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[미국특허] Direct load, detonator-less connector for shock tubes 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C06C-005/00
  • C06C-005/06
  • F42D-001/00
  • F42D-001/04
출원번호 UP-0569000 (2005-05-16)
등록번호 US-7699004 (2010-05-20)
우선권정보 ES-200401201(2004-05-19)
국제출원번호 PCT/EP2005/005441 (2005-05-16)
§371/§102 date 20070111 (20070111)
국제공개번호 WO05/111534 (2005-11-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Muro, Jose Maria Ayensa
출원인 / 주소
  • Maxamcorp, S.A.U.
대리인 / 주소
    Moore & Van Allen, PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 22


The connector block allows the transmission of the shock wave that travels along the donor tube (1) to several receiver tubes (4), setting between them a delay device (6) with its corresponding pyrotechnic delay formula (8), and an explosive charge (9), all these components being integrated within t


The invention claimed is: 1. A connector block for shock tubes, said connector block comprising a body (4), a donor tube (1), at least one slot (11), and a delay device (6), wherein said delay device comprises a corresponding pyrotechnic delay formula (8), and an explosive charge (9), wherein said

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22)

  1. Chan, Sek K.; Carriere, Raymond; Reid, John T., Blast initiation device.
  2. Perry, Garnet, Blasting connector block.
  3. Fritz James E. (Ellington CT) Tseka Thomas C. (West Suffield CT) Sutula ; Jr. Daniel P. (Farmington CT), Connector block for blast initiation systems.
  4. Tseka Thomas C. ; Fritz James E. ; Sutula ; Jr. Daniel P., Connector block having detonator-positioning locking means.
  5. Adams Craig F. (Granby CT) Peebles Richard J. (Winchester CT), Detonation coupling device.
  6. John Capers ; Goran Jidestig, Detonator for shock tube connector system.
  7. Rontey Daniel (Woodstock NY) Steedman David (Kingston NY), Detonator-to-shock tube ignition transfer connector.
  8. Yunan Malak E. (Boonton Township ; Morris County NJ), Field-connected explosive booster for propagating a detonation in connected detonating cord assemblies containing low-en.
  9. Peebles Richard J. (Winsted CT) Michna Richard J. (Winsted CT) Monat David E. (Torrington CT) Bartholomew Stephen W. (Granby CT) Adams Craig F. (Granby CT), Initiator for a transmission tube.
  10. Michna Richard J. (Winsted CT) Sendek Anthony (Canton CT) Thomas J. Donaldson (East Granby CT), Low energy blasting initiation system, method and surface connection therefor.
  11. Jacob Merritt (Ayrshire GB6) Reiss Peter F. (Sugarloaf PA) Stednitz Samual G. (St. Clair PA), Low noise, low shrapnel detonator assembly for initiating signal transmission lines.
  12. Michna Richard J. (Winsted CT) Sendek Anthony (Canton CT) Thomas J. Donaldson (East Granby CT), Low-energy blasting initiation system method and surface connection thereof.
  13. Capers John ; Jidestig Goran, Low-energy shock tube connector system.
  14. John Capers ; Goran Jidestig, Low-energy shock tube connector system.
  15. Sutula ; Jr. Daniel P. (Bristol CT), Molded article having integral displaceable member or members and method of use.
  16. Gladden,Ernest L., Non-electric detonator.
  17. Yunan Malak E. (Morris County ; Boonton Township NJ), Primer assembly.
  18. Kelly George G. (Hawkesbury CAX) McLaughlin Henry (Brownsburg CAX) Simon James R. (Lachute CAX), Pyrotechnic variable delay connector.
  19. Woodall, Mark E.; Johnson, Dennis P.; Gerst, Eric C., Rigid reactive cord and methods of use and manufacture.
  20. Sobczak Brian R. (Granby CT) Lucca Frank J. (North Granby CT) Thomas J. Donaldson (Simsbury CT) Adams Craig F. (Granby CT) Gladden Ernest L. (Granby CT), Shock tube assembly.
  21. Rontey Daniel (Woodstock NY) Schallenkamp Glen C. (Kingston NY) Seeger Margaret R. (Kingston NY) Steedman David (Kingston NY), Shock tube surface connector.
  22. Thureson Gary R. (Avon CT) Davis Eric R. (Torrington CT) Gladden Ernest L. (Granby CT) Zappalorti Alvaro (Avon CT), Universal isolation member and non-electric detonator cap including the same.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Husk, Peter Thomas; Gourlay, Ross Ian, Connector block for shock tubes, and method of securing a detonator therein.
  2. Erbach, Peter S.; Banish, R. Michael, Low flame smoke.
  3. Scheid, Eric; Moan, Brad; Gailey, Thomas, Simultaneous nonelectric priming assembly and method.
  4. Scheid, Eric; Moan, Brad; Gailey, Thomas, Simultaneous nonelectric priming assembly and method.
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