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[미국특허] High pressure drop muffling system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01N-001/08
  • F01N-001/00
출원번호 US-0178159 (2011-07-07)
등록번호 US-8307943 (2012-11-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Klasing, Kevin Samuel
  • Fintel, Bradley Willis
  • Glessner, John Carl
  • Mason, Jeffrey Lee
  • Potokar, Christopher Jon
  • Proctor, Robert
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
    General Electric Company
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 49


A system for venting a high-pressure flow stream is disclosed, the system comprising a device having a plurality of orifice plates, each orifice plate having a plurality of orifices, wherein the plurality of orifice plates are oriented relative to each other such that the pressure of the flow stream


1. A device for reducing pressure of a fluid comprising: an inlet flow conduit that channels a flow having an inlet pressure into a plenum, wherein the inlet flow conduit and the plenum are configured to induce a turning and swirling motion in the flow;an orifice plate stack comprising a plurality o

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (49)

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  2. Moffat, George H.; Stubbs, Gene Woodard; Voll, William Albert, Acoustic muffler for turbine engine.
  3. Kirchweger Karl (Graz ATX) Knopf Franz (Graz ATX) Thien Gerhard (Graz ATX), Air cooling arrangement for encapsulated vehicle engine.
  4. Cooksey ; James M., Apparatus and method for reducing flow disturbances in a flowing stream of compressible fluid.
  5. Matta Ram K. (Loveland OH) Clapper William S. (West Chester OH), Apparatus for suppressing internally generated gas turbine engine low frequency noise.
  6. Nguyen, Phuong H.; Sikora, Joseph A.; Campbell, Thomas A., Automatic control systems for aircraft auxiliary power units, and associated methods.
  7. Nguyen,Phuong H.; Sikora,Joseph A.; Campbell,Thomas A., Automatic control systems for aircraft auxiliary power units, and associated methods.
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  9. Bobo Melvin (Cincinnati OH), Bleed air manifold.
  10. Tolman Alan G. (Phoenix AZ), Broad band acoustic attenuator.
  11. Bitsakis Nicholas (Portsmouth RI) Cassidy James (Wakefield RI), Cascade orificial resistive device.
  12. Williams,Nicholas A., Composite muffler for use with airborne auxiliary power unit.
  13. Milde Wilhelm (Wolfsburg DE1) Hoheisel Gerhard (Wolfsburg DE1), Connecting line within an exhaust system of a motor vehicle.
  14. Batey J. Gary, Core flow expansion chamber device system for reduction of jet turbine engine noise.
  15. Bellinga Hendrik (Roden NLX), Device for improving the flow profile in a gas line.
  16. Pellerin Albert (35 rue Lambrechts 92400 Courbevoie FRX), Device for increasing the uniformity of the air-fuel mixture in internal combustion engines.
  17. Campbell, Thomas A.; Chambers, David S.; Willie, Robert H.; Rust, Charles W., Dual flow APU inlet and associated systems and methods.
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  19. Brown,Daniel V.; Asplund,Kyle D.; Michalski, Jr.,Joseph W., Eccentric exhaust muffler for use with auxiliary power units.
  20. Bons ; Robert ; Kitaguchi ; Sam S., Eductor muffler.
  21. Westcott,Jeff, Engine air inlet flow enhancement device for internal combustion engines.
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  27. Putt James B. (South Bend IN) Welsh ; Jr. Harold H. (South Bend IN), Flow through cap for attenuating any noise caused by air flow in a pneumatic servomotor.
  28. Vielbig Leslie W. (Ventura CA), Fluid flow apparatus for accommodating a pressure drop.
  29. De Baun Kenneth W. (Santa Rosa CA), Fluid velocity equalizing apparatus.
  30. Smith ; Trevor, Fluid-flow noise reduction systems.
  31. Edwards Curtis S. (Thiells NY) Dawson Curtis H. (Philadelphia PA), Fuel saving device.
  32. Swift Peter B. (3 Ashbourne Avenue Kingswood ; South Australia AUX), Gas blow-off attenuator.
  33. Cuthbertson Robert D. (Kirkland WA) Schaut Larry A. (Seattle WA), Inlet guide vane bleed system.
  34. Campbell,Thomas A.; Voll,William A.; Diamond,John A., Integrated axially varying engine muffler, and associated methods and systems.
  35. Hirt William J. (Bellevue WA) Caldwell Jack H. (Kent WA) Stachowiak Claude R. (Renton WA) Rushwald Ira B. (Seattle WA) Kumasaka Henry A. (Seattle WA), Jet engine noise suppressor.
  36. Ching-ho Chen (5F ; No. 10 ; Lane 197 ; Sec. 1,Jy Yuh Rd.,Shyh Lin Taipei TWX), Muffler.
  37. Martinus, Ferdy; Wang, Gang; Benedict, Thomas J.; Boecker, Brad A.; Rockwood, William B., Multi-stage low pressure drop muffler.
  38. Boger, Henry W., Noise reduction device for fluid flow systems.
  39. Tomell, Phillip A.; Shafer, Ronny A.; Gopinathan, Anil; Paczuski, Andrew W.; DiFlora, Michael A., Reciprocating piston compressor having improved noise attenuation.
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  41. Tomell,Phillip A; Shafer,Ronny A; Gopinathan,Anil; Paczuski,Andrew W; DiFlora,Michael A, Reciprocating piston compressor having improved noise attenuation.
  42. Childs Austin S. (Piqua OH) Bukac Hubert (Sidney OH) Wang Simon Y. (Tipp City OH), Refrigerant compressor discharge muffler.
  43. Seyler,Andreas; L��we,Hans Joachim; Von Der Hagen,Joachim; St��nner,Helmut, Silencer.
  44. Keller,Uwe; Lowe,Hans Joachim; Von Der Hagen,Joachim; Metz,Dietmar; Stonner,Helmut, Sound absorber.
  45. Cowan ; Sr. Howard H. (3315 N. Godfrey #36 Midland TX 79707), System for suppressing engine exhaust noise.
  46. Zielinski, Edward; Bernier, Alan T.; Knechtel, Kent W.; Campbell, Thomas A.; White, Jeffrey J.; Ralston, Mark D., Systems and methods for starting aircraft engines.
  47. Lwasa, Ronald M.; Chow, Allen D., Thermally compliant APU exhaust duct arrangements and associated systems and methods.
  48. Turner, Jeffrey A.; Sheoran, Yogendra Y.; Bouldin, Bruce D., Turbine engine diffusing exhaust muffler.
  49. Kiyomori Asano JP; Hiroyuki Okada JP; Hitoshi Kato JP, Two stroke, multiple cylinder engine for small vehicle.

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  3. Glessner, John Carl; Sands, Jarrod Paul, High pressure exhaust muffling device with multiple sources.
  4. Potokar, Christopher Jon, High pressure muffling devices.
  5. Tecson, Joshua Logan; Nguyen, Tung K.; Diaz, Juan Manuel, Noise attenuation apparatus for fluid devices.
  6. Masias, Justin Lane, Noise attenuators for use with process control devices.

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