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[미국특허] Bucket 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 07-07
출원번호 UP-0350398 (2009-11-16)
등록번호 US-D623373 (2010-09-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rockwell, III, Dwight
  • VanElverdinghe, Jeffry L.
  • Curtin, Joseph P.
대리인 / 주소
    Curtin, L.L.C., Joseph P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 51


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM We claim the ornamental design for a bucket, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (51) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Mullins Lori A. (1161 Steeves Ave. Naples FL 33942), Bait bucket stool.
  2. Arshinoff Stephen (Willowdale CAX), Bucket.
  3. Fuller John M. (Winchester VA), Bucket.
  4. Freiler Wolfgang H. (Brampton CAX), Bucket and lid therefor.
  5. Goetz Charles R. (Carnegie PA), Bucket for storing and merchandising chain.
  6. Yang, Frank; Wei, Tzu-Hao; Lum, Myk; Song, Won, Compost pail.
  7. Anderson George C. (Mount Prospect IL), Container.
  8. Dong, Jane, Container.
  9. Rockwell, lll,Dwight, Container.
  10. Accardo Carl A. (Mauston WI) Marks Kenneth J. (Lake Bluff IL), Container accommodating paint, roller and brush and lid therefor.
  11. Cvacho Daniel S. (Richmond VA) Haufler Edwin R. (Richmond VA) Wallace Joseph W. (Richmond VA) Woolard James M. (Richmond VA), Container construction.
  12. Luburic Frano ; Roper C. Richard, Container incorporating liquid draining means, and related method.
  13. Diamond, David W., Container with child drowning protection.
  14. Hall David J. (33 King Alfred Drive Didcot ; Oxon GBX OX11 7MT) Schofield Dennis (12 Fleetway Didcot,Oxon GBX OX11 8DA), Containers.
  15. Knight Jeffrey J. (426 Fairgrounds Rd. West Kingston RI 02892), Dispensing container.
  16. Erickson Scott Walter, Form fit throw-away liner for a reusable paint bucket including roller grate.
  17. Sherri J. Bebak, Hand held vertical paint tray.
  18. Byrne,James M., Hand-held paint container.
  19. Ahern ; Paul B., Lined containers for paint and the like.
  20. Landis H. Richard (Oak Lawn IL), Molded container with snap-on closure.
  21. Schwarz, Stefan H., Molded plastic container.
  22. Abbey Bert H., Multi purpose paint bucket.
  23. Abbey Bert H., Multi-purpose receptacle.
  24. Baltz, Kyle L., Pail.
  25. Braithwaite John D. (Berkshire GB2) King Derrick O. (Berkshire GB2) Williams Sidney J. (Surrey GB2) Prior James (Berkshire GB2), Paint applicator and container.
  26. Brunning,Robert, Paint bucket.
  27. Lundy Michael J., Paint bucket.
  28. Hollje Anthony K. (835 Woodlawn Paris TX 75460), Paint bucket construction.
  29. Millasich David S. (400 18th Pl. Manhattan Beach CA 90266), Paint bucket with disposable liner.
  30. Ellis Robert S., Paint bucket with integral grate.
  31. Garganese Richard S. (40 Celestia Ct. North Kingstown RI 02852), Paint can accessory.
  32. R. W. Akins, Paint container and dispenser apparatus for use with a paint brush.
  33. Rodriguez Frank W. (109 E. Lang St. Hanford CA 93230), Paint container closure cap.
  34. O'Brien, Robert, Paint container liner system.
  35. Morgan ; Sr. Robert E. (Bordentown Township NJ), Paint distributing plate.
  36. Mursa Laszlo (4279 Lakeshore Road Kelowna ; British Columbia CAX V1W 1W2), Paint mixing container.
  37. Weber Daniel C. (78-02 Cloverdale Blvd. Bayside NY 11364), Paint roller bucket.
  38. McClane Robert A. (Anaheim CA), Paint roller pan.
  39. Burns Kyle S., Paint tray with storable carrying handle.
  40. Fellman Marvin N., Painting system with interchangeable liner for paint container.
  41. von Holdt, Jr., John W., Plastic container and lid construction.
  42. Michael D. Stolzman, Plastic drum with reinforced sidewall.
  43. Conti Rino, Plastic pail.
  44. Seeley Robert T. (Brookfield Center CT) Dempsey Robert J. (Trumbull CT), Prevention of children drowning in pails.
  45. Robbins ; III Edward S. (459 N. Court St. Florence AL 35630), Ribbed free-standing enclosure.
  46. Ippolito Nicholas W. (36 Gehrig St. Commack NY 11725), Stackable paint roller pan having an integral paint reservoir, a paint roller parking device for a roller with extended.
  47. Goldman ; Robert Ivan, Stackable paint tray.
  48. Murphy Donald M. (2201 Lenora Rd. Loganville GA 30249), Storage drum with drain channel.
  49. Schwarz,Stefan H., Tamper-evident container with tear band.
  50. Scott Charles Winfield, Tippable safety container.
  51. Dubois Robert A. (Marion OH) Smith George F. (Marion OH), Variable capacity all-plastic drum.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Rockwell, III, Dwight; VanElverdinghe, Jeffry L.; Curtin, Joseph P., Bucket.
  2. Luburic, Frano, Container with integrated handles.
  3. Luburic, Frano, Container with integrated handles.
  4. Luburic, Frano, Container with integrated handles.
  5. Luburic, Frano, Container with integrated handles.
  6. Bullock, Carl Jason, Grease containment bucket.
  7. Luburic, Frano, Round pail.

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