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Isokinetic sampling 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01N-001/20
출원번호 UP-0573619 (2004-09-09)
등록번호 US-7717000 (2010-06-10)
우선권정보 GB-0322702.2(2003-09-29)
국제출원번호 PCT/GB2004/003849 (2004-09-09)
§371/§102 date 20061128 (20061128)
국제공개번호 WO05/031311 (2005-04-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Xie, Cheng-gang
  • Atkinson, Ian
  • Hammond, Paul
  • Oddie, Gary
  • Bolchover, Paul
출원인 / 주소
  • Schlumberger Technology Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    McAleenan, James
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 22


A method of sampling a multi-phase fluid stream is provided which comprises the steps of: sampling, with a sampling probe, a portion of the fluid stream; measuring the flow rate of said sampled portion; and measuring, independently of the sampling step, the total flow rate of the fluid stream, where


The invention claimed is: 1. A method of sampling a multi-phase fluid stream comprising the steps of: sampling, with a sampling probe, a portion of the fluid stream; measuring the flow rate QS of said sampled portion; and measuring, independently of the sampling step, the total flow rate Q of the f

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22)

  1. Stokley Charles O. (Houston TX) Muecke Thomas W. (Houston TX) Gruesbeck ; Jr. Clay (Houston TX) Salathiel William M. (Houston TX), Apparatus and method for sampling flowing fluids and slurries.
  2. Dutton Robert E. (Louisville CO), Automatic well test system and method of operating the same.
  3. Van Cleve Craig Brainerd ; Loving Roger Scott, Bypass type coriolis effect flowmeter.
  4. Laws Elizabeth M.,GB2, Flow conditioner.
  5. Northedge Ronald (Old Signal Point La Moye ; St. Brelades ; Jersey GB1), Flow meters.
  6. Ligneul Patrice (Chaville FRX), Flow rectifier.
  7. Kurz Jerome L. (33 Losrobles Dr. Carmel Valley CA 93924), Isokinetic extractive sampling probe.
  8. Jobson Harvey Eugene, Isokinetic fluid sampling method.
  9. Konak A. Riza (Calgary CAX), Method and apparatus for splitting two-phase flow at pipe tees.
  10. Guieze Paul B.,FRX ; Le Foll Pierre F.,FRX, Method and apparatus for taking samples in a gas outlet pipe of a liquid/gas separator fed with an oil well effluent.
  11. Andreussi, Paolo, Method for measuring the flow rates of the single phases in a multiphase fluid stream and relevant apparatus.
  12. Furmaga Robert E. (New Orleans LA) Groans Kip B. (Harvey LA), Multiphase flow measurement system.
  13. Baillie Lloyd A. (Plano TX) Hsu Frank H. (Plano TX) Yang Y. Sam (Plano TX), Multiphase fluid flow measurement systems and methods.
  14. Wayland J. Robert (580 Oakwood Pl. ; N. E. Albuquerque NM 07123) Persson-Reeves Caroline H. (1013 Lynch Ct. N. W. Albuquerque NM 87104), Oil/water ratio measurement.
  15. Archerd Paul H. (Bartlesville OK), Sampling probe and method of use.
  16. Lewis Gary W. (Fountain Valley CA), Subsonic venturi proportional and isokinetic sampling methods and apparatus.
  17. Weaver Christopher, System for extracting samples from a stream.
  18. Kolpak Miroslav M. (Dallas TX), Systems and methods for measuring flow rates and densities of the components of oil, water and gas mixtures.
  19. Marrelli John D. ; Rexach Frank M., Three-phase fluid flow measurement system and method.
  20. Scott Donald S. (Waterloo CAX) Rhodes Edward (Waterloo CAX), Two phase flowmeter.
  21. Dybdahl Bj.o slashed.rn,NOX, Use of a sampling apparatus for calibrating electronic mass/flow fraction meters in a pipeline.
  22. Boyle George J. (Neston GB2) Coleclough Norman (Bromborough GB2), Well flow sampling system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Boschi, Stefano; Andreussi, Paolo, Apparatus and method for measuring the flow-rate of a multiphase fluid stream.
  2. Boschi, Stefano; Andreussi, Paolo, Apparatus and method for measuring the flow-rate of different fluids present in multiphase streams.
  3. Peacock, Ryan Val; Largent, Donald Jonathan; Masset, Sylvain Dominique, Apparatus for testing a filter.
  4. Reynolds, Kevin J.; Wolfe, James; Parks, Jake, Ballast water treatment monitoring system.
  5. Reynolds, Kevin J.; Wolfe, James; Parks, Jake, Ballast water treatment monitoring system.
  6. Lawrence, Philip A., Erosion-resistant insert for flow measurement devices.
  7. Xie, Cheng-Gang, Immersion probe for multi-phase flow assurance.
  8. Xie, Cheng-Gang; Hammond, Paul, Immersion probe for multi-phase flow assurance.
  9. Xie, Cheng-Gang, Immersion probe using ultraviolet and infrared radiation for multi-phase flow analysis.
  10. Yang, Xiangyou; Feng, Yong; Jiang, Sugang; Chen, Chih-Chang; Huang, Liji, MEMS utility meters with integrated mass flow sensors.
  11. Cadalen, Sébastíen, Method for determining the flow rates of a first gas phase and at least one second liquid phase present in a polyphasic fluid.
  12. Vilstrup, Alexander Tuborg; Mohamed Zain, Muhammad Fuad Bin; Jolivet, Guillaume; Hussenet, Jean-Philippe, Modular mobile flow meter system.
  13. Pinguet, Bruno; Xie, Cheng-gang; Guieze, Paul; Birkett, Graham, System and method for spot check analysis or spot sampling of a multiphase mixture flowing in a pipeline.
  14. St Amant, III, Valmond Joseph, Wet gas sampling system and method therefore.
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