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[미국특허] Golf bag top 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 03-01
출원번호 UP-0337462 (2009-05-21)
등록번호 US-D613065 (2010-05-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • McGuire, Brian J.
  • Anderson, Douglas W.
출원인 / 주소
  • Karsten Manufacturing Corporation
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 77


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM The ornamental design for a golf bag top, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (77) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sundara Chloe Helen ; Bogner Eric Penman ; Janis Bruce Anthony, Asymmetrical golf bag top.
  2. Te-Pin, Cheng, Base bracket of golf bag.
  3. Chang, Ruey-Yang, Base of a golf bag.
  4. Rhee Yong Su,KRX ITX 120-112, Bottom for a golf bag.
  5. Su Po-Tang (No. 52 ; Lane 42 ; Chung Nan Street ; Nan Kang District Taipei TWX), Bottom holder of golf bag.
  6. Reimers Eric W. (235 N. First St. Missoula MT 59802), Cart bag for golf.
  7. Cheng Jeremy,TWX, Collapsible golf bag.
  8. Reimers,Rick; Robirds,Mark; Truitt,Dale, Collar for golf bag.
  9. Vosloo,Clint; Kikidas,Andreas, Divider for a top cuff for a golf bag.
  10. Vosloo,Clint; Kikidas,Andreas, Divider for a top cuff for an ultra-light golf bag.
  11. Pratt, Michael James; Christensen, Joseph W.; Warner, Scott Kendrick; Sheets, Jeffrey Alan, Ergonomic golf bag top and club separator.
  12. Pratt,Michael James; Christensen,Joseph W.; Warner,Scott Kendrick; Sheets,Jeffrey Alan, Ergonomic golf bag top and club separator.
  13. Reimers,Eric W., Extension handle and golf bag with extension handle.
  14. Vosloo,Clint, Fourteen-way top cuff for a golf bag.
  15. Vosloo,Clint, Fourteen-way top cuff for a golf bag.
  16. Vosloo,Clint, Fourteen-way top cuff for a golf bag.
  17. Kadoya, Mamiko, Golf bag.
  18. Quellais Jacques (Epagny FRX), Golf bag.
  19. I-Teh Chang HK, Golf bag and method for manufacturing same.
  20. Han Don Kyu, Golf bag base.
  21. Sundara Chloe Helen ; Bogner Eric Penman ; Chu Robin W. ; Edwards Mark Andrew ; Ross Alex, Golf bag base.
  22. Anderson, Douglas W., Golf bag bottom.
  23. Bryant Leslie J. (Peoria AZ) Solheim John A. (Phoenix AZ), Golf bag bottom assembly.
  24. Tan Fu-Hsing,TWX, Golf bag bottom structure.
  25. Beck Edwin ; Heidenreich Chuck, Golf bag bottom with lift handle.
  26. Gray, Daniel S., Golf bag carrier.
  27. Renahan,Michael, Golf bag club divider.
  28. Renahan,Michael, Golf bag club divider.
  29. Suk Young J., Golf bag collar.
  30. Anderson,Douglas W., Golf bag divider top.
  31. Anderson,Douglas W., Golf bag divider top.
  32. Gregory J. Schmidt, Golf bag divider top.
  33. Hooley,Brad S., Golf bag divider top.
  34. Hooley,Brad S., Golf bag divider top.
  35. Hooley,Brad S., Golf bag divider top.
  36. McGuire,Brian J.; Anderson,Douglas W., Golf bag divider top.
  37. Quartarone,Frank A.; Anderson,Douglas W., Golf bag divider top.
  38. Quartarone,Frank A.; Anderson,Douglas W., Golf bag divider top.
  39. Quartarone,Frank A.; Anderson,Douglas W.; McGuire,Brian J., Golf bag divider top.
  40. Schmidt, Gregory J.; Solheim, John K., Golf bag divider top.
  41. Suggs,Gregory M., Golf bag divider top.
  42. Suggs,Gregory M.; McGuire,Brian J.; Anderson,Douglas W., Golf bag divider top.
  43. Hunsaker Gary B. (4475 Dupont Ct. #10 Ventura CA 93003), Golf bag dolly cart.
  44. Wang Jessie Li-Kuo, Golf bag partition.
  45. Bae-Luh Wang TW, Golf bag support.
  46. Anderson,Douglas W.; Petersen,David L.; Kleber,Roger J.; Haines,Derek W., Golf bag throat structure.
  47. Anderson,Douglas W.; Petersen,David L.; Kleber,Roger J.; Haines,Derek W., Golf bag top.
  48. Ryan Debi, Golf bag top.
  49. Solheim,John A.; Kubica,Tania P.; Anderson,Douglas W.; Sanchez,Richard R.; Suggs,Gregory M.; Kubica,Daniel J., Golf bag top.
  50. Solheim,John A.; Kubica,Tania P.; Anderson,Douglas W.; Sanchez,Richard R.; Suggs,Gregory M.; Kubica,Daniel J., Golf bag top.
  51. Solheim,John A.; Sanchez,Richard R.; Anderson,Douglas W.; Kubica,Tania P.; Suggs,Gregory M.; Whitten,Ruben E.; Kubica,Daniel J., Golf bag top.
  52. Chen, Chang-Lin, Golf bag top divider.
  53. Chang,I Teh, Golf bag top with diamond shaped club dividers.
  54. Beck Edwin (Boston MA) Heidenreich Chuck (Westfield MA), Golf bag top with putter well.
  55. Chang,I Teh, Golf bag top with spiral configuration.
  56. Gretz Jon J. (Springfield TN), Golf bag with adhesively secured divider panels and adhesively secured tubular body.
  57. Campbell, Derek, Golf bag with club separator.
  58. Solheim John A. (Phoenix AZ) Schmidt Gregory J. (Tempe AZ), Golf bag with extensible support stand.
  59. Shin Brian B., Golf bag with handle in unique location and method.
  60. Wang Jessie Li-Kuo (46980 Ocotillo Ct. Fremont CA 94539), Golf bag with partitions for clubs.
  61. Beck Edwin ; Heidenreich Chuck, Golf bag with putter well and lift handle.
  62. Heidenreich Chuck ; Stein Louis, Golf bag with stand.
  63. Chang, Shu-Chin, Golf club bag support having pivotal support members.
  64. Tang Larry, Golf club bag with club separator.
  65. Antonious Anthony J. (7738 Calle Facil Sarasota FL 34238), Golf club holder insert for a golf bag.
  66. Chen, Changfu, Head frame for a golf bag.
  67. Chen,Changfu, Head frame for club-bagging device.
  68. Kim Bill M. (2009 E. 223rd St. Carson CA 90810), Honey comb shaped golf club divider for a golf bag.
  69. Vosloo,Clint; Kikidas,Andreas, Internal divider for a top cuff for a golf bag.
  70. Vosloo,Clint; Kikidas,Andreas, Internal divider for a top cuff for an ultra-light golf bag.
  71. Reimers, Eric W., Protective collar for golf bag.
  72. Olson Rolf T. (P.O. Box 3405 Salem OR 97302), Throat structure for golf bag.
  73. Solheim John A. (529 W. Wakonda La. Phoenix AZ 85023), Throat structure for golf club bags.
  74. Solheim John A. (529 Wakonda La. Phoenix AZ 85023), Throat structure for golf club bags.
  75. Vosloo,Clint; Kikidas,Andreas, Top cuff for a golf bag.
  76. Vosloo,Clint; Kikidas,Andreas, Top cuff for an ultra-light golf bag.
  77. Vosloo,Clint; Kikidas,Andreas, Top cuff with dividers for golf bags.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bruce, Ryan J., Golf bag top.
  2. Bruce, Ryan J., Golf bag top.
  3. Bruce, Ryan J., Golf bag top.
  4. Bruce, Ryan J.; Loudenslager, John H.; McGuire, Brian J., Golf bag top.
  5. Loudenslager, John H.; McGuire, Brian J., Golf bag top.
  6. Loudenslager, John H.; McGuire, Brian J., Golf bag top.
  7. Loudenslager, John H.; McGuire, Brian J., Golf bag top.
  8. Loudenslager, John H.; McGuire, Brian J., Golf bag top.
  9. Loudenslager, John H.; McGuire, Brian J., Golf bag top.

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