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Centrifugal fan device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01F-003/04
  • A61L-009/12
  • A01M-001/20
출원번호 US-0494899 (2012-06-12)
등록번호 US-8807538 (2014-08-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sharma, Nitin
출원인 / 주소
  • S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 31


A dispensing device includes a housing, a fan, and an annular reservoir. A compound is disposed within the reservoir. The dispensing device further includes a permeable substrate in communication with the annular reservoir for releasing the compound in a first passive state. The compound is released


1. A dispensing device, comprising: a housing;a fan;an annular reservoir having a compound disposed therein; anda permeable substrate in communication with the annular reservoir for releasing the compound in a first passive state, wherein the permeable substrate includes a horizontal surface and at

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (31)

  1. Horng Chin-Fu (#30 Lane 161 ; Hua Cheng Rd. Hsin Chuaing City ; Taipei Shien TWX), Air freshener.
  2. O\Neil William J. (Cincinnati OH), Air freshener dispenser.
  3. Cox Dale W. (Hermosa Beach CA), Air-circulating device with air freshener, humidifier, and/or deodorizer.
  4. Meetze ; Jr. Murray O. (Columbia SC), Apparatus for creating a flow of air past a product capable of being vaporized.
  5. Zlotnik, Arnold H.; Czapko, Raymond; Colburn, Eric R.; Shoemaker, Anthony D., Apparatus for dispensing an aromatic odor neutralizer.
  6. Collingwood Keith (Hull GB2), Apparatus for emanating a chemical agent.
  7. Sullivan William E. (Columbia SC) Meetze ; Jr. O. Murray (Columbia SC) Seager Richard H. (Manchester CT), Apparatus for inducing air flow past a product capable of being vaporized.
  8. Gawel ; Jr. Joseph W., Apparatus to enhance the use of scents.
  9. Cline Lee S. (Downey CA) John Philip J. (Los Alamitos CA), Automatic intermittent vapor dispenser.
  10. Brian T. Davis ; John J. Gatzemeyer, Battery powered volatile dispenser having an electrical power cut-off for a visible fan.
  11. Zlotnik Clifford B. (4717 Lougean Rd. Pittsburgh PA 15207) Zlotnik Arnold H. (1000 Sullivan Dr. West Homestead PA 15120), Cartridge for deodorizing, disinfecting or humidifying apparatus and article for cartridge.
  12. Tringali Dominick (Columbia SC), Cartridge forming part of a system for inducing air flow past a product capable of being vaporized.
  13. Brown, Douglas S., Combination air freshener and hand lotion dispenser.
  14. Granger,David A.; Felton,Andrew J., Device for distributing volatile fluids in air.
  15. Belongia, David C.; Wefler, Mark E., Diffusion device.
  16. Pankhurst, Richard P. H.; Smith, Brian D.; Evans, Michael J., Dispersing fragrances.
  17. Furner, Paul E.; Uick, Heidi J., Dual function dispenser.
  18. Lagneaux Patrick (Onnaing FRX) Peretti Christian (Valenciennes FRX), Dynamic diffuser of a substance such as a perfume.
  19. Lagneaux Patrick,FRX ; Peretti Christian,FRX, Dynamic sprayer for an odoriferous substance with low energy consumption.
  20. Pedrotti,Andrea; Stenico,Filippo; Marchetti,Fabio; Deflorian,Stefano; Frisanco,Alessandro, Electrical evaporator including fan and louver structure.
  21. DeLuca Raymond F. (Stamford CT), Evaporative dispenser.
  22. Caserta,Andrea; Garcia Fabrega,Ruben; Casas Colomer,Pere; Gusi Hidalgo,Joan; Morhain,Cedric, Evaporator device for active substances with fan.
  23. Yamasaki,Satoshi; Yamamoto,Kazunori; Matsuda,Atsushi, Fan type chemicals diffusing device.
  24. Palson, Richard C. J., Forced flow vapor distribution device.
  25. Spector Donald (380 Mountain Rd. Union City NJ 07087), Light-activated aroma generator with automatic cutoff.
  26. Tam,Kelvin; Zeng,Zi Ming; Parsons,William G.; Mather,David P.; Harwig,Jeffrey L., Localized surface volatilization.
  27. Arnell, John; Bakopoulos, Christos Pavlos; Baydar, Ahmet Ennis; Blondeau, Philippe, Odor dispensing device and odor dispensing cartridge.
  28. Rodgers,Steven Scott, Residual free scent dispenser and method.
  29. Lua, Edgardo R., Solar-power battery air freshener with oscillating fan.
  30. Wong,Yan Kwong; Young,Michael Wai Kwok; Young,Wei, Spice grinder.
  31. Varanasi, Padma Prabodh; Adair, Joel E.; Liptrot, Michael C.; Song, Qing, Volatile liquids having predetermined evaporation profiles.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Kamrath, Robert R., Centrifugal pump and fan assembly.
  2. Klemm, Robert W.; Sharma, Nitin; Fahy, Cathal L.; Shi, Deliang, Wearable chemical dispenser.
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