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[미국특허] Lid holder for a slow cooker 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16M-011/00
출원번호 US-0843007 (2010-07-24)
등록번호 US-8740159 (2014-06-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Braun, Vicky S.
출원인 / 주소
  • Braun, Vicky S.
대리인 / 주소
    Fishel, Grace J.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 44


A lid holder for use with a slow cooker. The lid holder has a tray supported on a strap from the rim of the slow cooker. The tray has inner and outer walls between which a lid from the cooker may be interposed. The lid is supported in the tray above a well for drips on fins between the inner and out


1. A lid holder for a slow cooker having a container with a domed lid, the container has a hollow interior and a rim with an inner ledge for accessing the interior of the container and the lid is sized and shaped to fit within the rim and when seated on the inner ledge cover the container with a gap

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (44) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Helzer James A. (Cheyenne WY), Adjustable plate holder.
  2. Helzer James A. (Cheyenne WY), Adjustable plate holder.
  3. Douglas Randall Cecil, Angled-cut paint brush holder.
  4. Parenteau,Christopher Eugene, Apparatus and method for lifting and supporting a utensil cover.
  5. Greenwood Mark H., Beverage holder for a stroller or the like.
  6. Sheldon, Robert W.; Foster, Gregory J., Card holder, for items such as business cards, for attachment to a wall, such as a cubicle wall.
  7. Merino Carlos (531 Casselman St. Chula Vista CA 92010), Chafing dish cover holder.
  8. Hong Dong Jin,KRX, Combined lid and utensil holder.
  9. Sergianni,Gary, Cooking vessel lid holder with drip collection apparatus.
  10. Stanton,Jack; Stanton,Job H., Decorative planter for a cyclone fence.
  11. Stukenberg, Joseph R., Dinnerware display.
  12. Adams,William E., Door hook with hinge.
  13. Park Cynthia C. (912 Army Trail Rd. Addison IL 60101) Park Heather (912 Army Trail Rd. Addison IL 60101), Drink holder.
  14. Di Lollo, Stefano, Holder for receiving a lid or a cover.
  15. Chiang Chao-Cheng (Fl. 5-2 ; No. 455 ; Chung-Cheng Rd. Yung-Ho City ; Taipei Hsien TWX) Dhnq Jyh-Yun (Fl. 5-2 ; No. 455 ; Chung-Cheng Rd. Yung-Ho City ; Taipei Hsien TWX), Holder mounted on a vertical wall for holding a wok-cover.
  16. Pohler Edna L. (6152 W. Wabash Rd. Huntington IN 46750), Hot lid holder.
  17. English Roy L. (2733 SE. 31st Portland OR 97202) English Irene F. (2733 SE. 31st Portland OR 97202), Lid having integral hanger.
  18. Durham Mary A. (1450 Morgan St. ; Apartment #3 Belleville IL 62220), Lid holder.
  19. Dare,Jack, Lid holder stand.
  20. Dooley Patricia A., Magnetic cooking utensil holder.
  21. Searcy Marilyn A., Paint brush holder.
  22. William A. Malvasio ; Catherine A. Malvasio, Paint brush holder and wiper unit.
  23. Clark Jarvis, Paint supply tray.
  24. Graham,Ted, Paintbrush holder.
  25. Masse Grard (2355 Belle-Meunire Neufchatel (Quebec) CAX G2B 126) Samson Guy (1523 William-Scott Cap-Rouge (Quebec) CAX G1R 3K4), Paintbrush holder.
  26. Kemper Diane J. L. (31870 Kingwood La. ; Apt. 22 Farmington MI 48018), Plate holder.
  27. Boyajian ; Jr. Philip H. (P.O. Box 191 Watertown MA 02172), Pot and pan lid holder.
  28. Otani Neal M. (99-433 Kekoa Pl. Aiea HI 96701) Fong-Otani Janis M. J. (99-433 Kekoa Pl. Aiea HI 96701), Pot cover holder.
  29. Di Lollo, Stefano, Pot lid holder.
  30. Krueger,Claus D., Pot lid holder.
  31. Blaisdell, Timothy, Pot lid holding system.
  32. Nichols ; IV Charles Walter, Retainer for retaining cooking utensils over cookware.
  33. Kixmoeller,Kenneth Browne, Sliding holding device for a cooking container lid.
  34. Tynes, Ronald G.; Barnes, John D.; Ye, Guoyao, Slow cooker.
  35. Tynes,Ronald G.; Barnes,John D.; Ye,Guoyao, Slow cooker.
  36. Mardas, Armodios, Smartphone holder.
  37. Frizzell Jenneth R. (8062 Robindale Dearborn Hts. MI 48127), Television magazine holder.
  38. Brunner, Yaron, Tool caddy.
  39. Knittel Richard D. ; Kuhns David B., Universal lid holder.
  40. Cupp Charles D. (Lancaster NY) Wood ; Jr. Frederick J. (Lancaster NY), Universal paint tray.
  41. Searcy, Marilyn A., Utility organizer.
  42. Chen,Peter; Lee,Kevin Hui Lien; Lee,Jungkun, Utility tray.
  43. Rovas Steven C., Versatile paint tray.
  44. Thompson, Craig; Nowbould, Peter J.; Babic, Ivana, Wall mountable basket.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Orban, Christopher; Orban, Melissa, Hanging apparatus for cookware or bakeware closures or lids.
  2. Kettavong, Phonesacksith Guy, Tamper holder.
  3. Barnes, Darrell, Utensil holder for chafing dishes and the like.

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