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[미국특허] Stabilized backing ring and stabilizing ring therefor 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16C-033/72
  • F16J-015/32
  • B41F-015/22
  • F16C-033/76
  • F16C-035/063
  • F16C-033/78
출원번호 US-0239163 (2012-07-27)
등록번호 US-9016950 (2015-04-28)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2012/048630 (2012-07-27)
§371/§102 date 20140501 (20140501)
국제공개번호 WO2013/028312 (2013-02-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Buchanan, Alan D.
  • Brister, Stephen E.
출원인 / 주소
  • The Timken Company
대리인 / 주소
    Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 30


An axle (A) has a journal (2) to which an antifriction bearing (B) is fitted on an enlarged or dust guard section (4) located beyond the journal, with a fillet (6) leading from the journal up to the enlarged section. A backing ring (R) fits over and against the fillet of the journal and has a counte


1. In combination with a shaft having a journal to which a bearing is fitted and an enlarged section with a fillet leading from the journal to the enlarged section; the improvement comprising: a backing ring located around the fillet and having a counterbore that receives the end of the enlarged sec

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (30)

  1. Brister,Stephen E.; Toth,David G.; Karich,Rudolph C.; Anderson,Ryan J.; Fox,Gerald P.; Williams,Samuel R., Backing ring for railcar axle.
  2. Fetty Mark W. K. (Hopewell VA), Bearing and journal assembly.
  3. Aoki Akio (Fujisawa JPX) Uchida Kenichi (Fujisawa JPX), Bearing assembly.
  4. Hubbard, Paul A., Bearing assembly having a dual stage seal.
  5. Huang, Yi-Chieh, Cartridge seal device.
  6. Williams Samuel R., End cap for bearing assembly.
  7. Reed, Martin Earl, Journal bearing backing ring.
  8. Hubbard Paul A. ; Fisher Kurt W. ; Sklute Andrew J., Labyrinth-type seal for railway car journal bearing.
  9. Spurlock, Bryan J.; Marcellus, Dwight A., Method of manufacturing a roller bearing seal.
  10. Rode, John E.; Strait, Sean E., Method of mounting a structure to a shaft.
  11. Boyd Richard M. (St. Louis Park MN), Molded self-lubricating split-ring bearing assembly.
  12. Ebaugh Roger L. (Winsted CT) Rhodes Jerry P. (Avon CT), Multirow roller bearing with seals between the races.
  13. Forbes, James W.; Hematian, Jamal; Bis, Tomasz, Rail road car truck and bolster therefor.
  14. Mason, Michael; Hubbard, Paul A.; Fetty, Mark, Railway car bearing seal.
  15. Mason, Michael; Hubbard, Paul A., Railway car roller bearing.
  16. Rode, John E.; Strait, Sean E., Ring for mounting a structure to a shaft.
  17. Strait, Sean E., Rings for mounting structures to shafts and methods of using such rings.
  18. Duke J. Thomas (Hunter UT), Rod wiper.
  19. Hubbard, Paul A.; Fetty, Mark W. K.; Oliver, John, Roller bearing backing ring.
  20. Hubbard, Paul; Mason, Michael A, Roller bearing backing ring assembly.
  21. Fetty, Mark W; Mason, Michael A; Hubbard, Paul A, Roller bearing seal.
  22. Pruden, Jessica, Roller bearing seal.
  23. Panigrahi, Amiya K.; Blackman, Mark P.; Lefort, Guy James, Roller cone bit with improved seal gland design.
  24. Mason, Michael Allan; Shannon, David Wayne; Hubbard, Paul Adams; Sklute, Andrew James; Fisher, Kurt Winfield, Seal for railway car journal bearing.
  25. Fetty Mark W. K. ; Hubbard Paul A., Shaft journal bearing and seal wear ring assembly.
  26. Sink Danny R. (Richmond VA), Shaft journal bearing assembly improved seal wear ring.
  27. Sink Danny R. (Chester VA), Shaft journal bearing having improved seal wear ring.
  28. White ; Jr. Hollis N. (Hopkinsville KY), Shaft seal with support member and backing ring.
  29. Kajihara Yasufumi,JPX ; Shimonishi Akira,JPX ; Shibuya Shigenobu,JPX, Structure for connecting an intake tube to a cylinder head of an internal combustion engine.
  30. Reed, Martin Earl; Mason, Michael, Tapered roller bearing with improved cage.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Johansson, David; Duguet, Michael; Ussai, Mark A.; Duchassin, Arnaud; Le Moigne, Thierry; Repesse, Jonathan, Backing ring assembly for railcar axle bearings.

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