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[미국특허] Wire guiding system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B23K-009/133
  • B23K-009/12
  • B65H-057/14
출원번호 US-0994686 (2009-02-24)
등록번호 US-8453960 (2013-06-04)
우선권정보 EP-08009601 (2008-05-27)
국제출원번호 PCT/EP2009/001285 (2009-02-24)
§371/§102 date 20101124 (20101124)
국제공개번호 WO2009/143917 (2009-12-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gelmetti, Carlo
  • Corradini, Filippo
출원인 / 주소
  • AWDS Technologies SRL
대리인 / 주소
    Hayes Soloway P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 135


A wire guiding liner, in particular welding wire liner, has a plurality of roll holders which are displaceable with respect to each other, each roll holder holding a plurality of rolls. The angular displaceability of a roll holder with respect to the adjacent roll holder is limited such that when th


1. A wire guiding liner, in particular welding wire liner, having a plurality of roll holders which are displaceable with respect to each other, each roll holder holding a plurality of rolls, wherein an angular displaceability of a roll holder with respect to an adjacent roll holder is limited such

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (135) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ferguson, III, Otto; Hartman, Dennis K., "S" shaped cast in wire.
  2. Darryl L. Whitmore ; Fritz Engelhardt DE, Absorbent article and process for preparing an absorbent article.
  3. Schmidt Mattias,DEX ; Plischke Manfred,DEX ; Goldman Stephen Allen, Absorbent gelling material comprising a dry mixture of at least two types of hydrogel-forming particles and method for m.
  4. Goldman Stephen A. (Cincinnati OH) Retzsch Herbert L. (Cincinnati OH) Mansfield Todd L. (Cincinnati OH), Absorbent members for body fluids having good wet integrity and relatively high concentrations of hydrogel-forming absor.
  5. Poccia John F. (Union Beach NJ) Ovans Kevin J. (East Windsor NJ) Pieniak Heinz (Des Moines WA), Absorbent mixture.
  6. Ehrnsperger,Bruno Johannes; Opper,Heike; Schoenborn,Udo Friedel, Absorbent structures comprising coated super-absorbent polymer particles.
  7. Goldman Stephen A. (Wyoming OH) Horney James C. (Cincinnati OH) Retzsch Herbert L. (Cincinnati OH), Absorbent structures with gelling agent and absorbent articles containing such structures.
  8. Corbin Edward W. (10854 York Rd. Cockeysville MD 21030), Apparatus and method for control of wire cast and helix.
  9. Prunier Robert (Route de Semur-Crepand 25100 Montbard FRX), Arc welding guide tube with non-adhesive tip.
  10. Minehisa ; Setsuzi ; Inui ; Tatuo ; Fukuda ; Hitoshi, Arc welding method and arc welding apparatus.
  11. Burr Ronald Wayne ; Calcagni James Patrick, Cable storage container.
  12. Cipriani Giancarlo,ITX, Cardboard box for containing and dispensing large quantities of wire.
  13. Hayes Richard D. (Edwardsville IL), Chain container.
  14. Rushforth Calvin (Andover MA) Shinopulos George (Burlington MA) Randlett M. Ronald (Burlington MA) Bower Terry F. (Needham MA), Coiling system for metallic strands.
  15. Gelmetti Carlo (Lazise ITX), Container for packaging and unwinding a coil of wire.
  16. Ortiz Norman ; Greenlee James C., Container for storing and transporting wire, cord and the like.
  17. Samson Liu TW, Container for thread and wire.
  18. Barton, David J.; Byall, Lisa M.; Land, James T.; Matthews, III, Herbert H., Container for welding wire.
  19. Gelmetti, Carlo, Container for welding wire.
  20. Kalmanovitch Martin (Montreal CAX), Container for wire spool.
  21. Roemer Donald A. ; Williams Keith M. ; Gasi ; Jr. Stanley J., Corrugated fibreboard container with at least one hinged side and blanks for assembling said container.
  22. Dragoo,Robert K.; Shepherd,David E.; Rowland,Michael A., Cover for a recyclable container.
  23. Gelmetti,Carlo, Cover for a welding wire container.
  24. Bobeczko James D. (Concord OH), Covers for welding wire reels.
  25. Bobeczko James D. (Concord Township OH), Covers for welding wire reels.
  26. Rexhaj,Fahredin, Device and method for unreeling wire from a wire coil.
  27. Chamming\s Pierre (Caluire FRX) Cartry Jean P. (Lyons FRX), Device for cutting the wall of the tubular piece by electrical discharge machining.
  28. Lanoue Michel (Ste-Foy CAX), Device for dispensing wire, cable or the like.
  29. Bae,Hyo Young; Lee,Yo Seong; Ryu,Sae Youl; Choi,Sang Ho; Yun,Myung Sang; Seo,Yong Chul; Jung,Jung Ho; Kim,Seok Hwan, Device for preventing welding wire from tangling.
  30. Chung Mong-Suk,KRX, Device for preventing welding wire in a welding wire pail from tangling.
  31. Milburn James A. (Santa Ana CA), Dispensing package for a fiber-optic device.
  32. Chen Fung-jou ; Lindsay Jeffrey Dean ; Kamps Richard Joseph ; Lake Andrew Michael ; Robinson Mark Louis, Dual-zoned absorbent webs.
  33. Truty Thomas J. (11 Windemere La. S. Barrington IL 60010), Electrode guide.
  34. Smith, Daniel J.; Reneker, Darrell H.; McManus, Albert T.; Schreuder-Gibson, Heidi L.; Mello, Charlene; Sennett, Michael S., Electrospun fibers and an apparatus therefor.
  35. Carroscia,Michael A., Endless wire container and method of using the same.
  36. Jurgen Baumer DE; Herbert Wehler DE; Werner Eul DE, Energy conducting guide chain.
  37. Barton,David J.; Carroscia,Michael A.; Hsu,Christopher, Feeder for endless welding wire.
  38. Oczkowski Boguslaw (Spotswood NJ) Schiff Norman (Kendall Park NJ), Fiber/absorbent polymer composites and method of forming same.
  39. Balkin Michael L. (30160 Orchard Lake Rd. ; Ste. 150 Farmington Hills MI 48018), Fibreboard container for coil material.
  40. Martin Graham Ernest (Runcorn EN) Cockshott Ian Derek (Runcorn EN), Fibrillar product of electrostatically spun organic material.
  41. Marcus Bonita K. (Rye NY) Gioffre Anthony J. (Ridgefield CT), Fibrous absorbent articles having enhanced deodorizing properties.
  42. Destree Xavier P. (Av. des Noisetiers 39 Brussels B-1170 BEX) Lazzari Angelo A. (Av. W. Churchill 224 Brussels B-1180 BEX), Filiform elements usable for reinforcing moldable materials, particularly concrete.
  43. Ye, Yijun, Flame retardant polyester resin composition and articles formed thereform.
  44. Seiji Horie JP, Flame retardant, fiber-treatment, a method for imparting flame retardancy, and flame resistant polyester textile materials.
  45. Saito Toranosuke (Kobe JPX) Ohishi Hiroyuki (Moriyama JPX), Flame retardants.
  46. Schlosser Elke,DEX ; Nass Bernd,DEX ; Wanzke Wolfgang,DEX, Flame-retardant combination.
  47. Izawa ; Shinichi ; Sugiyama ; Jun ; Tanaka ; Tsutomu ; Nakanishi ; Atsuo ; Saito ; Toranosuke, Flame-retardant polyphenylene ether resin composition.
  48. Thomaswick Ronald J. (Kittanning PA), Flat glass shipping container.
  49. Sakuragi Shiro (Kyoto JPX) Imagawa Kyoshiro (Kyoto JPX), Flexible cable.
  50. Kimura Akira (Kyoto JPX) Kitao Nobuo (Yamatokouriyama JPX) Yasuda Hiroshi (Takatsuki JPX) Isozaki Kiyoshi (Osaka JPX) Nishimura Hiroshi (Osaka JPX) Shimomura Yoshimasa (Tokyo JPX), Flexible supporting sheath for cables and the like.
  51. Priest James D. (New Paris OH), Guide device for use in elongate filament dispensing package and the like.
  52. Carroscia,Michael A., Guide ring for coiled wire.
  53. Sheen Yuung-Ching (Tainan Hsien TWX) Chang Shinn-Jen (Hsinchu TWX) Cheng Yi-Ni (Taipei TWX) Chang Rong-Shuh (Hsinchu TWX), Heat resistant phosphorus-containing polymeric flame retardant and process for preparing the same.
  54. Chang Shinn-Jen (Hsinchu TWX) Sheen Yuung-Ching (Tainan Hsien TWX) Chang Rong-Shuh (Hsinchu TWX) Tseng Tsai-Wie (Hsinchu TWX) Lin Jen-Lien (Hsinchu TWX), High molecular weight polyester flame retardant and process for preparing the same.
  55. Shore Terence M. (Princeton MA) Woodrow Harold E. (Northboro MA), High speed laying head.
  56. Graham Neil B. (Glasgow GBX), Hydrogel containing envelopes.
  57. Bruggemann Helmut,DEX ; Dahmen Kurt,DEX, Layered body for the absorption of liquids and its production.
  58. Clark David R., Logic selection circuit.
  59. Cipriani Giancarlo,ITX, Mechanism for braking the unwinding of a bundle of metallic wire housed in a drum.
  60. Tsukamoto Kotaro (7-8 ; Kashima 4-chome Yodogawa-ku ; Osaka City ; Osaka Prefecture JPX), Metal wire winding apparatus.
  61. Ishii Isao,JPX ; Sanda Kenji,JPX ; Kataoka Akio,JPX, Metal wire winding reel with easy wire engagement and release.
  62. Boyer Robert W. (436 Scenic Dr. Henderson NV 89015), Method and apparatus for cleaning and lubricating a metal inert gas welding gun.
  63. Kinney ; Jr. C. Mills (Washington DC), Method and apparatus for making elongated flat wire coils.
  64. Cooper William D., Method and apparatus for packing wire in a storage drum.
  65. Cooper William D., Method and apparatus for packing wire in a storage drum.
  66. Reese ; Walter J., Method and apparatus for unwinding roving packages from the inside.
  67. Ueyama ; Fumio ; Hattori ; Tadashi, Method for feeding a welding wire.
  68. Visca, Mario; Fontana, Simonetta, Method for removing water from surfaces.
  69. Brown George N. (Spring Township ; Berks County PA) Howard Luke J. (Exeter Township ; Berks County PA) Rimmler William F. (Exeter Township ; Berks County PA), Method of making metal conductors having a mobile inn getterer therein.
  70. Offer Henry P., Methods of fabricating mechanized welding wire.
  71. Beihoffer Thomas W. ; Mitchell Michael A., Multicomponent superabsorbent gel particles.
  72. Sutton Kim C. (St. Charles MO) Johnson Maynard (Kirkwood MO), Multipurpose container and display sign.
  73. Sato Shozo (Takasago JPX) Shimoyama Toshikazu (Takasago JPX) Shono Susumu (Takasago JPX) Matsumoto Osa (Takasago JPX) Kamei Hiromasa (Takasago JPX) Imada Takehiko (Takasago JPX), Narrow gap arc welding process and apparatus therefor.
  74. Asano Isao (Kure JPX), Narrow weld-groove welding process.
  75. Asano Isao (Kure JPX), Narrow weld-groove welding process and apparatus therefor.
  76. Ducanis Paul (17401 NW. 2nd Ave. Miami Shores FL 33169), Noise-absorbing bar stock guide for screw machine.
  77. Takeuchi Hideo,JPX ; Sato Maki,JPX ; Gyobu Shoichi,JPX, Organophosphorous composition, method of producing organophosphorous compound, polyester composition and method of producing the same.
  78. Chen Hua-Mei,TWX, Package for a reel of wire.
  79. Malone James P. (Middleton NJ) Biskupek Warren J. (Aberdeen Township ; Monmouth County NJ) Lurie Edward B. (Matawan NJ), Package for an optical fiber jumper.
  80. Moore, William J., Package for welding wire.
  81. Takaku Yutaka (Fujisawa JPX) Suzuki Toshihiro (Fujisawa JPX) Wake Jiro (Fujisawa JPX) Motegi Kanji (Fujisawa JPX) Yanazawa Masakatu (Fujisawa JPX), Packaging box and sheet for packaging box.
  82. Land, James T., Packaging for containing and dispensing large quantities of wire.
  83. Land, James T., Packaging for containing and dispensing large quantities of wire.
  84. Fore, Sr.,James R.; Fore, II,James R.; Young,Lloyd, Pay-out tube.
  85. Matsumoto Tetsuo (Aichi JPX) Imamura Takayuki (Aichi JPX) Shinogi Koji (Aichi JPX) Imura Bunpei (Aichi JPX) Ichihashi Eiji (Aichi JPX), Phosphorus containing copoleyster.
  86. Endo ; Seiji ; Kashihara ; Takao ; Osako ; Akitada ; Shizuki ; Tatsuhiko ; Ikegami ; Tadashi, Phosphorus-containing compounds.
  87. Kim Youn C. (Kumi KRX), Phosphorus-containing nitrogen compounds as flame retardants and synthetic resins containing them.
  88. Wang, Chun-Shan; Shieh, Jeng-Yueh, Phosphorus-containing phenolic, thiophenolic or aminophenyl flame-retardant hardener, and epoxy resins cured thereby.
  89. Endo Seiji (Otsu JPX) Kashihara Takao (Otsu JPX) Osako Akitada (Otsu JPX) Shizuki Tatsuhiko (Otsu JPX) Ikegami Tadashi (Otsu JPX), Phosphorus-containing polyesters.
  90. Fremion Edwin A. (Cleveland TN), Pre-banded bulk pack container.
  91. Otzen Uwe,DEX ; Schorcht Hans-Jurgen,DEX ; Weiss Mathias,DEX, Procedure and apparatus for the optimized manufacture of coil springs on automatic spring winding machines.
  92. Ko, Young C.; Kellenberger, Stanley R.; Jackson, David Martin; Soerens, Dave A.; Laumer, Jason M.; Ranganathan, Sridhar, Process for adding superabsorbent to a pre-formed fibrous web via in situ polymerization.
  93. Kleiner Hans-Jerg,DEX, Process for preparing phosphorus-containing dicarboxylic acids.
  94. Bourland Larry G. (Downingtown PA) DiLullo Robert J. (Paoli PA) Ritrievi Kimberly E. (Florham Park NJ) Valbert Jon R. (Bryn Mawr PA), Production of nonwoven fibrous articles.
  95. Mertens, Richard; Jörg, Harren, Pulverulent, crosslinked polymers which absorb aqueous liquids and blood.
  96. Krieg Alejandro V. (Mexico City MXX), Recyclable package for a stack of rolls of magnetic tape.
  97. Jacques Agostini FR, Remote control cable.
  98. Gelmetti, Carlo, Retainer for a welding wire coil.
  99. Cooper William D. (Concord OH) Matthews ; III Herbert H. (Willoughby OH) Seufer Lee E. (Cleveland OH) Tokarz Steven J. (Euclid OH), Retainer ring for welding wire container disclosure.
  100. Hsu,Christopher; Stava,Elliot K.; Barton,David J., Retainer ring for wire package.
  101. Eisinger, Frantisek L., Roller mechanism for forming helical shapes.
  102. Derman, Karl Gustaf, Rolling bearing.
  103. Luettgen, Harold A.; Golichowski, Gary, Rotatable and pivotable connector.
  104. Kolpin Barbara E. (River Falls WI) Brownlee David C. (White Bear Lake MN), Sheet product containing sorbent particulate material.
  105. Dal Hyang Bae KR; Jae Il Kwon KR; Jong Sik Park KR, Steel cord take-up spool.
  106. Pieniak Heinz A. (North Brunswick NJ) Iskra Michael J. (Flemington NJ), Superthin absorbent product.
  107. Johnson, David E.; McCall, Kenneth E., Swivel cable coupling for an air carbon-arc cutting and gouging torch.
  108. Leathers-Wiessner Susan (Portage MI), Swivel joint for cover of fluid-cooled welding cable.
  109. Barton, David J.; Blankenship, George Daryl, System and method facilitating fillet weld performance.
  110. Barton, David J.; Spear, Theresa M.; Blankenship, George Daryl, System and method for managing welding procedures and welding resources.
  111. Fujioka Kaoru (Tochigi JPX), Take-up reel for metallic filament.
  112. Miura Yoshihiro (Tochigi-ken JPX) Goto Masami (Tochigi-ken JPX), Take-up reel for metallic filaments.
  113. Jacobsson Kurt Arne Gunnar,SEX ; Ohlson Per,SEX, Thread delivery device and thread brake.
  114. Sean Burke CA; Michael B. Macklin ; Klaus-Alexander Rieder ; Jean-Fran.cedilla.ois Trottier CA, Three-dimensional twisted fibers and processes for making same.
  115. Fore James R. (Siler City NC), Two-piece pay-out tube.
  116. Burgert Josef H. (Achern DEX) Christensen Stephen B. (Midland MI) Gartner Herbert A. (Baden-Baden DEX) Buchholz Fredric L. (Midland MI) Johnson Thomas C. (Midland MI) Graham Andrew T. (Midland MI), Water absorbent resin particles of crosslinked carboxyl containing polymers and method of preparation.
  117. Hähnle, Hans-Joachim; Schröder, Ulrich; Heider, Wolfgang; Schornick, Gunnar; Anstock, Thomas, Water-absorbing, cellular, cross-linked polymers with improved distribution effect, method for their production and their use.
  118. Kawasaki Eiichiro (Suita JPX) Kitagawa Masao (Takatsuki JPX) Okabe Hidemi (Yokohama JPX) Tabata Masaru (Yokohama JPX) Yamada Minoru (Kamakura JPX), Welding wire container.
  119. De Lacerda, Antonio Carreto; Pignatelli, Ines; Perrée, Hendrik, Welding wire container cover and container containing same.
  120. Barton, David J.; Hsu, Christopher, Welding wire container with ribbed walls and a mating retainer ring.
  121. Barton,David J.; Hsu,Christopher, Welding wire container with ribbed walls and mating retainer ring.
  122. Hsu, Christopher; Stava, Elliott K.; Klein, Jeffrey R.; Barton, David J.; Blankenship, George D., Welding wire positioning system.
  123. Sibata Sinji (Toyota JPX) Sakou Shuji (Okazaki JPX) Ogino Akihiko (Chita JPX), Wire bonding apparatus and method.
  124. Lesko Michael J. (Bolingbrook IL) Tennant Dennis (Copley OH), Wire coil package.
  125. Hosbein Hugh W. (Fort Wayne IN), Wire dereeling apparatus.
  126. Seufer Lee E., Wire feeding apparatus.
  127. Minato, Tatsuji; Kondo, Makoto, Wire feeding unit.
  128. Barton, David J., Wire payout.
  129. Dekko Chester E. (Kendallville IN) Young Nathan (Kendallville IN), Wire shipping and dispensing container.
  130. Ditton Louis G. (Fort Wayne IN), Wire shipping and dispensing package.
  131. Kitt, Robert A.; Wirts, Harold L., Wire storing and dereeling apparatus.
  132. Labbe Robert A. (2375 NE. Ocean Blvd. ; Apt. 401-D Stuart FL 33494), Wire straightener and method for straightening wire.
  133. Boulton Norman B., Wire transfer assembly.
  134. Cooper William D., Wire transport drum.
  135. Blain, Denis; Cooper, Edward L.; Paquet, Martin; Vaidya, Viwek, Wire unwinding controller.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cooper, Edward L., Wire guide module and system.

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