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[미국특허] Medication support case having removable and form-fitting support 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61J-001/03
  • B65D-025/10
  • B65D-023/10
  • A61B-019/02
  • A45C-013/02
출원번호 US-0861916 (2013-04-12)
등록번호 US-9072653 (2015-07-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Nemard, Linda
출원인 / 주소
  • Nemard, Linda
대리인 / 주소
    Boudwin, Daniel
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 26


A medication carrying case is provided having a first and second half hingedly attached and removably securable to one another along a removable line of connection. Within the interior of the carrying case halves is a removable medication support member having a plurality of surface depressions alon


1. A medication carrying case, comprising: a first case half hingedly attached to a second case half;each of said first case half and said second case half having upstanding sidewalls, a perimeter edge, and an open interior volume;wherein said perimeter edge of said first case half is removably secu

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (26)

  1. Klodt,Nancy L., Apparatus and method for storing snack items and school supplies.
  2. Silverman William A., Baby food container.
  3. Ainsworth Kathryn L. (41 Mill St. Newport RI 02840) Papa Catherine M. (P.O. Box 632 Jamestown RI 02835), Bag construction with inflatable bladder.
  4. Ducote Robert J. ; Ducote Glenda, Battery storage system.
  5. Lenmark ; Sr. Voigt O. (St. Louis Park MN) Koentopp William A. (St. Paul MN), Biological sample transport container.
  6. Davidson Richard A.,CAX, Carrying case for fishing equipment.
  7. Anderson, Debra A., Carrying device for art and craft supplies.
  8. Chisholm Claudia, Compartmented suitcase.
  9. Parkhurst Beverly S. (260 E. Chestnut Chicago IL 60611), Cosmetic bag.
  10. Halverson George E. (White Bear Lake MN) Nelson Gerald A. (New Brighton MN), Dental impression supply kit.
  11. Shook ; Robert L. ; Sirak ; Howard D., Executive food carrying case.
  12. Brown Lauren (3704 NW. 82nd St. Miami FL 33147), Expandable shock protected carrying case.
  13. Manko Katrina A. (505-A Cherry Tree Rd. Aston PA 19014-1503), Feminine hygiene carrier kit.
  14. Kaplinsky Leonid, Fishing case.
  15. Hutchins Walter J. (West Hartford CT) Cooper Randall K. (Kansas City MO), Fitted tool case.
  16. Bolanos, Henry, Genealogy storage kit.
  17. Espinosa Erlinda O. (752 Atherton Cir. Salinas CA 93906) Espinosa George J. (752 Atherton Cir. Salinas CA 93906), Luggage unit with pull-out article-receiving pouch.
  18. Oswalt Brenda K. (P.O. Box 55549 Houston TX 77255) Beeley Robert A. (P.O. Box 55549 Houston TX 77255), Medical emergency carrying case.
  19. Gibson, Ralph D., Medicine holding assembly.
  20. Corey Leen ; Teresa Leen, Multiple halogen lamp storage container.
  21. Bowers Susan D., Personalized, modularized carrying case.
  22. Robertson, Sondra T., Portable medicine case.
  23. Hammill, Robert N., Retainer for holding a gun in a case.
  24. Beeman, William, Self-contained, portable kit for carrying personal items.
  25. Sardisco John B. (Shreveport LA) Phillips Carroll O. (Shreveport LA), Test kit for field analysis of plant tissue magnesium and calcium.
  26. Harmon Steven L. (5825 Dover St. Oakland CA 94609), Tote bag for fly-tying equipment and materials.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Lee, Thomas Yu, Luggage.
  2. Wax, Saul Barry, Suitcase insert.
  3. Wax, Saul Barry, Suitcase insert.
  4. Wax, Saul Barry, Suitcase insert.
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