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[미국특허] Toilet device of the pierced chair type including a box designed from a pre-cut planar blank and a collection bag 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47K-011/06
출원번호 US-0601217 (2008-05-21)
등록번호 US-8510877 (2013-08-20)
우선권정보 FR-07 03586 (2007-05-21)
국제출원번호 PCT/FR2008/000699 (2008-05-21)
§371/§102 date 20091120 (20091120)
국제공개번호 WO2009/000979 (2008-12-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Helewa, Laurent
출원인 / 주소
  • Cleanis Company
대리인 / 주소
    Workman Nydegger
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 39


A toilet device including a box assembled from a flat pre-cut cardboard blank and a urine and feces collection bag includes (i) a box furnishing by way of folding and consolidation, an opening (2) in its panel (1) serving as a seat, a least two double sidewalls produced by a consolidation of angular


1. A foldable toilet having at least one pre-cut flat blank, the toilet comprising: a cardboard box comprising: a horizontal seat panel provided with an opening connecting an internal cavity of said box to the outside;at least two double sidewalls comprised of panels adjusted into vertical position

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (39) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kondratiev Igor, Apparatus and method for constructing knockdown furniture from paperboard material and the like.
  2. Weimer ; Jr. Charles P. (Danielson CT), Bottom speed lock for container.
  3. Perry Ramona L. (1519 Mohican St. Philadelphia PA 19138), Carrying case for a portable toilet.
  4. Calco Wayne (91 Bard Dr. Hudson OH 44236), Collapsible chair.
  5. Carter, William; Carter, Elizabeth, Collapsible portable toilet.
  6. Sell, Timothy L., Collapsible potty.
  7. Gara, Péter; Hollósi, Domonkos, Collapsible toilet.
  8. Bailey Gerald A., Combination packable toilet and stool.
  9. Tipps Steven V. (9224 Highedge Cir. Dallas TX 75238), Container for toxic waste.
  10. Carter, William; Carter, Elizabeth, Disposable collapsible portable toilet.
  11. Sandy Alan F. (1 Old Blundells Ct. Tiverton ; Devon EX16 4LF GB3), Disposable containers.
  12. McGuire David (P.O. Box 129 Apache Junction AZ 85217), Disposable toilet.
  13. Grenthe Bo (17 Gyllenehimsgatan Vnersborg SEX S-462 00), Dry closet.
  14. Wytko Richard (Olympia WA), File folder box.
  15. Westerman, Frank E.; Westerman, Frank G., Folded corrugated container with reinforced quick-locking handles.
  16. Bertele, Nitzan, Kits for use in forming three-dimensional articles, particularly articles of furniture, from flat cardboard sheets.
  17. Single Michael R. (Stockton CA), Knockdown carton with pre-glued bottom.
  18. Stewart Harry Malcolm, Lightweight, waterproof and foldable seat which can also function as a support.
  19. Bosworth Gerald A. (1569 Hanging Moss La. Gretna LA 70056), Litter marketing, use and disposal box.
  20. Little, Troy, Materials for and method for manufacturing container with corner supports and resulting container.
  21. Little, Troy, Materials for and method for manufacturing container with integrated divider and resulting container.
  22. Little, Troy, Materials for and method for manufacturing packaging and resulting packaging.
  23. Little, Troy; Laughman, Jamie L., Materials for and method for manufacturing retail container and resulting retail container.
  24. Smith Jeffrey A. ; Beneroff Richard N. ; Kim Eric, Nested box with integrated lid and reinforced seam.
  25. Covelli, Jeffrey S., Ovenable shipping and serving container.
  26. Mohnhaupt Elmer J. (P.O. Box 705 Evergreen CO 80439), Portable commode.
  27. Lin Chen-Yuan (No. 57 ; Lane 67 ; Sec. 2 ; Chung Shan Road Changhua City TWX), Portable toilet with a surrounding shield.
  28. Shin,Wook Joong, Portable urinal for children.
  29. Fenoglio Robert J. (New Lenox IL), Portable, collapsible toilet.
  30. Sekitou Chikaku,JPX, Portable-type-simplified toilet.
  31. Schifrin Arthur (4652 Via Marina Marina Del Rey CA 90292), Quick assembly and knock-down box and oil recycling kit using same.
  32. Roseth, Steven H.; Pfieffer, Gerald, Reclosable food container.
  33. Gillani, Shiraz, Reversible container with logo concealment.
  34. Besner,Beth A.; Beaty,James T., Sanitary, portable and disposable toilet seat cover, with attached wipe.
  35. Steinbeck Tammy Lynn ; O'Connor Maureen ; Conley Christopher ; Lausen Marcia, Storage box.
  36. Bertele, Nitz{dot over (a)}n, Three-dimensional article produced from sheet material.
  37. McGill Leland S. (Portage IN), Toilet assemblies.
  38. Grimes Jane (Greenbanks Linersh Wood Bramley ; NR. ; Guildford ; Surrey GB2), Toilet pots.
  39. Loebbert Johannes (Industriestrasse 1 4405 ; Nottuln 2 DEX), Toilet with a disposable bag.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hughes, Halyn Lee; Stamas, Heather Brooke, Foldable, disposable, urine receptacle.
  2. Gerstle, Matthew E, Kraft dovetail and slot assembly.
  3. Gerstle, Matthew E, Kraft mortise and tenon assembly.
  4. Ellinghuysen, Mark, Self-contained portable toilet.
  5. Ellinghuysen, Mark, Self-contained portable toilet.

활용도 분석정보


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