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[미국특허] Cup lid having a perimeter portion adapted to cause liquid to drain toward a central portion of the lid 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-051/04
출원번호 US-0402514 (2006-04-11)
등록번호 US7992741 (2011-07-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hundley, Bobby V.
  • Quatmann, Joseph H.
출원인 / 주소
  • New Wincup Holdings, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Condo Roccia LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 57


A lid for a drinking cup may include a rim portion and a raised cover portion. The rim portion may be adapted to matingly engage an upper peripheral edge of the drinking cup so as to selectively maintain the lid in a covering relationship on the cup. The raised cover portion may extend from the rim


What is claimed is: 1. A lid for a drinking cup, the lid comprising:a rim portion adapted to matingly engage the drinking cup so as to selectively maintain the lid in a covering relationship on the cup;a cover portion extending from the rim portion, the cover portion having a central portion with a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (57) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Fox Robert M. (897 S. Dwyer Ave. Arlington Height IL 60005), Beverage container lid having a retainably opened access flap.
  2. Lane William F. (Wilson NC) Williams Robert C. (Raleigh NC), Beverage cup lid having peripheral locking means for drinking opening closure member.
  3. Lane William F. (Wilson NC) Williams Robert C. (Raleigh NC), Beverage cup lid having perpheral locking means for drinking opening closure member.
  4. Schwarz Helmut (P.O. Box 1145 D-7972 I S N Y/Allgu DEX), Cap for drinking cups.
  5. McFarland Joseph R. (507 Palo Alto Dr. Vancouver WA 98661), Cap for hot beverage cup.
  6. Brooker John H. (Scarborough CAX) Brooker Herbert A. (Scarborough CAX), Combined cup and coaster base.
  7. Bailey John A. (1679 Trapelo Rd. Waltham MA 02154), Container lid.
  8. Clarke, Brian Norman; Wills, Peter Robert; Taylor, Nigel Frank, Container lid.
  9. Clarke, Brian Norman; Wills, Peter Robert; Taylor, Nigel Frank, Container lid.
  10. Newman Alec T. (Banbury GBX) Zeller John (Northants GBX), Container lid.
  11. Bailey John A. (1679 Trapelo Rd. Waltham MA 02154), Container lid construction.
  12. Schaefer, Debra L., Container lid with a plurality of aroma vent holes in a center portion of a container lid cover.
  13. Smith, Stephen Alan; Huston, Dawn Ellen; Wiedmeyer, Warren Giles; Sullivan, Stephen William; Chin, Rich Matthiew; Ahmed, Mohammed Maqsood; Gitschlag, John Stewart; Langelan, David Raymond; Chauhan, R, Container lid with closure member.
  14. Durgin Ronald A. (Pleasanton CA), Container lid with drink-through opening.
  15. Elfelt Walter (Cleveland OH) Scruggs James H. (Sandstone MN), Container lid with foldback drink opening.
  16. Stropkay Scott, Cup and lid.
  17. DeParales Lawrence T. (1 Gates Rd. ; P.O. Box 483 Marshfield MA 02050), Cup cover having opening means.
  18. Dodaro Tony (Scarborough CAX), Cup lid.
  19. Van Melle Hubert (Etobicoke CAX), Cup lid.
  20. Wall Dean H. (7374 S. 2200 West West Jordan UT 84084), Cup lid.
  21. Freek Michael,CAX ; Thomas Michael,CAX, Cup lid having combined straw slot depression and tear back lid retainer.
  22. Freek, Michael; Thomas, Michael, Cup lid having combined straw slot depression and tear back lid retainer.
  23. Van Melle Hugh,CAX, Cup lid having improved drink-through opening.
  24. Sitko Jerry A. (412-5 Confederation Bay Brandon ; Manitoba CAX R7B 2P7) Hrynkiw John (635 B St. Brandon ; Manitoba CAX) Brazeau Marilyn I. (P.O. Box 158 Erickson ; Manitoba CAX R0J 0P0), Detachable cover for disposable drinking cups, container and the like.
  25. DeParales Lawrence T. (1 Gates Rd. Marshfield MA 02050) Billitzer Edward P. (24 Water St. East Weymouth MA 02189), Disposable cup cover.
  26. Durdon Terrance N.,CAX, Disposable cup lid.
  27. Durdon, Terrance N., Disposable cup lid.
  28. Durdon Terry,CAX, Disposable cup lid having fold back retainer.
  29. Van Melle Hugh,CAX, Disposable dome lid for drinking cups.
  30. Boller Peter K. (Willowdale CAX), Drink through container lid.
  31. Braude Elton (41-29 Fiftieth St. ; Suite 2E Woodside NY 11377), Drink-through beverage lid.
  32. Hundley, Bobby V.; Quatmann, Joseph H., Drink-through cup lid having selectively inwardly and outwardly rotatable hinged portion.
  33. Schaefer Robert J. ; Pendergrass William B., Drink-through lid for container.
  34. Warden Jeffrey A. (23011 Park Pl. Southfield MI 48034) Letica Anton I. (3212 Kenwood Dr. Rochester Hills MI 48309), Drink-through lid for disposable cup.
  35. Warden Jeffrey A. (Southfield MI) Letica Anton I. (Rochester Hills MI), Drink-through lid for disposable cup.
  36. Clements Jack D. (Ada OK), Drinking cup lid.
  37. Van Melle Hugh (Etobicoke CAX), Foldback cup lid having comfortable drinking characteristics.
  38. Evans Michael G. ; Strunk Johnny B. ; Bruce John K., Hot beverage lid with thermal flex-guards.
  39. Mullins ; Keith M. ; Cannon ; Thomas ; Leppert ; Thomas K. ; Burnell ; T homas R., Infant training tumbler.
  40. Clarke, Brian Norman, Lid.
  41. Clarke, Brian Norman; Wills, Peter Robert; Taylor, Nigel Frank, Lid.
  42. Bruce W. Melton, Lid for beverage container with removable inner cover.
  43. Melton Bruce W., Lid for beverage container with removable inner cover having an attached infuser unit.
  44. Little Harvey J. (2490 Middlefield Rd. Trenton MI 48183), Lid for disposable beverage containers.
  45. Goto Toru (Tokyo JPX) Kawamura Yukari (Tokyo JPX), Lid for drink containers.
  46. Clements Jack D. (Ada OK), Lid for drinking cup.
  47. Netsch Robert R. (San Francisco CA), Lift tab lid with accordian hinge.
  48. Roberts Clifford J. (Mullica Hill NJ) Batson Edward (Tempe AZ) Kurz John H. (Scottsdale AZ), Multi-function cup lid.
  49. Kick James, One-piece closure with re-closable break away lid.
  50. Evans Donald L., Pill dispensing cup with lid.
  51. Jill Portman ; Gary Shinner ; Michael Barry, Raised container lid for beverage bag retention and related preparation methods.
  52. Smith, Stephen Alan; Wiedmeyer, Warren Giles; Gitschlag, John Stewart; Joines, Jr., James Tam; Rutter, Bryce G.; Bone, Brian C., Reclosable container lid.
  53. Khafizov Michael, Resealable container cover.
  54. Farmer Herbert B. (1070 Windsor Salt Lake City UT 84105), Spill resistant lid.
  55. Robert Bruce ; Robert C. Warrer ; Herbert B. Farmer, Spill resistant lid.
  56. Robert Bruce ; Robert C. Warrer, Spill resistant lid with openable and closeable drinking opening.
  57. Malcolm, Alexander R., Splash-proof lid for a cup.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Engel, Jeff; Tucker, Allen; Henry, Mike, Beverage container lid.
  2. Knipe, Stephen, Beverage container lid with an inclined lid face.
  3. Knipe, Stephen, Beverage container lid with an inclined lid face.
  4. Murosky, Kelly, Closure.
  5. Chou, Shin-Jai, Cup lid.
  6. Chou, Shin-Jai, Cup lid.
  7. Tabor, Kyle F; Kastelic, Alexander R, Cup lid.
  8. Hundley, Bobby V.; Quatmann, Joseph H., Cup lid having a perimeter portion adapted to cause liquid to drain toward a central portion of the lid.
  9. Koennecke, Weston, Cup lid with flip-back closure member.
  10. Smith, Stephen A.; Koennecke, Weston, Cup lid with reclosable cap.
  11. Kalagher, Thomas G.; Mathews, Joseph K.; Pivetz, Robert, De-icer scraper cap.
  12. Eickhoff, Jonathan; French, Jordan, Drink cup lid.
  13. Eickhoff, Jonathan; French, Jordan, Drink cup lid.
  14. Koestring, Darin C; Tabor, Kyle F; Dewig, Ryan, Drink cup lid.
  15. Trombly, Edgar, Lid.
  16. Candelaria, Edward, Twist-off bottle cap with finger notches.
  17. Candelaria, Edward, Twist-off bottle cap with finger notches.

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