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[미국특허] Fine bubble delivery for potable water, wastewater, and clean water treatment 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01F-003/04
출원번호 US-0093354 (2006-11-28)
등록번호 US-8132794 (2012-03-13)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2006/061295 (2006-11-28)
§371/§102 date 20080512 (20080512)
국제공개번호 WO2007/065088 (2007-06-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hinde, John N.
출원인 / 주소
  • Air Diffusion Systems
대리인 / 주소
    Cook Alex Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 52


A flexible tubing for fine bubble aeration is provided with an air passageway defined in part by an upper portion and a lower portion. The tubing can be made of a uniform weighted material with more material in the lower portion than in the upper portion. This makes the tubing self-orienting, in tha


1. A flexible tubing for fine bubble aeration, comprising an air passageway, wherein the air passageway is defined by an upper portion and a lower portion, the upper portion is of a given cross-sectional area and is comprised entirely of a first material and includes a plurality of micro-slits commu

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (52) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Schmidt Hans (Liebenburg DEX), Aeration apparatus for liquid.
  2. Sheaffer Ronald C. ; Sheaffer ; II John R. ; Sheaffer Mark D., Aeration device.
  3. Mitchell William S., Aeration pipe and method of making same.
  4. Tharp Charles E. (Columbia MO), Aeration system employing retrievable aeration modules.
  5. Heideman Robert C. (P.O. Box 1446 Apopka FL 32704), Aeration/circulation method and apparatus utilizing low pressure air.
  6. Tharp, Charles E., Air diffuser membrane treated with biocide.
  7. Kallenbach Thomas J. (Bozeman MT) Buchanan Justin M. (Bozeman MT) Goodrich Matthew H. (Bozeman MT) Skinner Ronald V. (Ronan MT) Poncelet Greg R. (Bozeman MT) Kallenbach Trina J. (Bozeman MT), Apparatus and method for modifying waste water.
  8. Tharp Charles E. (Boone County MO), Apparatus for aerating and mixing waste water.
  9. Schmidt Frank L. (Port Washington WI) Ewing Lloyd (Milwaukee WI) Redmon David T. (Racine WI), Apparatus for in place gas cleaning of diffusion elements.
  10. Schreiber August (Rahnofstrasse 45 3001 Hannover-Vinnhorst DEX) Rudolph Siegfried (Hannover DEX), Apparatus for the intermittent aeration of sewage.
  11. Winkler William W. ; Roche William H., Diffuser conduit joint.
  12. Tharp Charles E., Diffuser construction and mounting arrangement.
  13. Tharp Charles E., Diffuser construction and mounting arrangement.
  14. Tharp Charles E. (504 Stalcup Columbia MO 65201), Diffuser mounting arrangement for waste water aeration systems.
  15. Charles E. Tharp, Diffuser mounting system for aeration of liquids.
  16. Winkler William W. (Delafield WI), Direct delivery in-situ diffuser cleaning.
  17. Winkler William W. (Delafield WI), Direct delivery in-situ diffuser cleaning.
  18. Leask Jim,CAXITX R1A 3A4 ; Hildebrand Martin,CAXITX R5G 1H1, Float sink header.
  19. Miyashita Satoshi,JPX ; Honjyo Kenji,JPX ; Kato Osami,JPX ; Watari Kenji,JPX ; Takashima Takamitsu,JPX ; Itakura Masanori,JPX ; Okazaki Hiroyuki,JPX ; Kinoshita Ikuo,JPX ; Inoue Noriko,JPX, Gas diffuser for aeration vessel of membrane assembly.
  20. Schmit Frank L. (Port Washington WI) Redmon David T. (Racine WI) Ewing Lloyd (Bayside WI), In place gas cleaning of diffusion elements.
  21. Jowett, E. Craig, In-pipe wastewater treatment system.
  22. Gilead ; Gideon, Irrigation apparatus.
  23. Houck Randall J. (6 Junco La. Brevard NC 28712) Houck Michael H. (Rosman Hwy. Brevard NC 28712) Houck Harold J. (Pisgah Forest NC), Light-weight drainage line units.
  24. Ponte Manuel (Piscataway NJ) Lecompte Joseph (Rahway NJ), Mechanical ventilation system to capture gases released from wastewater passing through rock media trickling filters.
  25. Tharp Charles E. (Columbia MO), Method and apparatus for aerating wastewater using sequential aeration of different zones.
  26. Tharp Charles E. (Lake Saint Louis MO) Campbell Clark M. (Columbia MO), Method and apparatus for aerobically treating wastewater.
  27. Tharp, Charles E.; Chann, Randall C., Method and apparatus for enhancing wastewater treatment in lagoons.
  28. Pincon Andrew J. (1819 W. Grand Ave. Chicago IL 60622), Method and apparatus for treating septic system with radiation activated fluid.
  29. Clark John W. (205 Hoagland Las Cruces ; Dona Ana NM 88001), Method for destratifying bodies of water.
  30. Tharp Charles E. (Columbia MO), Plastic coarse bubble diffuser for waste water aeration systems.
  31. Green, Truman, Porous air diffuser for treatment of liquids.
  32. Franz James J. (Monarch Beach CA) Hutchinson Richard A. (San Antonio TX), Porous pipe and process for producing same.
  33. Niimi Tadashi (88-104 ; Sagamiono-Kodan-Jutaku ; 3897 ; Kamitsuruma ; Sagamihara-shi ; Kanagawa-ken JPX) Niimi Masanori (Tokyo JPX) Arimizu Tsutomu (Kokubunji JPX), Process and apparatus for treating and purifying waste water.
  34. Schwarzenegger, Ewald F.; Elsom, Darrin C., Recirculation of wastewater in a filtration bed.
  35. Malone Philip G. ; Huntsman Brad L ; Huntsman Brent E., Retrievable filter element for subsurface drainage.
  36. Boylen Wilford M. (2221 Surrett Dr. High Point NC 27263), Septic system and method.
  37. Ewing Lloyd (Bayside WI) Redmon David T. (Racine WI) Thayer Paul M. (Milwaukee WI) Schmit Frank L. (Port Washington WI) Roche William H. (Mequon WI), Sewage aeration system.
  38. Thayer Paul M. (Milwaukee WI), Sewage treatment aeration systems.
  39. Thayer Paul M. (Milwaukee WI), Sewage treatment aeration systems.
  40. Tharp Charles E. (Columbia MO), Staggered diffuser arrangement for waste water treatment systems.
  41. Husain,Hidayat; Cote,Pierre Lucien; Towe,Ian Glenn; Behmann,Henry; Pottinger,Ian Alexander, Supported biofilm apparatus and process.
  42. Jowett E. Craig,CAX, System for infiltrating water into the ground.
  43. Tharp Charles E. (Columbia MO), Tubular diffuser with adjustable plug.
  44. Keeton, Jr., Jimmie A., Waste stream digestion method.
  45. Keeton, Jr., Jimmie A., Waste stream digestion system.
  46. Schreiber August (Bahnhofstr. 45 3001 Hannover-Vinnhorst DT), Waste water aeration device.
  47. Hopcroft ; Francis J., Waste-water treatment system.
  48. Chann, Randall C., Wastewater aeration system with lift out lateral pipes and diffusers.
  49. Gary A. Tipton ; Douglas E. Fessel, Wastewater dispersal system.
  50. Branz, Steven A., Wastewater treatment and dispersal system.
  51. Gorton Stuart Albert, Wastewater treatment system.
  52. Wise William F. (Weyers Cave VA) Snyder ; Jr. Jesse E. (Staunton VA), Water treatment discharge means.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hutton, John, Air cloud particle suspension dredge.
  2. Leifer, Ira, Area bubble plume oil barriers.
  3. Norris, Michael W.; Heiney, Steven E.; Ross, Warren S.; Johnson, Marvin L., Diverse bubble size generation.
  4. Jaeger, Claudius, Dual control lateral air manifold assembly.

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