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[미국특허] Enhanced efficiency turbine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02C-006/18
출원번호 UP-0641626 (2009-12-18)
등록번호 US-7818969 (2010-11-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hotto, Robert
출원인 / 주소
  • Energyield, LLC
  • Rogitz, John L.
대리인 / 주소
    Rogitz, John L.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 92


Hydrocarbon fuel is sent to a reformer, which produces carbon and hydrogen. The hydrogen is sent to a fuel cell which uses it to generate electricity, and the electricity is used to actuate an electric motor that is coupled to an output shaft of a turbine to impart torque to the shaft. Additionally,


What is claimed is: 1. A system comprising: at least one reformer assembly receiving hydrocarbon fuel and outputting hydrogen from a first output and product depleted of hydrogen from a second output separate from the first output outputting hydrogen; at least one fuel cell receiving hydrogen from

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (92) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bille Josef F. (Solana Beach CA) Brown Stuart I. (La Jolla CA), 3-Dimensional laser beam guidance system.
  2. Baron William S. (330 Willow Rd. Menlo Park CA 94025), Apparatus and method for determining corneal and scleral topography.
  3. McMillan Charles F. (Livermore CA) Sklar H. Alfred (San Francisco CA), Apparatus and method of identifying signals in biological tissues.
  4. Danon Nissim N. (Flat 29 ; 15 Rabina St. Ramat Aviv ILX), Apparatus for computerized laser surgery.
  5. Knopp, Carl F.; Fountain, William D.; Orkiszewski, Jerzy; Persiantsev, Michael; Sklar, H. Alfred; Wysopal, Jan, Automated laser workstation for high precision surgical and industrial interventions.
  6. Rivas Hercilio (Caracas VEX) Nnez Gustavo (Caracas VEX) Snchez Gerardo (Monagas VEX), Bimodal emulsion and its method of preparation.
  7. Rivas Hercilio (Caracas VEX) Nnez Gustavo (Caracas VEX) Snchez Gerardo (Monagas VEX), Bimodal emulsion and its method of preparation.
  8. Schena Kenneth R. (Silvermine Road West Boxford MA 01855), Catalyst generator.
  9. Hayes Michael E. (Fernandina Beach FL) Hrebenar Kevin R. (Jacksonville FL) Murphy Patricia L. (Fernandina Beach FL) Futch ; Jr. Laurence E. (Fernandina Beach FL) Deal ; III James F. (Amelia Island FL, Combustion of viscous hydrocarbons.
  10. Berthiaume ; Camille, Combustion process.
  11. Kos Joseph F. (4047 Elphinstone St. Regina ; Saskatchewan CAX S4S 3L1), Computer optimized hybrid engine.
  12. Gocho ; Choichi, Control apparatus of electric motor cars.
  13. Kubo, Asami; Goto, Kenichi, Control device for hybrid vehicle.
  14. Cozean Colette ; Freiberg Robert J. ; Wescoat HeeJung Koh, Corneal sculpting using laser energy.
  15. Hanna Khalil (Paris FRX) Asfar Louis (Le Chesnay NY FRX) Chastang Jean-Claude (Mahopac NY), Device for correcting the shape of an object by laser treatment.
  16. Bille Josef F. (Rancho Santa Fe CA), Device for mapping corneal topography.
  17. Yuansheng Li,CNX ; Jun Wang,CNX ; Lijing Jiang,CNX ; Zhongqing Zhang,CNX ; Jiduan Liu,CNX ; Shuyan Ren,CNX ; Bo Zhao,CNX ; Yongzhong Jia,CNX, Dispersing-type catalyst for hydrocracking of heavy oil and residuum, and a method for the preparation thereof.
  18. Burton, Rodney L., Dual-mode airbreathing propulsion system.
  19. Moll Norman G. (Sanford MI) Quarderer George J. (Midland MI), Emulsion catalyst for hydrogenation processes.
  20. Amori, Richard Thomas; Lee, Josephine S.; Stellon, Frank Louis; Wiard, Harold Diuguid, Energy storage system for a vehicle.
  21. Kuroda, Shigetaka; Izumiura, Atsushi; Kitajima, Shinichi; Matsubara, Atsushi, Engine control system for hybrid vehicle.
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  23. Shimizu, Motohiro; Nakamura, Masashi, Engine operated generator.
  24. Bille Josef F. (Solana Beach CA) Brown Stuart I. (La Jolla CA), Eyetracker and method of use.
  25. Blum Samuel E. (White Plains NY) Srinivasan Rangaswamy (Ossining NY) Wynne James J. (Mt. Kisco NY), Far ultraviolet surgical and dental procedures.
  26. Latty James A. (San Juan Capistrano CA), Fuel admixture for a catalytic combustor.
  27. Gonzalez Cesar (Wichita KS), Fuel blending system method and apparatus.
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  29. Wolfe William R. (Pittsburgh PA) Taylor Owen S. (Jeannette PA) Vasilow Theodore R. (Irwin PA) Wolfe Arthur L. (Murrysville PA) Pierre Joseph F. (Valencia PA) Wiss John W. (Pittsburgh PA), Fuel cell powered propulsion system.
  30. Iio, Masatoshi, Fuel cell system for vehicle.
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  32. Cemenska Richard A. ; Coleman Gerald N. ; Cortes Carlos H. ; Jakush Ed ; Scheuermann Ted. W., Fuel emulsion blending system.
  33. Clawson, Lawrence G., High-efficiency Otto cycle engine with power generating expander.
  34. Falkenmayer Bernd,DEX ; Antony Peter,DEX, Hybrid drive and operating method therefor.
  35. Ibaraki Ryuji,JPX ; Taga Yutaka,JPX ; Tabata Atsushi,JPX, Hybrid drive system for motor vehicle.
  36. Meaney, Jr., Daniel J., Hybrid electric vehicle having alternate power sources.
  37. Alexander J. Long, III ; James B. Long ; Frank J. Samstag, Hybrid electric vehicle with electric motor providing strategic power assist to load balance internal combustion engine.
  38. Weaver Winstead B., Hybrid turbine-electric motor system.
  39. Severinsky Alex J., Hybrid vehicle.
  40. Severinsky, Alex J.; Louckes, Theodore, Hybrid vehicles.
  41. Alex J. Severinsky ; Theodore Louckes, Hybrid vehicles incorporating turbochargers.
  42. Bearden ; Jr. Roby (Baton Rouge LA) Aldridge Clyde L. (Baton Rouge LA), Hydroconversion process using a sulfided molybdenum catalyst concentrate.
  43. Varghese Philip (Voorhees NJ) Whitehurst Darrell D. (Titusville NJ), Hydrocracking of heavy feeds plus light fractions with dispersed dual function catalyst.
  44. Yuansheng Li,CNX ; Jun Wang,CNX ; Lijing Jiang,CNX ; Zhongqing Zhang,CNX ; Jiduan Liu,CNX ; Shuyan Ren,CNX ; Bo Zhao,CNX ; Yongzhong Jia,CNX, Hydrocracking of heavy oil and residuum with a dispersing-type catalyst.
  45. Bearden ; Jr. Roby (Baton Rouge LA) Aldridge Clyde L. (Baton Rouge LA), Hydrocracking with phosphomolybdic acid and phosphoric acid.
  46. Dahlberg Arthur J. (Rodeo CA) Shinn John H. (Richmond CA) Rosenthal Joel W. (El Cerrito CA) Chu Tim T. (Oakland CA), Hydroprocessing of heavy hydrocarbonaceous oils.
  47. McMillan Charles F. (Livermore CA) Fountain William D. (Fremont CA) Knopp Carl F. (San Mateo CA), Illumination of the cornea for profilometry.
  48. Bille Josef F. (Solana Beach CA) Brown Stuart I. (La Jolla CA), Imaging system for surgical lasers.
  49. Clawson, Lawrence G.; Dorson, Matthew H.; Mitchell, William L.; Nowicki, Brian J.; Thijssen, Johannes; Davis, Robert; Papile, Christopher; Rumsey, Jennifer W.; Longo, Nathan; Cross, III, James C.; Ri, Integrated hydrocarbon reforming system and controls.
  50. L\Esperance Francis A. (Englewood NJ), Method and apparatus for analysis and correction of abnormal refractive errors of the eye.
  51. Bille Josef (Heidelberg DEX), Method and apparatus for forming an image of the ocular fundus.
  52. Pischinger Franz (Aachen DEX) Sllner Robert (Jenbach ATX), Method and apparatus for introduction of a fluid medium into working space of an internal combustion engine.
  53. Sklar H. Alfred (San Francisco CA) Frank Alan M. (Livermore CA) Ferrer Olga M. (Miami FL) McMillan Charles F. (Livermore CA) Brown Stewart A. (Livermore CA) Rienecker Fred (Pleasanton CA) Harriss Pau, Method and apparatus for precision laser surgery.
  54. Botti,Jean Joseph, Method and apparatus for providing hybrid power in vehicle.
  55. Taylor, III, William; Smaling, Rudolf M.; Bauer, Shawn D., Method and apparatus for shutting down a fuel reformer.
  56. Leonhard Rolf (Schwieberdingen DEX), Method for operating an internal combustion engine.
  57. L\Esperance ; Jr. Francis A. (Englewood NJ), Method for ophthalmological surgery.
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  64. Tabata, Atsushi, Moving object with fuel cells incorporated therein and method of controlling the same.
  65. DenHerder Marvin J. (816 Brookwood Dr. Olympia Fields IL 60461), Oil fuel combustion.
  66. Sklar H. Alfred (San Francisco CA) Frank Alan M. (Livermore CA) McMillan Charles (Livermore CA) Ferrer Olga M. (Miami FL), Ophthalmic diagnostic apparatus and method.
  67. Swinger Casimir A. ; Lai Shui T., Ophthalmic surgical laser and method.
  68. Azema Alain (28 ; avenue des Arnes Nice FRX) Botineau Jean (5 ; avenue Chateaubriand Nice FRX) Moulin Grard (167 ; avenue Marchal Lyautey Nice FRX), Optical system for use in a surgical apparatus.
  69. Botti, Jean Joseph; Grieve, Malcolm James; Miller, Carl Elmer, Power generation system and method.
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  71. Aron nee Rosa Daniele S. (28 avenue Raphal Paris FRX) Griesemann nee Laporte Michele-Gabrielle R. (9 rue Alexandre Fleming Bonneuil ; Marne ; Val-de-Marne FRX), Process and apparatus for ophthalmic surgery.
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  73. Kunz Barbara L. (Bay Village OH) Hahn ; Jr. Kenneth G. (Hinckley OH), Process for producing low temperature cure emulsions.
  74. Giuliani Pierre (Grenoble FRX) Jacquin Yves (Sevres FRX) Busson Christian (Tassin la Demi-Lune FRX) Josserand Jean-Francois (Grenoble FRX), Process for the catalytic hydroconversion of heavy hydrocarbons in liquid phase in the presence of a dispersed catalyst.
  75. Argabright Steven C. (St. Charles IL) Johnson Roy A. (Glen Ellyn IL), Process for the efficient catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides.
  76. Polanco Domingo R. (Edo. Miranda VEX) Bueno Cebers O. (Edo. Miranda VEX) Salazar Ramn (Edo. Miranda VEX) Chamorra Felix A. S. (Edo. Miranda VEX), Process for the regeneration of an additive used to control emissions during the combustion of high sulfur fuel.
  77. Cottell Eric C. (Private Rd. Bayville NY 11709), Production of fuels.
  78. Brown Donald T. (Kearny NJ) Dainoff Alexander S. (Rockville Centre NY), Reducing nitrogen oxides emissions by dual fuel firing of a turbine.
  79. Valentine James M. (Fairfield CT), Reduction of nitrogen oxides emissions from diesel engines.
  80. Peter-Hoblyn Jeremy D. (Bodwin GB3) Valentine James M. (Fairfield CT), Reduction of nitrogen oxides emissions from vehicular diesel engines.
  81. Telfair William B. (Newtown CT) Yoder ; Jr. Paul R. (Wilton CT) Martin Clifford A. (Bridgeport CT) L\Esperance ; Jr. Francis A. (Englewood NJ), Sculpture apparatus for correcting curvature of the cornea.
  82. Minagawa, Yuusuke; Oshidari, Toshikazu; Kargar, Keyvan; Pichon, Yves, Shift control device for hybrid vehicle.
  83. Israel Seymour (40-06 45 St. (4F) New York NY 11104), Surfactant system for fuel catalyzer.
  84. Fountain William D. (Fremont CA), System and method for detecting, correcting and measuring depth movement of target tissue in a laser surgical system.
  85. Hotto, Robert, System and method for extracting propulsion energy from motor vehicle exhaust.
  86. Fountain William D. (Fremont CA) Knopp Carl F. (San Mateo CA), System for scanning a surgical laser beam.
  87. Chi S. Wang ; J. Daniel Lyons, Thermoelectric reformer fuel cell process and system.
  88. Morrison Charles F. (25 Pearl St. Malden MA 02148), Vapor injection system for fuel combustion.
  89. Iwasaki, Yasukazu, Vehicle drive system.
  90. Rosen Harold A. ; Willis Jeffrey W., Vehicle powered by a fuel cell/gas turbine combination.
  91. Qian, Pu; Aimoto, Kohjiroh; Gunji, Takahiro, Vehicle provided with internal combustion engine and fuel reforming/supplying functions.
  92. Forsberg John W. (Mentor-on-the-Lake OH), Water-in-oil emulsions.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

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  5. Hoffjann, Claus; Schuldzig, Hansgeorg; Stolte, Ralf-Henning, System and process for the reduction of harmful substances in engine exhaust gases.
  6. Gemin, Paul Robert; Becker, Thomas Lee; Steen, Tod Robert, Torsional damping for gas turbine engines.

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