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[미국특허] Surrounding gate transistor semiconductor device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-029/66
  • H01L-029/423
  • H01L-029/78
  • H01L-029/06
  • H01L-029/49
  • H01L-029/51
출원번호 US-0704306 (2010-02-11)
등록번호 US-8896056 (2014-11-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Masuoka, Fujio
  • Kudo, Tomohiko
출원인 / 주소
  • Unisantis Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    Brinks Gilson & Lione
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 16


It is intended to solve a problem of increase in power consumption and reduction in operating speed due to an increase in parasitic capacitance of a surrounding gate transistor (SGT) as a three-dimensional semiconductor device, to provide an SGT achieving an increase in speed and power consumption r


1. A semiconductor device comprising: a first-conductive type semiconductor substratea second-conductive type impurity region formed in a part of the first-conductive type semiconductor substrate;a first silicon pillar of an arbitrary cross-sectional shape formed on the second-conductive type impuri

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bin Yu, Fabrication of a field effect transistor with three sided gate structure on semiconductor on insulator.
  2. Mizuki Ono CH, Field-effect transistor with multidielectric constant gate insulation layer.
  3. Takashima, Daisaburo; Ono, Mizuki, MOSFET having high and low dielectric materials.
  4. Aeugle Thomas,DEX ; Rosner Wolfgang,DEX ; Behammer Dag,DEX, Method for producing a vertical MOS-transistor.
  5. Tehrani Saied N. ; Shiralagi Kumar ; Goronkin Herbert, Method of fabricating 3D multilayer semiconductor circuits.
  6. Itoh Masahiro (Tokyo JPX), Method of manufacturing a semiconductor MOSFET having a projection T-shaped semiconductor portion.
  7. Hergenrother John M. ; Monroe Donald Paul, Process for fabricating vertical transistors.
  8. Xiang Qi ; Pramanick Shekhar ; Lin Ming-Ren, Self-aligned silicide gate technology for advanced submicron MOS devices.
  9. Maeda Shigenobu,JPX ; Yamaguchi Yasuo,JPX ; Kuriyama Hirotada,JPX ; Maegawa Shigeto,JPX, Semiconductor device and method of manufacturing the same.
  10. Maeda, Shigenobu; Yamaguchi, Yasuo; Kuriyama, Hirotada; Maegawa, Shigeto, Semiconductor device and method of manufacturing the same.
  11. Shigenobu Maeda JP; Yasuo Yamaguchi JP; Hirotada Kuriyama JP; Shigeto Maegawa JP, Semiconductor device and method of manufacturing the same.
  12. Maeda Shigenobu,JPX ; Yamaguchi Yasuo,JPX ; Kuriyama Hirotada,JPX ; Maegawa Shigeto,JPX, Semiconductor device having a vertical surround gate metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, and manufactur.
  13. Awano, Yuji, Semiconductor device, method for fabricating the semiconductor device and semiconductor integrated circuit.
  14. Mazur Carlos A. (Austin TX) Fitch Jon T. (Austin TX) Hayden James D. (Austin TX) Witek Keith E. (Austin TX), Semiconductor memory device and method of formation.
  15. Itoh Masahiro (Tokyo JPX), Semiconductor mosfet having a projecting T-shaped portion.
  16. Rodder Mark S. (Dallas TX), Vertical FET device with low gate to source overlap capacitance.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Marino, Fabio Alessio; Menegoli, Paolo, Multiple control transcap variable capacitor.

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