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Firearm grip sleeve with retention feature 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F41C-023/10
출원번호 US-0922034 (2013-06-19)
등록번호 US-8857093 (2014-10-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hogue, Patrick Leonard
출원인 / 주소
  • Hogue, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Langlotz, Bennet K.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 14


A firearm grip sleeve with retention feature has a body including a central bore and a meeting element. The mating element is connected to a mating feature on the frame of a firearm. The mating element is connected to a mating feature on the frame of a firearm. The mating element prevents undesirabl


1. A removable elastomeric firearm grip sleeve and firearm combination comprising: a body;the body including a central bore;the body including a mating element;a firearm having a frame with a removable back strap insert and a mating feature, wherein the mating element is received by the mating featu

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Pachmayr Frank A. (Los Angeles CA) Farrar Jack R. (Whittier CA), Cushioned gun grip.
  2. Fisher Robert L. (5227 Monterey Rd. Riverside CA 92506), Elastic pistol grip cover.
  3. de Oliveira Masina Ezio Renato,BRX, Ergonomically deformable grip for special use in firearms.
  4. Poulin,Michael J.; O'Clair,Sean, Firearm frame with configurable grip.
  5. Jackson Linda J. (965 N. 58th St. Mesa AZ 85205), Grip cover.
  6. Harms, Raymond E., Handgun grip with a removable and replaceable grip portion.
  7. Stevens Philip H. (Skaneateles NY), Handgun of improved ergonomic construction.
  8. Pusateri Daniel S. ; Brehm James R., Interchangeable grips for power hand tools.
  9. Pachmayr Frank A. (Los Angeles CA) Farrar Jack R. (Whittier CA), Pistol grip.
  10. Pachmayr Frank A. (Los Angeles CA) Farrar Jack R. (Whittier CA), Reinforced cushioning grip for pistols.
  11. Hogue Aaron G. ; Hogue Patrick L., Resilient grip sleeve for an air tool.
  12. Scott Barry R. (41162 Montelimar Ct. Murrietta CA 92562) Wade Richard D. (9018 Ahmann Ave. Whittier CA 90603), Rubber grip for handgun.
  13. Kenigson Robert H. (811 Kains Ave. #8 Albany CA 94706), Screwdriver handle.
  14. Hogue Patrick L. (Atascadero CA) Hogue Aaron G. (Atascadero CA), Sleeve for a pistol grip.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Liu, Julian, Brake assembly for a height-adjustable walker apparatus.
  2. Maroney, Samuel P., Firearm grip sleeve.
  3. Liu, Julian, Foldable walker apparatus.
  4. Liu, Julian, Foldable walker apparatus.
  5. Liu, Julian, Foldable walker apparatus.
  6. Liu, Julian, Foldable walker apparatus.
  7. Liu, Julian, Foldable walker apparatus.
  8. Maroney, Samuel P., Grip sleeve for firearm.
  9. Liu, Julian, Set of seat cushions.
  10. Liu, Julian; Cinguino, Nicolas, Walker apparatus and backrest therefor.
  11. Liu, Julian; Cinguino, Nicolas, Walker apparatus and backrest therefor.
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