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[미국특허] Ammonia fueled mobile and stationary systems and methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02B-071/00
출원번호 US-0181437 (2011-07-12)
등록번호 US-8887690 (2014-11-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sturman, Oded Eddie
출원인 / 주소
  • Sturman Digital Systems, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 167


A piston engine is operated to close an exhaust valve, close an intake valve, and inject ammonia into a cylinder at a start of a compression motion of a piston before substantial compression occurs. The ammonia may be injected into the cylinder as a liquid. The ammonia may be pressurized sufficientl


1. A method of operating a cylinder of an ammonia fueled piston engine, the method comprising: closing an exhaust valve during an exhaust motion of a piston in the cylinder of the piston engine;closing an intake valve during an intake motion of the piston to limit an amount of air in the cylinder du

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (167) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Carlson, Cliff; Peng, Lixin, Air charging system for an opposed piston opposed cylinder free piston engine.
  2. Sturman Oded E., Air-fuel module adapted for an internal combustion engine.
  3. Sturman Oded E., Air-fuel module adapted for an internal combustion engine.
  4. Kawarada Junji (Kariya JA) Endo Kunio (Anjo JA) Harada Susumu (Oobu JA) Sueishi Motoharu (Kariya JA), Air-fuel ratio control system for internal combustion engines.
  5. Miller Charles R. (Metamora IL) Shyu Tsu P. (Dunlap IL) Weber J. Roger (Chillicothe IL), Apparatus for adjustably controlling valve movement and fuel injection.
  6. Schechter Michael M. (Farmington Hills MI) Levin Michael B. (Birmingham MI), Balancing valve motion in an electrohydraulic camless valvetrain.
  7. Lequesne Bruno P. B. (Royal Oak MI), Bistable electromechanical valve actuator.
  8. Bryant, Clyde C., Cold air super-charged internal combustion engine, working cycle and method.
  9. Sturman,Oded Eddie; Kiss,Tibor; Pena,James A.; Kranz,Timothy P., Combustion cell adapted for an internal combustion engine.
  10. Amano Masuo (Okazaki JPX) Tanahashi Toshio (Toyota JPX), Combustion promoting device of a multi-cylinder engine.
  11. Boecking, Friedrich, Common rail fuel injector for internal combustion engines, as well as a fuel system and an internal combustion engine incorporating the injector.
  12. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Compression ignition engines and methods.
  13. Oded E. Sturman, Control module for controlling hydraulically actuated intake/exhaust valves and a fuel injector.
  14. Sturman Oded E., Control module for controlling hydraulically actuated intake/exhaust valves and a fuel injector.
  15. Kobayashi,Nobuki; Sasaki,Shizuo; Aoyama,Taro; Yoshizaki,Kouji; Murata,Hiroki; Hashimoto,Yoshiki; Inagaki,Kazuhisa; Nakakita,Kiyomi; Nakahara,Shoji; Hotta,Yoshihiro, Control system for internal combustion engine.
  16. Noguchi, Yasushi; Kim, Kyoung-Oh, Control system of internal combustion engine.
  17. Xie, Shengli; Xie, Linghui, Cylinder linkage method for a multi-cylinder internal-combustion engine and a multicylinder linkage compound internalcombustion engine.
  18. Binion W. Sidney, Cylinder water injection engine.
  19. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Digital fuel injector, injection and hydraulic valve actuation module and engine and high pressure pump methods and apparatus.
  20. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Digital fuel injector, injection and hydraulic valve actuation module and engine and high pressure pump methods and apparatus.
  21. Sturman Oded E. (Woodland Park CO), Digital pump with bypass inlet valve.
  22. Sturman Oded E. (3973 Santa Monica Ct. Newbury Park CA 91320), Digital two, three, and four way solenoid control valves.
  23. Pena,James A.; Kiss,Tibor, Direct needle control fuel injectors and methods.
  24. Moncelle Michael E., Direct operated velocity controlled nozzle valve for a fluid injector.
  25. Sun, Jinhui; Stockner, Alan R., Directly controlled fuel injector with pilot plus main injection sequence capability.
  26. Sturman Oded E. ; Massey Steven, Double actuator control valve that has a neutral position.
  27. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Dual fuel compression ignition engines and methods.
  28. Dion, Eric P.; Read, Iain J. L.; Redon, Fabien G.; Regner, Gerhard; Wahl, Michael H., EGR constructions for opposed-piston engines.
  29. Wilcox Kenneth (Melbourne GB2), Electro-hydraulic control valve.
  30. Cannon Howard N. (Peoria IL), Electrohydraulic device for actuating a control element.
  31. Imai Masumi (Hitachi JPX) Takato Masao (Hitachi JPX) Furuhashi Toshio (Mito JPX), Electronic engine control apparatus having arrangement for detecting stopping of the engine.
  32. Gibson Dennis H. (Chillicothe IL) Hefler Gregory W. (Dunlap IL) Shinogle Ronald D. (Peoria IL) Sommars Mark F. (Sparland IL), Electronically-controlled fluid injector system having pre-injection pressurizable fluid storage chamber and direct-oper.
  33. Gibson Dennis H. (Chillicothe IL) Hefler Gregory W. (Dunlap IL) Shinogle Ronald D. (Peoria IL) Sommars Mark F. (Sparland IL) Cannon Howard N. (Peoria IL), Electronically-controlled fluid injector system having pre-injection pressurizable fluid storage chamber and direct-oper.
  34. Lawrence Keith E. (Peoria IL) Shyu Tsu P. (Dunlap IL), Engine combustion system.
  35. Meyer Lawrence L. (Northville MI), Engine hydraulic valve actuator spool valve.
  36. Surnilla,Gopichandra; Goralski, Jr.,Christian T.; Smith,Stephen B., Engine system and method for efficient emission control device purging.
  37. Weber J. Roger (Chillicothe IL), Engine valve seating velocity hydraulic snubber.
  38. Leman, Scott A.; Shinogle, Ronald D.; Shafer, Scott F., Engine with high efficiency hydraulic system having variable timing valve actuation.
  39. Tokuda Hiroastu (Katsuta JPX) Morinaga Shigeki (Hitachi JPX) Nakamura Hideo (Hinodemachi JPX), Error preventing device for an electronic engine control apparatus.
  40. Peng, Lixin; Carlson, Cliff, Exhaust gas recirculation for a free piston engine.
  41. Schechter Michael M. (Farmington Hills MI), Fast start hydraulic system for electrohydraulic valvetrain.
  42. Gant Gary L. (Columbus IN) Muntean George L. (Columbus IN) Perr Julius P. (Columbus IN) Sturman O. Eddie (Newbury Park CA) Wilber Dennis A. (Elizabethtown IN) Kelso Charles R. (Canton MI), Force balanced electronically controlled fuel injector.
  43. Fitzgerald,John William, Four-cylinder, four-cycle, free piston, premixed charge compression ignition, internal combustion reciprocating piston engine with a variable piston stroke.
  44. Schaeffer, Rudolf, Free piston engine.
  45. Achten Peter Augustinus Johannes,NLX, Free piston engine provided with a purging air dosing system.
  46. Meulendyk John W. (Kalamazoo MI), Free piston engine pump with energy rate smoothing.
  47. Beale William T., Free piston internal combustion engine.
  48. Knight Arthur G. (3209 58th St. S. ; Apt. No. 130 Gulfport FL 33707), Free piston internal combustion engine.
  49. Bailey Brett M., Free piston internal combustion engine with pulse compression.
  50. Brett M. Bailey, Free piston internal combustion engine with pulse compression.
  51. Achten Peter Augustinus Johannes,NLX ; Potma Theodorus Gerhardus,NLX, Free-piston engine.
  52. Achten Peter A. J. (Eindhoven NLX) Potma Theodorus G. (Kaag NLX), Free-piston engine having a fluid energy unit.
  53. Achten Peter A. J. (Eindhoven NLX) Potma Theodorus G. (Kaag NLX), Free-piston engine having a fluid pressure unit.
  54. Achten Peter A. J. (Eindhoven NLX) Potma Theodorus G. (Kaag NLX), Free-piston engine having a slidable ring for moving the piston.
  55. Tanabe, Keiki; Nakayama, Shinji; Kohketsu, Susumu, Fuel injection apparatus of engine.
  56. Maley Dale C. (Fairbury IL) Shinogle Ronald D. (Peoria IL) Sommars Mark F. (Sparland IL) Sturman Oded E. (Newbury Park CA), Fuel injection control valve with dual solenoids.
  57. Oshizawa, Hidekazu; Takekawa, Yoriyuki, Fuel injection device.
  58. Gibson Dennis H. (Chillicothe IL) Shinogle Ronald D. (Peoria IL), Fuel injection nozzle having a force-balanced check.
  59. Kropp, Martin; Magel, Hans-Christoph, Fuel injection system.
  60. Cooke Michael Peter,GBX, Fuel injector.
  61. Noureddine Guerrassi FR; Christophe Tapin FR; Bernard Babiarz FR, Fuel injector.
  62. Sturman Oded E. ; Massey Steven, Fuel injector and method using two, two-way valve control valves.
  63. Ricco, Mario, Fuel injector with a control rod controlled by the fuel pressure in a control chamber.
  64. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Fuel injector with boosted needle closure.
  65. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Fuel injector with boosted needle closure.
  66. Peters Lester L. ; Perr Julius P. ; Yen Benjamin M. ; Muntean George L. ; Perr J. Victor ; Crofts John D., Fuel injector with pressure balanced needle valve.
  67. Sturman,Oded E., Fuel injectors and methods of fuel injection.
  68. Boulware, Jim L., Fuel/hydraulic engine system.
  69. Schaeffer, Rudolf; Dantlgraber, Joerg, Generic free-piston engine with transformer valve assembly for reducing throttling losses.
  70. Sturman, Oded Eddie, High performance, low emission engines, multiple cylinder engines and operating methods.
  71. Sturman Oded E., High speed fuel injector.
  72. Sturman Oded E. (3973 Santa Monica Ct. Newbury Park CA 91320), High speed fuel injector.
  73. Sturman Oded E., Hydraulic actuator for an internal combustion engine.
  74. Sturman Oded E., Hydraulic actuator for an internal combustion engine.
  75. Sturman Oded E. (3973 Santa Monica Ct. Newbury Park CA 91320), Hydraulic actuator for an internal combustion engine.
  76. Richeson William E. (Fort Wayne IN), Hydraulic actuator with hydraulic springs.
  77. Milleron Norman (1203 Spruce St. Berkeley CA 94709), Hydraulic combustion accumulator.
  78. Rittmaster Peter A. (1420 N. Lake Shore Dr. ; Apt. 3A Chicago IL) Booth John L. (3905 Tower Dr. Richton Park IL), Hydraulic engine.
  79. Shafer, Scott F.; Stockner, Alan R.; Wiemken, Norval J.; Tian, Ye, Hydraulic fuel injection system with independently operable direct control needle valve.
  80. Sturman Oded E., Hydraulic pressure control system for a pump.
  81. Achten Peter Augustinus Johannes,NLX ; Potma Theodorus Gerhardus,NLX ; Engel Maria Pauline,NLX, Hydraulic switching valve, and a free piston engine provided therewith.
  82. Lammert,Michael P.; Raimao,Miguel Angelo; Giordano,Daniel D.; Turner,Christopher Wayne; Balton,Christopher Stevens; Babbitt,Guy Robert, Hydraulic valve actuation methods and apparatus.
  83. Turner, Christopher Wayne; Raimao, Miguel Angelo; Babbitt, Guy Robert, Hydraulic valve actuation systems and methods.
  84. Klose,Charles Conrad; Strauss,Randall James; Sturman,Oded Eddie; Pe��a,James A., Hydraulic valve actuation systems and methods to provide multiple lifts for one or more engine air valves.
  85. Babbitt, Guy Robert; Raimao, Miguel Angelo; Klose, Charles Conrad; Rogers, Jeffrey Allen; Sturman, Oded Eddie, Hydraulic valve actuation systems and methods to provide variable lift for one or more engine air valves.
  86. Babbitt,Guy Robert; Raimao,Miguel Angelo; Klose,Charles Conrad; Rogers,Jeffrey Allen; Sturman,Oded Eddie, Hydraulic valve actuation systems and methods to provide variable lift for one or more engine air valves.
  87. Sturman Oded E., Hydraulically controllable camless valve system adapted for an internal combustion engine.
  88. Sturman Oded E., Hydraulically controlled intake/exhaust valve.
  89. Sturman, Oded E., Hydraulically controlled valve for an internal combustion engine.
  90. Sturman Oded E., Hydraulically driven springless fuel injector.
  91. Letsche Ulrich (Stuttgart DEX), Hydraulically operating actuating device for a lift valve.
  92. Maley Dale C. (Fairbury IL) Shinogle Ronald D. (Peoria IL), Hydraulically-actuated fluid injector having pre-injection pressurizable fluid storage chamber and direct-operated check.
  93. Maley Dale C. (Fairbury IL) Shinogle Ronald D. (Peoria IL), Hydraulically-actuated fluid injector having pre-injection pressurizable fluid storage chamber and direct-operated check.
  94. Anderson Michael D. (Metamora IL) Gibson Dennis H. (Chillicothe IL) Hefler Gregory W. (Chillicothe IL) Maley Dale C. (Watkinsville GA) Shinogle Ronald D. (Peoria IL) Sommars Mark F. (Sparland IL), Hydraulically-actuated fuel injector with direct control needle valve.
  95. Chen Shikui K. (Peoria IL) Hefler Gregory W. (Chillicothe IL), Hydraulically-actuated fuel injector with direct control needle valve.
  96. Chen Shikui K. ; Hefler Gregory W., Hydraulically-actuated fuel injector with direct control needle valve.
  97. Gibson Dennis H. (Chillicothe IL) Hefler Gregory W. (Chillicothe IL), Hydraulically-actuated fuel injector with direct control needle valve.
  98. Chen Shikui K. (Peoria IL) Hefler Gregory W. (Chillicothe IL), Hydraulically-actuated fuel injector with pressure spike relief valve.
  99. Ruthven William A. (170-C Manchester Dr. Basking Ridge NJ 07920), Hydrolic fluid-lubricated piston-combustion engine.
  100. Burreson Bernard J. (Seattle WA), Inductive divider position sensor with fixed and variable impedance inductors.
  101. Cooke Michael Peter,GB2, Injection nozzle.
  102. Kawamura Hideo (Samukawa JPX), Intake/exhaust valve actuator.
  103. Sturman Oded E. (c/o Kineret Engineering ; 9819 Etiwanda Ave. Northridge CA 91325) Grill Benjamin (9819 Etiwanda Ave. Northridge CA 91325) Harrison Lynn (23554 Cherry St. Newhall CA 91321), Integrated latching actuators.
  104. Sturman Oded E., Intensified fuel injector having a lateral drain passage.
  105. Herron ; Allen R., Internal combustion assisted hydraulic engine.
  106. Herron Allen R. (17656 Orna Drive Granada Hills CA 91344), Internal combustion assisted hydraulic engine.
  107. McFee Richard (R.D. #1 Union Springs NY 13160), Internal combustion engine.
  108. Chen Tze-Ning, Internal combustion engine and method for generating power.
  109. Springer Joseph E. (11247 Monte Vista Avenue Ontario CA 91762), Internal combustion engine module or modules having parallel piston rod assemblies actuating oscillating cylinders.
  110. Thien James L. (3310 Timberview Ct. SW Issaquah WA 98027), Internal combustion engine valve actuator apparatus.
  111. Wood ; III Charles D. (San Antonio TX), Internal combustion engine valve control device.
  112. Baca Arthur C., Internal combustion engine with eight stroke operating cycle.
  113. Brackett Douglas C. (2535 Mason Oaks Dr. Valricho FL 33594), Internal combustion engine with stroke specialized cylinders.
  114. Beaumont Richard W. (1315 Hickory Ct. Sidney OH 45365), Internal combustion hydraulic engine.
  115. Mitchell Herman R., Internal combustion hydraulic motor and method of operation.
  116. Aota Hiroyuki (Kariya JPX) Kuroyanagi Masatoshi (Kariya JPX), Laminated type piezoelectric apparatus.
  117. Zannis James (Gloucestershire GBX), Linear variable displacement transducers including phase shifting series connected coils.
  118. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Low emission high performance engines, multiple cylinder engines and operating methods.
  119. Richeson William E. (Fort Wayne IN), Low energy hydraulic actuator.
  120. Johnson Bruce G. ; Sturman Oded E. ; Misovec Kathy M. ; Massey Steve E., Magnetically-latchable fluid control valve system.
  121. Schroeder Thaddeus (Rochester Hills MI) Henry Rassem R. (Clinton Township ; Macomb County MI) Lequesne Bruno P. B. (Troy MI) Murty Balarama V. (West Bloomfield MI), Method and apparatus for electrically driving engine valves.
  122. Raab, Alois; Schnabel, Martin, Method for generating a homogeneous mixture for auto-ignition internal combustion engines and for controlling the combustion process.
  123. Kuo,Tang Wei; Najt,Paul M.; Eng,James A.; Chang,Junseok; Filipi,Zoran S.; Assanis,Dionissios N.; Guralp,Orgun A., Method for mid load operation of auto-ignition combustion.
  124. Fenelon Thomas R. ; Clarke John M., Method for operation of a free piston engine.
  125. Achten Peter A. J. (Eindhoven NLX) Potma Theodorus G. (Kaag NLX), Method for the cold start of a free-piston engine; and free-piston engine adapted for use of this method.
  126. Berlinger Willibald G., Method of operating a free piston internal combustion engine with a short bore/stroke ratio.
  127. Bailey Brett M. ; Berlinger Willibald G., Method of operating a free piston internal combustion engine with a variable pressure hydraulic fluid output.
  128. Bailey Brett M. ; Raab Francis J., Method of operating a free piston internal combustion engine with high pressure hydraulic fluid upon misfire or initial start-up.
  129. Bailey Brett M., Method of operating a free piston internal combustion engine with pulse compression.
  130. Meyer Lawrence L. (Northville MI), Method of reducing the pressure and energy consumption of hydraulic actuators when activating engine exhaust valves.
  131. Ausman Thomas G. (Peoria IL) Ertel John G. (Washington IL) Flinn Michael A. (East Peoria IL), Methods of conditioning fluid in an electronically-controlled unit injector for starting.
  132. Wakeman Russell J. (Newport News VA), Modular, self-contained hydraulic valve timing systems for internal combustion engines.
  133. Sturman,Oded E., Multi-stage intensifiers adapted for pressurized fluid injectors.
  134. Aldrich Clare A. (296 E. Gainsborough Rd. Thousand Oaks CA 91360), Multi-staged internal combustion engine.
  135. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Multiple intensifier injectors with positive needle control and methods of injection.
  136. Hofbauer, Peter, Opposed piston opposed cylinder free piston engine.
  137. Schechter Michael M. (Farmington Hills MI), Part load gas exchange strategy for an engine with variable lift camless valvetrain.
  138. Richeson William E. (Fort Wayne IN) Erickson Frederick L. (Fort Wayne IN), Pilot operated hydraulic valve actuator.
  139. Tusinean,Adrain, Piston guides for a free piston engine.
  140. Fuqua, Kevin; Hofbauer, Peter, Piston lubrication for a free piston engine.
  141. Laumen, Herman-Josef; Guerich, Ing Gunter, Position sensing for a free piston engine.
  142. Oded E. Sturman ; Richard J. Dunn, Power module and methods of operation.
  143. Ishida Akio (Kanagawa JPX), Pressure storage fuel injection system.
  144. Boecking, Friedrich, Pressure-controlled injector with vario-register injection nozzle.
  145. Blakeslee Wesley A. (Badger MN) Fredrickson Richard A. (Roseau MN), Priming control system for fuel injected engines.
  146. Gitlin,Ronald D.; O'Connor,Darren; Gietzen,Randy A., Programmable internal combustion engine controller.
  147. Ule Louis A. (27 Mustang Road Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274), Programmed valve system for internal combustion engine.
  148. North Christopher, Pulsed-energy controllers and methods of operation thereof.
  149. Sturman Oded E. (3973 Santa Monica Ct. Newbury Park CA 91320), Pump control module.
  150. Hermann Gaessler DE; Udo Diehl DE; Karsten Mischker DE; Rainer Walter AT; Bernd Rosenau DE; Juergen Schiemann DE; Christian Grosse DE; Georg Mallebrein DE; Volker Beuche DE; Stefan Reimer D, Pump for supplying a fuel injection system and for supplying a hydraulic valve controller for internal combustion engines.
  151. Thring Robert H. (Devine TX), Regenerative internal combustion engine.
  152. Sturman, Oded E., Solenoid actuated engine valve for an internal combustion engine.
  153. Scuderi,Salvatore C.; Scuderi,Stephen P., Split-cycle air hybrid engine.
  154. Carlson,Cliff, Starting a compression ignition free piston internal combustion engine having multiple cylinders.
  155. Sturman Oded E. (Newbury Park CA) Massey Steven (Camarillo CA), Static and dynamic pressure balance double flow three-way control valve.
  156. Edison James (Ventura CA) Evans Douglas L. (Oxnard CA) Sanders Robert W. (Ojai CA), System for lowering emissions of nitrogen oxides.
  157. Kiss, Tibor; Strauss, Randall James; Pena, James A.; Quinlan, John Mathew, Three-way valves and fuel injectors using the same.
  158. Kiss, Tibor; Strauss, Randall James; Peña, James A.; Quinlan, John Mathew, Three-way valves and fuel injectors using the same.
  159. Springer Joseph E. (11247 Monte Vista Ontario CA 91762), Two stroke internal combustion engine having an intake piston adjacent each power piston.
  160. Melchior Jean (66 Boulevard Maurice-Barres 92Neuilly-sur-Seine FR), Two-stroke internal combustion engines.
  161. Sturman Oded E. ; North Christopher ; Strom Robert ; Massey Steven, Valve controller systems and methods and fuel injection systems utilizing the same.
  162. Sturman Oded E. ; North Christopher ; Strom Robert ; Massey Steven, Valve controller systems and methods and fuel injection systems utilizing the same.
  163. Schechter Michael M. (Farmington Hills MI) Levin Michael B. (Birmingham MI), Valve deactivation and adjustment system for electrohydraulic camless valvetrain.
  164. Kano Junichi (Kariya JPX) Sato Atsushi (Kariya JPX), Valve opening and closing timing control apparatus.
  165. Matsumoto Yukihiro (Saitama JPX) Yoshihara Kenji (Saitama JPX) Kajiura Tetsuya (Saitama JPX) Niizato Tomonori (Saitama JPX) Yamada Noriyuki (Saitama JPX), Valve operating system for internal combustion engine.
  166. Schechter Michael M. (Southfield MI), Variable engine valve control system.
  167. Schechter Michael M. (Farmington Hills MI) Levin Michael B. (Bloomfield MI), Variable engine valve control system with hydraulic damper.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Digital hydraulic opposed free piston engines and methods.
  2. Ferri, Mark; Chirmulay, Neeraj; Gupta, Sachin, Electro-hydraulic hybrid system.
  3. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Free piston engines with single hydraulic piston actuator and methods.
  4. Sturman, Oded Eddie, Multiple fuel-type compression ignition engines and methods.

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