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[미국특허] Easy donning garment 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A41D-013/00
출원번호 UP-0780758 (2007-07-20)
등록번호 US-7841020 (2011-01-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mayfield, Frances W.
  • Seward, Christina Mae Chingren
  • Gordon, Alice Susan
  • McCoy, Theresa M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Hendon, Nathan P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 48


A protective garment configured to facilitate easy donning of the garment is described. The garment includes one or more foreshortening structures within the garment that allows for the arms and legs to be shorted into a donning configuration. This allows the garment to be handled and donned by the


We claim: 1. A sterile protective garment comprising: a body portion; a right leg and a left leg, where both legs extend from the body portion; a right sleeve and a left sleeve, where both sleeves extend from the body portion; and a sheath on an interior surface of a portion of each leg and each sl

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (48) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cook Ronald F. (Marietta GA) Cunningham Monica C. (Dunwoody GA), Absorbent, protective nonwoven fabric.
  2. Howard Michael A. (64 Park End Pl. East Orange NJ 07018-1114), Adjustable length garment.
  3. Howard Michael A. (64 Park End Pl. East Orange NJ 07018-1114), Adjustable length garment.
  4. LeTourneau Thomas R. (820 Brook St. Elgin IL 60120), Adjustable pant leg system.
  5. Jones William K. (3218 Timberview Rd. Roanoke VA 24019), Adjustment for garment.
  6. Schaefer Aaron (1415 N. Brand Blvd. ; No. H Glendale CA 91202) Ranney James (1501 W. Olive Burbank CA 91506), Adjustment system for garments.
  7. Kieffer John S. (Appleton WI) Wisneski Tony J. (Kimberly WI), Ambient temperature bondable elastomeric nonwoven web.
  8. Spruill Gary Rayford, Awning sleeve shirt.
  9. Kapp Noreen L. A. (P.O. #1178 Stn. “G”Calgary ; Alberta CAX) Kapp Ronald E. (P.O. #1178 Stn. “G”Calgary ; Alberta CAX T3K 3G3), Baby robe.
  10. Blechman Bernard,GBX, Clothing with adjustable length portion.
  11. Morman Michael T. (Alpharetta GA), Composite elastic material including a reversibly necked material.
  12. Morman Michael T. (Alpharetta GA), Composite elastic necked-bonded material.
  13. Vander Wielen Michael J. (Roswell GA) Taylor Jack D. (Roswell GA), Composite elastomeric material and process for making the same.
  14. Morman Michael T. (Alpharetta GA), Composite nonwoven elastic web.
  15. Wormser Walter S. (Highland Park IL), Convertible garment leg construction.
  16. Bell Richard H. (Tucson AZ), Coveralls having reduced seams and seamless shoulder construction and method of manufacture.
  17. Scheerer Michael Robert, Cuffed and folded garment package and method of forming same to prevent contamination.
  18. Zoephel Richard L. (Lake Villa IL) Bolker James H. (Barrington IL), Disposable garment and method.
  19. Morman Michael T. (Alpharetta GA) Wisneski Tony J. (Kimberly WI), Elasticized garment and method of making the same.
  20. Bjrklund Mats (Sundbyberg SEX), Folded protective garment.
  21. Peyser Eliot (447 E. Beech St. Long Beach NY 11561) Peyser Miriam (500 E. 85th St. Apt. 10G New York NY 10028), Garment having adjustable sleeve means.
  22. Aldridge,Donald; Granby,John; Winer,Harry P., Height adjustable protective garment.
  23. Davis,Linda A., Hospital garment.
  24. Schaefer Aaron (1415 N. Brand Blvd. No H. Glendale CA 91202) Ranney James (2900 Jolley Dr. Burbank CA 91504), Integral adjustment system for garments.
  25. Farkas Allen D. (Hazel Crest IL) Robb Daniel C. (Liverpool NY), Low lint protective garment.
  26. Tsai Peter P. (Knoxville TN) Wadsworth Larry C. (Knoxville TN), Method and apparatus for the electrostatic charging of a web or film.
  27. Van Hout James E. (Auburn Hills MI) Madaj David J. (Ann Arbor MI) Holloman Roland (Southfield MI) Kuyava Philip A. (Troy MI), Method and device for testing for audio induced sympathetic buzzes.
  28. Appel David W. (Wittenberg WI) Morman Michael T. (Appleton WI), Method for forming nonwoven webs.
  29. Stackhouse Mildred K. (Manhattan Beach CA), Method of folding sterile surgical garments before and after sterilization.
  30. Bornslaeger Stephan R. (Outagamie County WI), Nonwoven laminate for recreation fabric.
  31. Brock Robert J. (Neenah WI) Meitner Gary H. (Winneconne WI), Nonwoven thermoplastic fabric.
  32. Timmons Terry K. (Marietta GA) Kobylivker Peter (Marietta GA) Woon Lin-Sun (Marietta GA), Nonwoven web with improved barrier properties.
  33. Chung Chin-Fu (No. 898 ; Min-Sheng St. ; Kuei-Jen Hsiang Tainan Hsien TWX), Pants with adjustable waist and length.
  34. Morman Michael T. (Alpharetta GA), Process for forming a composite elastic necked-bonded material.
  35. Simpson ; Robert Emmerson, Protective clothing.
  36. Bowling Patricia J. (3202 W. Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas NV 89102) Burgess Scott (P.O. Box 3050 Incline Village NV 89450), Protective garment.
  37. Viemeister Tucker (New York NY) Formosa Daniel (Montville NJ) Russak Stephen (Hoboken NJ), Protective garment.
  38. Welchel Debra Nell ; Wright Alan Edward ; Poppe Jay Amedee ; Gray Vivian, Protective garment and method of manufacture.
  39. Dupont Pam (Houma LA) Benoit Debra (Houma LA), Protective garment having retaining bag.
  40. Morman Michael T. (Alpharetta GA), Reversibly necked material.
  41. Tajima Kazuhiko,JPX, Sportswear.
  42. Taylor Jack D. (Roswell GA), Spunlaced polyester-meltblown polyetherester laminate.
  43. Scrivens George W. (Arlington TX), Surgical gown.
  44. Belkin Nathan L. (Huntington NY), Surgical gown and method of donning gown.
  45. Garside Sandra-Vernida Ray King, Temporary hemming device.
  46. Sanchez Phyllis L. (980 College Dr. San Jose CA 95128), Variable length apparatus for hemmed garments.
  47. Kuo Ming-Tsen (P.O. Box 10160 Taipei TWX), Well-shielded rain clothes.
  48. Eldridge Charles J. (Pennsauken NJ), Wrapper for delivering sterile disposables.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Gatto, Jeanne Marie; Chingren Seward, Christina Mae, Apparel with angled stretch panel.
  2. Gatto, Jeanne Marie; Chingren Seward, Christina Mae, Apparel with angled stretch panel.
  3. Visser, Michelle, Children's garment with fold over foot.
  4. Pasko, Stephanie; Ouma, Atieno, Disposable medical gown.
  5. Smith, Aaron Drake; Mayfield, Frances W.; McCoy, Theresa M.; Reyes, Ruthlyn M.; Gagnier, Normand; Lee, Dennis Yi-Der, Easy donning garment.
  6. Cohan, Adam K., Hip apparatus.
  7. Pasko, Stepanie, Medical gown.
  8. Pasko, Stephanie, Medical gown.
  9. Pasko, Stephanie, Medical gown.
  10. Pasko, Stephanie, Medical gown.
  11. Pasko, Stephanie, Medical gown.
  12. Pasko, Stephanie, Medical gown.
  13. Pasko, Stephanie; Ouma, Atieno, Medical gown.
  14. Pasko, Stephanie; Ouma, Atieno, Medical gown.
  15. Walrich, Jennifer A.; Chang, Myrna G., Scrub top.
  16. Walrich, Jennifer A.; Chang, Myrna G., Scrub top.
  17. Chua, Mark Spencer G., Stockinette having folded structure for simplified application.
  18. Haines, Kimberly; Esquivel, Debbie, Surgical drape configured for peripherally inserted central catheter procedures.
  19. Haines, Kimberly; Yakel, Lindsay S., Surgical drape configured for peripherally inserted central catheter procedures.
  20. Banta, Terry Currie, Upper-body garments with integrated waistband positioning systems.
  21. Allen, Fred L., Zip strip draping system and methods of manufacturing same.

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