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[미국특허] Heat engine cycles for high ambient conditions 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01K-023/04
  • F01K-025/02
  • F01K-025/08
출원번호 US-0291086 (2011-11-07)
등록번호 US-8857186 (2014-10-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Held, Timothy James
출원인 / 주소
  • Echogen Power Systems, L.L.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 240


A system for converting thermal energy to work. The system includes a working fluid circuit, and a precooler configured to receive the working fluid. The system also includes a compression stages and intercoolers. At least one of the precooler and the intercoolers is configured to receive a heat tra


1. A system for converting thermal energy to work in high ambient temperature conditions, comprising: first and second compression stages fluidly coupled together such that the first compression stage is upstream of the second compressor stage, the first and second compression stages being configure

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (240) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Martens Alan (Berwyn PA) Myers Gerry A. (Swarthmore PA), Adaptive temperature control system for the supply of steam to a steam turbine.
  2. Pierson, Tom L.; Penton, John David, Advanced heat recovery and energy conversion systems for power generation and pollution emissions reduction, and methods of using same.
  3. Pierson, Tom L.; Penton, John David, Advanced power recovery and energy conversion systems and methods of using same.
  4. Cates ; Robert E., Air cooled atmospheric heat exchanger.
  5. Kang,Pengju; Cogswell,Frederick James, Apparatus and method for detecting low charge of working fluid in a waste heat recovery system.
  6. Couch,Keith A.; Bell,Leonard E.; Johnson, II,Richard A., Apparatus and process for power recovery.
  7. Scholes Addison B. (Muncie IN) Dollar David L. (Greeneville TN), Apparatus for applying lubricating materials to metallic substrates.
  8. Hildebrand Hans,CHX, Arrangement for effecting an energy exchange between earth soil and an energy exchanger.
  9. Labbe Donald E. (Woburn MA) Brown ; Jr. Mayo E. (Milton MA), Attemperator-deaerator condenser.
  10. Rosenblatt Joel H., Auto-reheat turbine system.
  11. Iino, Toshiki; Kamata, Kunio, Axial thrust balancing device for pumps.
  12. Guelich Johann (Burgstrasse 62b CH8408 Winterthur CHX), Axial thrust equalizer for a liquid pump.
  13. Griffin James G. (West Hartford CT) McHale Robert J. (Manchester CT) Dreisbach ; Jr. Raymond A. (Old Saybrook CT) Beck John P. (South Windsor CT), Balancing the heat flow between components associated with a gas turbine engine.
  14. Hansen Paul L. ; Kuczma Paul D. ; Palsson Jens O.,SEX ; Simon Jonathan S., Blowdown recovery system in a Kalina cycle power generation system.
  15. Bell Ealious D. (523 Palmwood Ct. San Diego CA 92159), Calcium carbide power system.
  16. Bell Ealious D., Calcium carbide power system with waste energy recovery.
  17. Jack A. Jones, Carbon dioxide absorption heat pump.
  18. Gurin, Michael H., Carbon dioxide as fuel for power generation and sequestration system.
  19. Osgerby Ian (c/o Dennis R. Lowe ; Esq. ; 1842 Massachusetts Ave. Lexington MA 02173), Carbon dioxide power cycle.
  20. Dunne Stephen R. (Bethel CT), Carousel heat exchanger for sorption cooling process.
  21. Kalina,Alexander I., Cascade power system.
  22. Kalina,Alexander I., Cascade power system.
  23. Krieger Zvi (Tel Aviv ILX) Moritz Alex (Holon ILX), Cascaded power plant using low and medium temperature source fluid.
  24. Krieger Zvi (Yavne ILX) Moritz Alex (Yavne ILX), Cascaded power plant using low and medium temperature source fluid.
  25. Stinger, Daniel Harry; Mian, Farouk Aslam, Cascading closed loop cycle (CCLC).
  26. Stinger,Daniel H.; Mian,Farouk Aslam, Cascading closed loop cycle power generation.
  27. Ito, Toshio; Yamada, Hiroshi, Centrifugal compressor and dry gas seal system for use in it.
  28. Gravelle Homer E. (Arvada CO), Centrifugal pump with hydraulic thrust balance and tandem axial seals.
  29. Johnston, Anthony, Chemical reactor.
  30. Johnston,Anthony; Levy,William, Chemical reactor.
  31. Vobach Arnold R. (6006 Allentown Dr. Spring TX 77379), Chemically assisted mechanical refrigeration process.
  32. Wicks Frank E. (1 Nicholas Ave. Schenectady NY 12309), Combined cycle engine.
  33. Weisser Arthur M., Combined cycle waste heat recovery system.
  34. Anderson, Rodger O., Combined open cycle system for thermal energy conversion.
  35. Johnston,Anthony, Compact reactor.
  36. Johnson George H ; Martin Robert A, Composite thermoelectric material.
  37. Wu Wei-Yih,TWX ; Lu Shyi-Min,TWX, Compound solar water heating and dehumidifying device.
  38. Grennan Charles W. (Wellsville NY), Compressed gas energy storage system with cooling capability.
  39. Valentian,Dominique; Feger,Damien; Marchal,No��l; Danguy,Fran��ois; Lagnel,Olivier, Compression-evaporation system for liquefied gas.
  40. Rockenfeller Uwe (Boulder City NV) Kirol Lance D. (Boulder City NV), Continuous constant pressure process for staging solid-vapor compounds.
  41. Haraguchi Eiji (Ibaraki JPX) Nakagawa Hiroto (Osaka JPX) Bando Akira (Hitachi JPX) Kuwahara Takao (Hitachi JPX) Nohara Haruo (Hitachi JPX) Ono Kenichi (Hitachi JPX), Control system for variable speed hydraulic turbine generator apparatus.
  42. Davis Guy E. (Martinez CA), Control system with adaptive process controllers especially adapted for electric power plant operation.
  43. Benson, Dwayne M., Cooling and heating apparatus and process utilizing waste heat and method of control.
  44. Guido Paul V. (Cedar Grove NJ), Coordinated control system for an electric power plant.
  45. Russell Thomas D. (Montville OH) Walker Robert R. (Euclid OH), Coordinated control technique and arrangement for steam power generating system.
  46. Cheng Alan Tat Yan ; Lumba Deepak, Cryogenic cooling of exothermic reactor.
  47. Doherty James E. (Barrington IL), Device for applying electrostatically charged lubricant.
  48. Mongeon Paul-Emile,CAX ; Pelletier Sylvain,CAX ; Ziani Abdelouahab,CAX, Die wall lubrication method and apparatus.
  49. Franklin James L. (Richland WA), Direct expansion solar collector-heat pump system.
  50. Brostmeyer, Joseph, Dual heat exchanger power cycle.
  51. Kalina, Alexander I., Dual pressure geothermal system.
  52. Ecker Amir L. (Dallas TX) Pietsch Joseph A. (Dallas TX), Dual source heat pump.
  53. Rockenfeller Uwe (Boulder City NV) Kirol Lance D. (Boulder City NV), Dual-temperature heat pump apparatus and system.
  54. Robertson,Stuart J.; Tellier,Nils E., Dynamic heat sink engine.
  55. Pelletier, Richard I., Efficient conversion of heat to useful energy.
  56. Wicks Frank E. (1 Nicholas Ave. Schenectady NY 12309), Efficient heater and air conditioner.
  57. Kim Choon Ng SG; Jeffrey M. Gordon IL; Hui Tong Chua SG; Anutosh Chakraborty BD, Electro-adsorption chiller: a miniaturized cooling cycle with applications from microelectronics to conventional air-conditioning.
  58. Larjola, Jaakko, Energy converter.
  59. Brossard Pierre (49 Buck Run Rd. Frenchville PA 16836), Energy generating apparatus.
  60. Coney, Michael Willboughby Essex; Abdallah, Hicham Salah; Richards, Roger, Engine with combustion and expansion of the combustion gases within the combustor.
  61. Lomax Curtis ; Moskito John, Evaporative cooling membrane device.
  62. Voss Dennis A. (Mt. Prospect IL) Gruber Gary A. (Elmhurst IL), Fast response load sense control system.
  63. Uno, Keiichi; Asa, Hironori; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Kishita, Hiroshi; Uchida, Kazuhide; Ogawa, Hiroshi, Fluid pump having expansion device and rankine cycle using the same.
  64. O\Brien Paul R. (Roosemelt Twrs. #3 ; 500 N. Roosemelt Blvd. Falls Church VA 22044), Fluid/vacuum chamber to remove heat and heat vapor from a refrigerant fluid.
  65. Andresakis, John A.; Skorupski, Edward C.; Zimmerman, Scott; Smith, Gordon, Formation of an embedded capacitor plane using a thin dielectric.
  66. Laurello Vincent P. (Guilford CT), Gas turbine engine having bleed apparatus with dynamic pressure recovery.
  67. Nakano, Susumu; Dodo, Satoshi; Tsubouchi, Kuniyoshi; Yagi, Manabu; Sawada, Itsurou; Inoue, Tomoaki; Hemmi, Makoto, Gas turbine power plant.
  68. Andrew J. Olsen ; John H. Thomson ; Jason K. Hargrove, Gas turbine system and method.
  69. Lulay Dieter,DEX ; Riedling Yvonne,DEX, Gas-cooled turbogenerator.
  70. Rouse, Gregory C.; Treece, Bill; Willis, Jeff; Calta, David, Generated system bottoming cycle.
  71. Kalina Alexander I. (12214 Clear Fork Houston TX 77077), Generation of energy.
  72. Wood Charles E. (Schaumburg IL) Vangelisti Ronald J. (Marseilles IL), Generator synchronization in power recovery units.
  73. Rappoport ; Marc D., Geothermal and solar integrated energy transport and conversion system.
  74. Brown, Donald W., Geothermal energy production with supercritical fluids.
  75. Harris Charles (5314 W. Luke Glendale AZ 85301), Geothermal heat transfer system.
  76. Wiggs,B. Ryland, Geothermal heating and cooling system with solar heating.
  77. Christensen,Richard N.; Cao,Jiming; Henkel,E. Thomas, Heat engine.
  78. Held, Timothy J.; Hostler, Stephen; Miller, Jason D.; Hume, Brian F., Heat engine and heat to electricity systems and methods.
  79. Held, Timothy J.; Miller, Jason D., Heat engine and heat to electricity systems and methods with working fluid fill system.
  80. Mongan Stephen,GBX, Heat exchange method and apparatus.
  81. Linney,Jonathan W.; Bibb,Michael B.; Bauer,Timothy Ray, Heat exchange system.
  82. Kensaku Maeda JP; Yoshiro Fukasaku JP, Heat exchanger, heat pump, dehumidifier, and dehumidifying method.
  83. Yoshino Hozo (Tokyo JPX), Heat pump air conditioning system.
  84. Cochran Robert W., Heat pump apparatus and related methods providing enhanced refrigerant flow control.
  85. Bahel ; Vijay Omprakash ; Kuehner ; Richard, Heat pump assisted solar powered absorption system.
  86. Kinsell Robert C. (Los Angeles CA) Noe James C. (Canoga Park CA), Heat pump systems for residential use.
  87. Wallin Mark (Philadelphia PA) Shantzer ; deceased Aaron (LATE OF Bucks County PA BY Helen Shantzer ; executrix), Heat pumps with solar heat source.
  88. Saujet Jean-Franois (Asnieres FRX) Amadieu Pascale (Velizy FRX) Hubert Georges (Paris FRX) Hrisafovic Francine (Antony FRX) Morin Jean-Xavier (Neuville Aux Bois FRX), Heat recovery method and device suitable for combined cycles.
  89. Tracy Lawrence M., Heat storage vessels for use with heat pumps and solar panels.
  90. Noe James C. (Canoga Park CA) Friedman David W. (Van Nuys CA), Heat-actuated space conditioning unit with bottoming cycle.
  91. Gurin,Michael H, High efficiency absorption heat pump and methods of use.
  92. Armitage,Pamela Kay; Schmid,Erich, Hot to cold steam transformer for turbine systems.
  93. Brandenburg Larry R. (Northville MI) King Edward T. (Dearborn MI), Hybrid electric vehicle regenerative braking energy recovery system.
  94. Korin, Amos, Hybrid heat pump.
  95. Gurin, Michael H., Hybrid power generation and energy storage system.
  96. Kline, Korey R.; Smith, Kevin W.; Bales, Thomas O., Hybrid rocket motor using a turbopump to pressurize a liquid propellant constituent.
  97. Leuthold, Hans; Kennedy, Michael D.; Grantz, Alan Lyndon; Immisch, Susan; Parsoneault, Norbert Steve; Rahman, Mohamed Mizanur, Hybrid spindle bearing.
  98. Hageman Brian C., Hydraulic engine powered by introduction and removal of heat from a working fluid.
  99. Legare, Pierre-Yves, Impeller rear cavity thrust adjustor.
  100. Hanna, William Thompson; Anson, Donald; Stickford, Jr., George Henry; Coll, John Gordon, Integrated micro combined heat and power system.
  101. Reuyl John S. (2280 Hanover St. Palo Alto CA 94306), Integrated residential and automotive energy system.
  102. Willis, Jeffrey W.; Berner, Paul; Pont, Guillermo; Wacknov, Joel, Integrated turbine power generation system with catalytic reactor.
  103. Christopher A. T. Dubar AU, Liquefaction process and apparatus.
  104. Connell Donald R. ; Cuffe Jeremy P. B., Liquid oxygen gasifying system for rocket engines.
  105. Berger, Terry A.; Colgate, Samuel; Casale, Michael, Low noise back pressure regulator for supercritical fluid chromatography.
  106. Edelson Jonathan Sidney, Low work function electrode.
  107. Machado, Rosangela Maria, Lubricant oil for a refrigeration machine, lubricant composition and refrigeration machine and system.
  108. Shaw, Robert W.; Bell, Ian A. W.; Robson, Robert, Lubricating oil composition.
  109. Dahlheimer John C. (Laconia NH), Mechanical face seal assembly including a gasket.
  110. Korin, Amos, Membrane desiccation heat pump.
  111. Mirolli,Mark D.; Rhodes,Lawrence; Lerner,Yakov; Pelletier,Richard I., Method and apparatus for acquiring heat from multiple heat sources.
  112. Snyder Troxell K. (South Windsor CT) Chase Paul H. (East Granby CT), Method and apparatus for controlling a gasifier.
  113. Kalina Alexander I. (Hillsborough CA), Method and apparatus for converting heat from geothermal liquid and geothermal steam to electric power.
  114. Kalina Alexander I. (Hillsborough CA) Pelletier Richard I. (San Leandro CA), Method and apparatus for implementing a thermodynamic cycle.
  115. Gilli Paul V. (Obere Teichstrasse 21/i 8010 Graz ATX) Beckmann Georg (Vienna ATX), Method and apparatus for peak-load coverage and stop-gap reserve in steam power plants.
  116. Palmer, Alan S.; Henry, IV, John W.; Kerr, John P., Method and apparatus for reducing axial thrust in centrifugal pumps.
  117. Spliethoff, Heinz, Method and apparatus for reducing the initial start-up and subsequent stabilization period losses, for increasing the usable power and for improving the controllability of a thermal power plant.
  118. Mangus James D. (Hempfield Township ; Westmoreland County PA), Method and apparatus for thermal power generation.
  119. Munters Carl G. (Minusio CHX), Method and apparatus for transferring energy in an absorption heating and cooling system.
  120. Bothien Mihajlo,DEX ; Bremer Joachim,CHX ; Greber Jurg,CHX ; Loos Markus,CHX ; Muller Ulf Christian,CHX ; Wunderwald Dirk,CHX, Method and arrangement for sealing off a separating gap, formed between a rotor and a stator, in a non-contacting manner.
  121. Ganelin Boris, Method and device for reducing axial thrust in rotary machines and a centrifugal pump using same.
  122. Anand, Ashok Kumar; May, Patrick King Wah; Jandrisevits, Michael, Method and system for heat recovery from dirty gaseous fuel in gasification power plants.
  123. Jerye Bernhard,DEX ; Schwope Alfred,DEX, Method for controlling the rotational speed of a turbine during load shedding.
  124. Keller Herbert (Mlheim DEX) Bergmann Dietmar (Mlheim DEX), Method for cooling a low pressure steam turbine operating in the ventilation mode.
  125. Linney, Jonathan W.; Bibb, Michael B.; Bauer, Timothy Ray, Method for operating a heat exchanger in a power plant.
  126. Althaus,Rolf; Koller,Martin; Wiederhold,Karl, Method for operation of a power generation plant.
  127. Zimron, Ohad; Batscha, Danny, Method of and apparatus for producing power from a heat source.
  128. Zimron,Ohad; Batscha,Danny, Method of and apparatus for producing power from a heat source.
  129. Endou, Hajime, Method of and system for utilizing thermal energy accumulator.
  130. Park Robert H. (Brewster MA), Method of effecting fast turbine valving for improvement of power system stability.
  131. Ranasinghe Jatila ; Smith Raub Warfield, Method of heating gas turbine fuel in a combined cycle power plant using multi-component flow mixtures.
  132. Lewis Aburn,Matthew James; Lewis Aburn,Michelle Anita, Method of manufacturing a moulded article and a product of the method.
  133. Hollinger Klaus (Zuzgen CHX) Muller Gerhard (Wettingen CHX), Method of regulating the rotational speed of a gas turbine during load disconnection.
  134. Dayan Abraham (27 Schaffer Rd. ; P.O. Box 115 Alpine NJ 07620), Method of utilizing thermal energy.
  135. Tomlinson, Leroy Omar; Jones, Charles Michael; Smith, Gordon Raymond; Steffen, Mark Joseph; Martindale, Bruce Charles; Kazanas, Marc Trent; Murphy, Paul Ronan; Ohson, Gurbaksh Singh; Shemo, Steven David; Fung, Eric YuHang, Methods and apparatus for starting up combined cycle power systems.
  136. Luoma Eugene H. (Duluth MN) Blesener James L. (White Bear Lake MN), Mobile sign with solar panel.
  137. Hartman ; Jr. Thomas (290 Lake Sue Drive Winter Park FL 32789) Evans Ronald D. (Maitland FL) Nimmo Bruce G. (Maitland FL), Multi-use absorption/regeneration power cycle.
  138. Holscher Donald J. (7935 W. 81st St. Playa del Rey CA 90293), Multistage centrifugal compressor without seals and with axial thrust balance.
  139. Withers, James C.; Loutfy, Raouf O., Nano carbon materials for enhancing thermal transfer in fluids.
  140. Radcliff,Thomas D.; McCormick,Duane; Brasz,Joost J., Organic rankine cycle system for use with a reciprocating engine.
  141. Ansley Jeffrey H. ; Botkin Jonathan D. ; Dinwoodie Thomas L., PV-thermal solar power assembly.
  142. Feinberg Stewart C. (Exton PA), Photocell assembly.
  143. Schnur Nicholas E. ; Zehler Eugene R., Polyol ester lubricants for refrigerating compressors operating at high temperatures.
  144. Shaw John B. (1812 E. Marlette Phoenix AZ 85016), Positive displacement gas expansion engine with low temperature differential.
  145. Kalina, Alexander I., Power cycle and system for utilizing moderate and low temperature heat sources.
  146. Kalina, Alexander I., Power cycle and system for utilizing moderate and low temperature heat sources.
  147. Kalina, Alexander I., Power cycle and system for utilizing moderate and low temperature heat sources.
  148. Kalina,Alexander I., Power cycle and system for utilizing moderate temperature heat sources.
  149. Terry Lynn E. (22 Suncrest Ave. Bridgeton NJ 08302) Schoeppel Roger J. (P.O. Box 971 Stillwater OK 74074), Power cycles based upon cyclical hydriding and dehydriding of a material.
  150. Knaebel Kent S. (Dublin OH), Power generating cycle.
  151. Ichinose,Masaya; Futami,Motoo; Oohara,Shinya; Imaie,Kazuhiro; Matsutake,Mitsugu, Power generation apparatus using AC energization synchronous generator and method of controlling the same.
  152. Hendriks Rudolf (Velp NLX) Ankersmit Hendrik J. (Schiedam NLX), Power installation using fuel cells.
  153. Hashiguchi Koh,JPX ; Inai Nobuhiko,JPX ; Nei Hiromichi,JPX, Power plant.
  154. Crawford John T. (Naperville IL) Tyree ; Jr. Lewis (Oak Brook IL) Fischer Harry C. (Maggie Valley NC) Coers Don H. (Naperville IL), Power plant using CO2 as a working fluid.
  155. Bronicki Lucien Y. (Rehovot ILX), Power plant utilizing multi-stage turbines.
  156. Pierson,Tom L.; Penton,John David, Power recovery and energy conversion systems and methods of using same.
  157. Kalina, Alexander I., Power system and apparatus for utilizing waste heat.
  158. Kalina, Alexander I., Power system and apparatus utilizing intermediate temperature waste heat.
  159. Garris ; Jr. Charles A. (Vienna VA), Pressure exchanging ejector and refrigeration apparatus and method.
  160. Schmidt Randy P. (Cedar Falls IA) Brandau Steven G. (Cedar Falls IA) Miller James A. (Cedar Falls IA) Stephenson Dwight B. (Savage MN), Pressure flow compensating control circuit.
  161. Koizumi Naoto (Hitachi) Takashi Asao (Juoo) Hoizumi Shinichi (Hitachi) Noguchi Yoshiki (Hitachi) Sasaki Toshihiko (Hitachi JPX), Pressurized fluidized bed combustion combined cycle power plant and method of operating the same.
  162. Dickinson Norman L. (Monte Sereno CA), Pressurized wet combustion at increased temperature.
  163. Rojey Alexandre (Garches FRX) Cheron Jacques (Laffite FRX), Process for producing cold and/or heat by use of an absorption cycle with carbon dioxide as working fluid.
  164. Lysaght, Richard G., Qualifier.
  165. Shawn P. Lawlor, Ramjet engine for power generation.
  166. Nicodemus Mark, Rankine cycle and working fluid therefor.
  167. Nicodemus Mark, Rankine cycle and working fluid therefor.
  168. Sundel, Timothy Neil, Rankine cycle device having multiple turbo-generators.
  169. Ernst, Timothy C., Rankine cycle load limiting through use of a recuperator bypass.
  170. Bronicki Lucien Y. (Yavne ILX) Elovic Asher (Macabeem ILX), Rankine cycle power plant utilizing organic working fluid.
  171. Myers, Scott R.; Miller, Robert, Recovering heat energy.
  172. Myers, Scott R.; Miller, Robert, Recovering heat energy.
  173. Spauschus Hans O. ; Hesse Ullrich,DEX, Reduced pressure carbon dioxide-based refrigeration system.
  174. Patrick Bonsignore ; Michael H. Gurin, Refrigerant and heat transfer fluid additive.
  175. Meckler Milton (930 20th St. ; Apt. 2 Santa Monica CA 90403), Refrigerant enhancer-absorbent concentrator and turbo-charged absorption chiller.
  176. Linhardt Hans D. ; Rosener ; Jr. Joseph, Refrigeration apparatus and method.
  177. Hobson Michael J. (S 5890 Old Lake Shore Rd. Lakeview NY 14085), Regenerative heat storage in compressed air power system.
  178. Riffat Saffa Bashir,GBX ; Eames Ian William,GBX, Rotatable heat transfer apparatus.
  179. Tornquist, Gerald Eugene; Borden, Raymond Walter; Lengel, James D.; McDowall, Gregor L.; Doherty, Kieran P. J., Rotor end caps and a method of cooling a high speed generator.
  180. Brown Wayne M. (North Granby CT) Neal William F. (South Windsor CT) Schwarz Frederick M. (Glastonbury CT), Rotor thrust balancing.
  181. Berthold Matz DE; Josef Nosowicz DE; Wolfgang Ries DE; Reinhard Svejkovsky DE, Sealing element for a face seal assembly.
  182. Labinov Solomon D. (Oak Ridge TN) Sand James R. (Oak Ridge TN), Self-contained small utility system.
  183. Kuo Alex C. (Charleston WV) Condron James A. (Hurricane WV) Hoy Kenneth L. (St. Albans WV), Semi-continuous method and apparatus for forming a heated and pressurized mixture of fluids in a predetermined proportio.
  184. Lazare Leon (Stamford CT), Serial absorption refrigeration process.
  185. McClanahan, Timmons S.; Crim, Michael C., Simple and compact low-temperature power cycle.
  186. Norton Peter, Small heat and electricity generating plant.
  187. Bottum Edward W. (9357 Spencer Road Brighton MI 48116), Solar assisted heat pump system.
  188. Toyomura Fumitaka,JPX ; Sasaoka Makoto,JPX, Solar cell module.
  189. Shingleton Jefferson, Solar collector and tracker arrangement.
  190. Vandenberg Leonard B. (710 Sanders Ave. Scotia NY 12302), Solar heat pump.
  191. Palmatier, Everett P., Solar heating system.
  192. Wagner Erich (Levittown PA) Twesme Edward N. (Willow Grove PA) Hidalgo Craig (Levittown PA), Solar panel.
  193. Roderick Guy A. (El Paso TX) Locke Peter (El Paso TX), Solar panel module.
  194. Moore Roger M. (Newbury Park CA), Solar-gas combined cycle electrical generating system.
  195. Russell,John David; Rutkowski,Brian D., Speed control method.
  196. Calistrat Michael M. ; Revak Lynn A., Speed control system for a prime mover.
  197. Lopes William F. (North Reading MA) Carberg William G. (Georgetown MA), Start-up attemperator.
  198. Cogswell,Frederick James; Kang,Pengju, Startup and control methods for an ORC bottoming plant.
  199. Yamada,Masahiko; Yamashita,Katsuya; Goto,Koichi; Nakagaki,Takao, Steam turbine plant.
  200. Gilli Paul Viktor (Graz OE) Beckmann Georg (Vienna OE), Steam-type peak-power generating system.
  201. Baker, Karl William, Superheater capillary two-phase thermodynamic power conversion cycle system.
  202. Kalina Alexander I. (Hillsborough CA) Mirolli Mark D. (Hayward CA), Supplying heat to an externally fired power system.
  203. Kalina, Alexander I., System and apparatus for complete condensation of multi-component working fluids.
  204. Kalina,Alexander I., System and apparatus for power system utilizing wide temperature range heat sources.
  205. Hafner,James Lee; Tomlin,John Anthony, System and method for minimizing energy consumption in hybrid vehicles.
  206. Otterstrom, Gary G., System and method for providing a launch assist system.
  207. Kalina,Alexander I., System and method for utilization of waste heat from internal combustion engines.
  208. Kalina, Alexander I., System and process for base load power generation.
  209. Heiser Richard S. (Pittsburgh PA) Scott Anthony I. (Greesburg PA), System for operating a steam turbine with bumpless digital megawatt and impulse pressure control loop switching.
  210. Keefer,Bowie G.; Sawada,James A.; Johannes,Erik P.; Roy,Surajit; Brown,Michael J., Systems and processes for providing hydrogen to fuel cells.
  211. Briley Patrick B. (Tulsa OK), Temperature conditioning system suitable for use with a solar energy collection and storage apparatus or a low temperatu.
  212. Hagen,David L.; Ginter,Gary; Traverso,Alberto; Goheen,Bill; McGuire,Allan; Rankin,Janet; Massardo,Aristide; Klaus,Ronald L., Thermodynamic cycles using thermal diluent.
  213. Wethe Jay D. (Whittier CA) Waters William M. (Glendora CA), Thermodynamic cycles with supercritical CO2 cycle topping.
  214. Gurin, Michael H., Thermodynamic power conversion cycle and methods of use.
  215. Briccetti Mario F. (Liverpool NY), Thermostat self-test apparatus and method.
  216. Kaschmitter James L. (Pleasanton CA), Three dimensional amorphous silicon/microcrystalline silicon solar cells.
  217. Briley Patrick B. (Lawton OK), Three phase absorption systems and methods for refrigeration and heat pump cycles.
  218. Haaser Frederic G. (Montgomery OH), Thrust bearing loading arrangement for gas turbine engines.
  219. Hustak ; Jr. Jerome F. (Olean NY) Peer David J. (Olean NY), Thrust compensating apparatus.
  220. Swearingen Judson S. (2235 Carmelina Los Angeles CA 90064), Thrust controlled rotary apparatus.
  221. Pope Adam N. (Cincinnati OH), Thrust force-compensating apparatus with improved hydraulic pressure-responsive balance mechanism.
  222. Hays, Lance G., Transcritical turbine and method of operation.
  223. Manole,Dan M., Transcritical vapor compression system and method of operating including refrigerant storage tank and non-variable expansion device.
  224. Dickenson Royston J. (Scotia NY), Turbine bypass desuperheater control system.
  225. Liu Xiaoliu,CAX, Turbine engine having improved thrust bearing load control.
  226. Binstock Morton H. (Pittsburgh PA) McCloskey Thomas H. (Palo Alto CA) Podolsky Leaman B. (Wilmington DE), Turbine high pressure bypass temperature control system and method.
  227. Ganev,Evgeni; Koerner,Mike S.; Liu,Chung Y., Turbine speed control system and method.
  228. Bhattacharyya, Abhijit; Marscher, William D., Turbomachinery seal.
  229. Holt Robert S. ; Dahlheimer John C., Unitized seal impeller thrust system.
  230. Miyahara,Minoru; Theil,Bernard, Unitized spring device and master cylinder including such device.
  231. Timothy J. Keller ; Daniel Burns ; Mohamad Hanif Vhora ; Patrick O'Brien ; Coung Van Nguyen, Valve control logic for gas turbine recuperator.
  232. David A. Wightman, Vapor compression system.
  233. Hatanaka Takefumi,JPX, Vehicle driving method and hybrid vehicle propulsion system.
  234. Schechter Michael M., Vehicle operating method and system.
  235. Nishikawa, Michio; Yamashita, Kouji; Kishita, Hiroshi; Uno, Keiichi, Waste heat recovery apparatus.
  236. Bronicki, Lucien Y.; Amir, Nadav; Kaplan, Uri; Batscha, Danny, Waste heat recovery in an organic energy converter using an intermediate liquid cycle.
  237. Tanaka Yoshiharu (Machida JPX), Waste heat recovery system for an internal combustion engine.
  238. Ernst, Timothy C.; Nelson, Christopher R., Waste heat recovery system with constant power output.
  239. Bassett,Terry E., Waste oil electrical generation systems.
  240. Loomis Robert G. (116 Burdsall Ft. Mitchell KY 41017), Working fluids for electrical generating plants.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Mitri, Mikhael; Von Lavante, Alena, Device and method for utilizing the waste heat of an internal combustion engine, in particular for utilizing the waste heat of a vehicle engine.
  2. Armstrong, Michael J.; Vaisman, Igor, Engine driven by SC02 cycle with independent shafts for combustion cycle elements and propulsion elements.
  3. Hallowell, Jeffrey R.; Peterson, Jessica M.; O'Brien, Kelli A., Fuel feed and air feed controller for biofuel-fired furnace.
  4. Peter, Andrew Maxwell; Kalra, Chiranjeev Singh, Regenerative thermodynamic power generation cycle systems, and methods for operating thereof.
  5. Bastnagel, Thomas E.; Vaisman, Igor; Burns, Donald W.; Armstrong, Michael J., Sectioned gas turbine engine driven by sCO2 cycle.
  6. Vaisman, Igor; Gagne, Steve T.; Burkholder, Kyle, Thermal management system controlling dynamic and steady state thermal loads.

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