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Log-likelihood ratio (LLR) dampening in low-density parity-check (LDPC) decoders 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H03M-013/00
  • H03M-013/11
  • H03M-013/37
  • G06F-011/10
출원번호 US-0934999 (2013-07-03)
등록번호 US-9337865 (2016-05-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Cohen, Earl T.
  • Haratsch, Erich F.
  • Alhussien, Abdel-Hakim S.
출원인 / 주소
  • Seagate Technology LLC
대리인 / 주소
    IP Legal Services, LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 19


Described embodiments provide a media controller to read data stored in a media. The media controller determines a value for each bit of a shortened codeword from the media. The shortened codeword includes a plurality of non-shortened bits of a full codeword, where the full codeword includes the plu


1. A method of reading, by a controller, data from at least one of a storage media and a communication channel, the method comprising: determining a value for each bit of a shortened codeword of the read data, wherein the shortened codeword comprises a plurality of non-shortened bits of a full codew

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (19)

  1. Yang, Xueshi; Wu, Zining, Adaptive systems and methods for storing and retrieving data to and from memory cells.
  2. Kitahara, Jun, Apparatus for detecting and recovering from data destruction caused in an unaccessed memory cell by read, and method therefor.
  3. Noguchi,Mitsuhiro; Goda,Akira, Data memory system.
  4. Noguchi,Mitsuhiro; Goda,Akira, Data storage system.
  5. Noguchi,Mitsuhiro; Goda,Akira, Data storage system with enhanced reliability with respect to data destruction caused by reading-out of the data.
  6. Frost, Holloway H.; Camp, Charles J.; Fisher, Timothy J.; Fuxa, James A.; Shelton, Lance W., Efficient reduction of read disturb errors in NAND FLASH memory.
  7. Frost, Holloway H.; Camp, Charles J.; Fisher, Timothy J.; Fuxa, James A.; Shelton, Lance W., Efficient reduction of read disturb errors in NAND FLASH memory.
  8. Blanksby, Andrew J.; Shen, Ba-Zhong; Trachewsky, Jason A., Low complexity communication device employing in-place constructed LDPC (low density parity check) code.
  9. Bickerstaff, Mark Andrew; Pope, Graeme Edwin; Widdup, Benjamin John; Woodward, Graeme Kenneth, Method and apparatus for block and rate independent decoding of LDPC codes.
  10. Camp, Charles J.; Frost, Holloway H., Reduction of read disturb errors in NAND FLASH memory.
  11. Bahar, Cameron; Hopfield, Joseph; Nalam, Naveen; Zafman, David B.; Oskouy, Rasoul, Scalable clustered storage system.
  12. Gopalakrishnan, Shivakumar, Scalable distributed storage and delivery.
  13. Gopalakrishnan, Shivakumar, Scalable distributed storage and delivery.
  14. Hida, Toshikatsu; Kanno, Shinichi; Yano, Hirokuni; Kitsunai, Kazuya; Asano, Shigehiro; Yano, Junji, Semiconductor storage device.
  15. Hida, Toshikatsu; Kanno, Shinichi; Yano, Hirokuni; Kitsunai, Kazuya; Asano, Shigehiro; Yano, Junji, Semiconductor storage device.
  16. Lopilato, Joe; Jancaitis, Ryan; Voigt, Charles, Server-side storage area network management interface.
  17. Nahum, Nelson, Storage virtualization in a storage area network.
  18. Northcott, Philip L., Systems and methods for initializing regions of a flash drive having diverse error correction coding (ECC) schemes.
  19. Dovi, Mark A., Unifying data storage in a distributed network.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Reusswig, Phil; Yang, Nian Niles; Shah, Grishma, Non-volatile memory with fast read process.
  2. Guo, Zelei; Lai, Joanna; Raghu, Deepak, Non-volatile storage system with self-test for read performance enhancement feature setup.
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