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[미국특허] Bin 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-021/00
출원번호 US-0194637 (2011-07-29)
등록번호 US-8573429 (2013-11-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hawkins, Laura L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Target Brands, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Farrell, Leanne Taveggia
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 64


A retail display apparatus has a transparent inner cylinder with a top. An outer sleeve surrounds a portion of the transparent inner cylinder and has a top such that a first part of the top of the outer sleeve is a first distance from the top of the transparent inner cylinder and a second part of th


1. A retail display unit comprising: a single piece of first sheet material having a top edge, a bottom edge, and side edges that are attached together to form a first tubular body and first and second score lines that are spaced apart from the side edges and extend from the top edge to the bottom e

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (64)

  1. Lowry,James W., Base for post in post product packaging and display system.
  2. Robert C. Conner, Bath drain strainer.
  3. Foreman, Richard; Foreman, Kathleen, Battery holder.
  4. Carey,Marcus, Beverage holder in the shape of stacked tires.
  5. Hawkins, Laura L., Bin.
  6. Conway Ashley,AUX, Blank for use as a holder.
  7. Kooy Hermen (46 ; Stommeerkade EK Aalsmeer NLX), Cabinet for cut-off flowers.
  8. Dretzka, Philip C., Can.
  9. Franklin, Damon L., Candle holder.
  10. Franklin, Damon L., Candle holder.
  11. Franklin, Damon L., Candle holder.
  12. Franklin, Damon L., Candle holder.
  13. Warren, III, Eugene, Circular counter organizer.
  14. Herbst David H. (Reistertown MD) Boyle Patrick T. (Baltimore MD), Combined scoop and serving cup.
  15. Johansen Roderic (20234 23rd Place NW. Seattle WA 98177), Composting bin apparatus with U-shaped connecting members.
  16. Ryberg Hans (Chicago IL), Container.
  17. Swanson Dale W. (260 El Dorado Blvd. #812 Webster TX 77598), Container and blank therefor.
  18. Flum Paul (Ladue MO) Mynatt Jerry M. (Desoto MO), Container assembly for storage and display of articles.
  19. Quarrell Richard (New York NY) Ransom Paul A. (New York NY), Container for displaying and storing articles.
  20. Lin,Tsong Yow, Container for garbage.
  21. Keeley James F. (703 S. Franklin St. Welmington DE 19805), Container for storing multiple rolls of toilet paper.
  22. Warren ; III Eugene, Counter organizer.
  23. Bergstein Robert M. (Cincinnati OH), Cylindrical display container for merchandise.
  24. Renna Douglas J. (131 Munro Blvd. Valley Stream NY 11581), Cylindrical package stuffing material.
  25. Moon Myung Choo,KRX, Decorative packing cover.
  26. Murphy ; Thomas V., Display bin.
  27. Hawkins, Laura L., Display shelf.
  28. Powers, Brenda Bagavathi, Electronically controlled and monitored containment system.
  29. Dennis Deacon, Flower bud wrapper.
  30. Weder, Donald E.; Straeter, William F., Flower pot with attached sleeve and method of use.
  31. Cantrell Gregory, Garbage and recycling storage unit.
  32. Cima Michael D. (1261 Rodi Rd. Turtle Creek PA 15145), Holder for pens, pencils, tools, or the like.
  33. Bradley, Treg; Wilson, Benjamin, Hydroponic gardening system.
  34. Renold Walter (Conches CHX) Favez Christian (Les Avanchets CHX), Liquid sample color comparison rack.
  35. Orefice Richard (64 Cherry Rd. Lake Hopatcong NJ 07849), Materials-recycling collection bin assembly.
  36. Cutler,Carol Sale; Cutler,David W.; Wilbur,Glenys, Medicine cup.
  37. Chiang,Hung Tu, Metal keg.
  38. Mickey Chien TW, Method of fabricating a flower sleeve and the structure thereof.
  39. Murphy Thomas V. (Design Productions ; P.O. Box 318 Oradell NJ 07649), Modular merchandise display tower.
  40. Eric J. Price, Mug.
  41. Price Eric Justin, Mug.
  42. Chelec Richard J. (1133 N. Dearborn ; Apt. 2708 Chicago IL 60610), Multi-compartment trash receptacle.
  43. Sutton Kim C. (St. Charles MO) Johnson Maynard (Kirkwood MO), Multipurpose container and display sign.
  44. Warren, III,Eugene, Organizer.
  45. Clark Mitchell, Oval folding carton with automatic closing.
  46. Clark Mitchell, Oval folding carton with automatic closing bottom.
  47. Tawil, Joseph, Paper roll holder.
  48. Evenson Mel (San Pedro CA), Pencil cup.
  49. Denbraver Dinant Bastiaan, Potted plant sleeve.
  50. Dow Dolores ; Dow ; Sr. Milby, Recycling bin.
  51. Shieh Song-Huei (3rd Fl. ; No. 558 ; Sec. 7 Chung-Hsiao E. Road Taipei TWX), Retractile umbrella cover and knockdown umbrella stand.
  52. Adams, Mark S., Rigid tube type beverage can carrier.
  53. Seufert Thorsten (6056 Heusenstamm Im Rehwinkel 11 DEX), Round container intended for dispatch in the empty state and method of making same.
  54. House Mortimer E. (8869 Balboa Ave. San Diego CA 92123), Stacking and storing container for chucks for machining optic lens.
  55. Ming-Hung Wu TW, Storage stand.
  56. Guindi, Henry V., Toilet tissue holder.
  57. Fuller Walter D. (6421 NE. 18th Ave. Ft. Lauderdale FL 33334), Transparent multiple tubular flower bud vase.
  58. Doherty Jean (331 Division Ave. Hasbrouck Heights NJ 07604-1721), Trash container.
  59. McLean Ian (3 Flavel Place Woodforde ; SA 5072 AUX), Tree guard.
  60. Herbst David H. (Reisterstown MD) Boyle Patrick T. (Baltimore MD), Two-piece scoop and serving container with internal and external decor and method for applying such decor.
  61. Rahme, Peter Anthony, Vase.
  62. Cowie Ross (1069 Borden Side Road Ottawa ; Ontario CAX K2C 3P3 ), Waste basket liner system.
  63. Blackburn, Dale M, Waste water strainer.
  64. Conti Rino, Wheeled container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Soto-Camacho, Andrea; LaForest, Jennifer, Storage bin.
  2. Johnson, Jason W.; Zobel, Erin L.; Hammond, Christopher A., String light retail display unit.
  3. Sciandra, Charles C., Tabletop disc game assembly.

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