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[미국특허] Refractory casting method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B22C-001/00
  • B22C-007/00
출원번호 UP-0956477 (2004-10-01)
등록번호 US-7562694 (2009-07-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Connors, Jr., Charles W.
  • Shah, Shirish
출원인 / 주소
  • Magneco/Metrel, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 21


A method of casting a refractory article. The method includes providing a mold formed from a slurry composition comprising plaster and fibers and adding a refractory composition to the mold. The method also includes allowing the refractory composition to set. The refractory composition comprises col


The invention claimed is: 1. A method of casting a refractory article comprising: providing a pattern of a generally cylindrical refractory article; providing a slurry composition comprising plaster and at least 20% fibers by weight; disposing the slurry composition around the pattern; allowing the

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21)

  1. Buck Gregory M. (Newport News VA) Vasquez Peter (Newport News VA), Ceramic slip casting technique.
  2. Connors, Sr., Charles W.; Anderson, Michael W., Colloidal silica refractory system for an electric arc furnace.
  3. Banerjee Subrata (Glen Ellyn IL) Connors ; Jr. Charles W. (Chicago IL), Composition and method for manufacturing steel-containment equipment.
  4. Banerjee Subrata (Wheaton IL), Gunning composition.
  5. Qiang Yu ; Srinivas Veeramasuneni ; Frederick Thomas Jones, Gypsum compositions and related methods.
  6. Winkelbauer Howard M. (Boston PA) Gallman Harold F. (Cartersville GA), High density fused silica mixes, refractory shapes made therefrom, and method of making the same.
  7. Desvignes, Cecile; Rancoule, Gilbert, Insulating refractory material.
  8. Gilbert Brandy FR, Insulating refractory material.
  9. Chadwick Thomas, Method for accurate replication of shaped articles using sinterable powders.
  10. Fukao Kaname (Inuyama JPX), Method for producing and method of using slip casting mold.
  11. Shyu Wan-Tsai (Nan-Tou Hsien TWX), Method of making a ceramic burner head.
  12. Dehoff William A. (Hanover PA) Dehoff Hugh T. (Hanover PA) Dehoff Chris A. (Hanover PA), Method of making molds.
  13. Wolter Peter A. (Elgin IL) Esposito Arthur N. (Elgin IL), Method of making refractory ceramic products and the products thereof.
  14. Banerjee Subrata (Wheaton IL) Anderson Michael W. (Bloomingdale IL), Nonhazardous pumpable refractory insulating composition.
  15. Buck Gregory M. ; Vasquez Peter, Process for making ceramic mold.
  16. Natori Tatsuo (Kashiwa JPX) Hioki Susumu (Kashiwa JPX) Shimaguchi Takashi (Ibaraki JPX) Yamada Toshihiro (Ibaraki JPX) Watanabe Akihide (Ibaraki JPX) Kanekatsu Kensuke (Yono JPX), Process for preparing mold.
  17. Weaver ; Gerald Q. ; Logan ; John C., Process of forming silicon carbide bodies.
  18. Anderson Michael W. (Bloomingdale IL) Shah Shirish (Carol Stream IL), Pumpable casting composition and method of use.
  19. Guillo Philippe,FRX ; Hankin Mike,GBX, Refractory material of vitreous silica.
  20. Lau Sai-Kwing ; Calandra Salvatore J. ; Ohnsorg Roger W., Silicon carbide reinforced silicon carbide composite.
  21. Natori Tatsuo (Kashiwa JPX) Nakae Hideo (Tokyo JPX) Watanabe Akihide (Ibaraki JPX) Shimaguchi Takashi (Ibaraki JPX), Slip casting mold.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

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  2. Esjunin, Evgeniy E.; DeForte, Robert L., Kiln shoe.
  3. Soofi, Madjid; Binz, Lara; Anderson, Michael W., Protective coating composition for molten aluminum and alkali metal environments.
  4. Anderson, Michael W; Snyder, Daniel; Binz, Lara; Boring, Eric, Refractory composition resistant to high temperature shock and creep.

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