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[미국특허] Multi-function liquid container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05B-001/02
출원번호 UP-0326563 (2006-01-06)
등록번호 US-7706671 (2010-05-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Brown, Anthony
출원인 / 주소
  • B2M Asset Management, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Ries, Michael
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 170


A container is provided for heating or otherwise processing the contents of the container. For example, the container may be a kettle or kettle for heating fluids therein. The container may receive a command, desired characteristic or desired range for processing the contents of the container. The c


The invention claimed is: 1. A container for heating contents, the container comprising: an internal cavity forming a concave internal cavity configured to receive the contents; an outer surface encompassing the internal surface; an electric heating element interposed between an internal surface an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (170) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Tiziano Ghidini IT, Acoustic signaling device for culinary-use vessels, in particular for kettles.
  2. Leuschner Udo (Traunreut DEX) Traunspurger Gnther (Traunreut DEX) Zinsberger Alfons (Traunreut DEX), Adjustable temperature warming plate for electric coffee maker.
  3. Brad A. Armstrong, Analog controls housed with electronic displays for coffee makers.
  4. Haden John Denis,GBX, Apparatus for making beverages.
  5. Hazan Jean-Pierre (Sucy FRX) Nagel Jean-Louis (Brevannes FRX), Appliance for infusing a substance.
  6. Jensen Martin T. (23263 Madero ; Ste. B Mission Viejo CA 92691), Baby milk warmer.
  7. Hamm, Andrew J.; Lord, Cody; Clark, Steve, Beverage container warmer.
  8. Shlomo Greenwald ; Zipora Greenwald, Beverage dispenser having selectable temperature.
  9. Lassota, Zbigniew G., Beverage dispensing URN with electronic display.
  10. Hartmann Clay A, Beverage temperature notification device.
  11. Chi Lei L. (Fl. 2 ; No. 13 ; Lane 534 ; Wan Ta Road Taipei TWX), Boiling detecting devices for a stove.
  12. Jones, Brian C.; Kumar, Sanjay; Dzibela, Scott A.; Ubidia, Fernando; Tauer, Mark, Brewed iced tea or non-carbonated drink dispenser.
  13. Conforti, Carl J., Clothes iron.
  14. Illy Ernesto (Trieste ITX) Suggi Liverani Furio (Trieste ITX), Coffee machine.
  15. Robert R. Whitney, Coffee maker.
  16. Williamson, Steve, Coffee maker heater/warmer plate assembly.
  17. Su, Yung Sen, Coffee maker structure.
  18. Husted Royce Hill ; Husted Joel Peter, Coffee maker with computerized steeping control.
  19. Kling, Björn, Coffee pot.
  20. Shepherd, Martin J., Combined control/connector for cordless electrical appliances.
  21. Huslein Reinhard (Minden DEX), Continuous flow heater assembly for a beverage maker.
  22. Weiss, Ronald R., Control apparatus and methods for popping popcorn.
  23. Bailleux Jean-Philippe (Damigny FRX) Storsberg Gregor (Solingen DEX) Buchmann Stephan (Solingen DEX), Control device for an electrical household appliance adapted to prepare infusion beverages.
  24. McClean John William,AUX, Control device for electric heating apparatus.
  25. Brown Robert N., Control valve actuated by low-pressure and low-flow-rate control fluid.
  26. Stuck,Robert M., Conveyorized food broiling apparatus.
  27. Derridinger, Jr.,Richard K., Cooking device.
  28. Lile, Lawrence, Cooking system for sensing the status of a food item.
  29. Gort-Barten Leslie Alexander,GBX, Cordless electric kettle.
  30. Polster Louis S. (1017 Fairmount Rd. Burbank CA 91501), Deep fat cooking temperature control system.
  31. Burkett Douglas M. (Middletown OH) Mercer Gary L. (Alexandria OH) Stirling Robert W. (Englewood OH), Deep fat fryer with computerized control system.
  32. Boehm Michael W. (Batavia IL) Johnson Robert W. (Naperville IL), Device for cooking foodstuffs.
  33. Leonoff Christopher A., Device for heating and cooling a beverage.
  34. Kaastra,Simon, Device for heating liquids.
  35. Haven, Ken; Wilson, Jay; Blaugrund, Dan; Boudtchenko, Vera S.; Lee, Brandon; Lee, Chang W., Device to automatically prepare infant formula.
  36. Hoffman Robert E. (Dayton OH) Williams Richard B. (Kettering OH) Wright Carl J. (Bellbrook OH), Dishwasher fill system.
  37. George M. White ; James J. Buteau ; Glen E. Shires ; Kevin J. Surace ; Steven Markman, Distributed voice user interface.
  38. Lebowitz,Samuel, Easy pour tea kettle.
  39. Hunt Andrew (Bowden GB3), Electric element assembly.
  40. Ching, Boon-Khian; Choo, Ban Nee; Sundaram, Arun, Electric iron with exchangeable reservoir.
  41. Haden Denis H. (Chestall ; near Rugeley GB2), Electric kettle.
  42. Jorgenson Morris E. (67 Bythia St. Orangeville ; Ontario CA) Sheldon Paul B. (48 Tupper St. Brockville ; Ontario CA) Sherman Jack A. (23 Forest Park Orangeville ; Ontario CA) Wardell Peter S. (63 Rus, Electric kettle spout flap.
  43. Haden Denis H. (Staffordshire GB2), Electric kettle with independently detachable subassemblies.
  44. Jun Oe JP; Satoshi Shimizu JP; Hidekata Kawanishi JP, Electric thermo pot.
  45. Taylor, John Crawshaw; Donnelly, Vernon James, Electrical beverage making apparatus.
  46. Grabbe Dimitry G. (Lisbon Falls ME), Electrical devices such as watches and method of construction thereof.
  47. Lacombe Jacques,FRX, Electrical element for heater plates, in particular for kettles.
  48. Deane Kenneth E. (Beech Grove IN), Electrical temperature sensing means having moisture tight seals.
  49. Kim Jung Yeon,KRX ; Koh Kyung Cheon,KRX, Electrical thermostatic pressure cooker and cooking control method thereof.
  50. Dam Robert, Electrically heated beverage cup and cupholder system.
  51. Katayev Alexander (89-15 102nd St. ; Apt. 2C Richmond Hill NY 11418), Electrically warmed baby bottle with rechargeable battery recharging system.
  52. Visscher Paul R., Electrode inspection system.
  53. Simic-Glavaski, Branimir; Simic, Michael G., Electron source for food treating apparatus and method.
  54. Bohan ; Jr. John E. (Edina MN) Mills Frank S. (Bloomington MN) Ward Scott A. (Golden Valley MN), Electronic aquastat in immersible capsule.
  55. Chen Mu H. (No. 47 ; Lane 58 ; Wu Ku Wang North Street San Chung City ; Taipei Hsien TWX), Electronic boiling point musical alarm.
  56. Warne Thomas I.,CAX, Electronic brew control system.
  57. Jones Richard L. (Eaton OH) Stirling Robert W. (Dayton OH) Landwehr Tim A. (West Alexandria OH), Electronic control system for cooking system.
  58. Sanoner,Hughes; Rothman,Jacob, Electronic drinking mug.
  59. Sharpe, Richard, Electronic frying pan systems and methods.
  60. Case Richard P. (Webster City IA), Electronic liquid level monitor and controller.
  61. Illy Andrea,ITX ; Mastropasqua Luca,ITX, Espresso coffee machine.
  62. Longo, Walter G., Espresso coffee machine control system displaying boiler temperature and pressure.
  63. Albert A. F. (Seattle WA) Morgan Robert C. (Seattle WA), Espresso/cappuccino apparatus and method.
  64. Curt D. Cunningham, Free standing storage stand for an outdrive.
  65. Suzuki, Akira, Fryer.
  66. Yeh Kuo-Strai (No. 15 ; Lane 33 ; Wei Kuo St. Tainan City ; 701 TWX), Handle arrangement for tea kettles.
  67. Dennis Michael E. (Wiltshire GBX) Huddart David (Avon GBX), Heating vessel with chromium-enriched stainless steel substrate promoting adherence of thin film heater thereon.
  68. Ross Monte (St. Louis MO) Peterson Mark L. (University City MO) Missler Leonard R. (Chesterfield MO), Highway information system.
  69. Usherovich Boris, Hot/cold beverage brewing device.
  70. Schiettecatte Patrice J. C. (Alencon FRX), Household coffeemaker.
  71. McWilliam, Giles, Household electric kettle.
  72. Bailey ; John M., Hydrostatic head pressure monitor with remote readout.
  73. Vories Dennis L. (29142 via Piedra Valley Center CA 92082), Hydrostatic level and elevation measuring device.
  74. Martone Louis C. (Shelton CT) Burkholder Robert F. (Huntington CT) Asbjornsen Lars F. (Southbury CT) Cavada Luis O. (Bridgeport CT), Intelligent coffee brewing system.
  75. Chan, Albert Wai Tai, Interactive toy teapot.
  76. Lebowitz Samuel (Brooklyn NY), Kettle.
  77. Lien Chang-Hsing,TWX, Kettle.
  78. Lebowitz, Samuel, Kettle with improved opening mechanism.
  79. Robert F. Fanzutti, Kitchen appliance with improved heating element control.
  80. Sharples James Henry (Radcliffe GBX), Liquid heating apparatus.
  81. Kramer, Richard H., Liquid level control system.
  82. Prather, Zachary A.; Stacey, David A., Liquid level height measurement system.
  83. Chen Fufa ; Chang Yu ; Tzu Gwo, Liquid level pressure sensor and method.
  84. Zimmermann, Bernd D.; Reynolds, David; Gerich, Richard L., Liquid level sensor.
  85. Bohan ; Jr. John E. (Minneapolis MN), Low voltage driven oscillator circuit.
  86. VanDeMark Lowell (11370 N. Shelborne Rd. Zionsville IN 46077), Low-water element safety control.
  87. Wu James M. (23506 Community St. West Hills CA 91304), Method and apparatus for automatic adiabatic cooking.
  88. Longabaugh Charles R. (Hazleton IN), Method and apparatus for controlling cooking cycles in a cooking system.
  89. Ferretti Michael D. (Nazareth PA) Gabel Brian L. (Northampton PA) Horton James A. (Bethlehem PA) Weiss ; Sr. Thomas S. (Emmaus PA), Method and system for measurement of liquid level in a tank.
  90. Kressmann, Frank, Method for heating liquid in an electric kettle.
  91. Chapman,Peter A., Method, apparatus and system for predicting cooking completion time of food.
  92. Kiesler, Jeffrey Thomas; Hegeman, Arjan Johannes; McIntyre, Michael Lee; Meyer, Gregory Alan; Geisen, Christopher Raymond; Miller, Gregory Owen, Methods and systems for water detection in a dishwasher.
  93. Anson James H., Methods of brewing reduced temperature coffee.
  94. Tyler Hugh J. (Santa Ana CA), Microwave cooking method and control means.
  95. Khoury, Edward Joseph, Modular appliance.
  96. Wild Gary G. (Rockford IL) Eley John D. (Beloit WI), Multiple burner control system.
  97. Noddin David B., Multiple frequency processing to minimize manufacturing variability of high aspect ratio micro through-vias.
  98. Hutter ; III Charles G. (Carson City NV) Hill Raymond R. (Stagecoach NV), Musical tea kettle.
  99. Inoue Shunzo (Yokohama JPX) Nagasawa Takeshi (Yokohama JPX) Yanagawa Hitoshi (Tokyo JPX) Iwaya Toshio (Machida JPX) Kasuya Michio (Fuchu JPX), Photographing apparatus.
  100. Cutter, Geoffrey D.; Zsofka, Robert J., Portable combustible fuel automatic drip coffee maker.
  101. Sarris Louis L. (3570 Summer Hill Dr. Salt Lake City UT 84121) Sarris Ann J. (3570 Summer Hill Dr. Salt Lake City UT 84121), Portable cup for warming beverages.
  102. Lavoie Manon, Portable heated cup with motion sensor and timer.
  103. Sekura,Ronald D., Prescription compliance device and method of using device.
  104. Yang, Bing; Fu, Jingran; Llang, Shiliang, Pressure cooker.
  105. Buckshaw Thomas M. (Indiana PA), Pressure responsive control device and method of making the same.
  106. Nett Louis (Cambridge WI), Pressurized liquid cooker with integrated radiant heating apparatus.
  107. Wu, Tsan-Kuen, Programmable coffee maker capable of automatically canceling a preset brewing time.
  108. DeCobert, James E.; Hlava, Lorens G.; Thrasher, Jr., Charles T., Programmable slow-cooker appliance.
  109. Lee, Ming-Tsung, Quick heater for drinking water.
  110. Anson James H. (Auburn IL), Reduced temperature coffee brewer.
  111. Schmidt George, Ringing kettle.
  112. Chapman, Peter A.; Keller, Darren; Sanoner, Hughes, Rotisserie system having a remote temperature monitor.
  113. Pratz Clarence L. (Wellsburg WV) DiClemente Archimede (Wheeling WV), Safety can for storage of liquids.
  114. Koether ; Bernard G., Safety device for electrically and mechanically coupling a temperature-sensing probe to a timing computer.
  115. Sheree Suomela ; Paul Anderson ; William R. Worrell ; Patty S. Anderson ; Peter B. Allard ; Robert J. Marks, Self-contained liquid dispenser with heating means.
  116. Ina Shizuo (Shizuoka JPX) Tokura Shoji (Shizuoka JPX), Self-heating container.
  117. Bauza,Pedro J., Shower temperature display.
  118. Li, George T. C., Slow cooker with dual heating elements.
  119. Benjey Robert P., Solid state fuel level sensing.
  120. Coppola Richard G. (Marietta GA) Stephens George H. (Tucker GA), Solid-state electrical-power demand register and method.
  121. Burkett Douglas A. ; Stirling Robert W., System and method for determining cooking system medium.
  122. Ortiz Marcos German ; Kidd Terrel G., System and method measuring fluid flow in a conduit.
  123. Charter Ian G. (Seabrook TX), System to determine the level and weight of liquid in a tank or the like.
  124. Hawk Wesley S., Talking container closure and package incorporating same.
  125. Ancona Jane (New York NY) Ancona Bruce (New York NY), Tea kettle.
  126. Lebowitz Samuel (Brooklyn NY), Tea kettle.
  127. Lebowitz, Samuel, Tea kettle.
  128. Lebowitz, Samuel, Tea kettle.
  129. Lebowitz, Samuel, Tea kettle.
  130. Naden Mark ; Strum Donald, Tea kettle.
  131. Peter Weiss ; Joel Haas ; Darryl Michaelain ; Alan Dixon, Tea kettle flute.
  132. Urich Joy C. (New York NY), Tea kettle or similar article.
  133. Scott Huff, Tea kettle whistle.
  134. Lebowitz Sam (New York NY), Tea kettle with pivoted whistle cap.
  135. Ancona, Bruce, Teakettle.
  136. Stowell Davin B. (New York NY) Ando Mari H. (Stamford CT) Sica Vanessa D. (New York NY), Teakettle.
  137. Lebowitz, Sam, Teakettle having whistle cap.
  138. Chan,Eric; Miller,Jeff, Teakettle with closure inside spout.
  139. Bodum,J첩rgen, Teapot.
  140. Yeh Thomas (10F ; No. 97 ; Sec. 2 ; Nan-Gun Rd. Taipei TWX), Teapot capable of giving off sound while it pours.
  141. Wood, Paul A. P., Temperature control arrangement for an electrical heating appliance.
  142. Bird, Douglas D., Temperature controlled burner apparatus.
  143. Meister John A. (Haughton LA) Davis John R. (Shreveport LA), Temperature controller for cooking appliance.
  144. Bauza,Pedro, Temperature display system.
  145. Taylor John C. (Arbory GBX) Garvey Vincent J. (Port Erin GBX) Brown Richard B. (Colby GBX), Temperature limiting control for an electric heating device.
  146. Cook ; III Walter R. (214.5 LaVerne Ave. Long Beach CA 90803), Temperature measurement and display of a cooking surface.
  147. Norcross, Charles, Temperature sensing utensil with detachable heads.
  148. Betzner, Timothy M.; O'Connell, David P.; Straub, Peter J.; Boehm, Michael J., Temperature sensor with flexible circuit substrate.
  149. Stevick Glen ; Sherback Harvey, Thermal-electric container.
  150. John Crawshaw Taylor GB, Thermally sensitive controls.
  151. Miller, Walter E., Thermostatically controlled electric kettle.
  152. Little Peter James,GBX, Thick film elements.
  153. Upadhye, Shashank; Upadhye, Shilpa, Timed container warmer and cooler.
  154. Brunkhardt, Donald D., Timed shower valve manager.
  155. Hudson Barry L. (Lower Templestowe AUX), Variable intensity whistle.
  156. Jorgenson Morris E. (67 Bythia St. Orangeville ; Ontario CA) Sheldon Paul B. (48 Tupper St. Brockville ; Ontario CA) Sherman Jack A. (23 Forest Park Orangeville ; Ontario CA) Wardell Peter S. (63 Rus, Variable wattage kettle.
  157. Lin Chia-Meng (No. 11-9 ; Lane 115 ; Shui-Yuan Rd. Fong-Yuan City ; Taichung County TWX), Vessel having boiling indicating device.
  158. Bennett Steven B. (Manitowoc WI), Water heater control circuit including an empty tank sensor.
  159. Bradenbaugh Kenneth A., Water heater with proportional band temperature control for improved thermal efficiency.
  160. Anson James H. (Springfield IL) Midden William E. (Springfield IL), Water heating apparatus having a thermal and liquid level sensor assembly.
  161. Hefford David V.,GB3, Water heating vessel.
  162. Brown,Guy Anthony, Water kettle.
  163. Kuhn Jacques (Rikon CHX), Water kettle.
  164. Littmann Ludwig,DEX ; Greubel Jurgen,DEX, Water kettle.
  165. Kim Kil Ho,KRX, Water purifier with a rotating magnet.
  166. Brunkhardt Donald D., Water saver shower.
  167. Taylor John C. (9 Homefield Park ; Ballasalla Castletown GB4), Water-boiling container with switch-on-dry and steam sensitive thermally responsive control units.
  168. Tateda Koichi (Yao JPX), Wireless food temperature-sensing assembly.
  169. Chapman, Peter A.; Chang, Chee-Ann, Wireless remote cooking thermometer system.
  170. Chapman, Peter A.; Chang, Chee-Ann, Wireless remote cooking thermometer system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hatherell, Darren, Beverage carbonating system and method for carbonating a beverage.
  2. Hatherell, Darren, Beverage carbonating system and method for carbonating a beverage.
  3. Hatherell, Darren, Beverage carbonation system base.
  4. Hatherell, Darren, Beverage carbonation system bottle.
  5. Hatherell, Darren, Carbon dioxide source tablet and beverage carbonating system including the same.
  6. Lako, Daniel, Device for regulated water heating using the energy gained by photovoltaic cells.
  7. Zeder, Roland, Electric cooking system and a cooking method using the same.
  8. Hotto, Robert, Energy harvesting container.
  9. Bournay, Jr., Fred; McConnell, John W.; Van Faasen, Joel Graham; Yin, ZhaoYi, Immersion blender.
  10. Roberts, William Peyton; Kennedy, Thomas D.; Windisch, Tom; Hagood, David W., Insulated container having a temperature monitoring device.
  11. Hudgins, Arthur W; Steiner, Mark C; Pryor, Jr., Ernest B.; Brady, Martin; Olson, Yvonne; Raring, Alexander D; Ye, Guoyao; Barnes, John D.; Sandford, Michael G; Stamper, George; Mulvaney, Patrick T; Garman, Michael, Kitchen appliance and method of using same.
  12. Hudgins, Arthur W; Steiner, Mark C; Pryor, Jr., Ernest B.; Brady, Martin; Olson, Yvonne; Raring, Alexander D; Ye, Guoyao; Barnes, John D.; Sandford, Michael G; Stamper, George; Mulvaney, Patrick T; Garman, Michael, Kitchen appliance and method of using same.
  13. Mulvaney, Patrick T.; Garman, Mike; Brady, Martin, Kitchen appliance and method of using same.
  14. Ye, Guoyao; Garman, Michael; Sandford, Michael G.; Steiner, Mark C.; Hudgins, Arthur Wayne, Kitchen appliance and method of using same.
  15. Sandford, Michael G; Schandel, David Matthew, Kitchen appliance with locking handles.
  16. Johncock, James Charles; Patil, Darpan Dinkar, Method of regulating temperature for sous vide cooking and apparatus therefor.
  17. Steinmann, Hardy, Portable beverage container.
  18. Steinmann, Hardy, Portable beverage container.
  19. Hill, Robert, Water heater.

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