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Forward-flyback converter with active-clamp circuit 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02H-007/122
출원번호 US-0417780 (2009-04-03)
등록번호 US8009448 (2011-08-15)
우선권정보 TW-2008-7135714 A(2008-09-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Liu, Yen-Ming
출원인 / 주소
  • Delta Electronics, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Volpe and Koenig, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 6


The present invention discloses a forward-flyback converter with active-clamp circuit. The secondary side of the proposed converter is of center-tapped configuration to integrate a forward circuit and a flyback circuit. The flyback sub-circuit operating continuous conduction mode is employed to dire


What is claimed is: 1. A forward-flyback DC/DC converter, comprising:an isolated transformer having a primary winding, a first secondary winding and a second secondary winding, wherein the two secondary windings are connected in series to form a center-tapped configuration and their common node is g

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Arthur B. Odell, Dissipative clamping of an electrical circuit with a clamp voltage varied in response to an input voltage.
  2. Vinciarelli, Patrizio, Double-clamped ZVS buck-boost power converter.
  3. Lin, Chun-Liang, Leakage-inductance energy recycling circuit and flyback converter with leakage-inductance energy recycling circuit.
  4. Cross David A.,GBX, Offset resonance zero volt switching flyback converter.
  5. Imamura Nobuaki (Kanagawa JPX) Oyama Nobuhiro (Kanagawa JPX), Resonance power circuit with clamping circuit.
  6. Jeff Gucyski, Switching power supplies incorporating power factor correction and/or switching at resonant transition.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22)

  1. Kittel Riel, Lisandra; Pontrucher, Marc; Domblides, Nicolas; Fourmont, Tony, AC/DC converter with galvanic insulation and signal corrector.
  2. Wong, Pitleong; Zhou, Xunwei, Active-clamp flyback circuit and control method thereof.
  3. Yang, Ta-yung; Hsieh, Chih-hsien; Wei, Kai-fang; Chen, Jung-sheng, Adaptive active clamp of flyback power converter with high efficiency for heavy load and light load.
  4. Ye, Liming; Liu, Xujun, Apparatus and method for pulse width modulation control for switching power converters.
  5. Yang, Ta-Yung; Liu, Yen-Ming, Control circuit for active-clamp flyback power converter with programmable switching period.
  6. Chen, Po-Li; Lin, Pao-Chuan; Yu, Ming-Hung, DC-DC converter with active clamp circuit for soft switching.
  7. North, Brian, DC-DC converter with improved discontinuous conduction mode efficiency.
  8. Skinner, Andrew John; Abhyankar, Atul, Energy recovery snubber.
  9. Skinner, Andrew John, Fly-forward converter with energy recovery snubber.
  10. Persson, Oscar; Appelberg, Mikael; Karlsson, Magnus, Forward-flyback topology switched mode power supply.
  11. Zhang, Guoxing; Mao, Mingping, Multi-mode operation and control of a resonant converter.
  12. Zhang, Guoxing; Mao, Mingping, Multi-mode operation and control of a resonant converter.
  13. Harrison, Michael John, PFC booster circuit.
  14. Lai, Ching-Ming; Pan, Ching-Tsai; Fang, Chih-Hsing; Chan, Wen-Wei; Cheng, Ming-Chieh, Photovoltaic powered system.
  15. Hosokawa, Yasuhiko; Ise, Toshifumi; Nakaji, Hirotake, Power conversion apparatus.
  16. Hwang, Jeffrey, Power converter for a switching power supply and manner of operation thereof.
  17. Hwang, Jeffrey, Power converter for a switching power supply and manner of operation thereof.
  18. Hosokawa, Yasuhiko; Ise, Toshifumi; Nakaji, Hirotake, Power converter performing soft switching.
  19. Marrero, Joseph, Power converters.
  20. Hari, Ajay Karthik; McCoy, Bryan, Switched mode power supply with efficient operation at light loads and method therefor.
  21. Bizjak, Luca; Maderbacher, Gerhard; Riederer, Roman; Perissakis, Stylianos, System and method for controlling a power supply during discontinuous conduction mode.
  22. Braz, Cesar Augusto, Voltage converter with soft communication networks.
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