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[미국특허] Cell selection in mobile communications 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04W-004/00
  • H04W-036/00
  • H04B-007/00
  • H04B-007/216
출원번호 UP-0840191 (2004-05-06)
등록번호 US-7747275 (2010-07-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Funnell, Nicola M.
  • Roberts, Gideon
  • Farnsworth, Andrew
  • George, Richard
  • de Jong, Gjalt
출원인 / 주소
  • M-Stack Limited
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 7


Mobile user equipment for use in a cellular communications environment performs an improved cell selection on transitions out of a connected mode state. The transitions might be from one connected mode state to another or from a connected mode state to idle mode. The improvement in cell selection li


The invention claimed is: 1. A method to select a cell in a mobile communications equipment (MCE) when transitioning from a connected mode state to an idle mode state, the MCE configurable for use in a cellular network, the method comprising: beginning state transition activity, the MCE currently i

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Shi, Hong, Adaptive threshold of handoff in mobile telecommunication systems.
  2. Korpela Mikko,FIX ; Jutila Sami,FIX ; Pussinen Arto,FIX ; Pirttikangas Kari,GBX ; Lintulampi Raino,FIX, Cell selection based on user profile in cellular radio system.
  3. Muhonen, Ahti, Cell selection in a packet radio network.
  4. Vialen, Jukka; Longoni, Fabio; Honkasalo, Zhi-Chun, Cell selection method.
  5. Czaja,Stanislaw; Yang,Hong Kui, Method and apparatus for performing cell selection handoffs in a wireless communication system.
  6. Billon, Thierry, Method and apparatus for selecting parameters in a cellular radio communication network.
  7. Lind Torsten,SEX ; Johansson Lars,SEX ; Fransson Anders,SEX, Method and apparatus for standby state cell selection in a cellular telephone system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Purnadi, Rene Waraputra; Cai, Zhijun; Burbidge, Richard Charles; Suzuki, Takashi, Efficient multimedia broadcast multicast service continuity methods.
  2. Bhattad, Kapil; Gorokhov, Alexei Yurievitch; Ji, Tingfang; Liu, Ke; Luo, Tao; Luo, Xiliang, Idle mode operation in heterogeneous networks.
  3. Bhattad, Kapil; Gorokhov, Alexei Yurievitch; Ji, Tingfang; Liu, Ke; Luo, Tao; Luo, Xiliang, Idle mode operation in heterogeneous networks.
  4. Singh, Damanjit; Radulescu, Andrei Dragos, Maintaining different virtual active sets for different cell types.
  5. Cai, Zhijun, Method and apparatus for user equipment for long term evolution multimedia broadcast multicast services.
  6. Vikberg, Jari; Hiltunen, Kimmo; Nylander, Tomas; Olofsson, Hakan, Method and user equipment in a communication network.
  7. Lindoff, Bengt; Wallén, Anders; Wilhelmsson, Leif, Method of controlling operation of a communication device, transceiver operating accordingly, and computer program.
  8. Lindoff, Bengt; Wallén, Anders; Wilhelmsson, Leif, Method of controlling operation of a communication device, transceiver operating accordingly, and computer program.
  9. Lee, Young Dae; Chun, Sung Duck; Jung, Myung Cheul; Fischer, Patrick, Method of transmitting and receiving point-to-multipoint service in mobile communication system.
  10. Li, Li, Method to use network measurements to optimize mobile wireless device performance.
  11. Somasundaram, Shankar; Nazar, Shahrokh Nayeb; Zhang, Guodong; Mukherjee, Rajat P., Methods and apparatus for selecting or reselecting a home node-B (closed subscriber group (CSG) cell) among cells having colliding physical layer signals.
  12. Makharia, Shivesh; Damji, Navid; Xing, Longda; Sebeni, Johnson O., Performing neighboring cell searches while transitioning to connected-mode.
  13. Makharia, Shivesh; Damji, Navid; Xing, Longda; Sebeni, Johnson O., Performing neighboring cell searches while transitioning to connected-mode.
  14. Cai, Zhijun, Polling method and apparatus for long term evolution multimedia broadcast multicast services.
  15. Amirijoo, Mehdi; Frenger, Pål; Gunnarsson, Fredrik; Moe, Johan; Zetterberg, Kristina, Random access channel (RACH) reconfiguration for temporarily extended cell coverage.
  16. Johansson, Ola, Selection of core network nodes in a communication network.
  17. Mukherjee, Rajat P.; Sammour, Mohammed; Somasundaram, Shankar; Miller, James M.; Wang, Jin, Wireless communication method and apparatus for performing home Node-B identification and access restriction.
  18. Wang, Jin; Somasundaram, Shankar; Sammour, Mohammed; Mukherjee, Rajat P.; Miller, James M., Wireless communication method and apparatus for performing home Node-B identification and access restriction.
  19. Mukherjee, Rajat P.; Sammour, Mohammed; Somasundaram, Shankar; Miller, James M.; Wang, Jin, Wireless communication method and apparatus for performing home node-B identification and access restriction.

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