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[미국특허] Tray for a walker 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61H-003/04
출원번호 US-0774422 (2010-05-05)
등록번호 US7980263 (2011-07-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • McCarthy, Alice
출원인 / 주소
  • The Alice M. McCarthy Trust
대리인 / 주소
    AGG Intellectual Property Law
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 39


The present invention relates to a tray for use with a walker. The tray includes a generally rigid tray base having an essentially rectangular shape with a front long side, a back long side, a first short side and a second short side, and wherein the tray has a length that extends to or past the ess


What is claimed is: 1. A method for carrying an item from a first location to a second location using a walker, said walker having a first support and a second support, each support having an essentially vertical front leg and an essentially vertical back leg, wherein the front and back legs are joi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (39) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Pultman Martin D. (550 Coeur De Royale Dr. St. Louis MO 63141), Accessories for wheelchairs and the like.
  2. Ledesky Eugenia A. (323 W. 14th St. New York NY 10014), Apparatus for assisting semi-invalid person to walk.
  3. D\Anna Stacey (336 Stratford Ferndale MI 48220) D\Anna Jeffrey (336 Stratford Ferndale MI 48220), Attachable lawn chair table.
  4. Azzarelli Paul T. (645 Magnus La. Coraopolis PA 15108) Azzarelli Carol (645 Magnus La. Coraopolis PA 15108), Attachment apparatus for a walker caddy container.
  5. Kohler Kathlene M. (4351 S. Galapago St. Denver CO 80110), Attachment tray for a walker or similar article.
  6. Hu Stephen (No. 2 ; Ta Ton Road Hsinchu Industrial Area ; Hu Kou ; Hsinchu TWX), Baby walker tray.
  7. Scheinrock Jeffrey I. (Sherman Oaks CA), Baby\s walker tray.
  8. Butzman Lillian H. (1720 E. Washington St. #103 Montgomery AL 36107), Caddy for use on a walker.
  9. Kenner M. Beatrice (6300 Linway Terrace McLean VA 22101), Carrier attachment for invalid walkers.
  10. Myers Peter (Macedonia OH), Child\s walker play tray.
  11. Mann Kenneth R. (7112 S. Villanova Dr. St. Louis MO 63123), Detachable tray.
  12. Farr C. P. (Scarborough CA CAX) Ellena Nate (Woodland Hills CA) Schultz Jim R. (Thousand Oaks CA), Folding tray for invalid walkers.
  13. Malone Charlotte (55 W. 4th St. Huntington Station NY 11746), Food and item tray for a walker and a wheelchair.
  14. Truxillo Peter L. (68 Tribune Metairie LA 70001), Invalid walker.
  15. Roche Cyril J. (567 Corbett Ave. San Francisco CA 94114), Removable tray apparatus for a walker.
  16. Hiller John S. (28428 Fig Ct. Saugus CA 91350) Hiller Henry J. (28428 Fig Ct. Saugus CA 91350), Removable tray for a walker.
  17. Kvaternik, Naomi, Removable tray for a walker, and method for providing the same.
  18. Lanzillo Joseph (2111 N. 52nd Ave. Hollywood FL 33021), Removable tray on a walker with rollers.
  19. Carbajal Francisco J. ; Carr Eric, Rigid seat for folding invalid walker.
  20. Joseph Battiston, Seated walker.
  21. Chapin Margaret T. (10000 Four Mile Creek Rd. Charlotte NC 20277), Sliding tray assembly.
  22. Hodgson, Harley C., Tray.
  23. Stamm John H. (Salt Lake City UT), Tray apparatus for patients.
  24. Nichols Khipra J. (Rumford RI) Perrine Lisa M. (Pawtucket RI), Tray assembly for child\s seat.
  25. Bellows William B., Tray for a baby walker.
  26. Ennals, Stella G.; Marshall, Sr., James L.; Loeffler, Richard A., Tray for a walker.
  27. Roche Cyril J. (567 Corbett Ave. San Francisco CA 94114), Tray for an invalid walker.
  28. Roche Cyril J. (567 Corbett Ave. San Francisco CA 94114), Tray for an invalid walker.
  29. Childress Richard J. (1631 Strand Way #11 Coronado CA), Tray for attachment to a walker or the like.
  30. Jobst Robert J. (8531 N. 27th Dr. Phoenix AZ 85051), Tray for invalid\s walker frame.
  31. Korona Patricia (1854 Imperial Dr. Highland MI 48356), Tray for use on a walker.
  32. Freeman Mildred T. (2757 Palisades Ave. Bronx NY 10463), Tray for walker or similar article.
  33. Le Gal,Yann, Tray with integrated cup holder.
  34. Harmon Carol A. (313 Aspectuck Trail Huntington CT 06484), Walker and carrier therefor.
  35. Green Catherine H., Walker tray.
  36. Obitts Shane (Elyria OH), Walker tray.
  37. Di Chiara ; Anthony J., Walker with tray.
  38. Doyle Brian Peter,CAX ; Fernie Geoffrey Roy,CAX, Walking aid.
  39. Schultz Theodore L. ; Winney Margaret Ann, Wheeled triple leg walker folding tray.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Tarter, D. Mark; O'Neill, Keith M., Removable railing tray.
  2. McCarthy, Alice, Tray for a walker.

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