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[미국특허] Vehicle interior panel with integral wire harness 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60R-013/01
  • B60R-013/02
  • H05K-003/12
  • B60R-021/16
  • H05K-001/02
출원번호 US-0256202 (2014-04-18)
등록번호 US-9340166 (2016-05-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • VanHouten, Dennis J.
  • Kring, Christopher S.
  • Sapak, Ben
  • Johnson, Jack L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Motus Integrated Technologies
대리인 / 주소
    Fletcher Yoder, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 24


An interior panel, for use in a vehicle that includes a plurality of electrical devices and a vehicle component frame, includes printed electrical connection means for connecting the electrical devices in the vehicle and a substrate layer that has an inner surface directed towards the vehicle compon


1. An interior panel for use in a vehicle, the vehicle including a plurality of electrical devices and a vehicle component frame, the interior panel comprising a printed electrical connection assembly configured to connect the plurality of electrical devices in the vehicle and a substrate layer havi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24)

  1. Shields, Scott, Conductive interior liner for a vehicle.
  2. Sturt,Alan; Stein,Andrew Marc, Configurable overhead console.
  3. Van Order Kim L. (Hamilton MI) Garvelink Lee (Holland MI) Van Vuren Rick A. (Holland MI) De Jong Jerry M. (West Olive MI) Ramon Alex C. (Holland MI), Electrical circuit and trim panel.
  4. Tiesler,John M.; Chou,Shu Hsiung; Comstock,Bret; Charara,Ali; Zeidan,Mohamad H., FFC-connection assembly.
  5. VanHouten, Dennis J.; Kring, Christopher S.; Sapak, Ben; Johnson, Jack L., Headliner with integral wire harness.
  6. Dykman, Michael C.; Walters, John C.; Whitman, Jason P., Integrated headliner assembly.
  7. Lecznar Mark T. (Grosse Pointe Woods MI) Mykytiuk William P. (Taylor MI), Interior lamp for an automotive vehicle.
  8. Parker, Jeffery R.; Miller, Mark D.; Hough, Thomas A., Light emitting panel assemblies for use in automotive applications and the like.
  9. Nakayama Yoshiaki (Shizuoka JPX) Ueda Shinichi (Shizuoka JPX), Method of connecting wire harness for automobile vehicle.
  10. Tiesler, John M.; Sleboda, Pawel W.; Mestemaker, James R., Modular overhead console assembly.
  11. Reich Ronald K. ; Learman Stephen J., Molded headliner with relatively rigid frame in combination with a less rigid mat.
  12. Heholt,Susan, Multi-layer composite vehicle headliner substrate with HIC provisions.
  13. Tiesler, John M.; Mestemaker, James R., Overhead console assembly.
  14. Morimoto Mitsuaki,JPX ; Nishijima Masataka,JPX ; Nishitani Keizo,JPX, Roof module and structure for assembling the same.
  15. Yamaguchi Atsuyoshi,JPX ; Kubota Minoru,JPX, Roof module for automobile.
  16. Simpson John P. (Apalachin NY), Surface mounted array strain relief device.
  17. Rockwell David A. ; Minden Monica L., Temperature and optical length control of optical fibers and optical waveguide devices.
  18. Serizawa, Yasuyoshi; Yamagushi, Atsuyoshi; Nishitani, Keizo, Vehicle ceiling-mounting electric equipment assembly.
  19. Guyon Patrick,FRX, Vehicle headliner.
  20. Odashima, Yoshiharu; Sugiyama, Masashi, Vehicle inner circuit panel, vehicle panel assembly and vehicle panel assembly wiring construction.
  21. Inoue, Takuya; Matsumoto, Yasuyo; Hamanishi, Nobutaka; Murakami, Koji, Vehicular ceiling assembling structure, a unit assembly used for the same, a frame member used for the same, and a vehicular ceiling assembling method.
  22. Hock, Daniel; Zinsmeister, Arnulf, Vehicular interior space module.
  23. Ueda Shinichi (Shizuoka JPX) Nakayama Yoshiaki (Shizuoka JPX), Wire harness arrangement for automotive vehicle.
  24. Davis ; Jr. Joseph J. ; Knight ; Jr. William L. ; Sadek Gary, Wire harness foamed to trim panel.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Dalton, Justin Sean, Mounting arrangement.
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