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Rendering images to lower bits per pixel formats using reduced numbers of registers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04N-001/60
  • G03F-003/08
  • H04N-001/46
  • G06K-009/00
  • G06K-015/02
출원번호 US-0638743 (2015-03-04)
등록번호 US-9262704 (2016-02-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Metcalfe, David Jon
  • Metcalfe, Ryan David
출원인 / 주소
  • Xerox Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Gibb & Riley, LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 14


Methods and systems render higher bit per pixel contone images to lower bit formats using multiple registers of a SIMD processor. The rendering process uses a first register to maintain contone image values of all the pixels being simultaneously processed. A second register maintains a threshold val


1. A method comprising: receiving a contone image having a first amount of bits per pixel into a single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) processor;converting said contone image to a print-ready format using said SIMD processor, said print ready format having a second amount of bits per pixel that i

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Webb Michael (Lane Cove AUX) Brown David R. (East Roseville AUX) Naylor ; Jr. William C. (Mount Kuring-gai AUX), Block parallel error diffusion method and apparatus.
  2. Hyatt Gilbert P. (P.O. Box 81230 Las Vegas NV 89180), Computer architecture system having an imporved memory.
  3. Davies Daniel (Palo Alto CA), Data rotation using parallel to serial units that receive data from memory units and rotation buffer that provides rotat.
  4. Yoshizawa, Fumio, Document reading apparatus and an image formation apparatus therewith.
  5. Davies Daniel (Palo Alto CA), Edge crossing circuitry for SIMD architecture.
  6. Matsuno, Noriyasu, Method of generating a labeled image and image processing system with pixel blocks.
  7. Webb Michael (Lane Cove AUX) Naylor ; Jr. William C. (Mount Kuring AUX), Parallel error diffusion method and apparatus.
  8. Davies Daniel (Palo Alto CA), Parallel processing with subsampling/spreading circuitry and data transfer circuitry to and from any processing unit.
  9. Nguyen Hugh P., Parallelized error diffusion.
  10. Yu, Chao; Li, Xing; Metcalfe, David J., Re-ordered error diffusion for fast implementation.
  11. Davies Daniel (Palo Alto CA), SIMD architecture for connection to host processor\s bus.
  12. Davies Daniel (Palo Alto CA), SIMD architecture with transfer register or value source circuitry connected to bus.
  13. Metaxas Panagiotis Takis, System and method for parallel error diffusion dithering.
  14. Davies Daniel (Palo Alto CA), Using mask operand obtained from composite operand to perform logic operation in parallel with composite operand.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Metcalfe, David Jon; Metcalfe, Ryan David, Method and apparatus for starting an error diffusion method.
  2. Metcalfe, David Jon; Metcalfe, Ryan David, Simultaneous duplex magnification compensation for high-speed software image path (SWIP) applications.
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