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[미국특허] Container pack 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 09-03
출원번호 US-0394810 (2011-06-21)
등록번호 US-D668951 (2012-10-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Voelker, Scott C.
출원인 / 주소
  • Monsanto Technology LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Schaper, Joseph A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 39


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a container pack, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (39) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Andrews ; Sr. Jared P. ; Goodin John W., Beverage container.
  2. Andrews ; Sr. Jared P. ; Goodin John W., Beverage container.
  3. Andrews ; Sr. Jared P. ; Goodin John W., Beverage container.
  4. Andrews ; Sr. Jared P. ; Goodin John W., Beverage container.
  5. Andrews, Sr.,Jared P., Beverage container.
  6. Hill, Webb LeRon, Beverage container.
  7. Gould, Paul, Coffee box cover.
  8. Ring Carl D., Composite container.
  9. Johnson Ralph W. ; Williams Gerald D., Composite package.
  10. Wuerfel Scott P. (Memphis TN), Composite package.
  11. Dygert Douglas M. (Olive Branch MS) Radcliffe Clifford B. (Yorktown Heights NY), Composite package for hazardous materials.
  12. Considine,Guy; Jost,Scott; Hawry,Liam, Container.
  13. Jennings,Robert Michael; Jennings,David Allen, Container.
  14. Rogler William C. (St. Louis MO) Voelker Scott C. (St. Louis MO), Container.
  15. Voelker, Scott C., Container.
  16. Celaya Augustine, Container with handle.
  17. Ring Carl D. (Memphis TN), Container with integral handle structure.
  18. Blue Maurice R. (South Bend IN) Younker Glen (Dyer IN), Dispensing-type box.
  19. Allanson, Gary R., Disposable beverage container.
  20. Dygert, Douglas M.; Gamber, Daniel W.; Kuhar, Eugene E.; Price, Gary W., Ergonomic plastic container and package system.
  21. Konkel Siegfried (Duesseldorf DEX) vom Hofe Dieter (Juelich DEX) Endler Volker (Delbrueck DEX), Folding box for a bag-in-box pack.
  22. Castner,John B., Food and beverage container.
  23. Adams,Sharon S., Food and drink container.
  24. Shanklin Donald J. (Fullerton CA) Segal William J. (Torrance CA) Spiegel Martin A. (Diamond Bar CA) Kovensky William (Columbia MD), Holder for a beverage carton.
  25. Anderson ; Victor F., Jug.
  26. Turnbull Guy A. (Midland MI), Jug.
  27. Pawlick, Adam, Liquid-in-box container.
  28. Ivey Kenneth R. (P.O. Box 10577 Palm Desert CA 92255-0577), Medical waste container.
  29. Miller Denada Y., Multi-sided box for candle.
  30. Miller Denada Y., Multi-sided tapered box for candle.
  31. Quaintance, Benjamin William, Octagonal bulk bin.
  32. Franchi Thomas A. (Cobham NJ GB2) Rogers Leslie B. (Red Bank NJ), Oil container.
  33. Stark Sven O. S. (Rydsgard SEX), Packaging container.
  34. Ruggiere ; Sr. Thomas S. ; Douda Marvin A. ; Ruggiere ; Jr. Thomas S. ; Weck John B., Paperboard container reinforcing method.
  35. Lovelace, Jr., Richard A.; Miller, James, Plastic container.
  36. Miller,James J.; Ferguson,Gary, Plastic container.
  37. Voss,Gary I.; Miller,James J., Plastic container.
  38. Moreno,Tony E, Rectangular beverage container.
  39. Bartle Andrew D. (2 East Cottage ; High Street Clearwell ; Coleford ; Gloucestershire GB2), Waste or storage bin.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Greenfeld, Mutty, Box.
  2. Thompson, Jon, Carton.
  3. Wagner, Todd, Carton with handle features.
  4. Thompson, Preston Forbes; Bevier, Alex Dean, Combined container and packaging.
  5. Wagner, Todd, Container.
  6. Voelker, Scott C., Container assemblies for storing, shipping, and/or dispensing fluids, and related methods.
  7. Voelker, Scott C., Container pack.
  8. Voelker, Scott C., Container pack.
  9. McCarthy, Adam, Laundry product container.
  10. McCarthy, Adam, Laundry product container.
  11. Holley, Jr., John Murdick, Package.
  12. Holley, Jr., John Murdick, Package.
  13. Swart, Peter W.; Pagel, Michael J.; Duwell, Lawrence; Jorgensen, Chad, Packaging for plumbing fixtures.
  14. Swart, Peter W.; Pagel, Michael J.; Duwell, Lawrence; Jorgensen, Chad, Packaging for plumbing fixtures.
  15. Swart, Peter W.; Pagel, Michael J.; Duwell, Lawrence; Jorgensen, Chad, Packaging for plumbing fixtures.
  16. Swart, Peter W.; Pagel, Michael J.; Duwell, Lawrence; Jorgensen, Chad, Packaging for plumbing fixtures.
  17. Minghetti, Moreno, Stackable plastic container.

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