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[미국특허] Integrated environmental control and auxiliary power system for an aircraft 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25D-009/00
출원번호 UP-0440486 (2006-05-25)
등록번호 US-7607318 (2009-11-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lui, Clarence W. T.
  • Derouineau, Jean Luc
  • Claeys, Henry M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Honeywell International Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Ingrassia Fisher & Lorenz, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 30  인용 특허 : 34


An integrated environmental control system for an aircraft compartment and aircraft power system comprises first and second air compressors, an auxiliary power unit, and first and second environmental control systems. The first and second compressors receive and compress airflow from the aircraft ex


We claim: 1. An integrated environmental control system for an aircraft compartment and aircraft power system, comprising: first and second air compressors, each air compressor adapted to receive and compress airflow from the aircraft exterior; an auxiliary power unit comprising: a first shaft, a p

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (34) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Brutscher,Norbert; Haas,Joachim, Air conditioning system.
  2. Jonqueres Michel A., Air cycle environmental control system with energy regenerative high pressure water condensation and extraction.
  3. Jonqueres Michel A., Air cycle environmental control systems with two stage compression and expansion and separate ambient air fan.
  4. Masanao Ando JP; Osamu Satoh JP; Shoji Uryu JP; Koichi Ohara JP, Air cycle machine and air conditioning system using the same.
  5. Scheffler Hans-Joachim,DEX ; Markwart Michael,DEX ; Buchholz Uwe,DEX, Air-conditioning system for below-deck areas of a passenger aircraft.
  6. Artinian Vatche ; Brim Terry ; Matulich Dan ; Murry Roger, Aircraft air conditioning system including electric generator for providing AC power having limited frequency range.
  7. Albero, Jose; Lents, Charles E.; Sahm, Michael K.; Welch, Richard C., Aircraft architecture with a reduced bleed aircraft secondary power system.
  8. Bescoby Frank A. (Rancho Palos Verdes CA) Araki Roy T. (Redondo Beach CA), Aircraft cabin air conditioning system with improved fresh air supply.
  9. Artinian Vatche ; Brim Terry ; Matulich Dan ; Murry Roger, Aircraft electrical power system including air conditioning system generator.
  10. Christoff William J. (Thousand Oaks CA), Aircraft environmental control system with auxiliary power output.
  11. Friedrich Helmut (Bremen DT), Apparatus for starting aircraft engines and for operating auxiliary on-board power generating equipment.
  12. Rodgers Colin (San Diego CA) Vershure ; Jr. Roy W. (Escondido CA), Combined auxiliary and emergency power unit.
  13. Thomson Mark W. (Ventura CA) Matulich Dan S. (Rolling Hills Estates CA), Contaminate neutralization system for use with an advanced environmental control system.
  14. Zywiak, Thomas M., Dual turbine bootstrap cycle environmental control system.
  15. Cronin Michael J. (Sherman Oaks CA) Seid Gordon (Los Angeles CA), ESC energy recovery system for fuel-efficient aircraft.
  16. Asfia, Julie F.; Williams, Kenneth R.; Atkey, Warren A.; Fiterman, Charles J.; Loukusa, Steven M.; Ng, Casey Y., Electric air conditioning system for an aircraft.
  17. Bruno, Louis J.; Lents, Charles E.; Sahm, Michael K.; Thresher, Wayne A., Electric power and cooling system for an aircraft.
  18. Lents, Charles E.; Squier, Steven E.; Thresher, Wayne A., Electrically driven aircraft cabin ventilation and environmental control system.
  19. Lents, Charles E.; Squier, Steven E.; Thresher, Wayne A., Electrically driven aircraft cabin ventilation and environmental control system.
  20. Sampson, Bernard Francis, Environmental control system.
  21. Woodhouse Geoffrey D. (Prescott AZ), Fully integrated environmental and secondary power system.
  22. Reynolds Graham A.,GB2, Gas turbine engine.
  23. Williams Kenneth R., Integrated air conditioning and power unit.
  24. Christoff William J. (Thousand Oaks CA), Integrated auxiliary power and environmental control unit.
  25. Weber Kent, Integrated emergency power and environmental control system.
  26. Claeys Henry M. (Lomita CA) Clarke Kathrine J. (Hermosa Beach CA) Matulich Dan S. (Rolling Hills Estates CA), Integrated power and cooling environmental control system.
  27. Ho, Yu-Hang, Magnetically coupled integrated power and cooling unit.
  28. Cronin Michael J. (Sherman Oaks CA), Multi role primary/auxiliary power system with engine start capability for aircraft.
  29. Williams Kenneth R., Multi-mode secondary power unit.
  30. Cronin Michael J. (Sherman Oaks CA), Multifunction power system for an aircraft.
  31. Niggeman Richard E., Multiple mode environmental control system for pressurized aircraft cabin.
  32. Clarence Lui ; Wai-Pak Wong ; Myron Quan, Recirculating regenerative air cycle.
  33. Zywiak Thomas M. (Suffield CT), Regenerative condensing cycle.
  34. Thompson Robert George, Secondary power integrated cabin energy system for a pressurized aircraft.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (30) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Galzin, Guillaume; Gomez, Vincent, Air conditioning system for a “more electric” airplane.
  2. Mackin, Steve G.; Foutch, David W.; Landre, Eric G., Aircraft bleed air and engine starter systems and related methods.
  3. Barbara, Olivier; Prat, Damien, Aircraft including an air conditioning system.
  4. Blain, Christopher M.; Naro, William, Automatic dynamic control of aircraft cabin systems.
  5. Foutch, David W.; Mackin, Steve G., Bleed air systems for use with aircraft and related methods.
  6. Foutch, David W.; Mackin, Steve G.; Bowman, Michael D., Bleed air systems for use with aircraft and related methods.
  7. Mackin, Steve G.; Foutch, David W., Bleed air systems for use with aircrafts and related methods.
  8. Mackin, Steve G.; Ludlow, George A., Bleed air systems for use with aircrafts and related methods.
  9. Mackin, Steve G.; Ludlow, George A., Bleed air systems for use with aircrafts and related methods.
  10. Kesseli, James B.; Nash, James S., Ceramic-to-metal turbine shaft attachment.
  11. Baldwin, Matthew Stephen, Ceramic-to-metal turbine volute attachment for a gas turbine engine.
  12. Army, Donald E., Condenser with recirculation air mixer.
  13. Donnelly, Frank Wegner; Dewis, David William, Dispatchable power from a renewable energy facility.
  14. DeRoy, Robert M., Electric compressor for use with a wing anti-ice system.
  15. Bruno, Louis J.; Surawski, Eric; Army, Jr., Donald E.; Zywiak, Thomas M.; Hipsky, Harold W.; Kline, Erin G.; Rusich, Richard; Maljanian, Jr., John M.; D'Orlando, Paul M., Environmental control system utilizing cabin discharge air to power a cycle.
  16. Bruno, Louis J., Environmental control system utilizing shoestring cycle to maximize efficiency.
  17. Golden, Hunter; Diacumakos, Steven; Seith, Warren, Fluid powered starter with a variable turbine stator.
  18. Dewis, David William; Kesseli, James; Donnelly, Frank Wegner; Wolf, Thomas; Upton, Timothy; Watson, John D., Gas turbine energy storage and conversion system.
  19. Dewis, David William; Kesseli, James; Donnelly, Frank Wegner; Wolf, Thomas; Watson, John D., Gas turbine energy storage and conversion system.
  20. Donnelly, Frank Wegner; Dewis, David William, Gas turbine engine configurations.
  21. Rensch, Detlef, Jet engine with at least one emergency drive unit.
  22. Jonqueres, Michel A.; Araki, Roy, Low-pressure bleed air aircraft environmental control system.
  23. Kesseli, James B.; Baldwin, Matthew Stephen, Metallic ceramic spool for a gas turbine engine.
  24. Banker, Adam Nathan; Ulrey, Joseph Norman; Brzozowski, Laura, Methods and systems for turbocharger control.
  25. Bruno, Louis J.; Hipsky, Harold W., Mixing bleed and ram air at a turbine inlet of a compressing device.
  26. Bruno, Louis J.; Hipsky, Harold W., Mixing bleed and ram air using a two turbine architecture with an outflow heat exchanger.
  27. Bruno, Louis J.; Hipsky, Harold W., Mixing bleed and ram air using an air cycle machine with two turbines.
  28. Stolte, Ralf-Henning, Power distribution system.
  29. Krakowski, Dariusz; Gumm, Stefan; Kelnhofer, Juergen, System and process for cooling an aircraft zone using an aircraft-external air assembly.
  30. Cerny, Matthew Robert, Systems and methods for integrated power and thermal management in a turbine-powered aircraft.

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