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[미국특허] Methods of expanding embryonic stem cells in a suspension culture 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C12N-005/08
  • C12N-005/0735
  • C12N-005/00
출원번호 US-0309817 (2007-08-02)
등록번호 US-9040297 (2015-05-26)
국제출원번호 PCT/IL2007/000970 (2007-08-02)
§371/§102 date 20090814 (20090814)
국제공개번호 WO2008/015682 (2008-02-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Amit, Michal
  • Itskovitz-Eldor, Joseph
출원인 / 주소
  • Technion Research & Development Foundation Limited
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 28


A method of expanding and maintaining human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in an undifferentiated state by culturing the ESCs in a suspension culture under culturing conditions devoid of substrate adherence is provided. Also provided are a method of deriving ESC lines in the suspension culture and meth


1. A method of expanding and maintaining human pluripotent stem cells in a pluripotent undifferentiated state, the method comprising culturing the human pluripotent stem cells in a suspension culture under culturing conditions which allow expansion of the human pluripotent stem cells in the pluripot

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (28)

  1. Amit, Michal; Itskovitz-Eldor, Joseph, Co-culturing mammalian embryonic stem cells with human foreskin fibroblasts.
  2. Tryggvason, Karl; Domogatskaya, Anna; Rodin, Sergey, Composition and method for enabling proliferation of pluripotent stem cells.
  3. Schoonjans, Luc, Compositions for the in vitro derivation and culture of embryonic stem (ES) cell lines with germline transmission capability and for the culture of adult stem cells.
  4. Xu, Chunhui, Compound screening using cardiomyocytes.
  5. Sims Michelle M. ; First Neal L., Culture of totipotent embryonic inner cells mass cells and production of bovine animals.
  6. Gold, Joseph D.; Hassanipour, Mohammad; Collins, Lila R.; Xu, Chunhui, Direct differentiation method for making cardiomyocytes from human embryonic stem cells.
  7. Gold,Joseph D.; Hassanipour,Mohammad; Collins,Lila R.; Xu,Chunhui, Direct differentiation method for making cardiomyocytes from human embryonic stem cells.
  8. Reubinoff,Benjamin Eithan; Pera,Martin Frederick; Ben Hur,Tamir, Embryonic stem cells and neural progenitor cells derived therefrom.
  9. Weissman, Irving L.; Yamane, Toshiyuki; Dylla, Scott, Feeder layer and serum independent embryonic stem cells.
  10. Bodnar,Andrea G.; Chiu,Choy Pik; Gold,Joseph D.; Inokuma,Margaret; Murai,James T.; West,Michael D., Feeder-free culture method for embryonic stem cells or primate primordial stem cells.
  11. Robl, James M.; Cibelli, Jose; Burnside, Amy, Gynogenetic or androgenetic production of pluripotent cells and cell lines, and use thereof to produce differentiated cells and tissues.
  12. Gearhart John D. ; Shamblott Michael Joseph, Human embryonic germ cell line and methods of use.
  13. Mandalam, Ramkumar; Xu, Chunhui; Gold, Joseph D.; Carpenter, Melissa K., Human embryonic stem cells genetically modified to contain a nucleic acid and cultured with fibroblast growth factor.
  14. Gold,Joseph D.; Carpenter,Melissa K.; Inokuma,Margaret S.; Xu,Chunhui, Human embryonic stem cells having genetic modifications.
  15. Gough Nicholas M. (North Balwyn AUX) Willson Tracey A. (North Balwyn AUX) Seamark Robert F. (Beulah Park AUX), Leukaemia inhibitory factor from livestock species and use thereof to enhance implantation and development of embryonic.
  16. Xu,Chunhui; Li,Yan; Mandalam,Ramkumar, Medium for growing human embryonic stem cells.
  17. Eriksson, Peter; Kilmare, Eva Karin; Tallheden, Tommi; Enerbäck, Sven, Method for efficient transfer of human blastocyst-derived stem cells (hBS cells) from a feeder-supported to a feeder-free culture system, long-term propagation of hBS cells under feeder-free conditions and use of cultured hBS cells for applications in myocardial regeneration.
  18. Gold, Joseph D.; Lebkowski, Jane S., Methods for providing differentiated stem cells.
  19. Mitalipova,Maisam; Lyons,Ian, Methods for the culture of human embryonic stem cells on human feeder cells.
  20. Amit, Michal; Itskovitz-Eldor, Joseph, Methods of culturing cells in a medium comprising transforming growth factor beta 1 and basic fibroblast growth factor.
  21. Carpenter, Melissa K.; Thies, R. Scott, Neural cell populations from primate pluripotent stem cells.
  22. Carpenter, Melissa K., Neural progenitor cell populations.
  23. Totey, Satish Mahadeorao; Kashyap, Subhadra Devi; Alam, Khan Firdos; Rajarshi, Pai; Aparna, Khanna; Shabri, Tipnis; Ravindran, Geeta, Pluripotent embryonic-like stem cells derived from corneal limbus, methods of isolation and uses thereof.
  24. Akaike, Toshihiro; Fukuda, Keiichi; Nagaoka, Masato; Koshimizu, Uichi, Pluripotent stem cell growing method.
  25. Mandalam,Ramkumar; Faouzi,Saadia; Nadeau,Isabelle; Pfendler Bonham,Kristina; Rao,Namitha; Carpenter,Melissa K.; Rambhatla,Lakshmi; Chiu,Choy Pik, Protocols for making hepatocytes from embryonic stem cells.
  26. Carpenter,Melissa K.; Denham,Jerrod J.; Inokuma,Margaret S.; Thies,R. Scott, Screening small molecule drugs using neural cells differentiated from human embryonic stem cells.
  27. Reubinoff, Benjamin, Undifferentiated stem cell culture systems.
  28. Carpenter, Melissa K.; Thies, R. Scott, Use of TGF beta superfamily antagonists to make dopaminergic neurons from embryonic stem cells.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Amit, Michal; Itskovitz-Eldor, Joseph, Methods of expanding embryonic stem cells in a suspension culture.
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