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[미국특허] Container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 09-03
출원번호 US-0424388 (2012-06-12)
등록번호 US-D717162 (2014-11-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Baker, Steven
출원인 / 주소
  • ConAgra Foods RDM, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Grace, Ryan T.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 367


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a container, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (367) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Seaborne Jonathan (Corcoran MN), Amphoteric ceramic microwave heating susceptor.
  2. Seaborne Jonathan (Corcoran MN), Amphoteric ceramic microwave heating susceptor utilizing compositions with metal salt moderators.
  3. Clough Jane L. (Neenah WI), Apertured microwave reactive package.
  4. Allaire Pascal M. (217 Tower Dr. ; #12 Beverly Hills CA 90211), Apparatus and method for cooking with steam.
  5. Bowen Robert F. (Burlington) Castoldi Robert J. (Newton) Sklenak John S. (Sudbury MA), Apparatus and method for making microwave popcorn.
  6. Peleg Yigal (Solon OH), Apparatus and method for the reconstitution of frozen foods in a microwave oven.
  7. Gremillion Philip J., Apparatus for cooking reduced fat poultry or meat.
  8. Beckett Donald E. (963 Tennyson Ave. Mississauga ; Ontario CAX L5H 2Y9), Apparatus for formation of packaging material.
  9. Mller Werner (Neuhausen am Rheinfall CHX) Heinzer Hans (Beringen CHX), Apparatus for producing and filling tubular bags.
  10. Black ; Jr. Richard A. (Bensalem PA) Yannuzzi ; Jr. Gilbert N. (Richboro PA), Bag construction.
  11. Maxwell Holly (Forest Lake MN) Petersen Warren D. (Corcoran MN), Bag utilizing a microwave susceptor pad and non-heated flap.
  12. Bradley Kevin (Hoffman Estates IL), Baking dish.
  13. Wyche Susan P., Baking dish.
  14. Wyche Susan P., Baking dish.
  15. Kenny Wang ; Chao-Hsiang Tong, Baking pan.
  16. Hayes Thomas J. ; Dellinger J. Scott, Bottom for a container.
  17. Suzuki Katsuhiro (Nagoya JPX) Kinoshita Masaru (Otsu JPX), Browning vessels which used together with microwave ovens.
  18. Curtin,Heather, COLLAPSIBLE COLANDER.
  19. Jalet, Vincent, Can strainer.
  20. So Peter K. L. (6122 Beatrice Street Vancouver ; British Columbia CAX V5A 3R2), Cartridge for beverage making.
  21. Seaborne Jonathan (Concoran MN) Borek James R. (Burnsville MN), Ceramic gels with salt for microwave heating susceptor.
  22. Brown Irvin L. (Auburn IL), Closure for hot beverage container.
  23. Cousins Morison S. (Winter Park FL), Colander.
  24. Daenen Robert H. C. M. (Hekelgem BEX), Colander.
  25. Eide,Annbjorg; Green Cotton,Deborah A.; Hatch,Paul; Burke,Julia; Cheng,Howard, Colander.
  26. Stewart,Joshua R., Colander.
  27. Daenen Robert H. C. M. (Hekelgem BEX) DeCoster Pieter K. J. (Aalst RI BEX) Wolff Martin J. (North Providence RI), Colander or the like.
  28. Cousins Morison S. (Winter Park FL), Colander with lid.
  29. Fujimoto Tetsuro,JPX, Colander with scrubbing interior.
  30. Michael Edward Ross ; Josephine Telesca ; Dean R. Rainey, Collapsible carton sleeve.
  31. Ross, Michael Edward, Collapsible carton sleeve.
  32. Leonori, Luca, Collapsible colander with reduced dimensions.
  33. Repp,Timothy Corcoran, Collapsible colander with stand-up leg.
  34. Bowen Robert F. (Burlington MA) Maiellano ; Jr. Joseph C. (Chelmsford MA), Combination cooking cartridge.
  35. de Groote,Jan Hendrik, Combination grater and strainer.
  36. Davis John E. (Brighton AUX), Combined cooking utensil with lid and strainer.
  37. Elmerhaus,Heinz Josef, Combined hand basin and carton.
  38. Cherry ; Richard Sutton, Combined packaging container and lid.
  39. Brandberg Lawrence C. (Minneapolis MN) Andreas David W. (Minneapolis MN), Combined popping and shipping package for popcorn.
  40. Whitenack Joan E. (Arcadia CA) Sanchez George (Northridge CA) Stone Earlyn W. (Nuevo CA) Colton Buddy A. (El Monte CA), Compact, efficient, easy-to-clean food steamer for home use, with safety features and versatile modular food compartment.
  41. Simon Frederick E. (Lindenwold NJ), Composite material for a microwave heating container and container formed therefrom.
  42. Teich Wesley W. (Wayland MA) Bowen Robert F. (Burlington MA) Freedman George (Wayland MA) Martel Thomas J. (North Reading MA) Dudley Kenneth W. (Sudbury MA), Concentrated energy microwave appliance.
  43. Baker, Steven, Container.
  44. Green, Dale; Kapp, Nico; Nehus, Uwe; Vollborth, David, Container.
  45. Maslowski,Albert Vincent, Container.
  46. Moecks, Ruth; Friedland, Jason Michael; Slusarczyk, Peter Sebastian; Hernandez, Angel Eduardo; Valentine, Rebecca Morgan; Moudy, Matthew Glenn; Franks, Jeremy Kirk, Container.
  47. Dais, Brian C.; Perushek, Joseph; McCumber, Donald E.; Angell, Charles A., Container and lid.
  48. Cage James K. (Santa Ana CA) Kolla Shanti (Ontario CA) Gates Jan E. (Anaheim CA), Container and popcorn ingredient for microwave use.
  49. Foster ; Jr. Thomas E., Container assembly.
  50. France, David W.; Baker, Steven Robert, Container assembly.
  51. France, David W.; Baker, Steven Robert, Container assembly.
  52. Shapiro, Catherine M.; Sweley, Jess C.; Degner, Brian M.; Koestring, Darin Charles; Yunker, Todd Preston; Meissbach, Kenneth Paul, Container assembly.
  53. Shapiro, Catherine M.; Sweley, Jess C.; Degner, Brian M.; Koestring, Darin Charles; Yunker, Todd Preston; Meissbach, Kenneth Paul, Container assembly.
  54. Miller D. Scott (Orlando FL), Container base.
  55. France, David W.; Baker, Steven Robert, Container basket.
  56. France, David W.; Baker, Steven Robert, Container basket.
  57. Shapiro, Catherine M.; Sweley, Jess C.; Degner, Brian M.; Koestring, Darin Charles; Yunker, Todd Preston; Meissbach, Kenneth Paul, Container cover.
  58. Tolchin Norman (7225 Windcrest La. North Richland Hills TX 76180) Tolchin Carole J. (7225 Windcrest La. North Richland Hills TX 76180), Container for cooking foods.
  59. Roccaforte Harry I. (Western Springs IL) Scott Raymond G. (Oak Brook IL), Container for expandable food pouch.
  60. Mustapha Merabet CH, Container for heating rapidly and evenly frozen foods in a microwave oven.
  61. Rubbright Harry A. ; Beall Nelson J. ; Gaeta Stephen A. ; Meiners M. Debbie, Container for microwave cooking of food products containing liquids.
  62. Ohyama,Yoshio, Container for microwave oven cooking.
  63. Levy, Mariean; Levy, Marvin; Lam, Paul, Container for microwaveable food.
  64. McHam David E. (16061 E. Kellogg Wichita KS 67230), Container for prepackaging, popping and serving popcorn.
  65. Fultz Jerry, Container for storing a food product and a sauce therefor.
  66. Nakanaga Ryusuke (Takatsuki JPX), Container for use in heating by microwave oven.
  67. Spencer Neil E. (524 W. Maple St. North Canton OH 44720), Container formed from bags having inserts.
  68. Zettle Jeffey J. ; Wilson Daniel C. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Container having a snap fit selectively detachable lid.
  69. Sugisawa Ko (Nara JPX) Yamamoto Masanori (Kaizuka JPX) Nakanaga Ryusuke (Takatsuki JPX), Container heated by microwave oven.
  70. Young,Louis J., Container lid.
  71. Yamamoto Masanori (Kaizuka JPX) Kamoda Tamotsu (Kishiwada JPX) Nakahara Makoto (Higashiosaka JPX) Fujii Yoshimasa (Yamato-Kouriyama JPX) Sugano Shozo (Nara JPX), Container packed with instant food for use in microwave oven.
  72. Woodnorth Brian E. ; Gaston Johannes N. ; Van Ornum Douglas J., Container system including a colander.
  73. Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Roland, David H.; Carpiaux, Douglas; Cotterman, Jesse D., Container with detachable, selectively vented lid.
  74. Maynard Patrick L. (Combined Locks WI) Schmelzer Michael A. (Appleton WI) Pawlowski Thomas D. (Neenah WI), Control of microwave interactive heating by patterned deactivation.
  75. Curtis Danny S., Controlled atmosphere package.
  76. Swartley John S. (Westport CT), Convection food heating.
  77. Goltsos Costas E. (Weston MA), Conveyorized microwave oven.
  78. Kuchenbecker ; Morris W., Cook-in carton with integral removable section and blank therefor.
  79. Toyosawa Manabu (Tokyo JPX), Cooker for use in microwave oven.
  80. Bowen Robert F. (Burlington MA) Martel Thomas J. (North Reading MA), Cooker/baker utensil for microwave oven.
  81. Sir John (9261 Skyway Paradise CA 95969), Cooking apparatus.
  82. Palacios Urania (3709 Largo Dr. Miramar FL 33023), Cooking container or like assembly for the cooking of food utilizing a microwave oven.
  83. Levinson Melvin L. (140 W. Willow St. Colonia NJ 07067), Cooking food in a food preparation kit in a microwave and in a thermal oven.
  84. Cornfield, Randall, Cooking grill.
  85. Yamada Katsuya (Osaka JPX) Yamanouchi Shosuke (Osaka JPX) Toyooka Shinichi (Osaka JPX), Cooking instrument using a microwave oven for heating a primary cooking surface.
  86. Levendusky Thomas L. (Greensburg PA) Benson Arthur (Pittsburgh PA) Lunden Richard W. (Leechburg PA), Cooking utensil for combined microwave and steam cooking.
  87. Miles Derek A. (Quinta da Pena Rau da Pena 4100 Porto PTX) Miles Julie M. T. (Quinta da Pena Rau da Pena 4100 Porto PTX), Cooking vessel.
  88. Mason ; Jr. Stanley I. (61 River Rd. Weston CT 06880) Mason Charlotte G. (61 River Rd. Weston CT 06880), Cooking vessel for microwave oven cookery adapted to aid in browning foods by heat from hot, liquid fats.
  89. Laib Douglas M., Cooking vessel seal.
  90. Kim, Hyang-Ki; Jeon, In Ki; Kim, Sung Kwang, Cooking vessel used with microwave ovens.
  91. Hernandez Rosalio A. (1138 W. Cambridge Ave. Fresno CA 93705), Cooking vessel with an inner heat conductive jacket and the like.
  92. Prosise Robert L. (all c/o Ivorydale Tech. Center Cincinnati OH 45217) Leveckis Algis S. (all c/o Ivorydale Tech. Center Cincinnati OH 45217) Gunn Charles L. (all c/o Ivorydale Tech. Center Cincinnat, Cookware with liquid microwave energy moderator.
  93. Jackson,Daniel C.; Bouveret,Nicolas; Lacroix,Jean Pierre, Cover for a food package.
  94. Klemme Kirk (Liberty MO), Covered container.
  95. Bowden Thomas A. (Moraga CA) Wilt Brian L. (Frankfort IL), Crowned meat tray.
  96. Bowden Thomas A. (Tinley Park IL) Wilt Brian L. (Frankfort IL), Crowned meat tray.
  97. Cook Anthony B. (Simpsonville SC) Palmer John J. (Stanfield NC) Rodriguez Jose M. (Fort Mill SC), Defoamer composition and method of using the same.
  98. Boylan Francis J. (Newton NJ) Porter Clemmon (Boonton NJ) Bruno Olga D. (Randolph NJ), Defoamer composition and use thereof.
  99. Beckett Donald E. (963 Tennyson Ave. Mississauga ; Ontario CAX L5H 2Y9), Demetallizing method.
  100. Beckett, Donald E., Demetallizing method and apparatus.
  101. LeMay, Frank A.; Bermudez, Pedro J., Desktop diffuser.
  102. Nibbe Bodo B. (Karlsplatz 6/IV 8000 Mnchen 2 DEX) Hirsch Paul (Karl-Theodor-Str. 91 8000 Mnchen 40 DEX), Device for cooking foods with microwaves.
  103. Simon, Denise; Bull, Jeffrey; Purcell, David, Dish.
  104. Henry Jacques,FRX, Dish for baking or serving.
  105. Janssen Alexander P. (c/o Data Visible ; P.O. Box 7767 Charlottesville VA 22901), Disposable bags.
  106. Sklenak John S. (Sudbury MA) Aisenberg Sol (Natick MA) Dudley Kenneth W. (Sudbury MA) Castoldi Robert J. (Auburndale MA), Disposable microwave package having absorber bonded to mesh.
  107. Maxwell Holly A. (Minneapolis MN) Esse Robert L. (Monticello MN), Dual compartment food package.
  108. Stier David E. (Middletown NY) Liquori Katherine S. (Goshen NY), Dual ovenable food package.
  109. Daswick Alexander C. (647 Orange Grove South Pasadena CA 91030), Dual wrapper method of cooking a prepared meat product.
  110. Faddi,Ibolya, Dumpling maker.
  111. Levinson Melvin L. (1 Meinzer St. Avenel NJ 07001), Egg cooking in a microwave oven.
  112. Smith, Stephen A.; Abayhan, Ayberk; Wiedmeyer, Warren Giles; Healy, Kimberly Vaile; McIntee, Ann; Gitschlag, John Stewart; Joines, Jr., James Tam; Rutter, Bryce G.; Loudenslager, John Howard; Bone, B, Ergonomic disposable bowl.
  113. Smith, Stephen A.; Wiedmeyer, Warren Giles; Gitschlag, John Stewart; Joines, Jr., James Tam; Healy, Kimberly Vaile; Rutter, Bryce G.; Loudenslager, John Howard; Bone, Brian C.; Stillerman, Jan R., Ergonomic disposable plate.
  114. Austin John J. (La Grange IL) Webinger George (Minneapolis MN), Expandable food package container.
  115. Gordon Robert L. (Monroe NY), Expandable package.
  116. Svarz James J. ; Gabel Ryan A., Fatty acid defoamers with improved shelf life.
  117. Holzmller Arno (Kempten DEX) Brkel Bruno (Ammersbek DEX), Film for covering a microwavable meal tray.
  118. Humphries Richard L. (Sunnyvale CA), Flanged tray with gusset corners.
  119. Hanson Violet M. (14 Fairway Drive Old Bethpage NY 11804), Flat bottom bag.
  120. Watkins Jeffrey T. (Eden Prairie MN) Brandberg Lawrence C. (Edina MN), Flat bottomed stand-up microwave corn popping bag.
  121. Watkins Jeffrey T. (Bloomington MN) Brandberg Lawrence C. (Edina MN), Flat-faced package for improving the microwave popping of corn.
  122. Kopach, Robert J., Flexible strainer with a releasable cord.
  123. Kuei-Lin Wang TW, Foldable paper container having a top opening.
  124. Jenkins, Mark, Food bowl display container.
  125. Wysocki Lawrence S. (Chicago IL), Food carton for microwave heating.
  126. Barnes Robert C. (Hackettstown NJ) Caporaso John A. (Wayne NJ) Winter Gerald J. (Paterson NJ) Karwowski Jan (Franklin Lakes NJ), Food container.
  127. Detzel Josef (Weitnau DT) Bartels Klaus Peter (Langen DT), Food container.
  128. Gasbarra Anthony (19730 Crescent St. Lynwood IL 60411) Gasbarra Edward (6647 W. 111th St. Worth IL 60482), Food container.
  129. Matsuno Ichiro,JPX ; Sasaki Hirotaka,JPX, Food container for microwave heating or cooking.
  130. Haley Vincent L., Food container lid.
  131. Miller,David; Phillips,Matthew; Prancuk,Matthew, Food container sleeve.
  132. Cautereels Victor J. J.,BEX ; Ferris Ian,GB2 ; Tree John,GB2, Food container with cooling pack.
  133. Carlson Arthur R. (East Malvern AUX), Food container with press-in lid.
  134. Watkins James D. (Minneapolis MN), Food heating container.
  135. Detert Kenneth M. (Madison WI) Hasler Theodore J. (Chicago IL), Food package.
  136. Detert Kenneth M. (Madison WI) Hasler Theodore J. (Chicago IL), Food package.
  137. Detert Kenneth M. (Madison WI) Hasler Theodore J. (Chicago IL), Food package.
  138. Mattisson Lennart (Kagenrod SEX) Ganrot Bertil (Bjuv SEX), Food package.
  139. Webinger George P. (Robbinsdale MN), Food package.
  140. Standing Charles N. (Minneapolis MN) Brandberg Lawrence C. (Minneapolis MN), Food package for assuring uniform distribution of microwave energy and process for heating food.
  141. Gics Paul W., Food package including a tray and a sleeve surrounding the tray.
  142. Standing Charles N. (Minneapolis MN) Brandberg Lawrence C. (Minneapolis MN), Food package including condiment container for heating food.
  143. Bukowski, Todd Michael; Enciso, Neil Joseph, Food packaging with system for dispersion on edible food component.
  144. Watanabe Masato (Tokyo JPX) Takahashi Hideyuki (Tokyo JPX) Kinoshita Masao (Tokyo JPX), Food packing body for heat and microwave treatment.
  145. Seiferth Oscar E. (Madison WI), Food receptacle for microwave cooking.
  146. Seiferth Oscar E. (Madison WI), Food receptacle for microwave cooking.
  147. Johnson Robert A. (317 Origen St. Burlington WI 53105), Food steaming apparatus.
  148. Li, Wen-Ching, Food steaming device.
  149. Ahern ; Jr. Richard B. (Akron OH), Food storage container and lid.
  150. Furlong, Brian Douglas, Food storage container lid.
  151. Wilcox,Cindee; Preusser,Daniel, Food tray.
  152. Levinson Melvin L., For use in a freezer and in a microwave oven, a microwave-reflective vessel with a cold-keeping agent and methods for it.
  153. Beckett Donald E. (963 Tennyson Ave. Mississauga ; Ontario L5H 2Y9 CAX), Formation of packaging material.
  154. Terauds Oskar R. (Willoughby OH), Frozen food package and cover lid.
  155. Pawlowski Thomas D. (Neenah WI), Gas permeable microwave reactive package.
  156. Johnson Kendrick A. (8242 Queen Ave. S. Bloomington MN 55431), Heat retaining food container.
  157. Isaka Tsutomu (Inuyama JPX) Matsuo Maki (Inuyama JPX) Miyazaki Yukinobu (Inuyama JPX), Heat sealable laminated propylene polymer packaging material.
  158. Sorensen Jens O. (Rancho Santa Fe CA), Hollow stackable plastic products.
  159. Sorensen Jens O. (Rancho Santa Fe CA), Hollow, stackable molded product with rigidifying skirt-shaped flange.
  160. Slangan Gary (Fuchu JPX) Tsunashima Masaaki (Fujisawa JPX), Ice cream package including compartment for heating syrup.
  161. Ando Koki (Osaka JA), Inner lid of a receptacle for instant-cooking foods.
  162. Haverland ; Jr. Walter K. (Livermore CA) Haverland Patricia L. (Livermore CA), Insulated dish and lid for microwave cooking.
  163. Will Malcolm (120 Francis St. Keyport NJ 07735), Joint prosthesis package.
  164. Messerli Christoph,CHX, Kitchen and table-ware for steam cooking.
  165. Monier James L. ; Olsheski Dennis A., Laminated bag wall construction.
  166. Balla Gyula (MalmSEX), Laminated material comprising an outer sealing layer of thermoplastic material.
  167. Short, Philip R.; Song, Xie F., Lid and container assembly.
  168. Short, Philip R.; Song, Xie F., Lid and container assembly.
  169. Bouveret,Nicolas; Lacroix,Jean Pierre, Lid for container.
  170. Tighe Laurence E. (Milford MA) Parker Tim (Shrewsbury MA), Localized microwave radiation heating.
  171. Policappelli, Nini, Making beverages and food in a microwave oven.
  172. Charles M. Boutte, Meat and poultry roaster.
  173. Simon Frederick E. ; Green Frederick Rick ; Iliescu Kelly A., Metal container and use thereof in a microwave oven.
  174. Akervik Myron (Duluth MN), Metal foil food package for microwave cooking.
  175. McDonald Duane L. (Minneapolis MN) Brown Lynn H. (Chanhassen MN), Metal tray and susceptor combination for use in microwave ovens.
  176. Manser ; Josef ; Dankesreiter ; Georg, Method and apparatus for bulk material treatment.
  177. Forker ; Jr. Ray B. (Beaver Dams NY) Panzarino Joseph N. (Big Flats NY), Method and apparatus for providing uniform surface browning of foodstuff through microwave energy.
  178. Brastad William A. (Minneapolis MN) Beall Nelson J. (St. Michael MN), Method and material for prepackaging food to achieve microwave browning.
  179. Yajima Mizuo,JPX, Method for cooking fresh noodles in a microwave oven.
  180. Beer Jeffrey S. (Sellersville PA), Method for forming smooth walled flexible package.
  181. Tchack Eli (5 Nottingham Rd. Livingston NJ 07039), Method for low fat cooking and conjoining cooking racks therefor.
  182. Scott Russell Norman M. (St. Paul MN) Allen Robert L. (Park Ridge IL), Method for making selectively metallized microwave heating packages.
  183. Kanafani Hanny (Carrollton TX) Longan Bobby J. (Plano TX) Schmidt Paul R. (Lewisville TX) Wisdom Lawrence W. (Dallas TX), Method for microwave heating of low moisture food products.
  184. Mattson Peter H. (Hillsborough CA) Hsia Samson T. (Fremont CA), Method for preparing frozen comestibles for consumption.
  185. Stangroom Max (Houston TX), Method of baking a pizza using micro-wave energy.
  186. Bows John Richard,GB3 ; Blindt Renoo Avinash,GB3 ; Hurling Robert,GB3 ; Mullin James Thomas,GB3, Method of cooking a food product using a mode filtering structure.
  187. Ahlgren David William (Duluth MN), Method of cooking an item of food, using a food sheet and an open bottomed pan.
  188. Arai Yoshiaki (Kyoto JPX), Method of making a decorated film with a metal layer in the form of a given pattern.
  189. Oh Nam H. (Warren NJ), Method of making shelf stable moist pasta.
  190. Blamer Robert H. (Westmont IL), Method of making tubular bag.
  191. Coll-Palagos ; Miguel, Method of metallizing materials.
  192. Anderson Kathleen H. (Zimmerman MN) Lorence Matthew W. (Bloomington MN) DeVay Gwen E. (Minneapolis MN), Method of microwave heating of starch-based products.
  193. Wallsten Hans I. (Chemin de la Lisiere 6 CH-1018 Lausanne CHX), Method of preparing foodstuffs by means of boiling or steaming and means for performing the method.
  194. Schell, Lonny J.; Schell, Carmen J., Method of preparing frozen egg butter sauces.
  195. Beall Nelson J. (St. Michael MN), Method of reproduction metallized patterns with microwave energy.
  196. McCutchan Michael D. (Hamilton OH) Fishter Steve G. (Harrison OH) Yee Deborah J. (Cincinnati OH), Method of simultaneously microwave heating or baking plural articles, and concomitant package.
  197. Levinson Melvin L. (612 Ziegler Ave. Linden NJ 07036), Methods for microwave cooking in a steam-chamber kit.
  198. Bley Michael Eugene (Minneapolis MN), Microwavable bag with releasable seal arrangement to inhibit settling of bag contents; and method.
  199. Lai Laurence,CAX ; Zeng Neilson,CAX, Microwavable container having active microwave energy heating elements for combined bulk and surface heating.
  200. Tuszkiewicz,George A; Mace,Richard L, Microwavable container with sleeve.
  201. Kinigakis Panagiotis (West Windsor NJ) Taylor Terry L. (Pound Ridge NY) Witzeman John S. (Stony Point NY), Microwavable package and process.
  202. Edomwonyi, Kim Y., Microwavable package containing a snack food and topping.
  203. Oh Nam H. ; Tecedor Silverio Luiz ; Schryer Richard F. ; Meyers Edward J. ; Hefnawy M. Magdy ; Rubbright Harry A. ; Beall Nelson J. ; Gaeta Stephen A. ; Meiners M. Debbie, Microwavable pasta in a bowl.
  204. Chawan Dhyaneshwar B. (Liverpool NY) Merritt Carleton G. (Phoenix NY) Hargrove Wiley W. (Crystal Lake IL), Microwavable pasta product comprising triethyl citrate and eggs and a process for preparing same.
  205. Blackwell Tommie R. ; Wallo Matthew, Microwavable single-serving meal container.
  206. John Jay Johns, Microwavable steamer bags.
  207. Wolfe ; Jr. William R. (Wilmington DE), Microwave absorber.
  208. Edmark,John Thomas, Microwave beverage and food preparation apparatus.
  209. Stewart James B. (Randolph NJ), Microwave browning cookware.
  210. Jorgensen Jorgen A. (Bloomington MN), Microwave browning utensil.
  211. Kearns Joyce M. (New City NY) Scarpellino Richard (Ramsey NJ), Microwave cooking apparatus.
  212. Sumi Momoki (Tokyo JA) Kanda Goro (Sagamihara JA) Iriguchi Norio (Fuji JA) Isohata Susumu (Fuji JA) Sasaki Kyoichi (Seijyo JA), Microwave cooking apparatus.
  213. Oppenheimer Douglas F. (2912 Gekeler La. Boise ID 83702), Microwave cooking carton for browning and crisping food products.
  214. Lorence Matthew W., Microwave cooking container for food items.
  215. Koochaki Kamel K., Microwave cooking grill and steamer.
  216. Craft Paul I., Microwave cooking grill with sealed enclosure of inert gas.
  217. Hopkins, Gary L., Microwave cooking tray and sleeve assembly.
  218. Green Robert E. (909 N. Front St. Marquette MI 49855), Microwave cooking utensil.
  219. Hartman Richard R. (Kalamazoo MI) Berger Bradley D. (Kalamazoo MI) DeHaan Kimberly J. (Kalamazoo MI), Microwave double-bag food container.
  220. Leveckis Algis S. (Ludlow KY) August Gerald (Palo Alto CA), Microwave energy cooking bag.
  221. Watkins James D. (Golden Valley MN), Microwave food heating container.
  222. Barnes, Neal Patrick, Microwave grilling appliance.
  223. Hewitt Bryan C. (Kingston CAX) Ball Melville D. (Kingston CAX), Microwave heating device with microwave distribution modifying means.
  224. Tobelmann David W. (Plymouth MN) Troedel Michael L. (Plymouth MN) Esse Robert L. (Monticello MN), Microwave heating package.
  225. Turpin Charles H. (Minneapolis MN) Hoese Thomas C. (Minneapolis MN), Microwave heating package and method.
  226. Winters William C. (Bloomington MN) Chang Hsien-Hsin (Minneapolis MN) Anderson George R. (Minneapolis MN) Easter Ross A. (Minneapolis MN) Sholl Jeffrey J. (New Brighton MN), Microwave heating package, method and susceptor composition.
  227. Brauner Arne H. (Plymouth MN), Microwave method of popping popcorn and package therefor.
  228. Levinson Melvin L. (1 Meinzer St. Avenel NJ 07001), Microwave oven baking utensil.
  229. Levinson Melvin L. (1 Meinzer St. Avenel NJ 07001), Microwave oven cooking method.
  230. Pickford Keith,GBX, Microwave oven food container.
  231. Danley Allen M. (Eagan MN) Steingraber Mark L. (St. Paul MN), Microwave oven popcorn popper, steamer and roaster.
  232. Denise Ellen Hanson, Microwave packaging having patterned adhesive; and methods.
  233. Levinson Melvin L. (1 Meinzer St. Avenel NJ 07001), Microwave pie baking.
  234. Borek James R. (Burnsville MN), Microwave popcorn package.
  235. Hasse ; Jr. Glenn W. ; Binole William M. ; Johnson Jerald L., Microwave popcorn package.
  236. Roccaforte Harry I. (Western Springs IL), Microwave popcorn package.
  237. Olson Robert P. ; Hanson Denise Ellen, Microwave popcorn package with adhesive pattern.
  238. Olson Robert P. ; Hanson Denise Ellen, Microwave popcorn package with adhesive pattern.
  239. Olson Robert P. ; Hanson Denise Ellen, Microwave popcorn package with adhesive pattern.
  240. Pollart Kenneth A. (Neenah WI) Lafferty Terrence P. (Neenah WI), Microwave reactive heater.
  241. Tsai Daniel T. (7033 Burnside Dr. San Jose CA 95120), Microwave steam cooking apparatus.
  242. Bowen Robert F. (Burlington MA), Microwave steamer.
  243. Cousins Morison S., Microwave steamer.
  244. Chen, Rui Yuan; de Groote, Jan-Hendrik; Backaert, Dimitri M. C. J., Microwave steamer with cover.
  245. Hopkins ; Sr. Gary L., Microwave steaming tray.
  246. Hopkins Gary L., Microwave steaming tray.
  247. Prosise Robert Lawrence (Cincinnati OH) Bunke Paul Ralph (Cincinnati OH) Pflaumer Phillip Floyd (Hamilton OH) Milenkevich Joseph Anthony (Cincinnati OH), Microwave susceptor comprising a dielectric silicate foam substrate coated with a microwave active coating.
  248. Simpson Rodney J. ; Wellner Michael ; Classen Nils, Microwave tray and paperboard sleeve.
  249. Babu Gaddam N. (Woodbury MN) Christopher Susan S. (Spring Valley WI) LePere Pierre H. (Cottage Grove MN) Peterson James R. (St. Paul MN), Microwave-active tape having a cured polyolefin pressure-sensitive adhesive layer.
  250. Levinson Seth A. (140 W. Willow St. Colonia NJ 07067) Levinson Melvin L. (8 Stratford Cir. Edison NJ 08820), Microwave-core-heating and cooking pasta, pulses, grains and cereals.
  251. Fritz Jill A. (Fairport NY), Microwaveable container.
  252. Davis Jeffrey Martin,GB2 ; Bowler Peter,GB2 ; Woods Kenneth David,GB2, Microwaveable food container with perforated lid.
  253. Besser John E., Microwaveable heat retentive receptacle.
  254. Besser John E. ; Smith David L., Microwaveable heat retentive receptacle.
  255. Sorenson Richard W. (Avon CT), Miniature illuminated rocker switch.
  256. Mayer, Jonathan A., Moisture absorbing container.
  257. Chen,Shane, Multi-component drain and serving tray assembly.
  258. Bernhardt Daniel (P.O. Box 681 Rutland VT 05701), Multiple compartment multiple seal container.
  259. Hammer ; Gregory, Nonlocking nestable container.
  260. Thonis, Paul R., Oblong dish.
  261. Gillmore Stephen R. (Cato NY) Merritt Carleton G. (Phoenix NY) Chawan Dhyaneshwar B. (Liverpool NY) Matuszak Edward A. (Liverpool NY), One-step flavored pasta products and processes for preparing fast cooking pasta products.
  262. Berger ; Paul Daniel, Organo silicon/silica defoamer compositions.
  263. Melhede, Niels, Oval container and lid.
  264. Bouveret,Nicolas; Lacroix,Jean Pierre, Oval container lid.
  265. McClelland Donald R. (Wooster OH), Ovenware receptacle system.
  266. Daniels James A. (Plymouth Meeting PA), Package and method for microwave heating of a food product.
  267. Brown Richard K. (Appleton WI) Seiferth Oscar E. (Madison WI), Package assembly and method for storing and microwave heating of food.
  268. Swiontek Anthony J. (Neenah WI), Package assembly including a multi-surface, microwave interactive tray.
  269. Swiontek Anthony J. (Neenah WI), Package assembly including a multi-surface, microwave interactive tray.
  270. Maroszek Raymond V. (Neenah WI), Package assembly with heater panel and method for storing and microwave heating of food utilizing same.
  271. Perry Michael R. (Plymouth MN) Lonergan Dennis A. (Corcoran MN) Ash Belinda K. (Golden Valley MN) Taylor Anthony B. (Minneapolis MN), Package for crisping the surface of food products in a microwave oven.
  272. Engstrom Rolf G. (Edina MN) Fincham Douglas M. (Edina MN), Package for expandable food product.
  273. Mikulski Barry S. (Plymouth MN) McDonald Duane L. (Minneapolis MN) Deffenbaugh Lynn B. (Brooklyn Center MN), Package for frozen foods for microwave heating.
  274. Quick James R. (Warwick NY) Mitchell James W. (Newburgh NY) Cooley Dennis A. (Port Jervis NY), Package for microwave cooking with controlled thermal effects.
  275. Matoba Takeji (Tokyo JPX) Morita Masahiro (Uchigotakasakamachi JPX), Package for microwave oven cooking and method of use.
  276. Anderson Gary D. (Asheboro) Bourns George B. (Asheboro NC) Hoyt Earl E. (Franklin Lakes NJ) Siegel Howard P. (Yonkers NY), Package for microwaving popcorn.
  277. Barnes Robert C. (Hackettstown NJ) Snyder W. David (Andover NJ) Cesari Nancy J. K. (Annandale NJ), Package for storing and cooking an omelet.
  278. Brandberg, Lawrence C.; Watkins, Jeffrey T., Package with microwave induced insulation chambers.
  279. Brastad William A. (Minneapolis MN), Packaged food item and method for achieving microwave browning thereof.
  280. Savage, Sean; Baldwin, Paul, Packaged food product.
  281. Chung Jing-Yau, Packaged food product using partitioned receptacles with removable thin partition walls and method of making it.
  282. Montserrate Gibernau,Antonio, Packaging assembly for food products to be cooked or heated in microwave ovens.
  283. Guillin Francois,FRX, Packaging case comprising a crown.
  284. Tyler Frank S. (Sevenoaks GB2), Packaging container.
  285. Bohrer Timothy H. (Neenah WI) Pawlowski Thomas D. (Neenah WI) Brown Richard K. (Appleton WI), Packaging container for microwave popcorn popping.
  286. Bohrer, Timothy H.; Pawlowski, Thomas D.; Brown, Richard K., Packaging container for microwave popcorn popping and method for using.
  287. Inagaki,Hiromichi; Takahashi,Sakaru, Packaging material and packaged product.
  288. Lattur Vincent (Cuyahoga Falls OH), Packaging method and apparatus.
  289. Quick James R. (Greenwood Lake NY) Mitchell James W. (Sewell NJ), Paperboard container for microwave cooking.
  290. Cherney Jerome A. (Appleton WI) Pawlowski Thomas D. (Neenah WI), Partially shielded microwave carton.
  291. McCallister, Patrick E.; Osip, Thomas W.; Hyman, Nikia J., Pasta dish.
  292. Miller Danny T. (Metamora MI) Viviano Robert (Plymouth MI), Pasta pan and cooking method.
  293. Archibald William E. (Fullerton CA) Scrimager Cynthia G. (Anaheim CA), Perforated susceptor for microwave cooking.
  294. Willinger Jonathan ; Choi Yoon Ho, Pet bowl.
  295. Sohn Manfred (Herrenberg DEX), Plastic packaging.
  296. Andre Cote CA; Michael Boilard CA, Plate.
  297. Brandberg Lawrence C. (Minneapolis MN) Andreas David W. (Minneapolis MN), Popcorn package for microwave popping.
  298. Ishino Ken (Tokyo JPX) Miura Taro (Tokyo JPX) Hashimoto Yasuo (Tokyo JPX), Popped corn making apparatus used in a microwave oven.
  299. Nilsson Goran,SEX ; Sjoberg Elisabeth,SEX, Pouch meal and method of preparing same.
  300. Norris Helen R. (Minneapolis MN) Niemand Carolyn M. (Minneapolis MN) Andreas David W. (Minneapolis MN), Precooked farinaceous foods adapted for microwave heating and a syrup topping therefor.
  301. Durst Jack R. (Minneapolis MN), Preparation of fat-containing beverages.
  302. Parks Christopher J. (Ellicott City MD) Wolfe Kenneth J. (State College PA), Press applied susceptor for controlled microwave heating.
  303. Babbitt Robert J. (Bensalem PA), Printed microwave susceptor and packaging containing the susceptor.
  304. Beckett Donald E. (Mississauga CAX), Process for making an element for microwave heating.
  305. Schafer Ekkehardt,DEX, Process for packing foodstuffs with a film.
  306. Ohtsuki Akira (Kyobashi JPX) Ishino Hirokichi (Kyobashi JPX) Sakai Hiromu (Kyobashi JPX) Yamasoba Takahiko (Kyobashi JPX) Tsuchiko Susumu (Kyobashi JPX) Yoshino Takashi (Kyobashi JPX), Process for preparing laminates.
  307. Fukuyama Teruyasu,JPX, Process for producing as-packaged instant cooking pastas and noodles.
  308. Sakakibara Sakuichi (Kobe JPX) Sugisawa Ko (Nara JPX) Kimura Takashi (Nara JPX), Process for reconstituting dehydrated food.
  309. Barnes Robert C. ; Snyder W. David ; Cesari Nancy J. K., Process for storing and cooking an omelet.
  310. Beckett Donald E. (963 Tennyson Ave. Mississauga ; Ontario CAX L5H 2Y9), Production of demetallized packaging material.
  311. Waldburger Peter (Toronto CAX), Purveying cooked food.
  312. Bradley Kevin, Rectangular baking pan.
  313. Kellermann,Robert Finch; Malaspino,Bri, Rectangular server.
  314. Sorensen Jens O. (Rancho Santa Fe CA), Reduction of flexure in a plastic container having a thin flexible side wall.
  315. Shin Hyun Woo,KRX, Refrigerator deodorant container.
  316. Yamashita Kiyoshi (Aichi JPX) Takagi Shoji (Toyoake JPX), Refuse storage apparatus with sealer for sealing pliable bag top.
  317. Coelho Urban J. (Bedminster NJ), Reheatable, resealable package for fried food.
  318. Tucker Edward ; Racana Lawrence John ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Reusable container for food.
  319. Yim Yung S. (Shatin HKX), Rice and vegetable steamer.
  320. Murakami Tatsuo (Chiba JPX), Rice cooker for microwave ranges.
  321. Hahn Herbert (Goettingen DEX), Sealed food package for microwave heating.
  322. Trutna Maynard A. (Orange Park FL), Self-locking container.
  323. Isakson Gary A. (Woodbury MN) Larson Curtis L. (Hudson WI), Self-venting vapor-tight microwave oven package.
  324. Kellermann, Robert Finch; Raydo, Larry, Serving dish.
  325. Koch Karl-Erich (Cham CHX), Serving plate.
  326. Noel Jacques (Bourges FRX), Serving tray.
  327. Blazevich John Z., Serving tray with shrimp.
  328. Oh Nam H., Shelf stable moist pasta.
  329. Putnam ; Jr. ; Roger L. ; O'Brien ; Edward F., Short product drop vertical form, fill and seal packaging machine.
  330. Sagan Michael John A. ; Erickson Mark A. ; Tranfaglia Christina M. ; Hayes Thomas J. ; Schlaupitz Robert S., Shrimp container.
  331. Ylvisaker Jon A. (Marietta NY), Single-pleated microwave popcorn package.
  332. Kissner,Douglas R.; Agarwal,Surendra H.; Miskovic,Joseph M.; Larson,Travis A., Sleeve for containers.
  333. Davis Martha (New York NY), Sleeve for displaying a container.
  334. Seaborne Jonathan (Corcoran MN), Solid state ceramic microwave heating susceptor.
  335. Bitel ; Jr. Vincent J. (Middletown CT), Stacking tray and lid assembly.
  336. Noding Stephen A. (Brusly LA) Siegel Sanford A. (Baton Rouge LA) Pennington Donald W. (Baton Rouge LA), Static dissipative thermoplastic laminate film.
  337. Rayford Robert A. (Weyauwega WI) Johnson James W. (Marine on the St. Croix MN), Static shielding sheet materials and bags formed therefrom.
  338. Chen, Rui Yuan; de Groote, Jan-Hendrik; Backaert, Dimitri M. C. J., Steamer.
  339. Yim Yung S. (Shatin HKX), Steamer basket for food steamer.
  340. Arnone Guido A. ; Schjoren-Arnone Kirsten, Steamer pan having a chord truncated circular shape.
  341. Ablo,Famia E., Steamer rack.
  342. Schainholz Herbert (316 Locust St. Teaneck NJ 07006), Sterilization container.
  343. Lion,Mathieu; Bignon,Lucas, Strainer.
  344. Magers Paul E. (c/o Alpha Industries ; Inc. ; P.O. Box 808 ; 701 North Greenwood Ave. Clearwater FL 33517-0808), Surgical bowl.
  345. Tighe Laurence E. (Milford MA) Parker Tim (Shrewsbury MA), Susceptor coating for localized microwave radiation heating.
  346. Greiner, Steven P.; Cogley, Paul A.; Petrofsky, Keith E., Susceptor tray.
  347. Fernandez Tapia Juan Carlos,CLX, System enabling ecologic cooking of foodstuff.
  348. Boehm Michael W. ; Johnson Robert W., Table top grill.
  349. Casutt ; Toni, Tray.
  350. Carlson,Arthur Richard, Tray cover.
  351. Zimmerman Larry G. (North Smithfield RI), Tray cover or the like.
  352. Bunce Martin C. (London GB2) Helps David W. (London GB2) Jenkins Leonard A. (Southmoor GB2) Noke Adrian C. (Wantage GB2), Tray for use in microwave ovens with heat sealed cover and inner lid.
  353. Dietz, Raymond A. F.; Fundom, Danny L.; Henning, George J.; McKinney, Lynn B., Tray-type processed food containers.
  354. Jackson Eric Craig (Maple Grove MN) Hanson Denise Ellen (Elk River MN), Treatments for microwave popcorn packaging and products.
  355. Putnam ; Jr. Roger L. (East Longmeadow MA) Shultz Richard H. (Longmeadow MA) O\Brien Edward F. (Northampton MA), Tubeless vertical form, fill and seal packaging machine with improved feed means.
  356. Blamer Robert H. (Westmont IL), Tubular bag and method of making the same.
  357. Levinson Melvin L. (8 Stratford Cir. Edison NJ 08820-1830), Two stage process for cooking/browing/crusting food by microwave energy and infrared energy.
  358. Ennis Declan Joseph,IEX, Two-part storage container.
  359. LaBaw Glenn D. (Greenwich CT) Hebert Gerald D. (Hopatcong NJ) Reich Hanan (Fair Lawn NJ), Uniformly-colored, flavored, microwaveable popcorn.
  360. Housley Todd B., Utensil supporting multiple cooking environments for preparing foods.
  361. Hill Walt (Visalia CA), Vegetable label wrapper.
  362. Roccaforte Harry I. (Western Springs IL), Venting carton and blank therefor.
  363. Putnam ; Jr. Roger L. (East Longmeadow MA) O\Brien Edward F. (Northampton MA), Vertical form, fill and seal packaging machine with improved back-up bar for longitudinal sealing.
  364. Prince Clarence F. (Springfield MA) Putnam ; Jr. Roger L. (East Longmeadow MA), Vertical form, fill and seal packaging machine with improved end sealing and stripping means.
  365. Putnam ; Jr. Roger L. (East Longmeadow MA) O\Brien Edward F. (Northampton MA) Groom James S. (Wales MA), Vertical form, fill and seal packaging machine with improved side sealing means.
  366. Massey Simon C. (21 Church St. Beaumaris ; Victoria 3193 AUX) Massey Rowland W. (21 Church St. Beaumaris ; Victoria 3193 AUX), Vessel strainer.
  367. Oh Nam H. ; Tecedor Silverio Luiz ; Schryer Richard F. ; Meyers Edward J., Wet toasted pasta and method of manufacture.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steve A., Closeable container.
  2. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steve A., Closeable container.
  3. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  4. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  5. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  6. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  7. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  8. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  9. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  10. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  11. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  12. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  13. Sill, Jonathan D.; Mayer, Steven A., Closeable container.
  14. Sater, Rabih, Ice cream container.

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