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[미국특허] Kinetic energy rod warhead with lower deployment angles 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42B-012/32
  • F42B-012/02
출원번호 UP-0060179 (2005-02-17)
등록번호 US-7624682 (2009-12-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lloyd, Richard M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Raytheon Company
대리인 / 주소
    Iandiorio Teska & Coleman
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 68


A kinetic energy rod warhead includes a projectile core which includes a plurality of individual projectiles, an explosive charge about the core, at least one detonator for the explosive charge, and an explosive sheet on each end of the projectile core.


What is claimed is: 1. A kinetic energy rod warhead comprising: a projectile core including a plurality of individual projectiles; an explosive charge about the core; at least one detonator for the explosive charge; an explosive sheet on each end of the projectile core to reduce deployment angles o

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (68) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Busch Jurgen-Michael (Wendelstein DEX) Stammel Georg (Lauf/Peg. DEX) Rhau Siegfried (Neunkirchen DEX) Gundel Bernd (Neuhaus DEX) Rudolf Karl (Schrobenhausen DEX), Active component of submunition, as well as flechette warhead and flechettes therefor.
  2. Brown Jeffrey A. ; Copsey Reed ; Tulin Marshall ; Kline Roy, Aerodynamically stabilized projectile system for use against underwater objects.
  3. Talley James C. (Dahlgren VA), Aimable warhead.
  4. Korr Abraham L. (Philadelphia PA) Walker Evan Harris (Aberdeen MD) Dickey Charles M. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Bushey Bransby W. (Philadelpia PA), Ammunition.
  5. Held Manfred (Aresing DEX) Grssler Peter (Hockstadt DEX), Ammunition construction with selection means for controlling fragmentation size.
  6. Wilhelm Earl E. (Renton WA), Antiballistic missile fuze.
  7. Evans Harold O. (Fort Walton Beach FL), Caseless ammunition round with spin stabilized metal flechette and disintegrating sabot.
  8. Fong Richard ; Tang Steven, Combined effects warheads.
  9. Dandliker Richard B. ; Conner Robert D. ; Tenhover Michael A. ; Johnson William L., Composite penetrator.
  10. Smith David P. ; Lin Jane M., Countermeasure apparatus for deploying interceptor elements from a spin stabilized rocket.
  11. Smith William A. (Greenfield WI), Dart.
  12. Kusters Manfred (Schliersee DEX), Ejection and distribution of submunition.
  13. Craddock Gerald G. (Arlington TX), Explosive fragmentation structure.
  14. Cobb Donald R. (Evansville IN), Flechette.
  15. Sigler John W., Foward fin flechette.
  16. Held Manfred (Aresing DEX), Fragmentation warhead.
  17. Cuadros Jaime H. (Hacienda Heights CA), Fragmentation warhead device.
  18. Mescall ; John F. ; Riffin ; Paul V., High fragmentation munition.
  19. Ringer Hayden N. ; Shrekenhamer Abraham, Imaging-infrared skewed-cone fuze.
  20. Borcher ; Charles A. ; Porter ; William R. ; Harris ; Martin H., Incendiary fragmentation warhead.
  21. Richards Les H. (Temple TX) Schorr David J. (Austin TX) Kelley Mark J. (Dripping Springs TX) McDuffie Philip L. (Austin TX) Coleman Edward R. (Austin TX), Integrated spacing and orientation control system.
  22. Rieger Ulrich (Feldkirchen-Westerham DEX), Intercept device for flying objects.
  23. Moreau Pierre A. (Bourges FRX) Sauvestre Jean C. (Saint-Doulchard FRX), Kinetic-energy projectile.
  24. Becker Wilfried (Duesseldorf DEX) Bisping Bernhard (Ratingen DEX), Kinetic-energy projectile having a large length to diameter ratio.
  25. Borcher ; Charles A. ; Porter ; William R., Layered fragmentation device.
  26. Craddock Gerald Graves (Arlington TX) Cruise Elmer C. (Grapeland TX), Low velocity radial deployment with predeterminded pattern.
  27. Craddock Gerald G. (Arlington TX), Low velocity radial deployment with predetermined pattern.
  28. Pettibone Joseph S. (Livermore CA) Wheeler Paul C. (Livermore CA), Magnetocumulative generator.
  29. Theising John L. (St. Louis MO), Matrix-supported flechette load and method and apparatus for manufacturing the load.
  30. Regebro Chirster,SEX, Method for increasing the probability of impact when combating airborne targets, and a weapon designed in accordance with this method.
  31. Bisping Bernhard,DEX ; Hahn Ulf,DEX ; Stein Wolfgang,DEX, Method of making a subcaliber kinetic energy projectile.
  32. Pinson George T. (Huntsville AL), Missile deployment apparatus.
  33. Arkhangelsky Ivan Ivanovitch,RUX ; Bolotov Eugene Gueorguevitch,RUX ; Philippov Vladimir Sergueevitch,RUX ; Mizrokhi Vladimir Yakovlevitch,RUX ; Svetlov Vladimir Grigorievitch,RUX ; Stanevsky Gregory, Missile launching and orientation system.
  34. McIngvale Pat H. (Huntsville AL), Multi-warhead, anti-armor missile.
  35. Robertson William J. (Sillery CAX) Laviolette Maurice A. (Orleans CAX), Multiple flechette warhead.
  36. Rosa Steven P. ; Manion Francis B., Non-lethal weapon firing a frangible, weighted paint ball.
  37. Talley James C. (Dahlgren VA), Operation of fragment core warhead.
  38. Anderson Richard V. (Arlington TX), Plural piece flechettes affording enhanced penetration.
  39. Spivak, Timothy L., Polar ejection angle control for fragmenting warheads.
  40. Haag Charles W. (Evansville IN) Metz ; Jr. John (Evansville IN) Voda John J. (Evansville IN), Projectile.
  41. Puttock Michael C. (Ashford GB2), Projectile.
  42. Dieval Grard (Neuilly FRX), Projectile containing sub-munitions with controlled directional release.
  43. Wallow Peter (Langenfeld DEX), Projectile equipped with guide fins.
  44. Raech ; Jr. Harry (San Jose CA) Kennedy Donald R. (Los Altos CA), Projectile with supported missiles.
  45. Ortmann Helmut (Duisburg DEX) Frye Gunter (Erkrath DEX) Bohm Rainer (Fassberg DEX) Lubben Manfred (Celle DEX), Propellant igniting system and method of making the same.
  46. Brandeis Julius (Haifa ILX), RAM accelerator system and device.
  47. Schmacker Bruce E., Rocket-boosted guided hard target penetrator.
  48. Sigler John W. (La Mirada CA), Segmenting warhead projectile.
  49. Wilhelm Earl E. (Renton WA), Selectable deployment mode fragment warhead.
  50. Bryan Courtney S. (Los Alamos NM) Paisley Dennis L. (Santa Fe NM) Montoya Nelson I. (Espanola NM) Stahl David B. (Los Alamos NM), Selectable fragmentation warhead.
  51. Wilhelm Earl E. (Renton WA) Zimmerschied Alan B. (Renton WA), Selectable initiation-point fragment warhead.
  52. Kempton Marvin L. (Socorro NM), Selectively aimable warhead.
  53. Nardone, Ralph L.; McConville, Richard, Self extracting submunition.
  54. Stafford Gilbert A. (2600 W. Newton Tulsa OK 74127), Shell having pyramid shaped shot.
  55. Williams Matthew R. (Fort Wayne IN) Werling Steven V. (Fort Wayne IN), Slapper detonator.
  56. Huber ; Jr. Joseph C. (Cuyahoga Falls OH) Nagabhushan Bellur L. (North Canton OH), Spin dispensing method and apparatus.
  57. Brothers Jack (Succasunna NJ), Sub projectile or flechette launch system.
  58. Brothers Jack (Succasunna NJ), Sub projectile or flechette launch system.
  59. Bisping Bernhard,DEX ; Hahn Ulf,DEX ; Stein Wolfgang,DEX, Subcaliber kinetic energy projectile.
  60. Dahn C. James (Chicago IL) Morita Douglas R. (Morton Grove IL) Tulis Allen J. (Addison IL), Submissile disposal system.
  61. Wentink Richard S. (La Jolla CA), Submunition dispenser system.
  62. Trouillot Christian (Sainte Thorette FRX) Millet Yves (Fussy FRX) Beauvais Franois (Bourges FRX), Tail piece for a projectile having fins each including a recess.
  63. Abernathy David D. (Fredericksburg VA) Adams Herbert D. (Ventura CA) Gilbertson Warren L. (Fredericksburg VA) Leonard ; III Isaac E. (Margate NJ) Silvia Denis A. (King George VA), Variable geometry warhead.
  64. Gore Bertram W. (Owings Mills MD) LaCosta Nicholas J. (Kingsville MD) Barr Irwin R. (Kingsville MD), Warhead.
  65. Held Manfred (Kuhbach DT), Warhead construction having an electrical ignition device.
  66. Witt, Wolfram; Moll, Manfred, Warhead unit.
  67. Romer Rudolf (Kaarst DEX) Lips Hendrik R. (Duesseldorf DEX) Furch Benjamin (Unterluess DEX) Orth Hans (Ratingen DEX), Warhead with a plurality of slave missiles.
  68. Lloyd, Richard M.; Faccini, Ernest C., Warhead with aligned projectiles.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Nielson, Daniel B.; Truitt, Richard M.; Ashcroft, Benjamin N., Articles of ordnance including reactive material enhanced projectiles, and related methods.
  2. Sherlock, Mary H.; Nock, Lori; Guirguis, Raafat; Babcock, Wade; Sandusky, Harold, Compounded high explosive composites for impact mitigation.
  3. Bruno, Nicolas Horacio, Low collateral damage bi-modal warhead assembly.
  4. Bonbrake, Tim B.; Christianson, Kim L.; Kim, Henri Y., Method and apparatus for executing a weapon safety system utilizing explosive flux compression.
  5. Baker, Ernest; Chin, Chuck; Daniels, Arthur; DeFisher, Stanley; Gold, Vladimir; Pincay, Jack; Wu, Irene, More safe insensitive munition for producing a controlled fragmentation pattern.
  6. Lloyd, Richard M., Multi-point time spacing kinetic energy rod warhead and system.

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