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[미국특허] Roofing grommet forming a seal between a roof-mounted structure and a roof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E04B-001/68
출원번호 US-0914209 (2010-10-28)
등록번호 US-8209914 (2012-07-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stearns, Brian Cecil
  • Lounsbury, Douglas Timothy
출원인 / 주소
  • Vermont Slate & Copper Services, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 72


A roof mount assembly mounts a structure to a roof having a rafter and a substrate supported by the rafter. The roof mount assembly includes a piece of flashing positioned on the substrate. The flashing includes a first surface, a second surface opposite the first surface and an aperture extending t


1. A roof mount assembly for mounting a structure to a roof, the roof comprising at least one rafter and a substrate at least partially covering the at least one rafter, the roof mount assembly comprising: flashing positionable on the substrate, the flashing defining a first surface, a second surfac

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (72)

  1. Haddock, Robert M. M., Adjustable mounting assembly for standing seam panels.
  2. Riley James P. (Phoenix AZ), Anchor for roof mounted equipment.
  3. Liebendorfer,John E., Apparatus and method for positioning a module on an object.
  4. Shiokawa, Takeji; Mikawa, Mitsuya; Nakagawa, Toshimitsu, Apparatus for installing a material which is processed by using chemicals.
  5. Fulton David A. (Humble TX) Boen Jerry D. (Houston TX), Articulating roofing panel clip.
  6. Levey Kenneth, Blind screw anchor and system.
  7. Sherick Thomas G. (6931 Prairie Village Katy TX 77449), Bottom fixture for overhead garage doors.
  8. Haddock, Robert M., Bracket assembly including a reservoir.
  9. Losier Richard J. (118 Warwick Ave. Stratford CT 06497), Bracket for optical and carrier cables.
  10. Haddock, Robert M. M., Building assembly having standing seams with mounting devices disposed thereon.
  11. Haddock Robert M. M., Clamp for securing assemblies other than snow retention devices to a raised metal seam roof.
  12. Lecocq Francis (Hames-Boucres FRX) Moussaud Jean-Pierre (Les Attaques FRX), Construction toy element.
  13. Bolt Stanley E., Decorative joist hanger.
  14. Conley, John L., Device and method for securing overlapping corrugated sheets.
  15. Bleskachek Gerald N. (783 N. Summit Rd. Bath PA 18014), Disposable razor holder.
  16. Peterson Leslie D. ; Whitaker Charles N. ; DiPalma John A., Energy-absorbing deformable bracket.
  17. Durig, Markus; Foser, Thomas, Grid-holding element.
  18. Larson Paul M., Gripping plate for attaching roofing membrane.
  19. Wilson Dennis E. (240 Desha Rd. Lexington KY 40502), Gutter bracket.
  20. Wentworth Claudia H. (108 Crest Ave. Walnut Creek CA 94595), Household filing system.
  21. Stearns Brian C. (P.O. Box 802 Stowe VT 05672) Stearns Alan L. (1026 Weeks Hill Rd. Stowe VT 05672), Impervious membranous roof snow fence system.
  22. Bellem Norman A. (Kansas City MO), Insulated roof.
  23. Schaefer, Richard F.; Kreutzman, David; Tamm, Don N., Interlocking support post.
  24. Zinn Michael (Ellenville NY) Bauch Tamil D. (Kingston NY) Schiff Morton (Kerhonkson NY), Large format film glazed solar collector.
  25. McGee Brian P. (176 Wedgewood Drive Willowdale ; Ontario CAX M2M 2H9) Rocca Frank (L16 Conc. 8 Doane Road ; Box 334 Mt. Albert ; Ontario CAX L0H 1M0), Masonry connector.
  26. Nee,Stephen F., Method and apparatus for coupling structures to roofing.
  27. Stanley, Joel, Method of securing flexible solar panel to PVC roofing membrane.
  28. Haddock Robert M.M. (8655 Table Butte Road Colorado Springs CO 80908), Mounting assembly for building surfaces.
  29. Haddock Robert M. M. (8655 Table Butte Rd. Colorado Springs CO 80908), Mounting clip for paneled roof.
  30. Haddock Robert M. M. (8655 Table Butte Rd. Colorado Springs CO 80908), Mounting device for building structures.
  31. Haddock Robert M. M., Mounting device for building surfaces.
  32. Haddock Robert M. M. (8655 Table Butte Rd. Colorado Springs CO 80908), Mounting device for building surfaces.
  33. Haddock Robert M. M. (8655 Table Butte Rd. Colorado Springs CO 80908), Mounting device for building surfaces.
  34. Haddock Robert M. M., Mounting device for controlling uplift of a metal roof.
  35. Robert M. Haddock, Mounting system and adaptor clip.
  36. Haddock, Robert M. M., Multi-piece attachment mounting clamp for trapezoidal rib profile panels.
  37. Haddock,Robert M. M., Multi-piece clamp for standing seams.
  38. Haddock,Robert M. M., Multi-piece clamp for standing seams.
  39. Rotter Martin J. (115 Lismore Ave. Glenside PA 19038), Nail.
  40. Eldeen Gene H. (17861 Jaguar Path Lakeville MN 55044), Newel post assembly.
  41. Smith Robert L. (3800 E. Everglade Odessa TX 79762), Pipe hangers or the like.
  42. Smith Robert L. (Odessa TX), Pipe hanging and rooftop load supporting system.
  43. Stearns Brian C. ; Stearns Alan L., Pipeholding unit.
  44. Giannuzzi Louis N. (59 Dingletown Rd. Greenwich CT 06830), Roof anchor and stress plate assembly.
  45. Giannuzzi Louis N. (59 Dingletown Rd. Greenwich CT 06830), Roof anchor and stress plate assembly.
  46. Poldmaa, Arvo, Roof anchor method and apparatus.
  47. Stearns Brian C. ; Stearns Alan L., Roof bracket basestand.
  48. Stearns Brian C. ; Stearns Alan L., Roof bracket brace component.
  49. Murphy Colin ; Mills Robert, Roof drain adapter.
  50. Kifer David E. (Parma OH), Roof flashing.
  51. Stearns, Brian C.; Stearns, Alan L., Roof mount.
  52. Liu, Jun, Roof mounting system.
  53. Reinwall ; Jr. Ernest William (McHenry IL), Roof panel fastener and joint construction.
  54. Simpson Harold G. (Tulsa OK), Roof panel standing seam assemblies.
  55. Fey James, Roof structure support device.
  56. Stanley A. Ullman, Roof support system for a solar panel.
  57. Thomas Louis (Maywood IL), Roofing washer.
  58. Kostelecky Duane (Thornton CO), Safety post assembly.
  59. Pruehs Leslie L. (Louisville KY), Screw anchoring device and method.
  60. Ford R. Gary (Memphis TN), Sealing method.
  61. Michael R Swearingen, Skylight membrane with diverter.
  62. Alley F. William (Edson Hill Rd. Stowe VT 05672), Snow guard for a metal roof.
  63. Karl W. Boer, Solar collectors, articles for mounting solar modules, and methods of mounting solar modules.
  64. Mattingly John A. (St. Louis MO) Mehta Hasmukh S. (Manchester MO), Standing seam roof, panel therefor, and method of installation.
  65. Terunuma, Miho; Aramaki, Yoshihiro; Ohkoshi, Yasushi, Structure fixing apparatus including support device.
  66. Ohkoshi, Yasushi; Terunuma, Miho; Aramaki, Yoshihiro, Structure support apparatus and structure installation method.
  67. Hertensteiner Thomas J. (16918 S. Edwards Rd. Cerritos CA 90701), Stud mount, pipe support bracket.
  68. Eidson Carson J. (Rte. 7 ; Box 506 Jonesborough TN 37659), Support clip for roofing panels and associated system.
  69. Wentworth, Stuart H.; Wentworth, Claudia H., System for attaching an article to a roof and method of use.
  70. Stanley, Joel A., System for mounting objects to polymeric membranes.
  71. Liebendorfer,John E., System for removably and adjustably mounting a device on a surface.
  72. Peterson ; Jr. Charles D. (P.O. Box 217 Richardson TX 75080), Tightening device for threaded connectors.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Fluhrer, Dieter; Urban, Hans, End clamp for fastening framed PV modules.
  2. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Height adjustment bracket for roof applications.
  3. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Height adjustment bracket for roof applications.
  4. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Height adjustment bracket for roof applications.
  5. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Height adjustment bracket for roof applications.
  6. Frank, Timothy A., Mounting an antenna system to a solid surface.
  7. Warin, Nicholas, Mounting assembly for mounting a solar panel.
  8. Stearns, Brian C.; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Roof mount assembly.
  9. Robinson, Chad, Roof racking system mount.
  10. Robinson, Chad, Roof sealing system.
  11. Robinson, Chad, Roof sealing system.
  12. Stearns, Brian Cecil, Snow fence for a solar panel.
  13. Stearns, Brian Cecil; Bornemann, Alexander Grant, Snow fence for a solar panel.
  14. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus; Molina, David; Capsuto, Ian, Solar panel attachment system.
  15. West, John R.; Hudson, Tyrus; Molina, David; Capsuto, Ian, Solar panel attachment system.
  16. West, John R.; Hudson, Tyrus; Molina, David; Capsuto, Ian, Solar panel attachment system.
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