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[미국특허] Protective shroud for nuclear pharmacy generators 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G21F-005/00
  • G21F-005/14
  • A61J-001/20
  • G21F-005/015
  • G21G-001/00
출원번호 US-0626473 (2012-09-25)
등록번호 US-9153350 (2015-10-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mayfield, Scott Hayward
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Marsh Fischmann & Breyfogle LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 54


A protective shroud is provided for covering a radiation shield that surrounds a nuclear pharmacy generator. The radiation shield includes components having seams therebetween. The protective shroud includes a tubular body configured to contain the radiation shield, a first opening adapted for recei


1. A protective shroud covering a radiation shield of a nuclear pharmacy generator, the radiation shield having seams between components of the radiation shield, the shroud comprising; a first shroud end comprising a first opening that receives the radiation shield;a second shroud end that is dispos

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (54)

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  2. Castner James F. (Groton MA) Corry Bobby E. (Merrimack NH) Harris Thomas D. (Salem NH) Looby Richard J. (Woburn MA), Apparatus and method for the preparation of a radiopharmaceutical formulation.
  3. Hardie Robert (Warrington GBX) Shaw Kevin (Great Sutton GBX), Apparatus for dispensing substances which are biologically hazardous.
  4. Thomas Glenn E., Cartridge cap.
  5. Hellstr?m, Karl-Gunnar, Chromatography column locking ring.
  6. Forrest,Terence Robert Frederick; Teucher,Mark; Walsh,Philip, Component support and radioisotope generator including one or more component supports.
  7. Balestracci,Ernest; Melchore, Jr.,James A.; Monteferrante,Jo Anna; Ropiak,Irene Kucharewicz; Schramm,Ernst; Zodda,Julius P.; Quirico,Charles, Containers for pharmaceuticals, particularly for use in radioisotope generators.
  8. Storey, Anthony; Davis, Julie; Ricketts, Sally-Ann; Mendizabal, Marivi; Cuthbertson, Alan; Arukwe, Joseph; Heywood, Kirsty; Wilson, Ian; Wynn, Duncan; Schafers, Michael; Levkau, Bodo; Wagner, Stefan; Breyholz, Hans-Jörg; Kopka, Klaus, Diagnostic imaging agents with MMP inhibitory activity.
  9. Shaw Kevin (Great Sutton GBX) Hardie Robert (Warrington GBX), Dispensing apparatus.
  10. Burgess, James E.; Kutsch, John, Fluid collection container lid.
  11. Gemmill ; Sr. Wayne Joseph (Milford PA) Cerone ; Jr. Frank Ernest (Marlboro NY), Generator system.
  12. Winkler Rance A., Hazardous fluid infuser.
  13. Speth,Andrew D., Hood for use with a radioisotope generator.
  14. Karuks Ergo (Don Mills CAX) Rohn Martin (Willowdale CAX), Mechanical protection coating for coated metal substrate.
  15. Mirell Stuart (10816 Cushdon Ave. Los Angeles CA 90064), Method and apparatus for dispensing radioactive materials.
  16. Wikswo ; Jr. John P. (Brentwood TN) Sepulveda Nestor G. (Nashville TN) Henry W. Patrick (Nashville TN) Crum Duane (San Diego CA), Method and apparatus for magnetic identification and localization of flaws in conductors by canceling the field about th.
  17. Perlman Daniel (Arlington MA), Microcentrifuge tube with upwardly projecting lid extension.
  18. Perlman Daniel (Arlington MA), Microcentrifuge tube with upwardly projecting lid extension.
  19. Sanchez Lawrence (Albuquerque NM), Multi-dose radio-isotope container.
  20. Strecker Helmut (Seeheim DEX), Nuclide generator for preparing radio-nuclides.
  21. Reid Grahame W. (Novato CA), Pour spout closure with handle.
  22. Russell Virginia (435 Crescent Ave. Buffalo NY 14214), Protecting personnel and the environment from radioactive emissions by controlling such emissions and safely disposing o.
  23. Nemitz Russell H. (Raleigh NC) Shelton Jewel J. (Raleigh NC), Protective carrier.
  24. Ferrand,Jean, Protective sheath reclosable by overlapping and use thereof.
  25. Horton, Duane L.; Speth, Andrew D., Radiation shielding container lid.
  26. Horton, Duane L.; Speth, Andrew D., Radiation shielding container lid.
  27. Speth, Andrew D.; Martz, Kevin R., Radiation shielding container portion.
  28. Wagner, Gary S.; Haynes, Elaine E.; Patel, Yogesh P., Radiation-shielding assemblies and methods.
  29. Fago, Frank M.; Wilson, David W.; Wagner, Gary S.; Pollard, Jr., Ralph E., Radiation-shielding assemblies and methods of using the same.
  30. Wilson, David W., Radiation-shielding assembly having container location feature.
  31. Van Der Lee, Petrus Johannes Jozef; Horeman, Tim T., Radiation-shielding container assemblies, radioactive material administration devices, and methods of using the same.
  32. Saidian David, Radioactive waste storage and disposal receptacle.
  33. Handke Wayne A. (Duncan OK), Radioactivity shielding transportation assembly.
  34. Benjamins Harm M. (Den Helder NLX), Radioisotope generator.
  35. Weisner,Peter Stewart; Forrest,Terence Robert Frederick, Radioisotope generator.
  36. Weisner, Peter Stewart; Forrest, Terence Robert Frederick, Radioisotope generator and method of construction thereof.
  37. Wagner, Gary S.; Gibson, Chad M.; Fago, Frank M., Radiopharmaceutical system and method utilizing radio-frequency identification tags.
  38. Thornton Alfred K. (New Hampton NY) Cerone Frank E. (New Windsor NY), Rechargeable 99MO/99MTC generator system.
  39. Clark Frederick L. ; Moore Larry W. ; Walker Donny Ray ; Clemens John M ; Kanewske ; III William J. ; Smith B. Jane, Sample container segment assembly.
  40. Tayi Apparao, Scheduling operation of an automated analytical system.
  41. Horton, Duane L.; Speth, Andrew D., Self-aligning radioisotope elution system.
  42. Gladish William C. (6501 Harding Rd. Apt. A24 Nashville TN 37205), Self-closing container lid.
  43. Czaplinski ; Thomas V. ; Heyer ; Robert E., Shielded container.
  44. Helle, Kevin; Reed, Jay; Schneider, Michael T., Shielded container.
  45. Lane Stephen M. (Oakland CA) Prussin Stanley G. (Kensington CA) Spracklen Howard (Castro Valley CA), Shielded dose calibration apparatus.
  46. Fries Bernard A. (Orinda CA), Shielded radioisotope generator and method for using same.
  47. Svoboda Kristian (Prague CSX) Melichar Frantisek (Prague CSX) Sebek Zdenek (Klecany CSX) Tympl Milan (Prague CSX), Standard component 99mTc elution generator and method.
  48. Evers John H. (Medway MA), Sterilizable radionuclide generator and method for sterilizing the same.
  49. Groh Edward F. (Naperville IL) Cassidy Dale A. (Valparaiso IN) Dates Leon R. (Elmwood Park IL), Storage containers for radioactive material.
  50. Tartaglia, Daniel; Coppola, Carlo; Teoli, Vince; Bournival, Alain Guy, Systems and methods for radioisotope generation.
  51. Katayama Hitoshi (Sanda JPX) Minamiguchi Noboru (Sanda JPX) Tanaka Yoshimasa (Sanda JPX), Transport container for transporting radiation shield member.
  52. Fu Monty Mong Chen ; Zhu Bing Bing ; Green Richard L. ; Fitz Chris K., Tungsten container for radioactive iodine and the like.
  53. Perlman Daniel, Vortex mixing implement for sample vessels.
  54. Koehn, Vincent G., Wire power tool hanger.
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