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[미국특허] Carton with container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-005/54
  • B65D-005/66
  • B65B-005/02
  • B65D-081/36
출원번호 US-0089989 (2013-11-26)
등록번호 US-9376231 (2016-06-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Pinkstone, Felicia A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Graphic Packaging International, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 74


A carton for containing at least one product. The carton comprises a plurality of panels that extends at least partially around an interior of the carton. The plurality of panels comprises a front panel, a back panel, and a bottom panel. The carton has a container removably attached to at least one


1. A carton for containing a food product, the carton comprising: a plurality of panels that extends at least partially around an interior of the carton, the plurality of panels comprises a front panel, a back panel, and a bottom panel, the front panel being disposed opposite to the back panel;a plu

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (74)

  1. Kiyokane Jerrilyn C. (Long Beach CA), Advertising device.
  2. Holden, Christopher Guy Lawrence, Ambidextrous sectional pizza box.
  3. Fournier Stephen (74 Tremont St. Hartford CT 06105), Box convertible to food item tray.
  4. Correll,John D., Box with article-retaining structure.
  5. Scheinbaum Marc C. (Libertyville IL) Winburn Anne L. (Lake Forest IL), Carry-out tray.
  6. Forbes ; Jr. Hampton E. (Newark DE), Carryout tray with diverse apertures.
  7. Kanamori,Shino; Tokuda,Kazuhiro, Carton.
  8. Adamek David J. (River Falls WI), Carton for carry-out type food.
  9. Zorn Shelley Marie ; Block Steve John, Carton for food products.
  10. Lunstra Keith ; Hill Mark, Carton with integral discrete compartment.
  11. Cai Liming, Carton with sauce holder.
  12. Lim, Edmond Heng, Closable folding serving covered tray with beverage holder.
  13. Paley Sandra D. (Cuyahoga OH), Collapsible compartmented carton.
  14. Sattler Andrew J. ; Dimitroff Gregory A., Collapsible container for holding foodstuffs, and methods of using same.
  15. Jeff P. Szczerbinski, Combination food and condiment dispenser.
  16. Mumford Lee W. (601 St. Christopher\s Rd. Richmond VA 23226), Combination food tray and trash container.
  17. Mode Duane R. (Bloomington MN), Compartmented box.
  18. Mode Duane R. (Bloomington MN), Compartmented food placemat.
  19. Bates Aaron, Compartmented tray.
  20. Cai Liming, Conical food scoop.
  21. Philips, Nicholas A, Container.
  22. Mellon Mark (Covington VA), Container for food and condiments.
  23. Schluckebier Patricia A. (88496 Partridge La. Springfield OR 97478), Container for food and condiments.
  24. Holt,Timothy E.; Roelle,David A.; Leybeck,Wayne J., Container with integral compartments.
  25. Walsh,William R., Convertible pizza box.
  26. Hurtado,Jorge L.; Roman,Raymond, Cup holder tray.
  27. John A. Heathcock, Displayable shipping carton.
  28. Forbes ; Jr. ; Hampton E., Divided and tapered food carton.
  29. Stuart Aurel E. (Marietta GA) Taylor William (Riverdale GA), Easy set-up carton and method.
  30. Maio Patrick S. (Ringwood NJ) Murphy Joseph K. (Riverdale NJ), Easy set-up tray.
  31. Correll, John D., Efficient food carton.
  32. Stone James L. (Grand Rapids MI), Flip-top recloseable carton with positive closure arrangement.
  33. VanEsley, Thomas M.; Chiera, Karen M., Foldable cardboard food box having food receptacle and dip tray.
  34. Hemingway,George F.; Hemingway, II,George F., Folded fast food tray.
  35. Hermann Manfred (Korb DEX) Krieger Eberhard (Weinstadt DEX) Loew Guenter (Waiblingen DEX), Folding box for packaging elongated articles.
  36. Willis, Thomas, Folding cup that fits into a cup holder.
  37. Lim,Edmond Heng, Folding serving tray.
  38. Yocum, James A., Food carton having cylindrical lower portion.
  39. Cai,Liming, Food container for use with a beverage receptacle.
  40. Cai Liming, Food scoop.
  41. Cai Liming, Food scoop with condiment holder.
  42. Liming Cai, Food scoop with condiment holder.
  43. Cai, Liming, Food scoop with sealed base.
  44. Cai Liming, French fry carton with hidden indicia.
  45. Forbes ; Jr. Hampton E. (Newark DE), Front loaded display carton.
  46. Baker,Mark P., Fry and food scoop with condiment cells.
  47. Bell Jackie E. (Racine WI), Integrated packaging and funnel construction.
  48. Stier,David E., Interactive compartmented food package.
  49. Patrick Sullivan, Meal tray.
  50. Patsy R. Capparelli ; Timothy D. Davis, Method of forming a variable sized and shaped pizza box and apparatus thereof.
  51. Brown Richard K. (Appleton WI) Maroszek Raymond V. (Neenah WI), Microwave cooking carton for browning and crisping food on two sides.
  52. Correll, John D., Multi-featured blank for a food carton.
  53. Pucillo,Robert J.; Bevier,Alex D., Multi-product container.
  54. Boyle Daniel J., Negative and photo holder.
  55. Ausaf, Nick, One piece foldable box enclosing a food receptacle.
  56. Hermann Manfred,DEX ; Krieger Eberhard,DEX ; Nowak Juergen,DEX, One-piece blank for a folding box.
  57. Nguyen Dat K., One-piece multiple-compartment shipping and display box.
  58. Bigelow, Stanley K., Paperboard dispenser package with removable scoop panel.
  59. Carlson, Robert C.; Glock, Owen; Tilley, Dana M.; Knierim, Stanley E.; Bailey, Melissa M., Pizza box.
  60. Sullivan Laura C. (1443 S. Norfolk Ave. Tulsa OK 74120) Sullivan Constance B. (1443 S. Norfolk Ave. Tulsa OK 74120) Sullivan Timothy J. (1443 S. Norfolk Ave. Tulsa OK 74120), Pizza box and method of disposing of used pizza boxes.
  61. Manninen, Michael W., Pizza box apparatus.
  62. Pantisano Frank (411 Linda Ave. Blackwood NJ 08012) Devine Scott M. (B7 Fairways Apartments Blackwood NJ 08012), Plate forming and break down pizza box.
  63. Bradford T. Sorensen ; Marcia G. Miller, Pop-up food tray for combination meals.
  64. Sorensen Bradford T. ; Miller Marcia G., Pop-up food tray for combination meals.
  65. DeBusk,Patrick J.; Ford,Colin P., Reclosable carton.
  66. Bradley David E. (both c/o Packaging Concepts Corporation ; 1737 Woodburn Dr. Hagerstown MD 21740) Jaworski Michael A. (both c/o Packaging Concepts Corporation ; 1737 Woodburn Dr. Hagerstown MD 21740, Reducible carton for pizza pies and the like.
  67. Karl M. Ritter, Reducible carton for pizza pies and the like.
  68. Krapohl ; Sr. Robert J., Reducible cereal box packaging.
  69. Alba Andrew J. (Warwick NY) Griesemer James A. (Campbell Hall NY) Gordon Robert L. (Monroe NY), Self-supporting and spill resistant food carton.
  70. Cote Raymond A. (Taylorville NC), Snap-up bottom, flat folded scoop-type carton.
  71. Spencer Aaron (69 Farlow Rd. Newton MA 02159), Take-out box with cup and lid retainer.
  72. Roosa Paul D. (Saugerties NY), Tear panel french fry carton.
  73. Porres Sanchez Francisco (Paris ; 177-2o-2a08036 Barcelona ESX) Barrufet Barque Maria M. (Paris ; 177-2o-2a08036 Barcelona ESX), Two chamber container for separate solid and/or liquid food products.
  74. Herbst David H. (Reisterstown MD) Boyle Patrick T. (Baltimore MD), Two-piece scoop and serving container with internal and external decor and method for applying such decor.

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