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Structure reinforcement system and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E04G-023/02
  • F16B-013/00
  • E04C-005/07
출원번호 US-0588166 (2014-12-31)
등록번호 US-9290956 (2016-03-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wheatley, Donald E.
  • Prince, Richard E.
출원인 / 주소
  • Fortress Stabilization Systems
대리인 / 주소
    Harness, Dickey & Pierce, P.L.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 29


A reinforcement system includes a structural member such as a concrete wall including a pair of holes formed therein. A fiber reinforcement strip is adhered to the structural member between the pair of holes. A U-shaped bracket includes a pair of legs being adhered in the pair of holes and a bridge


1. A wall reinforcement system, comprising: a wall structure including a pair of holes formed therein;a fiber reinforcement strip adhered to the wall structure between the pair of holes, the fiber reinforcement strip having a first end, a second end and an intermediate portion disposed between the f

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (29)

  1. Wu, Zhishen; Iwashita, Kentaro, Anchoring method for external bonding and reinforcing technique with prestressed fiber cloth.
  2. Wheatley, Donald G.; Wheatley, Donald E., Carbon fiber reinforcement material.
  3. Wheatley, Donald Edward, Carbon fiber reinforcement system.
  4. Wheatley, Donald G.; Wheatley, Donald E., Carbon fiber reinforcement system.
  5. Secrest, Robert Luke, Carbon fiber wall reinforcement system and a method for its use.
  6. Wheatley, Donald E., Carbon reinforced concrete.
  7. Wheatley, Donald E., Carbon reinforced concrete.
  8. Wu, Yufei, Concrete reinforcement.
  9. Jung, Sukho, Concrete reinforcing members, and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  10. Wu, Yufei; Lu, Jian, Construction structure and method of making thereof.
  11. Wu, Yufei; Lu, Jian, Construction structure and method of making thereof.
  12. Santarossa Ned,CAX ITX L4K 4B4, Exterior insulating finish panel system.
  13. Fyfe Edward R. (Del Mar CA) Isley ; Jr. Frederick P. (Tracy CA), Fabric reinforced beam and column connections.
  14. Isley ; Jr. Frederick P. (Tracy CA) Fyfe Edward R. (Del Mar CA) Neuner John D. (Bay Point CA), High strength fabric reinforced walls.
  15. Pantelides, Chris P.; Reaveley, Lawrence D., Interconnection of building panels using fiber reinforced plastic composite-material connector plate.
  16. Hemphill, William Scott, Method and apparatus for repairing concrete.
  17. Winkowski Daniel A. (Tonawanda NY), Paper battens.
  18. Tourneur, Christian; Mellier, Erik, Process for reinforcing a construction structure, and structure thus reinforced.
  19. Schwegler, Gregor, Reinforcement device for supporting structures.
  20. Werner Steiner SE; Alexander Bleibler SE, Reinforcement element for load-carrying or load-transferring structural parts and method for fixing said reinforcement element to the surface of a structural part.
  21. Hargest, Paul; Drysdale, Robert George, Reinforcing shape member for a wall and system for construction using same.
  22. Wheatley, Donald E, Road surface overlay system.
  23. Jinno Yasuo,JPX ; Saito Hideto,JPX ; Tsukagoshi Hideo,JPX ; Iketani Jun'ichi,JPX ; Fujita Tadao,JPX ; Sawaide Minoru,JPX ; Inada Yasuo,JPX ; Shimizu Yoshihiko,JPX, Structure for reinforcing concrete member and reinforcing method.
  24. Wheatley, Donald E, Structure reinforcement system.
  25. Wheatley, Donald E., Structure reinforcement system.
  26. Arnold, Scott F., System and method of reinforcing a column positioned proximate a blocking structure.
  27. Steven E. Morton, Wall reinforcement apparatus and method using composite materials.
  28. Morton Steven E., Wall reinforcing and waterproofing system and method of fabrication.
  29. Forzano Richard (Cedar Grove NJ), Wall repair method and device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Wheatley, Donald E., Structure reinforcement system and method.
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