeremy ; Viker Tom, Carrying case.
  8. Gatland Kenneth (Walmer GB2) Tedd David C. (Folkestone GB2) Marsh Hugh R. (Canterbury GB2) Masters Stephen J. (Dover GB2), Carrying case for electrical measuring instruments or the like.
  9. Wentz, Richard J., Carrying case for personal articles.
  10. Parker David H., Case.
  11. Parker David H., Case.
  12. Richardson,Curtis R.; Kempel,Douglas A., Case.
  13. Mosgrove Isaac J. ; Larson Wayne F. ; Hill Matthew S. ; Luebeck Jon Marc ; Porter Doug R. ; Bellamy Dirk L., Case and cover for an electronic device.
  14. Brent D. Madsen ; Eric Michael Lunsford ; David Moore, Case with communication module having a double pin hinge for a handheld computer system.
  15. Kim,Nam Mi; Hwang,Changhwan, Cellular phone.
  16. Shah Ketan, Communication device with mode change softkeys.
  17. Hardigg James S. (Conway MA) Havrilla George R. (Whately MA) Lewandowski ; Jr. Stanley W. (Buckland MA), Container.
  18. Thomas,Brian P.; Richardson,Curtis R.; Kempel,Douglas A.; Morine,Alan V., Container for a handheld electronic device.
  19. Derr, Andreas; Zahn, Patrick, Control and display device.
  20. Uljanic Daniel (2824 D\Amico Dr. San Jose CA 95148) Uljanic Teresa L. (2824 D\Amico Dr. San Jose CA 95148), Cover for remote control unit.
  21. Kim Daniel Sung-hwe ; Thorne ; III Edwin ; Boyle Dennis Joseph ; Diebel Markus ; Tal Elisha,ILX, Detachable case for an electronic organizer.
  22. Charlotte Hetterick, Enclosure for wireless communication device.
  23. Dickinson Thomas (St. Louis MO), Foot locker.
  24. Kunert Steven R., Hand-held portable data terminal having removably interchangeable, washable, user-replaceable components with liquid-impervious seal.
  25. Corley,Cortez; Rak,Roman Peter, Handheld communication device.
  26. Tyneski,Frank; Corley,Cortez, Handheld communication device.
  27. Tseng, Grace; Evers, Maaike; Heldt, Victor; Christopher, David; Eikanas, Brent, Handheld computer cover with deformable exterior.
  28. Francis James Canova, Jr. ; Jeffrey C. Hawkins ; Traci Angela Neist ; Dennis Joseph Boyle ; Robert Gregory Twiss ; Amy Aimei Han ; Elisha Avraham Tal IL; Madeleine Francavilla, Handheld computer with open accessory slot.
  29. Wu,Bill, Handheld electronic device.
  30. Cooper Martin R. ; Akata William K., Hinged container.
  31. Ho-Cheun, Michelle Lew; Soto, Joel; Pierce, Paul; Khoo, Bee Lay, Housing for a communication device or similar articles.
  32. Griffin,Jason T., Housing for a handheld communication device.
  33. Zurwelle Donald W. ; Rogers Meyric K. ; Waters Bruce M. ; Hollinger Bradford ; Kessler Max, Kit box.
  34. Zurwelle Donald W. ; Rogers Meyric K. ; Waters Bruce M. ; Hollinger Bradford ; Kessler Max, Kit box.
  35. Gleckman Philip L., Light source utilizing reflective cavity having sloped side surfaces.
  36. Chan, Mei-Ling, Mobile phone.
  37. Eklund,Therese, Mobile phone.
  38. Jensfelt,Henrik, Mobile phone.
  39. Ou,Chia Hsin; Lin,Yu Mei; Hsueh,Ho Tsung, Mobile phone.
  40. Pan,Ye Qun; Tseng,Steven, Mobile phone.
  41. Suk,Chang Hoon; Han,Beom Ku; Lee,Chang Soo, Mobile phone.
  42. Shen, Mu-Kai; Wu, Wen-Ming, Mobile phone with photo function.
  43. Laba Andre,CAX ; Laba Jessie,CAX ; Sleiman Tony,CAX ; Doyscher Michael A.,CAX, Portable accessory container.
  44. Iwata Yasuo,JPX, Portable electronic device having a connector and a cable for connecting with an external device.
  45. Kuo-Chen Tzeng TW, Portable electronic device protective cover.
  46. Lee,Min Hyouk; Hwang,Chang Hwan, Portable phone.
  47. Park,Sang Sik; Kim,Hyun Seop; Lee,Chang Soo, Portable phone.
  48. Moon,Jae Hwa; Lee,Min Hyouk; Kim,Nam Mi; Hwang,Chang Hwan, Portable telephone.
  49. Danielson Arvin D. ; Schultz Darald R. ; Silva Dennis ; Boatwright Darrell L. ; Austin Rickey G. ; Alt Daniel E., Portable work station-type data collection system.
  50. Chang, Tery Chih-Hao, Protection device of personal digital assistant.
  51. Richardson, Curtis R., Protective case for touch screen device.
  52. Mitchell Burke H., Protective covering for a hand-held device.
  53. Thomas,Brian P.; Richardson,Curtis R.; Kempel,Douglas A.; Morine,Alan V., Protective enclosure and watertight adapter for an interactive flat-panel controlled device.
  54. Richardson,Curtis R.; Kempel,Douglas A., Protective enclosure for an interactive flat-panel controlled device.
  55. Richardson,Curtis R., Protective membrane for touch screen device.
  56. David H. Parker, Protector case.
  57. David H. Parker, Protector case.
  58. Patterson Robert C. (6736 Mantova Long Beach CA 90815), Resilient housing for remote controllers.
  59. Morine,Alan V.; Kempel,Douglas A.; Richardson,Curtis R., Rounded, ribbed box.
  60. McLean Roger D. (2111 W. Dixon Mesa AZ 85201), Ruggedized calculator.
  61. Montgomery Daniel Douglas ; Moral Leonardo Diego, Snap apparatus for housings.
  62. VanSkiver Ralph (Arlington TX) Murphy Thomas B. (Arlington TX), Storage case.
  63. Brightbill Keith (Wooster OH), Storage container.
  64. Brightbill Keith (Wooster OH), Storage container.
  65. Green Patrick M. (Maryville TN), Storage container.
  66. Potter Don W. ; Smith Stephen C., Storage container.
  67. Embree Donald (Uniontown OH), Storage locker.
  68. Richardson,Curtis R.; Kempel,Douglas A., Tablet computer enclosure.
  69. Story, Dave; Fiscus, Jon; Nehrt, Shelley, Tool box.
  70. Ward William W. (Clayton NC) Reynolds Donald R. (Raleigh NC), Utility case.
  71. Goldenberg Michael P. (Boynton Beach FL) Kok Tek-Choy (Singapore FL SGX) McCluskie Martin D. (Pompano Beach FL) Dill Scott L. (Boynton Beach FL), Water resistant selective call receiver.
  72. Tajima Kazuaki,JPX, Water-resistant portable receiver case.
  73. Richardson Curtis ; Bridge David, Water-tight container.
  74. Richardson Curtis ; Bridge David, Water-tight container.
  75. Richardson Curtis ; Bridge David, Water-tight container.
  76. Richardson Curtis ; Bridge David, Water-tight container.
  77. Sheu Muh-Chuen (P.O. Box 82-144 Taipei TWX), Waterproof container.
  78. Weinstock Jay, Waterproof floatable container.
  79. Erickson James M, Waterproof wallet.
  80. Derr Andreas,DEX ; Zahn Patrick,DEX, Watertight protective device for holding a measuring or display device.
  81. Richardson, Curtis R., Weather proof box.
  82. Jukka Sirola FI; Tapani Jokinen FI, Wireless communication device and a method of manufacturing a wireless communication device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (149) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. To, Nguyen; Chiang, Ming Chiao; Tsai, Denny; Zeng, Fanpeng, Battery case.
  2. Huang, Daniel; Brand, Matthew, Battery case for mobile devices.
  3. Huang, Daniel; Brand, Matthew, Battery pack and holster for mobile devices.
  4. Huang, Daniel; Brand, Matthew, Battery pack for mobile devices.
  5. Huang, Daniel; Theis, Andrew Michael; Suski, Edward Daniel; Chou, Steven Yu-Chuan; Kim, Dan Michael; Roderick, Kyle Andrew; Sadek, Kerloss; Gale, Vannin; Zhai, Daoyuan, Battery pack with supplemental memory.
  6. Huang, Daniel; Brand, Matthew, Battery pack, holster, and extendible processing and interface platform for mobile devices.
  7. Huang, Daniel; Brand, Matthew, Battery pack, holster, and extendible processing and interface platform for mobile devices.
  8. Huang, Daniel; Brand, Matthew, Battery pack, holster, and extendible processing and interface platform for mobile devices.
  9. Huang, Daniel; Brand, Matthew, Battery pack, holster, and extendible processing and interface platform for mobile devices.
  10. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  11. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  12. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  13. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  14. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  15. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  16. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  17. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  18. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  19. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  20. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  21. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  22. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  23. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  24. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  25. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  26. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  27. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  28. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  29. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  30. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  31. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  32. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  33. Fathollahi, Andy, Case.
  34. Hemesath, Timothy Alan; Veldkamp, Derek Bryan, Case.
  35. Hemesath, Timothy Alan; Veldkamp, Derek Bryan, Case.
  36. Hemesath, Timothy Alan; Veldkamp, Derek Bryan, Case.
  37. Lerenthal, Moran, Case.
  38. Lerenthal, Moran, Case.
  39. Melanson, Chris; Northrup, Nate, Case.
  40. Richardson, Curtis R.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Dulany, Jane; Magness, Cameron, Case.
  41. Richardson, Curtis R.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Dulany, Jane; Magness, Cameron, Case.
  42. Richardson, Curtis R.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Glanzer, Matthew M.; Smith, W. Travis; Loudenslager, John H., Case.
  43. Richardson, Curtis R.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Glanzer, Matthew M.; Smith, W. Travis; Willes, Stephen, Case.
  44. Richardson, Curtis R.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Loudenslager, John H.; Willes, Stephen; Morine, Alan V.; Smith, W. Travis, Case.
  45. Richardson, Curtis R.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Loudenslager, John H.; Willes, Stephen; Morine, Alan V.; Wibby, Adam L., Case.
  46. Richardson, Curtis R.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Watt, Jonathan; Magness, Cameron, Case.
  47. Richardson, Curtis R.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Willes, Stephen; Magness, Cameron, Case.
  48. Richardson, Curtis R.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Willes, Stephen; Smith, W. Travis, Case.
  49. Richardson, Curtis R.; Loudenslager, John H.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Magness, Cameron, Case.
  50. Richardson, Curtis R.; Loudenslager, John H.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Morine, Alan V., Case.
  51. Richardson, Curtis R.; Loudenslager, John H.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Morine, Alan V., Case.
  52. Richardson, Curtis R.; Loudenslager, John H.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Smith, W. Travis; Morine, Alan V., Case.
  53. Richardson, Curtis R.; Loudenslager, John H.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Wibby, Adam; Morine, Alan V., Case.
  54. Richardson, Curtis R.; Loudenslager, John H.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Willes, Stephen, Case.
  55. Richardson, Curtis R.; Morine, Alan V.; Smith, W. Travis; Loudenslager, John H.; Johnson, Jamie L., Case.
  56. Richardson, Curtis R.; Willes, Stephen, Case.
  57. Richardson, Curtis; Johnson, Jamie; Morine, Alan; Willes, Stephen; Smith, Travis, Case.
  58. Weller, Lucas; Gronewoller, Peter, Case.
  59. Wright, Joshua Mason, Case.
  60. To, Nguyen; Dang, Dat; Chiang, Ming Chiao; Ye, Jiayong, Case for a mobile electronic device.
  61. To, Nguyen; Dang, Dat; Chiang, Ming Chiao; Zeng, Fanpeng, Case for a mobile electronic device.
  62. To, Nguyen; Loke, Chee-Wui; Shen, Jian; Kim, Brian, Case for a mobile electronic device.
  63. Chang, Tao-Wei; Glanzer, Matthew, Case for electronic device.
  64. Chang, Tao-Wei; Gronewoller, Peter; Morine, Alan, Case for electronic device.
  65. Chang, Tao; Michie, Jane, Case for electronic device.
  66. Magness, Cameron; Havens, Adam, Case for electronic device.
  67. Magness, Cameron; Northrup, Nathan, Case for electronic device.
  68. Melanson, Christopher; Gates, Lee, Case for electronic device.
  69. Melanson, Christopher; Gates, Lee, Case for electronic device.
  70. Melanson, Christopher; Glanzer, Matthew, Case for electronic device.
  71. Melanson, Christopher; Gronewoller, Peter, Case for electronic device.
  72. Melanson, Christopher; Michie, Jane, Case for electronic device.
  73. Melanson, Christopher; Willes, Stephen, Case for electronic device.
  74. Smith, William Travis, Case for electronic device.
  75. Sun, Hsiao Lu; Northrup, Nathan, Case for electronic device.
  76. Weller, Lucas; Gronewoller, Peter, Case for electronic device.
  77. Weller, Lucas; Morine, Alan, Case for electronic device.
  78. Weller, Lucas; Willes, Stephen, Case for electronic device.
  79. Fathollahi, Andy, Case for mobile communications device.
  80. Katopis, Chris J., Case with finger articulation for electronic communications device.
  81. Azoulay, Elliot, Cell phone case.
  82. Rodgers, Joel, Cell phone case.
  83. Nilsen, Ryan M.; Robertson, Jr., William H.; Ribeiro, Claudio Santiago, Communication device.
  84. Andre, Bartley K.; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Russell-Clarke, Peter; Satzger, Douglas B.; Seid, Calvin Q.; Said, legal representative, Vincent Keane; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer, Rico, Cover.
  85. Kim, Wansup; Song, Junyong; Lee, Wooseok, Cover for electronic communications device.
  86. Tsai, Denny; To, Nguyen, Curved battery case for a mobile device.
  87. Richardson, Curtis; Johnson, Jamie; Wibby, Adam; Morine, Alan, Energy deflection case.
  88. Huang, Daniel, External processing accessory for mobile device.
  89. Huang, Daniel, External processing accessory for mobile device.
  90. Leung, Kwok Ching; Wun, Archer Chi Kwong; Wood, Todd Andrew, Hand-held electronic device.
  91. Barbieri, Salvatore Federico, Handheld electronic device skin.
  92. Barbieri, Salvatore Federico, Handheld electronic device skin.
  93. To, Nguyen; Ye, Jiayong; Hasbrook, William Benjamin; Stuck, Sean Michael, High capacity banded battery case for a mobile device.
  94. To, Nguyen; Ye, Jiayong; Hasbrook, William Benjamin; Stuck, Sean Michael, High capacity banded snap battery case for a mobile device.
  95. Diebel, Markus; Johnson, David, Method of making a smartphone case with a battery.
  96. Lee, Edmund S.; Law, Henry, Mobile media device enclosure.
  97. Su, Tao; Chang, Chih-Chiang, Mobile phone.
  98. Yoshihara, Takeru, Mobile phone.
  99. Brand, Matthew; Namminga, Andrew, Mobile phone case.
  100. Hasbrook, William Benjamin; Stuck, Sean Michael, Mobile phone case.
  101. Hasbrook, William Benjamin; Stuck, Sean Michael, Mobile phone case.
  102. Richardson, Curtis; Loudenslager, John; Johnson, Jamie; Willes, Stephen; Smith, Travis; Morine, Alan; Glanzer, Matthew; Michie, Jane; Magness, Cameron, Multi-material protective case for sliding/articulating/rotating handheld electronic devices.
  103. Brand, Matthew, Multi-piece case.
  104. Diebel, Markus; Johnson, David, Portable electronic device case with battery.
  105. Lebauer, Ian F., Portable protective container for electronic devices in conjunction with a multifunction pocket tool.
  106. Gjøvik, Erik John; Cao, Chi Hung; To, Nguyen; Tsai, Denny, Protective battery case.
  107. To, Nguyen; Gjøvik, Erik John, Protective battery case to partially enclose a mobile electronic device.
  108. Huang, Daniel; Brand, Matthew; To, Nguyen; Namminga, Andrew; Tam, Walter Singhon, Protective case for mobile device.
  109. Guerdrum, Jonathan H.; Goldfain, Russell J.; Caster, Greg D.; Bloor, Cory R.; Glanzer, Matthew M., Protective case for use with electronic device.
  110. Bau, Steven Chi Vun, Protective case having a hybrid structure for portable handheld electronic devices.
  111. Bau, Steven Chi Vun, Protective case having a hybrid structure for portable handheld electronic devices.
  112. Guerdrum, Jonathan H.; Goldfain, Russell J.; Caster, Greg D.; Bloor, Cory R.; Glanzer, Matthew M., Protective case system.
  113. Guerdrum, Jonathan H.; Goldfain, Russell J.; Fitzgerald, John P.; Rayeski, Jonathan B.; Magness, Cameron D., Protective case system.
  114. To, Nguyen; Nguyen, Hien; Hasbrook, William Benjamin; Stuck, Sean Michael, Protective case with switch cover.
  115. Fathollahi, Andy, Protective cases for mobile devices.
  116. Richardson, Curtis R.; Morine, Alan V.; Thomas, Brian P.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Thompson, Jason M., Protective cover for a portable electronic device.
  117. Richardson, Curtis R.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Morine, Alan V.; Willes, Stephen; Glanzer, Matthew M., Protective cushion cover for an electronic device.
  118. Richardson, Curtis R.; Morine, Alan V.; Thomas, Brian P.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Thompson, Jason M., Protective enclosure for a portable electronic device.
  119. Johnson, Jamie L.; Guerdrum, Jonathan H.; Gaylord, Aaron M.; Li, Shanshan, Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  120. Magness, Cameron, Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  121. Magness, Cameron D., Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  122. Northrup, Nathan; Witter, Kevin W.; Prestien, James M.; Russell, David C.; Johnson, Erika E.; Krajec, Matthew S., Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  123. Northrup, Nathan; Witter, Kevin W.; Prestien, James M.; Russell, David C.; Johnson, Erika E.; Krajec, Matthew S., Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  124. Northrup, Nathan; Witter, Kevin W.; Prestien, James M.; Russell, David C.; Johnson, Erika E.; Krajec, Matthew S., Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  125. Richardson, Curtis R.; Morine, Alan V.; Thomas, Brian P.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Thompson, Jason M., Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  126. Richardson, Curtis R.; Morine, Alan V.; Thomas, Brian P.; Johnson, Jamie L.; Thompson, Jason M., Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  127. Witter, Kevin W.; Krajec, Matthew S.; Nelson, Patrick J.; Walker, Paul N.; Boileau, Thomas D., Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  128. Witter, Kevin W.; Krajec, Matthew S.; Nelson, Patrick J.; Walker, Paul N.; Boileau, Thomas D., Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  129. Witter, Kevin W.; Krajec, Matthew S.; Nelson, Patrick J.; Walker, Paul N.; Boileau, Thomas D., Protective enclosure for an electronic device.
  130. Richardson, Curtis R., Protective enclosure for electronic device.
  131. Richardson, Curtis R.; Kempel, Douglas A., Protective enclosure for electronic device.
  132. Richardson, Curtis R.; Kempel, Douglas A., Protective enclosure for electronic device.
  133. Richardson, Curtis R.; Morine, Alan V., Protective enclosure for electronic device.
  134. Richardson, Curtis R.; Morine, Alan V., Protective enclosure for electronic device.
  135. Richardson, Curtis R.; Morine, Alan; Thomas, Brian; Johnson, Jamie Lee; Thompson, Jason Michael, Protective enclosure for electronic device.
  136. Center, Adam D.; Rayeski, Jonathan B.; Boyarski, Nicholas J., Protective enclosure for enhancing sound from an electronic device.
  137. Center, Adam D.; Rayeski, Jonathan B.; Boyarski, Nicholas J., Protective enclosure for enhancing sound from an electronic device.
  138. Wright, Joshua; Lai, June, Sleeve case.
  139. Huang, Daniel; Gale, Vannin; Sadek, Kerloss, Systems and methods for battery charging and management.
  140. Huang, Daniel; Gale, Vannin; Sadek, Kerloss, Systems and methods for battery charging and management.
  141. Huang, Daniel; Gale, Vannin; Sadek, Kerloss, Systems for managing charging devices based on battery health information.
  142. To, Nguyen; Zhang, Hong-Wei; Hasbrook, William Benjamin; Stuck, Sean Michael, Thin banded battery case for a mobile device.
  143. To, Nguyen; Zhang, Hong-Wei; Hasbrook, William Benjamin; Stuck, Sean Michael, Thin banded snap battery case for a mobile device.
  144. Namminga, Andrew; Nguyen, Hien, Unbanded battery case for a mobile device.
  145. Namminga, Andrew; Nguyen, Hien, Unbanded snap battery case for a mobile device.
  146. Liu, Feng S.; Popa, III, George N.; Clarke, Alan D.; Brown, Rodney; McCray, Dennis J.; Borra, Jeffrey M., Waterproof housing for mobile electronic device and waterproof adapter for accessory device.
  147. Huang, Daniel, Wireless communication accessory for a mobile device.
  148. Huang, Daniel, Wireless communication accessory for a mobile device.
  149. Huang, Daniel, Wireless communication accessory for a mobile device.

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