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[미국특허] Friction controlled ball joint 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16C-011/06
  • F16C-011/08
출원번호 US-0607095 (2009-10-28)
등록번호 US-8753032 (2014-06-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yu, Jinghong
  • Wolf, David
  • Vogel, Daniel
  • Hosni, Edward A.
  • Samalot-Quiles, Angel D.
출원인 / 주소
  • Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    Burke, Gregory J.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 29


A ball joint assembly may include a housing having a cavity, a friction seat received within the cavity, and a ball stud having a ball that frictionally contacts the friction seat. In one embodiment, a friction control mechanism moves the friction seat within the cavity to adjust the friction betwee


1. A ball joint assembly comprising: a housing having a cavity that is at least partially defined by a first inner surface;a friction seat that: (1) is at least partially received within the cavity; and, (2) has: (a) an outer surface juxtaposed to the first inner surface of the housing; and, (b) an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (29) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Woo Sik Yoo ; Hiromitsu Kuribayashi JP, Adjustable joint for a positionable arm.
  2. Sudhana, Hem; Zen, Andrea, Adjustable support head for optical or video/photographic equipment.
  3. Hendren Herbert (Indianapolis IN), Adjustable swivel.
  4. Shima, Kotaro, Ball Joint.
  5. Hanson, William M., Ball and socket joint.
  6. Atkins Gregory R. ; Maughan Garth B., Ball and socket joint assembly with self-centering retainer ring.
  7. Drutchas ; deceased Gilbert H. (late of Birmingham MI by Elaine M. Drutchas ; legel representative), Ball joint.
  8. Steven P. Spagnuolo, Ball joint.
  9. Hanson William Michael (Leamington Spa EN) Price Basil Robert (Leamington Spa EN), Ball joint assembly.
  10. Williams,Daniel E., Ball joint assembly with wear indication.
  11. Kendall Rodney A. (Ridgefield CT), Ball joint with dynamic preload adjustment.
  12. Funcke Thomas R. (Meerbusch DEX), Ball joint, particularly for use in motor vehicles.
  13. Rusbach Maurice (Vernier CH), Ball-and-socket joint.
  14. Maughan, Garth B., Bearing socket liner for ball joint.
  15. Kosugi Yoshinobu (Sayama JPX) Idota Tadashi (Sayama JPX), Camera supporting device.
  16. Maughan Garth B. ; Brown Richard F., Dry wedge ball and socket joint.
  17. Ditzler,Steven J., Grease actuated ball and socket joint.
  18. Kincaid, Jeffrey Lee; Wasylewski, Neil Alan, Isolation ball joint for steering and suspension.
  19. Biber Klaus (Aalen DEX), Means for securing an observation instrument to a supporting stand.
  20. Schmidt, George; Fitch, Larry; Doherty, Donald, Method of setting the pre-load for a ball socket joint.
  21. Jeremy Tachau ; Aldo Spadoni, Methods and systems for joints useable in toys.
  22. Temperato,Luca; Zarpellon,Stelvio, Orientable mounting for optical and/or photo-cinematographic equipment.
  23. Phillips Edward ; Pfeiffer Thomas, Positionable support head.
  24. Howard Durrell U., Sealed self-adjusting bearing assembly.
  25. Ronsheim, Stephen E., Spherical locking device.
  26. Vogt,Philippe, Tripod head.
  27. Werner Buerklin DE, Tripod head.
  28. Zukowski Leonard J. (Sterling Heights MI), Variably preloaded ball joint assembly.
  29. Graham ; John P., Wear indicating ball joint.

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