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[미국특허] Stackable container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-021/04
출원번호 UP-0350735 (2003-01-24)
등록번호 US-7637373 (2010-01-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stahl, Edward L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Norseman Plastics, Ltd
대리인 / 주소
    Ungaretti & Harris LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 144


A container configured to support a second identical container in a stacked relationship, comprising a base including a plurality of spaced apart members, the spaced apart members including at least one stacking member, and at least one container support member, wherein each of the at least one cont


The invention claimed is: 1. A container configured to support a second substantially identical container in a stacked relationship, comprising: a base including at least one stacking member; a side-wall extending from and projecting upwardly from the base, the side-wall comprising an outer face an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (144) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Adjustable bail tray.
  2. Krause Irving A. (Nutley NJ), Automatic sweep and acquisition circuit for a phase locked loop.
  3. Madan Michael K. (Berkeley Heights NJ) Malhotra Vinod (Piscataway NJ) Loh William (Dalton MA), Bakery basket.
  4. Stahl Edward L. (Lee\s Summit MO), Bakery tray.
  5. Tabler Charles P. (Hamilton OH) Stein Eric D. (Batavia OH), Bakery tray with blend stacking.
  6. Tabler Charles P. (Hamilton OH) Stein Eric D. (Batavia OH), Bakery tray with blind stacking and unstacking.
  7. Raghunathan, Narayan; Ogden, M.U. Don, Biased latch hinge.
  8. LeTrudet Stephane F., Bin.
  9. LeTrudet Stephane F., Bin having an arched beam bottom.
  10. Ackermann Jeffrey R., Bread tray.
  11. Stahl Edward L. (Plano TX), Bread tray.
  12. Crolli Gary M. (Erie PA), Carrying case.
  13. Sanders Ellsworth E. (Sanibel Island FL) Kreeger Elsmer W. (Bloomfield MI), Closed container.
  14. Apps, William P.; Gruber, Robert V., Collapsible container.
  15. Apps,William P.; Gruber,Robert V., Collapsible container.
  16. Hsu,Roger S.; Smyers,Justin M., Collapsible container.
  17. Ogden Don M. U.,CAX ; Raghunathan Narayan,CAX ; Lazarski David Anthony ; Klein James Howard, Collapsible container.
  18. Overholt Trenton M. ; Apps William Patrick ; Koefelda Gerald R., Collapsible container.
  19. Overholt Trenton M. ; Apps William Patrick ; Koefelda Gerald R., Collapsible container.
  20. Overholt Trenton M. ; Apps William Patrick ; Koefelda Gerald R., Collapsible container.
  21. Overholt, Trenton M., Collapsible container.
  22. Overholt, Trenton M.; Apps, William Patrick; Koefelda, Gerald R., Collapsible container.
  23. Overholt,Trenton M., Collapsible container.
  24. Overholt,Trenton M.; Apps,William Patrick; Koefelda,Gerald R., Collapsible container.
  25. Smyers,Justin M., Collapsible container.
  26. Trenton M. Overholt, Collapsible container.
  27. Trenton M. Overholt ; William P. Apps ; Gerald R. Koefelda, Collapsible container.
  28. Trenton M. Overholt ; William Patrick Apps ; Gerald R. Koffelda, Collapsible container.
  29. Overholt, Trenton M.; Koefelda, Gerald R., Collapsible container with recessed side-panel latch.
  30. Hsu,Roger S.; Apps,William P., Collapsible container with side wall latching capability.
  31. Koefelda,Gerald R.; Hsu,Roger S., Collapsible merchandising container.
  32. Koefelda, Gerald R.; Hsu, Roger S., Collapsible merchandizing container.
  33. Astle Miles Henry (London EN), Container.
  34. Hagan,John A., Container.
  35. Holliday Hubert J. (Abingdon GBX), Container.
  36. Loftus Stephen C. (West Midlands GBX) Cope Andrew C. (West Midlands GBX), Container.
  37. Loftus Stephen Clive,GBX, Container.
  38. Loftus Stephen Clive,GBX ; Cope Andrew Christopher,GBX, Container.
  39. Overholt, Trenton M.; Koefelda, Gerald R.; Hsu, Roger S., Container.
  40. Overholt,Trenton M.; Koefelda,Gerald R.; Hsu,Roger S., Container.
  41. Raghunathan Narayan (Mississauga CAX), Container.
  42. Stahl Edward L., Container.
  43. Trenton M. Overholt, Container.
  44. Trenton M. Overholt ; Gerald R. Koefelda ; Roger S. Hsu, Container.
  45. Trenton M. Overholt ; Gerald R. Koefelda ; Roger S. Hsu, Container.
  46. Boller Peter K. (Willowdale CAX), Container adapted to be stacked vertically and on its side.
  47. McMath Graham (Tynemouth GB2), Container with removable lid.
  48. Chabot Jean-Marie (St-Damien Bellechasse CAX), Crate.
  49. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA), Floor construction for full depth crate.
  50. Schmitt Peter,DEX, Folding container.
  51. Stahl Edward L. (Brighton MI) Kreeger Elsmer W. (Allegan MI), Four-level stacking container.
  52. Lang-Ree Arne (Menlo Park CA) Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Ackerman Jeffery R. (Manhattan Beach CA), Fragmentary box wall structure.
  53. Zanni Ivan,CAX, Fruit and vegetable container.
  54. Jang Keun H. (473 Jungsan-Dong ; Kyungsan ; Kyungbuk KRX), Fruit box.
  55. Apps William P. (c/o Rehrig Pacific-Company ; Inc. ; 4010 E. 26th St. Los Angeles CA 90023-0908) Koefelda Gerald R. (c/o Rehrig Pacific Company ; Inc. 4010 E. 16th St. Los Angeles CA 90023-0908), Full depth case.
  56. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Koefelda Gerald R. (Seal Beach CA) Shermer Larry E. (Atlanta GA), Full depth crate.
  57. Ackermann Jeff (Manhattan Beach CA) Apps William P. (Alpharetta GA) Philips Cory (Manhattan Beach CA), Grape lug.
  58. Bettenhausen Cary A., Instrument cassette having stacking feature.
  59. Justin M. Smyers ; Trenton M. Overholt, Inwardly folding container.
  60. Smyers,Justin M.; Overholt,Trenton M., Inwardly folding container.
  61. Wilson James D. (421 Vista Suerte Newport Beach CA 92660), Key lock for plastic receptacles.
  62. Lang-Ree Arne (Menlo Park CA) Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Ackerman Jeffery R. (Manhattan Beach CA), Lid panel for a box.
  63. Carroll ; James C. ; Johnson ; Lewis T., Molded container.
  64. Tabler Charles P. (Hamilton OH) Miller Daniel R. (Cincinnati OH), Molded container with integral hinge.
  65. Rose Henry H. (Knoxville TN), Molded crate with interlocking rim appliances.
  66. Stahl, Edward L., Multi-level basket.
  67. Stahl,Edward L., Multi-level stacking/nesting tray.
  68. Aiken Cynthia R., Multi-purpose container.
  69. Koefelda Gerald R., Multi-purpose tray.
  70. Koefelda Gerald R., Multi-purpose tray.
  71. Koefelda Gerald R., Multi-purpose tray.
  72. Ackermann Jeffrey R., Multilevel bakery tray.
  73. Kreeger Elsmer W. (Allegan MI) Stahl Edward L. (Brighton MI), Multilevel stacking container.
  74. Kreeger Elsmer W. (Howell MI), Multilevel stacking container.
  75. Kreeger Elsmer W. (Howell MI) Stahl Edward L. (Osage Beach MO), Multilevel stacking container.
  76. Aiken Cynthia R., Multipurpose container.
  77. Aiken Cynthia R., Multipurpose container.
  78. Johnson Lewis T. (Bartlesville OK), Nest and stack container.
  79. Ehrman Charles R. (Memphis TN) Killgo Ronald W. (Athens TX) Piper ; Jr. Paul P. (Memphis TN), Nestable and stackable basket assembly.
  80. Kreeger Elsmer W. (Howell MI) Cheeseman Robert V. (Webberville MI), Nestable and stackable container.
  81. Stahl Edward L. (Brighton Township ; Livingston County MI) Kreeger Elsmer W. (Allegan Township ; Allegan County MI), Nestable and stackable container.
  82. Clipson ; Stuart A. ; Herolzer ; Ralph H., Nestable and stackable container assembly with improved bail structures of molded plastic.
  83. McGrath Patrick James, Nestable bakery tray.
  84. Elvin-Jensen Justin T.,CAX ; Elvin-Jensen Gavin J.,ZAX, Nestable container.
  85. Rehrig James B. (Rancho Palos Verde CA) Hagan John (Fountain Valley CA), Nestable open case.
  86. Wilson James D. (421 Vista Suerte Newport Beach CA 92660), Nestable/stackable containers for bakery goods and the like.
  87. Carroll ; James C. ; Johnson ; Lewis T., Nesting and stacking container.
  88. Carroll James C. (Hopkinsville KY) Johnson Lewis T. (Hopkinsville KY), Nesting and stacking container.
  89. Stahl ; Edward L. ; Sanders ; Ellsworth E., Nesting and stacking container.
  90. Deaton Thomas P. (Mason OH) Stein Eric D. (Cincinnati OH), One hundred eighty degree stack and nest bakery tray with bails.
  91. Cornou Jean (15 ; clos Verrieres Verrieres-le-Buisson (Essone) FRX), Oyster container.
  92. Frankenberg Jason R. ; Hafemeister Randall H., Plastic tote box improvements.
  93. Apps,William P.; Aiken,Cynthia R., Portable storage device.
  94. Atkin ; Howard D. ; Stachurski ; Zbigniew H. ; Cherry ; Brian W., Re-usable plastic containers.
  95. Hwang Philip C., Reusable produce crate.
  96. Hwang Philip C., Reusable produce crate.
  97. Hwang Philip C., Reusable produce crate.
  98. Philip C. Hwang, Reusable produce crate.
  99. Philip C. Hwang, Reusable produce crate lid.
  100. Hwang, Philip C., Reusable produce crate with detachable lid.
  101. Stahl Edward L. (Orlando FL), Slide on multi-level basket.
  102. Morris ; Sr. Glenn H. (1192 Cumberland Rd. Chattanooga TN 37419), Space-saving rectangular container having child resistant lid assembly.
  103. Lang-Ree Arne (Menlo Park CA) Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Ackerman Jeffery R. (Manhattan Beach CA), Split lid box.
  104. Carroll James C. (Hopkinsville KY) Johnson Lewis T. (Hopkinsville KY), Stack and nest container.
  105. Stahl Edward L. (Richmond MI) Sanders Ellsworth E. (Naples FL) Blair George C. (Kansas City MO), Stack and nest container.
  106. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA) Yelder W. Joseph (Peeksville NY), Stackable and nestable box.
  107. Stahl Edward L. (Plano TX), Stackable and nestable multi-level bread tray.
  108. Ackermann Jeffrey Robert (Manhattan Beach CA) Apps William Patrick (Alpharetta GA) Phillips Glenn McCord (Manhattan Beach CA), Stackable and nestable one part container.
  109. Ackermann Jeffrey Robert ; Apps William Patrick ; Phillips Glenn McCord, Stackable and nestable one part container.
  110. Robert V. Cheeseman, Stackable bakery tray.
  111. Ohayon Abraham, Stackable bins.
  112. Veenman Simon J. M. (\s-Gravenzande NLX) Benraad Coenraad J. B. M. (Dedemsvaart NLX), Stackable carrier or crate for goods or articles.
  113. ?tting, Willi; Stockmann, J?rg; Pehlivan, Vedat; Lange, Axel, Stackable container.
  114. Miller Daniel R. (Cincinnati OH), Stackable container.
  115. Bird William C. (Sydney AUX), Stackable containers.
  116. Smyers,Justin M.; Overholt,Trenton M., Stackable crate.
  117. Beauchamp Maurice (St-Damien CAX) Lanoue Michel (Ste-Foy CAX), Stackable load bearing tray.
  118. Beauchamp Maurice (St-Damien CAX) Lanoue Michel (Ste-Foy CAX), Stackable load bearing tray.
  119. Verna, Donald; Cox, Douglas T.; Hood, Douglas, Stackable tray having anti-pivot stop and wash apertures.
  120. Stahl ; Edward L., Stacking and nesting container.
  121. Jupille Henry ; Tostenson David James, Stacking trays.
  122. Schfer Gerhard (Neunkirchen-Salchendorf DEX), Storage and/or transport container of plastics material.
  123. Gerald R. Koefelda, Storage container.
  124. Koefelda Gerald R., Storage container.
  125. Koefelda Gerald R., Storage container.
  126. Overholt Trenton M. ; Apps William Patrick ; Koefelda Gerald R., Storage container.
  127. Wong,Michael P., Storage container.
  128. Tabler Charles P. (Hamilton OH), Symmetrical bakery basket.
  129. Apps William P. (Anaheim CA) Lang-Ree Arne (Manhattan Beach CA) Yelder W. Joseph (Peeksville NY), Syrup delivery system.
  130. Sanders Ellsworth E. (Sanibel Island FL) Kreeger Elsmer W. (Pontiac MI), Three level stacking container.
  131. Kreeger, Elsmer W., Three-level stack and nest container.
  132. Carroll ; James C. ; Johnson ; Lewis T., Three-level stacking container.
  133. Carroll James C. (Bartlesville OK), Three-level stacking container.
  134. Kreeger Elsmer W. (Howell MI), Three-level stacking container.
  135. Thurman Paul G. (West Liberty OH), Three-position stacking tray.
  136. Rehrig James B. (6533 Via Lorenzo Palos Verdes Peninsula CA 90274), Three-sided, stackable material handling crate.
  137. Varfeldt Rasmus,SEX, Transport container II.
  138. Varfeldt Rasmus,SEX, Transport container III.
  139. Jackson Alban Gifford (Auckland NZX), Tray.
  140. Gruber, Robert V., Tray and dolly assembly.
  141. Gruber, Robert V., Tray and dolly assembly.
  142. Gruber,Robert V., Tray and dolly assembly.
  143. Thurman ; Paul G., Tray structure.
  144. Kreeger Elsmer W. (Howell MI), Two-level stacking container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cavalcante, Mauricio D., Bakery tray.
  2. Hassell, Jon P., Bakery tray.
  3. Hassell, Jon P.; Muñoz Hernandez, Jonathan Javier, Bakery tray.
  4. Hassell, Jon P., Bakery tray and dolly.
  5. Stahl, Edward L., Breadbasket with merchandiser window and flaps.
  6. Shapiro, Norman L., Stackable envelope trays.
  7. Tsai, Yung-Teng, Stacking paper tray.
  8. Stahl, Edward L., Three tiered tray.
  9. Stahl, Edward L., Three tiered tray.

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