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[미국특허] Holder for personal warming apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 24-04
출원번호 US-0340339 (2009-07-16)
등록번호 US-D655821 (2012-03-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Matsuo, Atsushi
출원인 / 주소
  • Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    SAIDMAN DesignLaw Group
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 34


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a holder for personal warming apparatus, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (34)

  1. Tripolsky Lev, Abdominal support belt.
  2. Maez Shawn L. (1 Park Plz. ; 6th Floor Irvine CA 92714), Amplifier fanny pack.
  3. Leighton, Lisa, Bar-b-que sauce, spice, and accessory organizer.
  4. Malik, Vinu P., Belt for carrying beverage bottles.
  5. Kenimer,Kathleen C.; Hamsher,Douglas T., Belt with pockets for holding cooled gel packs.
  6. Negron Thomas D, Breast wrap.
  7. Sexson, Sharon E., Buckled cell phone holder.
  8. Yim,Daniel H., Capsule warmer.
  9. Marks, Michael J., Cargo belt or band.
  10. Bonner, Jr., Francis J., Cold compress.
  11. Micieli Robert (17 Willis Ave. Keansburg NJ 07734), Combined thermal beverage holder belt and fanny pack.
  12. Anderson, Leslie B., Compression head band.
  13. Burkhart, Alma D., Cosmetic and therapeutic face mask.
  14. Yim,Daniel H., Crescent warmer.
  15. Jakus Stephen A. (85 Lux St. Rochester NY 14621), Device for retaining body heat.
  16. Hill Dennis M. (23931 SW. 25th Ct. Issaquah WA 98027) Spence Jerry L. (11308 - 101st Pl. Northeast Kirkland WA 98033), Device, system, and methods for applying cryotherapy.
  17. Leane Kristine Davis ; Nancy Jean McCarthy, Disposable thermal body wrap.
  18. Arthur Pamela L. ; Arthur Lawrence C., Fireman's escape belt.
  19. Carr, Martin L., Flexible ankle strap with hook-and-loop fasteners, phone/pager pocket with snaps and security strap, and zippered cash/credit card pocket.
  20. Marin,Jose Machado, Heat producing belt with temperature controller.
  21. Shust, Paul, Heat wrap for thighs.
  22. Canavan Austin F. (3902 W. McLellan Blvd. Phoenix AZ 85019), Heating pad for neck pain.
  23. Brooks William R. (260 Arlington Elmhurst IL 60126) Heinzel Irving C. (45 Brookdale La. Palatine IL 60067), Lumbosacral brace.
  24. Harding,Damian C., Memory foam back brace.
  25. Van Cleve Ardry J. (11601 Audelia ; Apartment #155 Dallas TX 75243), Multi-pocket therapeutic anatomical wrap.
  26. Mundrick, Annette M.; Stengle, Barbara M., Pediatric abdominal support.
  27. Yim,Daniel H., Personal warming apparatus.
  28. Anthony D. Williams ; Belal D. Karim, Pouch for use on the wrist or ankle.
  29. {hacek over (C)}e{hacek over (s)}ko, Sandi, Sports belt.
  30. Bauerfeind, Hans B.; Reinhardt, Holger, Straight bottom bandage.
  31. Machin, Rhonda M.; Bozza, Daniel J., Thermal lumbar wrap.
  32. Houtan Mina, Twin belt bag.
  33. Buck,George, Utility belt/bag.
  34. Young, Shelley, Waist cinch belt.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28)

  1. Matfus, Nicholas; Gilmartin, Jane, Athletic belt.
  2. Matfus, Nicholas; Gilmartin, Jane, Athletic belt with insert.
  3. Shah, Tejas, Back compression.
  4. Igaue, Tsuyoshi; Maruyama, Tetsuya, Body warmer.
  5. Igaue, Tsuyoshi; Maruyama, Tetsuya, Body warmer.
  6. Feight, Bill, Bruise protective belt apparatus.
  7. Quisenberry, Tony, Calf wrap.
  8. Usui, Yasumasa, Chemical body warmer.
  9. Parish, Overton L.; Balachandran, Niran; Quisenberry, Tony; Havis, Clark R., Compression sequenced thermal therapy system.
  10. Parish, Overton L.; Balachandran, Niran; Quisenberry, Tony; Havis, Clark R., Compression sequenced thermal therapy system.
  11. Parish, Overton L.; Balachandran, Niran; Quisenberry, Tony; Havis, Clark R., Compression sequenced thermal therapy system.
  12. Parish, Overton L.; Balachandran, Niran; Quisenberry, Tony; Havis, Clark R., Compression sequenced thermal therapy system.
  13. Quisenberry, Tony; Balachandran, Niran; McSpadden, Sam K.; Blackwell, Bob, Contact cooler for skin cooling applications.
  14. Quisenberry, Tony, Foot wrap.
  15. Quisenberry, Tony, Method and system for therapeutic use of ultra-violet light.
  16. Parish, Overton L.; Balachandran, Niran; Quisenberry, Tony, Method and system for thermal and compression therapy relative to the prevention of deep vein thrombosis.
  17. Parish, Overton L.; Quisenberry, Tony; Balachandran, Niran; McSpadden, Sam K., Method and system for thermal and compression therapy relative to the prevention of deep vein thrombosis.
  18. Parish, Overton L.; Quisenberry, Tony; Balachandran, Niran; McSpadden, Sam K., Method and system for thermal and compression therapy relative to the prevention of deep vein thrombosis.
  19. Quisenberry, Tony; Taber, Todd Davis, Method and system for wound care.
  20. Quisenberry, Tony; Balachandran, Niran, Method of and system for thermally augmented wound care oxygenation.
  21. Kim, Eun Kyung, Neck cushion.
  22. della Santina, Camille, Neck pad.
  23. Quisenberry, Tony, Wound care and infusion method and system utilizing a thermally-treated therapeutic agent.
  24. Quisenberry, Tony, Wound care method and system with one or both of vacuum-light therapy and thermally augmented oxygenation.
  25. Quisenberry, Tony, Wound care method and system with one or both of vacuum-light therapy and thermally augmented oxygenation.
  26. Quisenberry, Tony, Wound care method and system with one or both of vacuum-light therapy and thermally augmented oxygenation.
  27. Quisenberry, Tony, Wound care method and system with one or both of vacuum-light therapy and thermally augmented oxygenation.
  28. Quisenberry, Tony, Wound care method and system with one or both of vacuum-light therapy and thermally augmented oxygenation.
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