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[미국특허] Active head covering with moveable element 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A42B-001/04
출원번호 US-0772316 (2013-02-20)
등록번호 US-8505116 (2013-08-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Strong, Finn Alexander
출원인 / 주소
  • Strong, Finn Alexander
대리인 / 주소
    Patent Law Offices of Michael E. Woods
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 31


A system and method for increasing customer interest in head coverings. A set of actuating components are coupled to moveable elements of an active head covering, the moveable elements respond to operation of an actuating mechanism in a side extension.


1. An active head covering, comprising: a head portion having an outside layer, an inside layer coupled to said outside layer, and a head cavity defined therebetween, said outside layer defining at least one aperture, a first lateral portion and a second lateral portion opposite of said first latera

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (31)

  1. Panec, Don J.; Stillinger, Scott; LaRonge, Ron, Actuatable toy containing deformable bladder.
  2. Panec, Don J.; Stillinger, Scott; LaRonge, Ron, Actuatable toy containing deformable bladder.
  3. Schneider Thomas P. (Westlake OH) Randleman Randy J. (Cleveland OH), Animated toy figurine.
  4. Terzian ; Rouben T., Articulated doll.
  5. Terzian Rouben T. (Chicago IL), Articulated doll.
  6. Murray ; III Edward F. (2741 Plainview Rd. Cheyenne WY 82001) Murray Catherine M. (2741 Plainview Rd. Cheyenne WY 82001), Balloon headgear.
  7. Kinan, Albert J., Chameleon footwear.
  8. Sapkus Jurgis (Manhattan Beach CA) Lewis J. Stephen (Pacific Palisades CA), Combination doll and accessory articles.
  9. Growe Glen H. (Minneapolis MN) Williams Robert L. (Eden Prairie MN), Costume headdresses.
  10. Gattamorta Ruben, Decorative visor assembly.
  11. Feldman, Vladimir; Miroshnik, Leonid; Gunzburg, Eli, Device for dispersing and dampening impact forces.
  12. Ferenczi Magda (395 Paul Ct. West Hempstead NY 11552), Doll having pneumatic actuated arms.
  13. Strong, Finn Alexander, Footwear having air-controlled active element.
  14. Kronenberger Robert A. (Deerfield IL), Headwear piece with cover for size adjustment actuator.
  15. Barker Gina M. (Woodbridge Suffolk IP13 6ND GBX), Inflatable cap or the like.
  16. Chen Steve J., Inflatable football hat.
  17. Liou Jiann-Hwa (10F-3 ; No. 114 ; Ai-Kuo E. Rd. Taipei TWX), Inflatable headband.
  18. Maureen Day, Inflatable headwear.
  19. Michael J. Goldman ; Leonard R. Clark, Jr. ; Colin Merlo ; Christopher F. Lauria, Inflatable toy.
  20. Chen, Ying-Tze, Inflating and deflating device for a pad.
  21. Lakic,Nikola, Methods of making adjustable air cushion insoles and resulting products.
  22. O\Connell Gerard P. (35 Oakcrest Dr. Westfield MA 01805), Novelty footwear producing squirting action and having a toe activated pump.
  23. Bodinet Francis G. (17842 Tipton Homewood IL 60430), Novelty inflatable hats.
  24. Kulesza Ralph J. (Chicago IL) Disko Harry (South Barrington IL) Gibbons Dennis R. (Hometown IL), Pneumatic action toy creatures.
  25. Cederholm ; Carl ; Hudson ; Robert H., Pneumatically actuated walking doll.
  26. Willis Betty A. (Maple Valley WA), Protective headgear.
  27. De Roza Kort J. (1527 Pine San Francisco CA 94109), Protective helmet kit apparatus.
  28. Chang Shyh T. (No. 6 ; Lane 305 ; Sec. 3 ; Chung Shan Road Tan Tzu Hsiang ; Taichung Hsien TWX) Chang Koong M. (No. 1782 ; Chung Cheng Rd. Tsao Tun Chen ; Nan Tou Hsien TWX), Shoe having a vibratable ornament.
  29. Villari ; Jr. John J. (30 W. Central Ave. East Bangor PA 18013) Paraschos Charles (P.O. Box 458 Portland PA 18351), Sneaker with insole.
  30. Baker Sharene M. (905 E. 26th St. Farmington NM 87401), Sound emitting infant boot structure.
  31. Albert Judith (Mill Neck NY) Davis Robert E. (North Branford CT), Toy doll and accessory.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7)

  1. Strong, Finn Alexander, Active head covering with moveable element.
  2. Strong, Finn Alexander, Article of manufacture with moveable element.
  3. Burnett, Melissa, Combination plush toy hat and pacifier holder.
  4. Strong, Finn Alexander, Footwear having air-controlled active element.
  5. Strong, Finn Alexander, Footwear having air-controlled active element.
  6. Strong, Finn Alexander, Footwear having air-controlled active element.
  7. Strong, Finn Alexander, Portable folding canopy with moveable element.
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