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[미국특허] Hydronic heating system and method for pest control 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01M-001/20
출원번호 US-0007021 (2011-01-14)
등록번호 US-8756857 (2014-06-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • DeMonte, Todd R.
  • Ebert, Sean M.
  • Steffes, Michael J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Technologies Holdings Corp.
대리인 / 주소
    Baker Botts L.L.P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 87


In certain embodiments, a system for killing pests in an affected area includes a burner for heating a fluid. Heat exchanger units are placed within associated regions of the affected area. Each heat exchanger unit receives the fluid from the burner and emits heated air by transferring heat from the


1. A system for killing pests in an affected area, comprising: a burner operable to heat a fluid to a first temperature;a plurality of heat exchanger units each placed with an associated region of the affected area, each heat exchanger unit configured to receive the fluid from the burner, each heat

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (87)

  1. Matvey Fayerman ; Ad de Pijper ; David Collier, Air heating burner.
  2. Perry, Douglas M., Air-heating gas burner.
  3. Horne ; Sr. Frank L. (Charlotte NC), Apparatus and method for converting an electric water heater to use gas.
  4. Van Bemmel Jan C. (Leerbroek NLX), Apparatus and method for safe operation of kerosene heaters.
  5. Topp, Daniel P., Apparatus for and method of eradicating pests.
  6. DeYoreo Sal G. (Andover MA) Stevens David P. (Billerica MA), Apparatus for attracting insects.
  7. Smith Derrick A. (1180 S. Seabreeze Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale FL 33316), Apparatus for the recovery of useful heat from refrigeration gases.
  8. Coppin William (Muncie IN), Carbon monoxide reducing endplate apparatus.
  9. Klix Uwe,DEX, Ceiling radiator.
  10. Topp, Daniel P., Combustion system for a heater.
  11. Leitner Kenneth D. (6382 Schubert St. Buena Park CA 90620) Terry Arthur W. R. (9732 Compton Blvd. Bellflower CA 90706), Commodity fumigation process and apparatus.
  12. Huyghe Paul H. J.,BEX ; Dewolf Hans,BEX, Compact high-efficiency air heater.
  13. Durand, Emma Amelia; Palombo, Michael J.; Dunne, Richard B., Device for trapping flying insects.
  14. Potter Gary J. (Marthasville MO) Reinkemeyer Robert W. (Wentzville MO) Heitmann Clifford L. (Creve Coeur MO), Direct gas-fired burner assembly.
  15. Potter, Gary J.; Jones, James R., Direct gas-fired burner assembly.
  16. Mosiewicz,Pawel; Li,Ceji, Direct gas-fired burner assembly with two-stage combustion.
  17. Check Chris B. ; Schmidt Jay J. ; Knieriem Bruce L., Direct gas-fired heating and ventilation system with passive control damper.
  18. Topp, Daniel P., Direct-fired heater.
  19. Uhl, G?nther; Geiger, Steffen; Alban, Thomas; Giffels, Thomas; Wenske, Dirk; Hamburger, Andreas; Riether, Mike, Electric heating system for a motor vehicle.
  20. Kling ; deceased William E. (6647 Tanglewood ; S. E. Grand Rapids MI 49506 by Sue A. Kling ; executrix), Electric space heater.
  21. Crawford Larry C. (Redmond WA), Energy managment microprocessing training system providing instruction for the programming and computerization of mechan.
  22. Forbes Charles (7343 Via Lorado Rancho Palos Verdes CA 90274), Extermination of insects by heat.
  23. Forbes Charles (7343 Via Lorado Rancho Palos Verdes CA 90274), Extermination of insects by heat.
  24. Binzer Lothar (5721 - 124th St. Surrey ; B.C. CAX V3X 3H3), Fireplace ventilation system.
  25. Zawada Michael E. (593 Peakham Rd. Sudbury MA 01776), Fresh air intake system for a dwelling having central forced warm air heating.
  26. Miyauchi, Shinji; Ueda, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Yoshiaki, Fuel cell cogeneration system, method of operating.
  27. Brash, Kenneth George, Fumigation apparatus.
  28. Brash, Kenneth George, Fumigation apparatus.
  29. Gatley ; Jr. William Stuart, Furnace blower with double sided impeller.
  30. Bryan Edward L. (Dallas TX), Furnace monitoring system.
  31. Vandrak, Brian S.; DuRoss, Jr., John D.; Haire, Allan L., Gas fired portable unvented infrared heater.
  32. Valters Tim,CAX ; O'Hearn Lance,CAX, Gas fireplace insert.
  33. Jamieson Donald R. (Oakville CAX) VanderPlaat Peter G. (Mississauga CAX) Poe Jimmy R. (Oakville CAX) Holman Richard T. (Mississauga CAX) Ramos Claudia M. (Etobicoke CAX), Gas operated fireplace assembly.
  34. Hall Donald O. (2801 Lencott Dr. Louisville KY 40216), Gas-fired heater means.
  35. Lebrun, Alan, Heat exchange system and method of use.
  36. Umezu Kenji (Shizuoka JPX) Sano Tetsuo (Fujinomiya JPX), Heat pump with electrically heated heat accumulator.
  37. Stevenson James R., Heat transfer unit for a furnace exhaust vent.
  38. Brittell Orville D. (1001 Avenue of the States ; Apt. 1106 Chester PA 19013-5954), Heated cockroach trap.
  39. Nelson Lawrence L. (125 Royal Dr. ; Apt. 2408 Madison AL 35758), Heated cockroach trap.
  40. Matsumoto,Kenzo; Watabe,Yoshio; Ishigaki,Shigeya; Nishikawa,Hiroshi, Heating/cooling system.
  41. McWilliams Oliver B. (2748 Fawn Grove Ct. Colorado Springs CO 80906), Heavy gas, including radon gas, expeller assembly.
  42. Daneshvar Manouchehr (Novi MI) Kraemer William E. (Sterling Heights MI), High efficiency gas furnace.
  43. Schonberger, Sr., Marty L., Hot air furnace.
  44. Chaudoin James J. (Norco CA) Linford Michael R. (Villa Park CA), Insect eradication.
  45. Molnar, Christopher J.; Rannick, Paul R.; Jarzynka, Tom, Insect eradication system and method.
  46. Kimura Kohichiro (642 N. Lamer St. Burbank CA 91506) Overturf Michael (642 N. Lamer St. Burbank CA 91506), Insect exterminator.
  47. Bossler, Martin C., Insect trap apparatus.
  48. Coppin William P. (Muncie IN), Line burner assembly.
  49. Michael Ronald Williamson NZ; Paul Martin Winkleman CA, Mechanically loaded direct air circulation commodity disinfestation chamber.
  50. Williamson Michael Ronald ; Winkleman Paul Martin, Mechanically loaded direct air circulation commodity disinfestation chamber.
  51. Langhart Chris (5872 Ridge Rd. ; RD 2 Box 265 New Hope PA 18938), Mechanized tent.
  52. Chura, Daniel, Method and apparatus for attracting and collecting insects.
  53. Gatley ; Jr. William Stuart, Method and apparatus for cooling a furnace motor.
  54. Gustafson Keith W. (Waleska GA), Method and apparatus for exterminating pests.
  55. Tallon Joseph C. (5702 Pioneer Dr. Bakersfield CA 93306), Method and apparatus for exterminating structure infestations.
  56. Polk Steven A. (Farmington Hills MI) Stuckman Bruce E. (Troy MI), Method for controlling a heating unit.
  57. Barra,Florencio Lazo, Method for thermal pest control.
  58. Creeger Samuel M. ; Fakiro Uri, Method of controlling pests and associated apparatus.
  59. Creeger, Samuel M.; Fakiro, Uri, Method of controlling pests and associated apparatus.
  60. Hedman David ; Sears Troy, Method of killing organisms and removal of toxins in enclosures.
  61. Hedman, David E., Method of treating for pests.
  62. Dai, Lei, Mobile heater.
  63. Reuter Grant, Module-controlled building drying system and process.
  64. Wen-Ying Lee (No. 5 ; Lane 50 ; Chiao An Street Taipei TWX), Multi-function portable electric room heater having a removable heating cartridge.
  65. McQuoid Bryan K. (Simsbury CT) Charlson Earl J. (Columbia MO) Graham Huber (Columbia MO), Multiple point remote temperature sensing.
  66. Johnson Roger D. ; Danley Thomas T., Pest control system.
  67. Johnson, Roger D.; Danley, Thomas T., Pest control system.
  68. Okayasu, Kenji, Portable heat transfer apparatus.
  69. Vaughan,Steven, Portable steam and heat generator.
  70. Stoodley, John T., Portable, immersible heat exchanger apparatus.
  71. Forsberg Francis C., Portable, potable water recovery and dispensing apparatus.
  72. Fujimoto Tadayuki,JPX ; Hirota Shinichiro,JPX ; Sugawara Kishio,JPX ; Hada Shinji,JPX, Press molding apparatus for glass optical elements and molding method for glass optical elements.
  73. Hochbrueckner Kenneth, Propane detector system.
  74. Fiedrich Joachim, Radiant hydronic bed warmer.
  75. Topp, Daniel P., Sanitary and phytosanitary pest control method by controlled application of heat.
  76. Webb ; Jr. William (272 A S. Monaco Pkwy. Denver CO 80224), Solar energy control system and method.
  77. Brown Claude E., Superheated steam delivering apparatus and agricultural methods therewith.
  78. Hedman, David E., System and method for removing harmful biological and organic substances from an enclosure.
  79. Hedman, David E., System and process for removing or treating harmful biological and organic substances within an enclosure.
  80. Campbell ; Jr. Albert E. (19326 Firestone Cir. Huntington Beach CA 92648) Stevenson Charles F. (29500 Heathercliff ; No. 195 Malibu CA 90265), Systems to exterminate and control subterranean termites and other subterranean pests.
  81. Macklem ; F. Sutherland, Temperature control device.
  82. Nagai, Keisuke; Takano, Yoshiaki, Vehicle air-conditioning system.
  83. Beavers Allan E. (638 S. Surrey Ct. Grand Junction CO 81401) Fulcher Robert A. (3329 N. Ridge Dr. Grand Junction CO 81506), Ventilating heater.
  84. Vandrak, Brian S.; Haney, Donald C.; O'Toole, Dennis, Vertically-storable combustion heater.
  85. Chu Cheng (5373 Bothe Ave. San Diego CA 92122), Vortex tube for exterminating organisms.
  86. Schultz, Michael W.; Strand, Rolf L., Warm air furnace with premix burner.
  87. Arbabian Morteza (P.O. Box 1270 Madison WI 53701), Waste water heat recovery apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Hosli, Wayne J.; Ebert, Sean M., Packaged terminal climate unit for pest control.
  2. Lander, Kenneth, Thermal processing device, system, and method.
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