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[미국특허] Folding travel wagon 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 12-02
출원번호 US-0486682 (2014-04-01)
등록번호 US-D723762 (2015-03-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Treadwell, Simon
출원인 / 주소
  • Active Products Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Bhole, Anil
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 34


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a folding travel wagon, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (34) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Alves,Manuel; Dinis,Pedro, Basket for storing and transporting goods in shops and other selling premises.
  2. Myers June L. (P.O. Box 22086 Los Angeles CA 90022), Collapsible and carryable cart.
  3. Bess, Suzan L., Collapsible and portable wheeled dolly particularly suitable for use by students or others in the transport of items.
  4. Bernard, Rene, Collapsible hitched trailer.
  5. Shapiro, Richard N., Compact wagon or cart including stowable wheels and handle.
  6. Shapiro, Richard N., Fold flat carrier wagon/cart with stowable walls, wheels and handle, and manufacturing methods.
  7. Burris Frank H. (4165 Oak Hollow Rd. Claremont CA 91711), Fold-up trailer assembly.
  8. Quinonez Silvio C. (355 N. Dougherty Ave. Fort Bragg NC 28307), Foldable and convertible creeper device.
  9. Bell Laurence G. (7 Endicott Terrace Welland ; Ontario CAX L3C 5B1), Foldable cart.
  10. Hernandez, Jr., Hector R., Foldable creeper.
  11. Hernandez, Jr., Hector Ray, Foldable creeper.
  12. Miles Joseph J. (Okeechobee FL) Miles Joseph B. (Okeechobee FL), Foldable creeper.
  13. Miles Joseph J., Foldable creeper with recessed wheels.
  14. Alvarino, Leonardo E., Foldable utility trailer.
  15. Blair, Maryann, Foldable wagon.
  16. Robberson, Beverly J; Robberson, James D., Folding cart.
  17. Tamara Lyn Galt ; Thomas Edward Galt, Folding cart.
  18. Shorter Thomas E., Folding child's wagon.
  19. Chamberlin ; Jr. Louis D. (34457 Fairview Dr. Yucaipa CA 92399) Chamberlin Mark D. (34457 Fairview Dr. Yucaipa CA 92399), Folding mechanic\s creeper.
  20. Albert Michael (Bradenton FL), Folding trailer.
  21. Norton, Michael, Folding trailer.
  22. Chen, Zhaosheng; Chen, Yishun, Folding wagon.
  23. Chen, Zhaosheng; Chen, Yishun, Folding wagon.
  24. Ritucci, Louis N.; Patterson, Joseph K.; Barker, Donald, Folding wagon/cart.
  25. Liao, Gordon, Front wheel folding device for three-wheel cart including golf bag cart, baby cart or goods transport cart.
  26. Salvucci, Jr., Frank, Handcart.
  27. Greenberg George (367 Orchard Beach Mastic Beach NY 11951), Leaf wagon.
  28. Kirkendall Vern S. (783 Portal Dr. Chico CA 95926), Low-bed service cart.
  29. Liu Lien C. (Taichung TWX), Multi-purpose repair assembly.
  30. Montemayor Jesse (24231 Cheryl Kelton Pl. Newhall CA 91321), Portable folding utility carrier.
  31. Poppinga, Lucas; Maijers, Cornelis Albert, Pull cart.
  32. Smith Gordon N. (821 W. Clarion Dr. Torrance CA 90502), Self-actuating collapsible transport cart.
  33. Schlegel, Thomas; Johnson, Mark; Bartels, Ross; Bricker, Jeffrey; Agati, Joseph, Storage bag system for wagons.
  34. Clark,Jack G.; Monteith,Royal Frederich, Utility cart.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Yu, Hai; Wang, Che-Jen, Foldable trolley.
  2. Fitzwater, Jason; Eckert, Cameron; Boyle, Michael S., Foldable wagon.
  3. Young, Matthew E.; Sandlin, Randall A.; Schlegel, Thomas K.; Eckert, Cameron, Foldable wagon.
  4. Treadwell, Simon, Folding travel wagon.
  5. Ostergaard, Collin; Goodman, Anne, Folding wagon.
  6. Thomas, Jr., William Paul, Grape harvesting wagon.
  7. Yu, Hai; Wang, Che-Jen, Multifunctional foldable trolley.
  8. Pratt, Ross Gregory, Wheel.

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