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[미국특허] Drink containers and cap assemblies 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-043/02
  • A47G-019/22
  • B65D-043/16
  • B65D-043/22
  • B65D-043/26
  • B65D-047/32
  • B65D-051/18
  • A45F-003/18
출원번호 US-0831421 (2015-08-20)
등록번호 US-9456710 (2016-10-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Blain, Christopher C.
  • Caneer, Greg
  • Davies, Jeff
출원인 / 주소
  • CamelBak Products, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    DASCENZO Intellectual Property Law, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 111


Drink containers include a liquid container and a cap assembly removably coupled to the liquid container. Cap assemblies include a body that defines a drink outlet for dispensing drink liquid, and an operational assembly that is operatively coupled to the body and that has at least an open configura


1. A drink container, comprising: a liquid container having a neck with an opening and having an internal compartment sized to hold a volume of potable drink liquid; anda cap assembly removably coupled to the liquid container, the cap assembly comprising: a body that defines a drink outlet through w

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (111) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wu, Jui-Chang, Air-pressure sprayer structure.
  2. Blaise, Philippe; Charpin, Emmanuel; Joucgnoux, Damien, Anti-skid device for the driving wheels of a vehicle and method for realising the same.
  3. Johannes Hins DE, Automatic closure for a container.
  4. Gilbert, Tyler Sean, Ball and socket closing lid.
  5. Eyal, Sharon, Beverage container.
  6. Miller, Blair; Phillips, John; El-Saden, Sami, Beverage container.
  7. Phillips, John; El-Saden, Sami, Beverage container.
  8. Wahl, Andrew C. F., Beverage container.
  9. Wahl, Andrew C. F., Beverage container.
  10. Gilbert, Tyler Sean; Sims, Randy, Beverage container closure.
  11. Gilbert, Tyler Sean; Sims, Randy, Beverage container closure.
  12. Wahl, Andrew; Minarsch, Stephen; Sims, Randy, Beverage container closure.
  13. Shepard, Seth; Tomascheski, Joseph Daniel, Beverage container closure with venting.
  14. Morgan,Michael V.; Bergold,Ronald K., Beverage container having a squeeze-actuated self-sealing valve.
  15. Michaelian, Peter; Freitag, Eric; Eden, Erica; DiPietro, Dean, Beverage container lid.
  16. Gilbert, Tyler Sean; Sims, Randy, Beverage container with one-handed operation.
  17. Valenzona Joseph F. (Harbor City CA), Beverage drinking container.
  18. McNamara George E. (Minneapolis MN), Beverage server.
  19. Picozza, Augusto; Pino, Giovanni; Juskowich, Jeffrey; Jones, Stephen, Blender container.
  20. Meyers, David O.; Sorensen, Steven M., Bottle closure with flip top.
  21. Meyers, David O.; Sorensen, Steven M., Bottle closure with flip top.
  22. Yu, Ji Hyung, Bottle stopper having pushbutton and movable plug.
  23. Swingle, Joseph; Swingle, Elizabeth, Can closer.
  24. Myers,Jean Marie; Myers,Kermit Lee, Can guard.
  25. Wang Paul S. (22428 Steeplechase La. Diamond Bar CA 91765), Canteen with a spring biased valve actuated by a push button.
  26. Tardif, Pierre, Cap for a container.
  27. Hatsumoto Kunio,JPX ; Kowa Yasuhiro,JPX ; Kuwana Takeshi,JPX, Cap for beverage container.
  28. Kinsley John P. (Crystal Lake IL), Closure for drip and pour dispensing.
  29. Ward, Evan T.; Nole, Donald J., Container.
  30. Ward,Evan T.; Nole,Donald J., Container.
  31. Ward, Evan T.; Nole, Donald J., Container cap.
  32. Ward,Evan T.; Nole,Donald J., Container cap with finger-openable, reclosable closure.
  33. DeGrow Gary C. (Antioch TN), Container closure arrangement.
  34. Li Hongbiao (401 S. Sherman #305 Richardson TX 75083-1389), Container for liquids.
  35. Ruse, Jr., Everett L., Container lid with pivoting gate valve and linear actuator.
  36. Lin,Yvonne Song; Winner,Douglas Bruce, Container with controlled-opening lid.
  37. Ward, Evan T.; Nole, Donald J., Container with sleeve.
  38. Boersma Drew H. (2100 Woodley Creek Comstock Park MI 49321), Cup lid assembly.
  39. Albert Kenneth J. (Beverly Hills CA), Decanter.
  40. Richards, James L.; Brelje, Loren L., Dispenser assembly.
  41. Groubert, Brian David; Daggett, Barry; Frolova-Levi, Anna, Dispensing closure.
  42. Groubert, Brian David; Daggett, Barry; Frolova-Levi, Anna, Dispensing closure.
  43. Groubert, Brian David; Daggett, Barry; Frolova-Levi, Anna, Dispensing closure for pourable material.
  44. Taber James M. (Chicago IL) Kras Stephen J. (Chicago IL), Dispensing closure with latch mechanism.
  45. Forsman,Barley A., Drink bottle cap.
  46. Choi, Robert; Forsman, Barley A.; Galten, Jeremy, Drink bottles with bite-actuated mouthpieces.
  47. Davies, Jeff; Sullivan, Derek Gavin, Drink containers.
  48. Clemens,Brian; Gilmore,Glen; Lucaci,Iulius; Lehman,Don, Drinking container.
  49. Pinelli, Steven N.; El Saden, Sami M.; Lai, Xijin, Drinking container.
  50. Chiou, Joe; El-Saden, Sami M., Drinking container having locking drinking orifice and vent aperture.
  51. Pinelli,Steven N; El Saden,Sami M.; Lai,Xijin, Drinking container lid.
  52. El Saden,Sami; Fastabend,Mark Edward, Drinking container with exterior shell.
  53. Susich Roland J. (3518 Bayberry La. Malibu CA 90265), Drinking cup with laterally actuated valve.
  54. Albert Kenneth J. (7212 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood CA 90046), Drinking receptacle.
  55. Albert Kenneth J. (Hollywood CA), Drinking receptacle.
  56. Nergard ; Orv, Drinking receptacle cover and valve assembly.
  57. Albert Kenneth J. (7212 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood CA 90046), Drinking receptacle valve means.
  58. Numbers ; Jody L., Drinking receptacle valve means.
  59. Albert Kenneth J. (Beverly Hills CA), Drinking vessel cover with valve controlled openings.
  60. Nycz Joseph D. (Haskins OH), Dual dispensing hinged closure.
  61. Braga, Roberto M., Fender flares and vehicles with fender flares.
  62. Steininger, Jeff, Fluid dispensing vessel.
  63. Hobbs,John R., Hand-held drinking container.
  64. Bielecki, Andy; Furlong, Brian; Jensen, Michael; Nowack, Tim, Insulated beverage container and lid assembly.
  65. El-Saden, Sami M.; Wodka, Daniel M.; Gerules, Matthew, Lid for beverage container.
  66. Miller, Blair; Phillips, John; El-Saden, Sami, Lid for beverage container.
  67. Amberger Nancy D. (Grand Haven MI) Dedoes John T. (Brighton MI), Lid with selectable type of spout closure.
  68. Roth, Donna; Meek, Jason, Lids and containers.
  69. Lyon, Christopher J., Liquid container having sliding closure means.
  70. Hinz ; Jr. Gunter (23 Spring Street ; Apartment 1202 Hamilton ; Ontario CAX L8N 2P1), Method and apparatus for selectively sealing and pouring liquid from a container.
  71. Elsaden, Sami; Hiraga, Xijin Lai; Phillips, John, Mug.
  72. Nergard Orv B. (Fridley MN), Mug type drinking receptacle with cover and valve.
  73. Keck, David, Non-spill beverage container.
  74. Joyce, Jared L., Normally-closed dispensing closure with operative handle.
  75. Hurlbut, Gary A.; Fujii, Tami L.; Hill, Sara E.; Smith, B. Cameron; Thielman, Scott C., One hand openable lid for beverage container.
  76. El Saden,Sami; Patadia,Sona, Outer surface of a drinking container.
  77. Lucaci,Iulius; Elsaden,Sami, Outer surface of a drinking container.
  78. Nottingham, John R.; Spirk, John W.; Panasewicz, Dale A.; Stanca, Nick E.; Iredell, IV, Robert; Futo, Dennis M., Paint container insert.
  79. Loulias Kris P. (581 Park St. Midvale UT 84047), Portable beverage container.
  80. Allen Michael,GBX, Pouring device.
  81. Faure, Pierre-Erik, Precision cover with a spout for closing a container of liquid or particulate product.
  82. Ostrowsky Efrem, Press-to-open dispensing closure.
  83. Huang Frank Teh-Hsiung,TWX, Push-button type bottle head.
  84. Keefe, Gwendolyn Huyen; Harlan, Jeffery Laurence; Keefe, III, John Joseph, Readily cleanable spill-resistant drinking vessel and valve.
  85. Pierce Thomas W. (3045 New Castle Dr. Marietta GA 30064), Resealable, refillable container system.
  86. El-Saden, Sami M.; Wodka, Daniel M.; Chiou, Joe Y., Seal mechanism for beverage container.
  87. Canedo, Robert, Self closing container.
  88. Belcastro,Domenic, Self return teeter tauter lid.
  89. Gladish William C. (6501 Harding Rd. Apt. A24 Nashville TN 37205), Self-closing container lid.
  90. Ramsey Douglas P. (154 Fiesta Rd. Rochester NY 14626) O\Brien Michael J. (106 Meadow Farm N. North Chili NY 14514), Self-sealing closure.
  91. Ramsey Douglas P. (20 Ellington Cir. Rochester NY 14612), Self-sealing closure.
  92. Ramsey Douglas P. (20 Ellington Cir. Rochester NY 14612), Self-sealing closure.
  93. Rosenthal Karl-Heinz (Reichshof DEX), Snap-action closure with disengagable spring having stress relieved positions.
  94. Lin, Shin-Shuoh, Splash-proof beverage lid slide closure.
  95. Simasaki Masuo (Osaka JPX), Stopper of liquid container.
  96. Valley Joseph P. (Newton NJ), Tamper-evident safety closure cap.
  97. Chiou, Joe Y.; Joseph, David; Hurley, Paul, Travel beverage container.
  98. Dibdin,Steven; Burns,Clay; Escobar,Juan, Travel beverage container.
  99. Pinelli, Steven N., Travel container having drinking orifice and vent aperture.
  100. Pinelli, Steven N., Travel container having drinking orifice and vent aperture.
  101. Pinelli, Steven N., Travel container having drinking orifice and vent aperture seals.
  102. Chaffin Jeffrey D., Valve controlled receptacle cover.
  103. Hung, Michael, Valved cap for beverage container.
  104. Lee Jin Ku (8108 Gorman Ave. ; No. 229 Laurel MD 20810), Valved receptacle closure.
  105. Wagner ; III George J. (2436 Eagles Eyrie Ct. #6 Louisville KY 40206) Cox Gerald (Louisville KY), Ventilated directional dispensing cap.
  106. Pinelli, Steven N.; El Saden, Sami M.; Lai, Xijin; Clemens, Brian, Water bottle.
  107. Zeanah, Eric, Water bottle and filter assembly.
  108. Archer, Virgil L., Water bottle cap.
  109. Pinelli, Steven N.; El Saden, Sami M.; Lai, Xijin; Clemens, Brian, Water bottle lid.
  110. Yang, Shih-Sheng, Water jar lid structure which opens a water passage to allow easy consumption of water when subjected to depression.
  111. Daiying Huang ; Brian D. Furlong ; Timothy K. Nowack ; Michael R. Jensen, Wok adapter for wok cooking pans.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Melanson, Christopher J.; Li, Shanshan; Breeden, Alex S.; Goldfain, Russell J., Beverage container.
  2. Melanson, Christopher J.; Li, Shanshan; Breeden, Alex S.; Goldfain, Russell J., Beverage container.
  3. Melanson, Christopher J.; Li, Shanshan; Bulkley, Ross V.; Breeden, Alex S., Lid for a beverage container.
  4. Melanson, Christopher J.; Li, Shanshan; Bulkley, Ross V.; Breeden, Alex S., Lid for a beverage container.
  5. Melanson, Christopher J.; Li, Shanshan; Bulkley, Ross V.; Breeden, Alex S., Lid for a beverage container.
  6. Melanson, Christopher J.; Li, Shanshan; Bulkley, Ross V.; Breeden, Alex S.; Goldfain, Russell J., Lid for a beverage container.
  7. Melanson, Christopher J.; Li, Shanshan; Bulkley, Ross V.; Breeden, Alex S.; Goldfain, Russell J., Lid for a beverage container.
  8. Kobashi, Yoshihiko; Yokoto, Ryota, Rotation mechanism and case assembly using the same.
  9. Melanson, Christopher J.; Li, Shanshan; Breeden, Alex S.; Goldfain, Russell J., Sleeve for a beverage container.

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