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[미국특허] Air detected light reflecting modular beacon system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E01F-009/00
  • B64F-001/20
  • B64F-001/00
출원번호 UP-0453595 (2006-06-15)
등록번호 US-7624696 (2009-12-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Desourdis, Normand
  • Gervais, Pierre
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 21


A modular signaling system for a runway. The signaling system includes a plurality of attachable modules, each particular module from the plurality of modules including a signaling surface, an attachment to attach the particular module to another module from the plurality of modules, and a support c


The invention claimed is: 1. A modular beacon system for use with an airport runway system comprising a plurality of inter-connectable modules, each module comprising a panel member having a light reflective surface; at least two attachment members removably connected to said panel member; and at l

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Courtemanche, Denis, Adjustable marker.
  2. Valley Irvin L. (1580 Weathervane Dr. Fircrest WA 98466), Airport twenty-four hour pilot information markers.
  3. Bieberdorf,Roger, Combination airport air and ground transportation marker and airport traffic way.
  4. Yngve Anders Ersson SE, Device and method for signalling at a runway.
  5. Bennett Reginald B. (3103 Seneca Dr. Oakville ; Ontario CAX L4L 1B1) Bennett Reginald S. (44 Charles Street West ; Suite 4408 ; P.O. Box 247 ; Station ‘F’Toronto ; Ontario CAX M4Y 2L5), Direction indicating reflector with planar reflector panels including cube corners.
  6. Whicker ; Jr. Charles N., Ground position indicator and signaling device.
  7. Wagner ; III Fred A. (P.O. Box 607 Livermore CA 94550), Modular and expandable platform system.
  8. Wyse Steven J. (595 E. Lugbill Rd. Archbold OH 43502), Modular platform assembly.
  9. Taipale Dale L. ; Jines Michael D. ; Quam Grant S., Modular portable stage system.
  10. Traiforos, Mark, Portable airport traffic barricade.
  11. Feuvray Alain (3 rue du Palais de justice 71100 Chalon sur Saone FRX), Portable sign display device.
  12. Wanasz Michael J. (8107 S. Yukon Way Littleton CO 80123), Portable warning light system.
  13. Greves, Kenneth J., Reflective arrowhead traffic sign apparatus.
  14. Bennett Reginald S. (Toronto CAX) Hretsina Gary (Ajax CAX), Remote area landing system.
  15. Rebentisch Hugo E. (Garden City MI) Irish Ellwood (Wayne MI), Support pedestal assembly for a raised floor system.
  16. Schieferstein Wesley E., System of visual retroreflective aircraft approach runway panels.
  17. Carini, John J., Taxiway barricade system.
  18. Bennett Reginald B. (3103 Seneca Drive Oakville CAX L6L 1B1) Bennett Reginald S. (44 Charles Street West ; Suite 4408 ; P.O. Box 247 ; Station ‘F’Toronto ; Ontario CAX M4Y 2L5), Three panel reflector.
  19. McDonald Gerald R. (40960 McKenzie Hwy. Springfield OR 97478), Traffic flow indicator for roadway placement.
  20. Paniccia, Ronald F., View shield device.
  21. Heyworth Eugene R. (3705 W. 84th Ave. Anchorage AK 99502), Visual runway indexing system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Desaulniers, Richard C., Rescue locator signal.

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