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[미국특허] Flexible container with integral dispensing tube 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-025/00
  • B65D-090/00
출원번호 US-0101880 (2011-05-05)
등록번호 US-8381941 (2013-02-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Barton, Lewis
출원인 / 주소
  • Barton Group, Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 30


A package for containing a viscous substance in a transport configuration and for dispensing the viscous substance in a dispensing configuration is disclosed. The package includes first and second sheets disposed in opposing relation that are sealed together around a perimeter. The package has a com


1. A package for containing a viscous substance in a transport configuration and for dispensing the viscous substance in a dispensing configuration, comprising: a first sheet having a first thickness;a second sheet disposed in opposing relation to the first sheet and having a second thickness, the s

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (30)

  1. Gaubert Rene J. (4219 Oakmore Rd. Oakland CA 94602), Bulk liquid container having a pivotable tap.
  2. Gaubert Rene J. M. (4219 Oakmore Rd. Oakland CA 94602), Bulk liquid container, tap and tap assembly therefore.
  3. von Winckelmann ; Emil H., Closure assembly for collapsible tube dispensers, and the like.
  4. Bond Curtis J. (Worthington OH), Collapsed bag with evacuation channel form unit.
  5. Lane ; Jr. William A. (Lake Arrowhead CA) Davis Steven D. (Yuciappa CA), Collapsible dispenser pouch.
  6. Scholle William R. (Corona del Mar CA), Combination liquid container and dispenser.
  7. De Laforcade,Vincent, Device for dispensing product having flexible-walled pouch and airless pump.
  8. Preziosi Robert (West Orange NJ), Disposable package for liquids.
  9. Fabisiewicz Eugene (Mount Prospect IL) Fagan Jack R. (Lindenhurst IL), Flexible thermoplastic pouches having easy-open tear strip means and apparatus for making same.
  10. Rutter Christopher C. (24174 Dover La. Hayward CA 94541), Fluid dispenser.
  11. Roders George W. (Kenosha WI) Banks Stewart (Brantford CAX), Fluid dispenser pouch with venturi shaped outlet.
  12. Black William S., Foldable self-standing container with method of manufacture and bulk dispenser.
  13. Cahlander Robert L. (Red Wing MN) Carroll David W. (Cannon Falls MN) Lawrence Gregory A. (Red Wing MN) Rudesill Brian R. (Woodbury MN), Food dispenser and method.
  14. Reddy, Balakrishna; Hartman, Eric E., Food pouch assembly for dispensing a flowable food product from a cassette-type dispenser.
  15. Giblin, Edward John; Hsu, Feng-Lung Gordon; Mc Donald, Janet; Saso, Corinne; Raible, Duane Anthony, Laundry product.
  16. Jamison Mark D. (3333 Sharon Pl. Zion IL 60099), Liquid dispensing container.
  17. Poignant Michel,FRX, Method of manufacturing a flat container for samples.
  18. Rolf, David, Mixing and dispensing package for a wound dressing.
  19. Klaus, Renner, Packaging unit with protective section.
  20. Wade Leslie C. (19415 Enchanted Oaks Dr. Spring TX 77388), Prepackaged oral medication serving apparatus and method.
  21. Liebermann Benno E. (Louisville KY), Pressurized dispensing pouch.
  22. Christine William C. (Nazareth PA) Roth Scott A. (Danielsville PA), Pump tube and pouch.
  23. Gutierrez Antonio ; Chrisman Randall, Pumpless dispenser for viscous food products.
  24. Jacobi Stephen V. (Ballwin MO), Reusable container system.
  25. Churvis, Michael A; Gates, Larry A; Moss, William F; Riggins, Pamela Jean, Rigid corrugated bulk container for liquids and semi-liquid fluids.
  26. Lane ; Jr. William A. ; Davis Steven D., Substantially large collapsible dispenser pouch.
  27. Nitchman Harold L. (1230 Parody St. Charles MO 63301) Cunningham ; Jr. William B. (916 Woodshire La. Creve Coeur MO 63141), System, apparatus, and method of dispensing a liquid from a semi-bulk disposable container.
  28. Cunningham, Daniel A.; Smith, Richard W., Tamper resistant beverage dispensing bag.
  29. Cunningham,Daniel A.; Smith,Richard W., Tamper resistant beverage dispensing bag.
  30. Redmond, Sanford, Tubelike dispenser package.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Barton, Lewis, Flexible stand-up pouch container for flowable products.
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