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[미국특허] Thermal frame for a refrigerated enclosure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25D-023/06
  • A47F-003/04
  • E06B-001/04
출원번호 US-0460973 (2014-08-15)
등록번호 US-9389013 (2016-07-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rolek, Matthew
  • Nicholson, Jeffery W.
  • Artwohl, Paul J.
  • Walp, Matthew
출원인 / 주소
  • Anthony International
대리인 / 주소
    Foley & Lardner LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 14


A thermal frame for an opening in a refrigerated enclosure includes a perimeter frame segment fixed to the refrigerated enclosure along a perimeter of the opening. The thermal frame includes a first vacuum panel fixed relative to the perimeter frame segment and configured to reduce heat transfer thr


1. A thermal frame for an opening in a refrigerated enclosure, the thermal frame comprising: a perimeter frame segment configured to be fixed to a refrigerated enclosure along a perimeter of an opening of the refrigerated enclosure, the perimeter frame segment comprising: a first wall configured to

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Narehood, Abraham C., Access tunnel for low temperature freezing systems.
  2. Richardson, Richard J.; Carson, Timothy; Calderon, Raymundo; Nicholson, Jeffery; Nazarian, John; Crown, Charles E., Apparatus and methods of forming a display case door and frame.
  3. Richardson, Richard J.; Downing, Bennie Reed, Apparatus and methods of forming a display case door and frame.
  4. Benson David K. (Golden CO) Potter Thomas F. (Denver CO), Compact vacuum insulation.
  5. Richard J. Richardson ; Timothy Carson ; Raymundo Calderon ; Jeffery Nicholson ; John Nazarian ; Charles E. Crown, Display case frame.
  6. Stubblefield, Steven O., Door module for a refrigerated case.
  7. Richardson Richard J., Frame for use with refrigerated enclosure and method of making the same.
  8. Harn,Lian Lam; Harn,Yan Lam, Guide rails for pull-out drawer/equipment.
  9. De Vos Rik,ITX ; Biesmans Guy Leon Jean Ghislain,BEX, Non-planar evacuated insulation panels and a method for making same.
  10. Kaspar Melvin (LaGrange Park IL) Kostos Jeffrey (LaGrange Park IL) Rolek Matthew (Chicago IL) Artwohl Paul (Flossmoor IL), Refrigerator door assembly with stylized substantially all glass front.
  11. Bockwinkel Gerald J. (Mundelein IL), Refrigerator door assembly with thermal break frame.
  12. Rolek Matthew (Chicago IL), Refrigerator door frame with insulated mullion.
  13. Park Brian V. (Austin TX) Smith ; Jr. Malcolm C. (La Porte TX) McGrath Ralph D. (Granville OH) Gilley Michael D. (Rowlett TX) Criscuolo Lance (Dallas TX) Nelson John L. (Garland TX), Thermoelectric refrigerator.
  14. Tanimoto, Yasuaki; Tenra, Tomohisa; Nakanishi, Masayuki; Yuasa, Akiko, Vacuum insulating material and device using the same.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Krause, G. Matt, Bracket member for exterior cladding systems.
  2. Rane, Mark; Bullock, Dustin, Insulating device.
  3. Rane, Mark; Bullock, Dustin, Insulating device.
  4. Rane, Mark; Bullock, Dustin, Insulating device.
  5. Rane, Mark; Bullock, Dustin, Insulating device.
  6. Rane, Mark; Bullock, Dustin, Insulating device.
  7. Rane, Mark; Bullock, Dustin, Insulating device.
  8. Artwohl, Paul J.; Nicholson, Jeffery W.; Rolek, Matthew; Baugh, David Briggs, Thermal frame.

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